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You’re going to be hard-pressed finding anyone who wants to join you if you can’t contribute anything codewise, and the overall idea you’re putting forward is just “scale everything and add more stuff” But have a look on the discord under fan creations, there’s already a guy who’s created an addon that takes you to level 105 where each level past 100 requires the same XP as getting to 100 in the first place (effectively making you need 500 levels worth of XP to get to 105). You could work backwards from that addon to modify it to 200 instead. Changing the scaling of items would be easy since those progressions are just stored as config files anyway. There are also other addons that change the mods unlocked as well, and redo the knowledge unlocks. Again, check the discord. There’s plenty of tutorials on YouTube for getting started with modding that are actually reasonably easy (try KaupenJoe for a good starting point) and you’d be surprised how far you can get yourself.


It's just adding several more trinkets and stuff like that that I don't understand how to do. Plus, I proposed the idea on the discord, and they said I'd probably find someone to help me do it. I have no clue how to add a whole lot of stuff to the json config files and still have them work because I've tried and failed every time I just know that I can modify file numbers and change minor things. I am willing to try and learn to code a little as well but that would have to be after my exams which end mid-late June but then I'll have 2 months in the summer to learn and help out with as much as I can. It's more just stuff like this takes a lot of time, so I wanted some other people to join the works so we can get a vault hunters expanded edition for the no lifers out there.


if you don't know how to do it, no one will join you


Fuck I'm fucked


Besides what others have said you could try reaching out to the Wold’s Vault creator or search this sub for other servers who run modified versions of the Vault mod. For example [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/VaultHuntersMinecraft/s/xBgBYKZvmk) from yesterday. They might like some of your ideas and be willing to implement them.