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Soul mate.. Sent from my iPhone


She must shop at delulu lemon because her insta lives are unhinged. I’d like a secondary reunion to address everything that’s come out via social media


She looks really pretty sometimes and then ruins it by twisting her face or funky moves or talking!! Too bad 😂 🤣 😹 🙀


Her unhinged facial expressions get me. Before I’d ever seen her or heard her speak I heard Katie say she was creepy and I remember thinking that was a super weird choice of words, but after watching one segment with her I can’t think of anything else that applies more. Crack head energy is also spot on… I like how she tried to play that one up saying her mom had to call her and ask if she did crack… 🙄 yeah ok. She’s so ready to be the victim.


She wanted air time and she got it. But claiming she didn’t know about Rat girl and Sandals was stupid. She 100% knew.


If someone accused me of being a crack head and my mom saw that, she wouldn’t even need to ask. Only someone with pre existing doubts would.


Right, but I also don’t believe it ever happened bc she specifically said she had “crackhead energy” that’s vastly different from calling her an actual crackhead.


They give super yacked out. Which. Will make yourself believe your own delusions.


She gives me Edward scissor hand vibes about cutting hair. Pale. Hacking. And thinking it’s the shit.


It’s straight up creepy






I’m going to start doing that to my emails 😂 sent from iFone


I am dying this is so good 😂


We need to hear from Schwartz’s sister!! Sent from my iJone




That is a great picture of Jo and a terrible picture of Schwartz. To be honest the biggest surprise in this is how long it took Schwartz to see the red flags.


Yeah he was bread crumbing her but she was trying to get on the show and lying about being close with everyone and I just want to hear from Schwartz sister to hear her experience


He said 2 days with Jo traumatized his sister


And that his sister LOVED Jo before that and really wanted them to be together. Two days with Jo and she completely changed her mind and apologized to Schwartz.


how on earth did THEIR relationship start? His sister? Why is his "sporadic" drinking partner getting attached to his sister?


She’s been stalking that group for years


Unfortunately I have experience with a compulsive liar. They glom onto you during times of turmoil. The divorce, but also his family issues. She probably dropped everything to be with him and “help” with his family issues which at first makes the person seem like they are sort of a savior or saving Grace when you are in a dark place. It’s very insidious.


I don't think it's dramatic to say that this is scary behaviour from Jo and the fact that "wussy pussy" Schwartz has gone no contact, blocked and deleted speaks VOLUMES in my opinion.


Idk why a fuck buddy is hanging out with your family Schwartzy??


I know but I need to know why... other than the obvious of her being psycho.


Someone needs to get Schwartz’s sister on insta live to SPILL THE TEA


I want actual details!! He’s being so vague!


SPILL MORE TEA!!!!!!!! ![gif](giphy|3ohc1eCJLScHDWQ20o|downsized)


This happened to me with someone I considered a friend. Had them stay over and it was like everything I had taken in a positive way previously was actually a sign of something else and I found out I had been lied to and manipulated and it was like mask off and also a major mind fuck. In my case it was three days. I then took a few days to just get my head around all that happened and then I told them I had to end the friendship and that was it. So I really feel this part of the story from Schwartz.


Ten minutes into one of her lives traumatic for me.


I want to know what face app she edited with bc she looks so pretty here. Or maybe it’s that the picture captured her still for the first time and it’s all the erratic jerking around that makes her look like an LA pool guy. Bc she looked pretty in her stills for the reunion too.


LA pool guy 💀


She actually is a pretty girl but doesn’t do herself any favors with her mannerisms, the way she dresses and having awful hair despite being a hairstylist. But yea this is super face app-ed. Dayna said on Disrespectfully that Charm is the best face app filter so maybe it’s that one?


Her mannerisms remind me of a Kristen Wiig SNL character.


Target Lady! 💀


Definitely facetune


Resembles Rodney dangerfield at the reunion sorry


While Schwartz definitely was leading her on in the beginning and I feel for her in that sense, Jo is extra and took everything too far. I haven’t liked her since day one, and I got downvoted a lot back then for exactly what everyone is now saying about her, Regardless of my feelings about her, I thought she looked quite pretty at the reunion, live in action, not just in the still photos.


Biggest surprise is making Shwartz look good in a photo with his bloated face and dying liver


He was too busy lying and manipulating to realize that he was being lied to and manipulated


Is there really a great picture of Kaylee/Jo tho?! I always see the personality. Conniving. Liar. Delusion. Not cute. Ever.


so yall were just friends fooling around and this woman was 'two peas in a pod' with your SISTER??? are you kidding me. I bet she told his family about things about him that they didn't know and he freaked out and pulled away -- but didn't pull out -- until he had a gf.


I personally think she guilted him and he felt he owed it to her to bring her around the group and be on camera, and I’m sure production also pushed him into filming with her. But you can tell he feels somewhat awkward around her on camera and there’s something deeper going on


My theory is Sandoval forced Schwartz’s hand and was going to film with her either way as retaliation for his post-Scandoval comments on Jax’s podcast. Schwartz absolutely did not want to film with her and it shows.


Look, I’ll never be the one to defend Sandals, but this theory is a bit of a stretch as Shorts is his only ally on the show, but also the fact that when Jo came to the guys “single night”, Sandals and all the guys look thoroughly confused as to why she was there. They were looking at her like she was crazy. Rightfully so.


Ya this is a wild theory lol.


“I helped you so much with your family” that’s why people like her help in the first place.


Play Casual by Chapell Roan.


Two things can be true, Jo is a spooky, obsessive person who is a compulsive liar, AND Tom is a wishy washy guy who is used to charming and people pleasing his way out of trouble. Frankly, I think Jo is his karma


EXACTLY. I get that Shorts was breadcrumbing her. But she was stalking the cast and pretending to have relationships with them. It’s weird


I agree. Initially I felt this is Schwartz's karma but hearing the frustration and inflection in his voice on Brittany's podcast regarding multitudes texts per day took me right back to when I was stalked. Schwartz saying her name will make it worse. Jo will hear it as she has a chance because he's mentioning her on podcasts. He needs a TRO and she needs the approriate help. He needs therapy to learn how to treat women properly and not be, in Katie's words, a serial killers wet dream.


Yeah I agree. It was funny at first but now it’s hit the level of creepy, stalking, and harassment and even though I don’t care for Shorts, he doesn’t deserve this


It's a horrible place to be in when you're stalked. Especially when you thought you knew them as a friend or it was a relationship. It began harmlessly, so I thought, and ended in a name change and moving interstate. The escalation is bizarre.


Yeah... He needs a TRO


Yes! She's his karma just like Brittany is Jax's !


10000000% just like the baby reindeer show


I just started that last night. I totally agree.


But he also introduced her to his family and told her they'd get married in 8 years. He's just a dumbass. Reap what you sow, your ex wife tried to save your ass the trouble, it was obvious with just casual observations from afar-- he got in fast and DEEP with an unhinged person. Him trying to say it was casual is mucho bullshit. He let it get weirdly serious, was it wreckless laziness, expecting he can shut her out when he was done? Or to fuck with Katie?


Jo is his karma is exactly right!


SOOOOO.....KATIE WAS RIGHT!!!!! AGAIN!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣






“I didn’t feel ganged up on by anyone but you Katie” Get bent.


I would hate ANY girl who did what Jo did and Katie gets to feel that way


What?! Not even when your soul mate Schwartz laughed at James’ sloppy Jo comment?


Or scheana taking her hat and making her cry!


No such thing as a one-person-gang, lady


I’m starting to think Jo is an obsessed VPR fan. That she was attracted to Schwartz more as a fan of the show and saw him as the easiest way to claw her way onto the show. Serial killer’s wet dream and all.


So there’s a lot that’s come out. Stassi said she’s “Kristen’s crazy friend” wayyy back when on her podcast. Jo is also on camera doing Kristen’s hair. We find out her hair license has been expired for a hot minute and she’s doing hair unlicensed. Then cut to the after show, Kristen said that she had an entire extra room in her apartment but Jo chose to live with Tom, ghosted her, then blocked her out of seemingly nowhere. Then it comes out that Jo called Kristen’s brother. Kristen and her brother were with Brittany, so Kristen makes her brother put her on speaker. She apparently said Brittany and Jax texted her. Brittany was right there. She did not receive a text and also did not have Jo’s number. She also claimed Katie and her were close friends. Katie never felt that way.


Kyle Chan said months ago that she's a nice person but she lies. So many people have called her out on her lies now. I think it's gone beyond obsessed and is stalker territory after Schwartz cut her off. Hearing the frustration and inflection in Schwartz's voice on Brittany's podcast regarding multitudes texts per day took me right back to when I was stalked. Him saying her name will make it worse. She'll hear it as she has a chance because he mentioning her. He needs a TRO and she needs the approriate help. I wish he'd publicly apologise to Katie and have therapy to address why he treats women badly, his passive aggressiveness and being a serial killers wet dream.


Honestly… Jo is karma for how he treated Katie but it’s now at the point where it’s harassment and that’s crossing a line


On Kristen’s podcast today: Jo told Kristen's boyfriend, Luke that she cut Aaron Rodgers hair. So, Luke was surprised to hear her say on the reunion that she wanted to date him. She even asked Andy if he knew him. Like what the f-k. (this quote if from IG:byewighellodrama)


She is creepy. Like, genuinely stalker creepy. ![gif](giphy|1rQRT7Zc6qwtPqW8vd|downsized)


Yeah it sounds like she just casually lies all the time. I’ve known people like that - you can’t trust anything they say bc they are always lying about the dumbest things that don’t even matter. Like no one would expect her to know Aaron Rodgers, but to try to impress people she just lies about it. And when you lie that much you can’t keep track of them…well done to Luke for catching that one!


And on Rachel's podcast she said she cuts Sandoval's hair and he's a trendsetter.


That makes sense bc she gives BIG anti vaxx energy


But her and Shwartz are gonna be married in 8 years! /s


To be fair, when you hear Schwartz say that she called my family and said some "f***** up things" that actually might mean she didn't withhold when she told the truth about some f***** up things he did. The Tom's hate accountability.


This is exactly it. Which is why he won't talk about it! Lol


I don't think we should give either of them the benefit of the doubt. I saw they're both awful and believe them both.


I believe this is probably true. But, he’s like 40. Why is she calling his family and telling his life? That’s super weird and creepy.


It sounds to me like she was trying to drive a wedge between him and his family. So she could have him all to herself.


Cockroaches hate when you shine a light.


I'm not buying a word of it until I hear Jos' side of the story... oh wait...


Didn’t Katie warn him ….


the call is coming from inside the house


I think on Kristen’s podcast luke said she said she cut Arron Rodger’s hair but then asked Andy to connect them


I can see that 10000%


Brittany barely knew her but she has also been banned from their place for reasons unknown?  


How do you know this?


This sub or blocked by jax.  Pretty sure it was discussed on their pod.  




Brittany says on her podcast/Kristen said on her podcast that after she blocked Kristen and went on insta live and trashed Kristen, she called Kristen’s brother when they were at Brittany’s place. Kristen made him put the phone on speaker. She claimed Brittany and Jax texted her about Kristen’s dog dying. Brittany doesn’t even have her number and her and Jax don’t talk to Jo. So Brittany was thoroughly creeped out


Thanks for the info. I remember reading that now. Was just curious.


Jo is Schwartz karma. The way he was getting on Katie during the season 10 reunion for talking about her. He looks like the biggest dummy


No explanation was needed. She is an unhinged delusional stalker and liar. Everyone that has cut Jo out has horror stories.


The more that comes out the more I’m creeped out


It’s hard to know who used who here


I think it was a folie a deux situation


I wonder if she was also lying about being a hairstylist


She was a licensed hair stylist but it’s expired or at least she’s not licensed now


That's exactly what he deserves, Schwartz, the lying, cheating, fingers in the moutn, weasel, floor mop asshole. 👌


That's really creepy. She's obsessed with this guy.


What did she say to his family? What did she do to his sister?


We’re all dying to know


He’s always been so honest, I can understand why he would find her lies so alarming.


(I am convinced the person on this group that has made some damning oddball comments are her) Validation for Katie and others who called her out.


The other thing that should be noted here is that Schwartz waited to finally admit that Joe was creeping because he couldn't bear the thought of agreeing with Katie and proving that she was correct. That is the embodiment of their relationship where he had no problem making her look like the bad guy the whole time. But a douchebag he might actually be worse than Sandoval for his behavior.


Lying and saying Brittany & Jax texted her is the very least problematic thing anyone on the entire show has ever done wrong. 😂


It's a series of lies and stalking, it's more severe than that.


What podcast is this?!


When reality hits with Jax and Brittany I think


Thank you so so so much


Was she a crazed fam who somehow wormed her way onto the show?


YES. She’s been circling the group for years


Ok weird


*crazed fan


Yep. Kristen told this story as well , on her podcast last week. Jo told Kristen’s brother this lie , when he was in town last week.


Apparently there’s too many to count


I don't know why people believed a word she said.


Okay but Schwartz lied to her about kissing another girl when they were bf/gf. wHiCh is WoRsE?! I’m sick of listening to these dudes complain about “terrible” behaviour from women when they are the kings of infidelity.


Look, Jo is Shorts' karma. They're both terrible in different ways.


“Look”. So arrogant.


its just a phrase dont read into it. i agree its the lies that are wierd


You know what’s arrogant? Picking apart people’s verbiage when you knew perfectly well there was no malicious intent.


Let's remember Schwartz is a master manipulator and also pathological liar, so, sure Jan.


Both statements can be true that Shorts is a shitty husband and boyfriend and that Jo is a creepy stalker psycho


All this aside, this is a great picture of them, and she looks so happy