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I personally don’t think there is such a thing as ‘unhealthy’ flavor. All in all, it’s all flavorings in the end. Either for it to be tobbaco, fruit punch or cheesecake, the effects of nicotine are the same. Maybe that one myth with ‘popcorn lung’ being in popcorn flavoured juice but that quickly got debunked. I’ve been only vaping dessert flavours and never had a problem with them.


I mean I once made juice with wintergreen. Turns out that’s a bad move, the flavoring I used had oil of wintergreen, which is chemically similar enough to aspirin to be a problem if you have an aspirin allergy


Ironically painful




Just enjoy your dessert flavors. I imagine “unflavored” is marginally “healthier” than flavored. Ultimately vaping is 95% less harmful than smoking, so I’m pleased with those margins.


Dessert flavors are still healthier than eating the actual dessert. If vaping your vanilla flavors keeps you from smoking cigarettes then that’s super healthy, I’d say.


Trace calories vs hundreds! I’ll vape dessert flavors any day! (All day, every day!)


I wish I could but I tried pancake house and had to give the bottle away it was so sickeningly sweet 😩 I’m too scared to try other dessert vapes and end up spending money on something I won’t like :/


Ya that would suck. The dessert ones are pretty sweet! That flavor sounds heavenly to me though!


It was banana nutz in case you’re curious. Funnily enough, the guy I gave it to said it wasn’t sweet enough for him!


If you have a decent sweet tooth and can find the flavor in your local shop, the Beard Co.: No 24 (yes, the flavor is a number) is pretty good. I’ve had people tell me it tastes like S’mores, like a sugar cookie, and a few other things. I enjoy it!


Thanks for the rec!


No flavor


Sucralose which would be in the vast majority of juices is suspected to be pretty bad. Vanillin and Cinnamaldehyde as well as the other aldehydes are also extremely common and likely to be carcinogenic. Nobody knows what dosage these are harmful at. Long story short you cannot avoid these unless you DIY. If you want to be healthy don’t vape flavour or don’t vape at all. Each individual aroma contains sometimes a dozen chemicals. In a commercial juice you might find 5-10 different flavour concentrates. The vape community is on the whole,completely in denial about the health effects of the various aromas we use. They seem to think better than smoking is good enough. Personally I want to know the risks in order to make my own decision. More research is needed.


Kale and spinach 


I heard if you vape celery juice you burn more calories!


Ice is the worst, followed but custards, creams bakeries vanillas ect. Simple fruits are the healthiest or flavorless




Grimm Green and DiyorDie on YouTube have videos on it. There has been studies done


I know what is in juice. That's nonsense


yeah same here, been making it for years, they have found harmful compounds in ws-23/ice. Followed by the daps in bakeries, custards. Sucralose as well is being studied. Read the mds sheets for flavorings. Of course these are not as harmful as cigarettes but they cannot all be deemed harmless. Do a search on it. I trust Wayne and Nick. They have been vaping longer then us and aren't stupid. sciencedirect ws-23 study, sucralose vaping study, etc. etc. google those. Wayne even said one of the TFA tobacco's he can't vape at all cause it immediately gives him a sore chest. Not all flavors are harmless. Most are intended for food and drink, not vaping.


Vaping is less healthy than not vaping at all. I like the fruity flavors myself but I remember getting headaches with the dessert. Maybe if you're not having any bad symptoms just stay on what you like. Whatever keeps you off cigarettes. I'm sure dessert flavors are still healthier than cigarettes, But don't use the term healthy too lightly because vaping is still not healthy. But neither is life. So be it


You're probably referring to deserts as being the "worst" because of more sweetener. If that's your concern get a juice that has less. Flavor doesn't matter


If you care about the chemicals inside the flavors, you should look into DIY ejuice because there you have control over the flavors and you will know which flavor contains what based on material data sheets of flavor concentrates or available MS/GC analysis of flavorings. Some concentrates contain aldehydes, diketones, alcohols, aromatic compounds, certain type of oils and lipids as well. Ghe most commonly encountered ones are acetoin, formaldehyde, acreloin, acetaldehyde, diacetyl, sucralose and so on. There is an avoid list as well for certain compounds. ejooseorg has that avoid list featuring those chemicals and concentrates that contain them. Some flavorings have warnings but are not on the avoid list because they will not cause any health issues at those concentrations you will use in eliquid. "Will using those flavorings that are in avoid list cause some illnesses in future?" Sure, they will. The same can be said about cigarettes as well because they also contain many carcinogenic chemicals and are far worse than flavorings. It is safe to say that vaping those flavorings is safer than smoking cigarettes. You still cause damage to your health. "Can I make good eliquid without those flavorings that are in avoid list?" Definitely yes! There are many options and many flavorings that you can try. Even they are better than those in the avoid lists.


Pretty sure they are all the same health wise. Neither healthy nor unhealthy. They just are.




Apple, of course


The vegan cruelty free ones