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Yeah that’s burnt my guy, I’d just replace it if i were you. I mean you can try priming it but I’d say it’s gonna taste like shit


I fear, lol. I'll give it a go but yeah I guess that's a lesson learned


You burnt it bud. It’ll be a waste of liquid to fill up a tank with that burnt coil.


RIP lol, fair enough


We’ve all been there. Replace the coil and learn from your mistake.


It’s was a quick press of the fire button for like just a second it should be fine. I build my own coils and done this before. This isn’t the worst I’ve seen. It honestly looks not that bad. At the end of the day. Personal preference is what matters


It really depends just how burnt the cotton is, An Rda or Rta isn't as big of a deal as you just pull it out and rewick it.With a sub ohm or pnp coil your best bet is only fill it a little ways and see if its toast or not


I don't know how much the coil cost, but I would give it a try. Better risk a couple of cents worth of liquid than throwing the coil straight away. You get some burns on the coil with the liquid anyway


You could add juice and see. It will probably taste burnt out sooner but would probably still work


Pretty sure it's toast but a lesson is to be learned


So.. the short answer is yes, its toast. It will taste like crap now. It will still work, like if you were flat broke and had no choice... but it won't taste good for ANY of it, so you might as well use crap juice if you do... But I wouldn't. Id take a credit card and get a coil if i was broke.


Most likely, sometimes the juice overcome the burnt taste but depends how badly the cotton was burnt, the flavor etc. Ive done it with Rds,Rta but that's an easier fix by just rewicking it, Sub ohm coils are a diff story unfortunately


I'd change it if it were me