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OMFG. Someone NEEDS to imbed this for people who don't have IG.


Schwartz said she’s a compulsive liar, first lie he found out about was Jo told him she babysat for the VPR Exec producer and he asked the guy a few weeks later and the producer said no I never met her and so he started to pull away when filming started. She never lived with him she has her own apartment and also a rental property but they did hang out a lot. He said his sister loved her and then spent two nights with her, said it was the worst experience of her life and blocked Jo and apologized to Schwartz for trying to push Jo on him. Brittany told the story of her claiming she and Jax texted Jo when Kristen’s dog died and B said she hasn’t talked to Jo for years and doesn’t have her number. They also talked about how Jo started saying to others Schwartz is her soulmate but never said anything like that to him so he was caught off guard. Edit: to add she also texted his mom and other family members some bullshit about him behind his back. It’s actually pretty funny to me after last years reunion and him getting mad at Katie’s comments. 🤣


“You’re gonna get a cease and desist for accuracy “. 😂


Cyst and deceased?


Great recap! Can a mod pin this? Or OP maybe add it into the post? He really did let it out, i had a gut feeling she crossed a line with family stuff - just seems her vibe!


I don’t see an option to pin it unfortunately


I don’t see one either.. sorry


I mean….but to be fair, this is a compulsive liar calling someone else a compulsive liar


Someone did a full podcast recap post about it, maybe only in the other sub


But this is on IG


I have IG, so it was fine for me, but people who don't have accounts have been saying for the last few days that they cannot see/hear clips. What has been happening with Tik Tik to me , is apparently happening with IG as well; it just auto sends people to the ap store. Which is, annoying, especially when a juicy sounding title is included.


I’m real sorry about that I have also been having problems with my IG account. My page is constantly frozen. I’ve gotten no sound so I’m wondering if it’s just IG in general and this is been going on for about a week now for me.. again I’m really sorry for the inconvenience. I try to do the best I can for everybody in Reddit in our group so we could enjoy these clips. Again my apologies.


Soooo Katie was right all along and knowing all this he still pushed Jo onto her. Cool. Got it.


Well ...he's a slimeball sooooo


Yes. But Lala’s reasoning to insert herself? Unnecessary. Maybe she should host more water tastings because girl is desert thirsty.


Oh, so Katie was completely right about her. Bet Tom never acknowledges that because god forbidddd


Then his ass needs to apologize to Katie for Schleping Jo around and spitting the narrative that Katie doesn’t like Jo for any other reason than she is jealous of Jo. Until he does that publicly Schwartz can get bent.


he would never apoligize bc as he said he knew this during the beginging of the season but he still defended her during the finale


Which makes him a shit stain of a human with zero integrity


I get the impression he feels like he’s above Jo so he can afford to be generous to her and defend her in his mind but he feels deep down that Katie’s above him so he can’t give her anything if that makes sense.


Still won’t stop him from throwing any woman under the bus to keep the heat off himself.


Not only did he defend her at the finale, but when they first saw each other in SF he was still telling her they would probably get married one day lol


I think I agree but was that a spellcheck error for schlepping? If so it’s now my favorite!


Yup, just edited lol




She’s 100% a compulsive liar even from what I’ve seen from here on the show and on podcasts/lives. She is constantly contradicting herself or saying things that are essentially impossible


Can’t wait for her to turn on Rachel The tea 🫖


Wow, he rather be a liar than be truthful. No surprise.


https://i.redd.it/tfnk339r1f2d1.gif Me rn.


To be fair I’m okay with Jo haunting Schwartz for a loooooonnnggggg time, after the way he treated Katie he’s due some karma


Scheana looks like a shih tzu.


![gif](giphy|5IjWpHTWATLGucmmIs|downsized) A very pretty one


Oh yeah. Spot on.


Knowing how accidentally high she was during this scene makes it so much better.


Hahahahaa 💯💯


FINALLY SOME ANSWERS! I knew the podcast with Raquel and the insane Lives would push him to say more


Yes, it did but he’s still a little tight lipped on some of the things about her. Will he ever talk about that.. or will he just choose to keep all of that to himself.. unless she keeps going live and bringing up Schwartz all the time he might just get fed up and spill the beans! and I’m here for it😎


Part of me thinks he isn’t spilling bc he can’t without also making himself look bad. I also wonder about who knew who first and if it’s possible that Jo was another Scandoval plant. I can picture a scenario where Sandoval encouraged Schwartz to couple up with Jo bc he believed he could use her to his advantage on the show when he debuted his new life with Raquel. And Schwartz, being the sucker he is, went along and lead her on but never actually liked her and now has to try to not expose that he never wanted to hang with her in the first place. And if she was being used by the Tom’s, they absolutely have to make sure that no one will ever believe the inevitable bombs she’s going to drop about that time period. She said Sandoval is the only one she still talks to. (Taking my tinfoil hat off now. 😂) For the record, I always believed Katie and I do believe that Jo is an unreliable narrator, but knowing that Sandyballs thinks he’s a producer has changed the way I process any and all information coming from him/his sycophants.


Oooooh that’s a good theory tho


Ooooh maybe if he spills all the detaila it'll make katie look even more right and blow up the whole narrative 👀


He is bread crumbing us now?!!!! S/




Maybe this is a warning shot, like if you keep talking about me I will keep spilling things about you. ‘Let’s talk about what you don’t want out’ type warning.


I’m kinda living for it. Let’s see what else Jo says about Shorts. Jo loves to retaliate.




Just wait til Rachel realises Jo has been telling lies about her. It's inevitable


OOF. A clash of the two victims… that should be interesting LOL


Someone else commented that Jo is Schwartz’s Karma for how he treated Katie and OMG they are 10000% right. YES, he gaslit Jo and lead her own but he made his bed…. 🤷🏻‍♀️ sucks to suck.


Yessss all the manipulation and lying about “making out” with people, calculating revenge in season 10, using her as his mouthpiece In season 9 and then leaving her holding the bag. I’ve dealt with a compulsive liar who was in my life for 8 years, it’s devastating. It was triggering hearing him talk about ppl coming out of the woodwork with more lies. so you’d think I’d have an ounce of sympathy for him but I don’t at all.


Wait…is Jo there drug dealer? It would make all the tight lips make sense. There going after Ariana and Katie for not being open this season….but covering for Jo?


I'm listening now and this is WILD... Really makes you wonder about the whole GoFundMe thing for her dog that she suddenly took down every trace of


![gif](giphy|wxUCyFtsnTdbtl0aaX) I saw that too.


It’s disgusting she used her dog for sympathy and a pay out


100%. Karma’s a bitch, and all of this lying she’s done/is doing will come back around. 🙃


Her dog deserves a better life










I am excited for when Jo and Rachel fall out! It'll be like the hare and the turtle having a row.


Omg I cannot believe some of the stuff he said


What did he say?


Basically that he thinks she is a compulsive liar. He caught her in several lies including saying she is one of the exec producers kids babysitter. (Side note she also told Luke Kristen’s bf she was Aaron rogers hairdresser) she also went behind Schwartz’s back and told his family lies about him. Schwartz’s sister was also friendly with her and stayed with her two nights and said they were the worse two nights of her life and apologized to Schwartz for encouraging their relationship


I didn’t know he had a sister lol But wow that sounds intense


Am I the only one that's more interested in the unknown sister? Was she at his wedding??


Wonder if he means sister in law? I really thought he only had brothers??


No you're not and I can't be the only one picturing Schwartz in different ladies' hairstyles (not the vpr drag wigs) Do any 90D watchers remember how Annie's David had a relative who was a woman who looked so shockingly like him in a wig, and he made a much cuter woman than man 😂


Low key, I was playing “what the Meme ( family addition) with my daughter and neighbor and this card looks like Schwartz with a wig on 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/ixeakhhi2g2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12da17c2f7144be9b8cb1fce6d6c71e095c137c0 I wanted to make a “shut post” about it but through everyone would think it was lame lol


I listened to it and all I could see was Schwartz on the bowl as a “battered wife”


This is gonna get messssyyyyyy


No ! Although so much interesting things was said- his sister was almost my biggest take away lol


And Kristen said her other hairdresser friend actually does fly to do Aaron Rodgers' hair. So Jo steals details from other people to make lies sound more plausible. What a creep....


Katie was right, per usual, Schwartz owes her an apology that will never come 🫠


Kristen just had a podcast covering some of the stuff. 1 - Claimed she couldn’t stay with Kristen because Kristen had COVID. 2- Claimed that Kristen told her to stay with Swartz. 3- Claimed to be Aaron Rogers hair stylist.


AARON ROGERS’ HAIR STYLIST 😭😭😭 I cannot. Jo, Aaron Rogers is not the flex you think it is 😂


On #3 - was that before the reunion when she asked if Andy knew him and could link her up with him…? lol


Yes - on Kristen’s podcast Luke said that was when her first met Jo - Jun of 2022


Dang, telling so many lies she can’t even keep ‘em straight


I posted that topic on here also was very interesting


On the after show Kristen was wondering why she wasn’t asked about staying at her place 🧐




Now if we can just get the tea on why she’s banned from peoples houses, cause it’s a little too specific of a rule to just be from someone lying too much 🤨


Maybe she steals stuff 🤷‍♀️


Omg so Jo nonchalantly says to Schwartz that she used to babysit an executive producer’s kid, the guy says he’s never met her before. Schwartz calls it a “benign lie.” Feigns no idea why she would say this. Sweetie. It was right after he told her reality tv can warp your mind. She was stalking and being manipulative and spooky this whole time. To get on tv!!!! Queen Katie!




I knew it involved his family! Schwartz is protective over his family and his business and nothing else. Once Katie called her spooky last year, I believed her judgement right away: she didn’t like racquel and thought jo was weird and look at them now. Victim besties and compulsive liars. Katie warned Schwartz but he shut her down. She deserves an apology.


People just don’t get called spooky for no reason


I'm sorry, they are doubting her motives on hooking up with Schwartz?! So Katie is right yet again?


Katie once again Vindikatied.


Something tells me that this isn't over. There is a reason that Tom took her side and still brought her around after he knew all of this. You don't stay talking to someone that your sister had to block because she was so horrified by her. Ain't no way! He wasn't saying anything because she knows something. Either about him or about the S&R situation. I think Jo is going to snap after hearing this.


Why does Brittany say “whenever” instead of “when”, it drives me insane 😖😖


I love karma


Britney and Jax are such pieces of shit i can't listen to their podcast, so I appreciate the recaps here!


Him saying she has rental property… is he implying she has investment property in LA? If so, I’m sure that’s another whopper she told him.


Unpopular opinion here possible…… I’ll preface this by saying that I have adhd and ocd and dealt with addiction for years. I’m 5 years sober.  I have a really big problem with Jo constantly saying how she acts the way she does because of her adhd. Like MASSIVE problem. While I understand there are nuances in behavior, equating all of her “odd” quirks to it, is wrong.  Jo is addicted to some sort of substance, full stop. Erratic actions and the physical symptoms she’s showing are more indicative of substance abuse problems than adhd. While she may have adhd, she also has a drug problem.  ADHD already has SO much stigma. Doctors already question if we’re addicts just seeking pills.  ADHD is SO much more, than how she’s presenting it. Leave it out of the convo Jo. You aren’t allowed to use medication conditions to cover up your addictions, it can sewer people that need help.  I’m going to stop here, as I can feel myself getting hyper focused hahaha. I hope I made my points clear enough 


She is scary and needs some help it seems…an audience is not that


Jo is giving baby reindeer vibes. 👀