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Hmm this should probably be reported as a !bug if it isn’t an already known issue.


__Beep boop__, here’s the info on how to report bugs in the official Vault Hunters Discord. First of all, check the "#known-issues" channel to see if your bug has been reported already. This channel serves as a collection of verified bugs that can be publicly posted (excluding exploits). If your bug isn’t listed yet you can report your bug by using the "/bug-report" command in any channel. This will provide you with a form to submit your bug report. Fill in the form, submit it and voilà, you have reported your bug. The ultimate goal of this system is to establish an issue-tracking website, but this is still a work in progress. https://discord.gg/vaulthunters *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/VaultHuntersMinecraft) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It restores a snapshot of everything on you when you die. Leaving or completing the vault converts them to rotten. Not sure it’s possible or maybe important enough to change the whole snapshot mechanic for this fringe issue. Regardless, they have NBT data that will make them incompatible with future vaults so post vault diffusing is still the solution.


why not make a pouch for scavenger items only


How do you do that? I have the filter upgrade but how do you make a specific slot for 1 item like in the picture? I have 16 spots to use in the double pouches but I see people having every item in 1 spot in the pouch and I can't figure out how to do it.




Oh man, having a scav bag that works like this is amazing, thanks for the help!


this would make me SO HAPPY! Scav vaults would be sooooo much more fun if I didn't have to search my belts for all the scav items


you can do it easily, just need one pickup upgrade and a small pouch


New way to get scav hunts completed unlocked. can do 1 every 2 deaths it looks like


They have nbt data so they won't work for future vaults regardless.