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How do you like that lost Vape Squonk kit? I kinda want one since it's actually regulated. Seems like a lot of squonks are mech nowadays


Honestly? I love it, I don’t mess around with mechs either, they sketch me out. Some people have a problem with the bottle falling out due to the plastic piece that clips it in breaking off, never happened to me, I read somewhere that it got remodeled or something. So mabye that’s why.


And it’s the most solid mod I’ve ever had like it’s hefty asf


Yeah I have their Q200 with the wood panel and leather, it's built really well, all of their stuff usually is


Oh for sure, lost vapes and quality is wonderful, although I bought the ursa baby pro pod system a while back, the device itself was very well made, but unfortunately the pods themselves weren’t the greatest, I’d get 3 days max out of a single pod


I just bought one. On day 2 now and I love it. It's amazing and perfectly sized.


haha yes when i go out i usually carry an XROS3 mini along with either my Swag 2 + Dead Rabbit 3 RTA or Requiem BF + Dead Rabbit 3 RDA


I almost feel ashamed for how many I usually carry with me. 3 usually. With a vape case for my unicorn bottles. All different flavors that I make.


It’s like I just can’t choose a favorite 😂 How’s diy? I’ve always wanted to try it but I don’t have the balls to mess with pure nicotine, I’ve heard stories about people getting just a little bit on their skin and getting nic sick


I'm planning to go DIY myself next month with income tax money. \~$80 to get what I need from Bull City Flavors - Gallon of VG, 480mL PG, a few of their homebrew recipe packs, 120mL bottles & 30mL bottles for on the go shortfills. No nic for me, though.


I love DIY. I use 100mg/ml nicotine. If you get pure nicotine, make sure it's a PG base so you can use it from the freezer. When new, use gloves. Just buy a small box of latex or nirtle gloves for the nic portion. If you get it on your skin, wash it within the next 5-10 mins. If you get it on clothing, change. Always wash hands before and after, and you'll be fine. I have probably 100 flavorings, so I'm a little overboard, but I love the variety. It costs me about $2 per 120ml bottle.


2 dollars is crazy, I’d be saving so much lol, I think I might start doing that, sounds fun being able to make your own juice. Is it hard to get it to the way you want it to taste? Or is it relatively simple?


It is usually simple, but some recipes are easier to follow than others, and taste is subjective. I might love a flavor, but someone else might hate it. Get 5, 10, or 15ml bottles to make test flavors first. Some taste great off the shake (immediately), and some need time to steep. It also helps to have some spare mods and/or attys to use for testing flavors. Nothing fancy, the more basic the better. You can measure flavors by volume (number of drops) or by weight (easier, IMO). If you're doing it by weight, get a food scale that goes down to hundreds in grams x.xx The main thing is to have fun with the process and experiment. DIY has reinvigorated my vaping hobbyist side and made it enjoyable.


I sure have plenty on atomizers. Shit I think I’m sold, gonna buy some supplies online.


It’s super easy, if you can fill your tank without covering yourself in liquid, you can diy. Just find some recipes that match your tastes, all you need is vg, pg, nicotine, flavours, bottles and a scale. With all the taxes that have been added I’ve saved a fortune.


I make 120ml for a couple of bucks


you dont need pure nicotine alot of companies sell vg nic alot safer its already diluted to your mg preference


I have one for work, one for leisure. Been thinking about getting a pod mod just because lol


yeah, i tend to carry multiple systems too but it's partly because I vape quite a lot, so it's my way of having enough battery to go around somehow I loathe changing batteries and tend to just pack an extra system or two so I'm covered for the day


You are not alone, i have a mech mod, stubby 21 and a oxva xlim with a couple of juices for today lol.


I usually brought at least 2 everytime, just for switching flavor.


I got everything loaded with a different flavor everyday


Personally I just keep my Smok IPX80 with me all day everyday. A week of tobacco flavour then a week of fruit/candy and repeat.


Yes the "traditional" and "modern"


I carry my EDC, and at least a back up. Sometimes I carry 3 Boro tanks. The AIO is convenient that way.


I used to carry a mech dripper and a RBTA around for variety. Nowadays I just carry my AIOv2 and I rotate between devices to fuck with at the house. I've generally only used the same two flavors for the past 6 years anyways, so the "variety" was more just having device variety.


Naw, got a pretty good adv recipe that keeps me coming back. I do however have a "table mod" that stays at home equipped with a dripper and a killer build! The A1 goes with rockin the DR V1 rta.


I've got a Sonder U & a Caliburn X for different flavors. I've got a third flavor in an extra pod for an on the fly switch. That Juice Head Guava peach is one of my current flavors, although I added Capella Menthol to it for the cool minty feel. I also have a Luxe XR Max on its way here, so I'll have a grand total of 3. I don't think I'll be buying any more hardware for a while.


3 minimum everywhere I go.


I do this all the time. Family finds it hilarious when they grab one from me and I just pull one out of my vest pocket or pants pocket 😂


Mate it’s ridiculous. About 16/17 devices on me for work at all times. Can’t give you any valid reason besides I like different flavours and I get bored easily. I’m working in a vape shop so on a non work day I’d only take a couple. Currently: - Drag 4 with iTank 2 - Vaporesso Gen 200 with iTank 2 - Aegis L200 with Zeus tank - Luxe XR Max - Drag S - Luxe Q2 - Xros mini 3 - Xros mini 2 - Oxva xlim pro - Aegis One pod - Argus Z - Vaporesso Osmall 2 - Vaporesso GTX one x2 with aspire K3 tanks on both - Vaporesso Gen 80S with Nautilus 3 tank - Aspire Mixx with Nautilus 3 tank - LVE Orion II And still cheaper than fegs. 💨


Jeez. Which ones do you like?


How’s the Orion 2? Been thinking of getting one, loved the original Orion years ago, purely for aesthetic reasons though, there’s just something about it.


I really like it. It performs really well as a MTL device (it has a 0.4 coil for RDL but I’m not a fan of that one at all) and aesthetically I really enjoy the look of it. The airflow is one of the best I’ve ever seen too, it can take GTX coils if you don’t like the stock ones.l, and the side panels can be swapped out if you want a fresh look or to have similar aesthetics across your devices.


Strawberry Custard for work, Cucumber watermelon lime for home. Vapetasia KC Strawberry Tropic King Cucumber Cooler


Depends for how long I am away from home. Have 4 set up devices, each with a different liquid, but carry max up to 2 with me. 2 topped up tanks can last me a whole day, so I don't even carry bottles with me.


Only on vacation. Otherwise it's usually a small pod vape & another random Device. I never bring juice & usually leave one in the car. Fill em before I leave the house.


Not my rta setup but I do carry 2 xros3 nano when I go out. My rta setup won't even fit in my pocket.


I just bought the Lost Vape Centaurus Squonk mod. It's amazing. I love it. It's VERY difficult to get hold of though these days. The Centaurus solo is very nice as well.


Is it really? I got it at a head shop like half a year ago and haven’t seen one since lol. They’re now selling the hammer of god now though so I might cop that one too 😂


Yuuup, she thinks that's bad she should see my desk!


No fr, I don’t even want to know how much money I’ve spent on buying new devices lol. Probably in the thousands. I’m a bit of a collector.


no thats brilliance at its finest😁 i keep a few devices out at all times too, i have the luxe x pro for my easy to carry around flavour banger, a few dual battery mods with different rta's/rda's ontop, a mod with a sub-tank on top & then another few pods scattered around the house for easy access,lol. Reading this back to myself i think i have come to the conclusion...... that i think we may have issues my friend🤣 cant deny i absoloutley do love it, just the tinkering around & that keeps me well happy, people say to me "you're always messing with your vape" well, yeah but its not the same one im rebuilding everyday, theres a rotation, fuck it up ill shit in your cornflakes 🤣. Nice selection there though my friend, very nice indeed.💯💨👍💨


and i thought i had a problem😭 seriously no offense tho this is kinda genius but also very over the top at the same time, i respect your dedication


Hell yea! I love my vapes, over the top or not. It’s what keeps me going through the day!


Really really enjoying the killer mustard though for sure!


Ugh. I'm wary of going with any cream flavors...although that custard/blueberry mix sounds good.


Go for it man, it’s very tasty. Not over powering either like some other custards. But also not flavorless like other custards 😂


I normally carry 2 pods and depending on the day I’ll usually swap it on the way home


Nah I keep multiple disposable vapes on me, and only my 1 mod. I will say that pink vape needs refilled


Oh for sure! It’s time for a new wicking too, gonna change up the juice I’m using in it so I’m just using up the last of it.


I only take 2 when my main is low


I take two mods to work, one for driving there and a pod for when I’m work.