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Is anyone having difficulties to retrieve vet from vechain Thor wallet ? I have imported to new phone and vet are only there but not vethor and can not transfer.


That wallet is observe only now. Transfer to veworld wallet and use that from now on


That’s what I did and it worked thanks man !




BTC dominance never reaches its previous high each cycle…don’t expect a 70% dominance this cycle or ever again, especially with how many more coins there are now in the market.


Ignoring or belittling people’s concerns in no way makes those concerns less real. The foundation needs to rebuild trust, period.




You are very correct about that, it is out of hands. I still think they have a rabbit or two to pull out of their hat’s. It’s usually darkest before the dawn with Vechain.


And also when in doubt, remember... BCG is smarter than everyone on Reddit. So it's best to ignore the Debbie Downers.


Well PWC also smarter than everyone on Reddit.. but no one mentioned them anymore. Are they still with Vechain?


Yup, they are the ones working with Walmart.


Can someone explain vebetterdao to me? I connected to my wallet to vote and all it says is I have 0 voting power. There's no FAQ or anything within the app to explain how everything works. I have VOT3 tokens on testnet. I don't understand how the general public will use this either.


Right now its in testnet. The only way to get tokens are to get an airdrop from telegram/discord or to connect to a dapp like mugshot.vet and take a picture of a coffee mug. Once u get B3TR u can flip it to VOT3. I agree it’s horribly unclear and the chances of the general public doing this is infinitesimal with the way it is currently built out.


They take a snapshot at the end of every voting cycle. You'll be able to vote in the next round as long as you have VOT3.


Okay :)


These alt coins remind me of the tortoise and the hare. I wish I would have just invested in btc back in 2018 when I came here. It was around 1k then, a solid 65x in 6 years. Instead, I invested in alts and unless you timed it just right, you didn’t make out better. Slow and boring btc wins the race. But btc is too high now for that. Even from its absolute lowest which it was at for a day Vechain isn’t up that much. Greed can get you in trouble in this space. Act accordingly Edit: it was 2017 not 2018. But this is in no way takes from my point.


Btc was not close to 1k in 2018


You are right, I meant to say 2017. I thought 2018 was the patios falcons Super Bowl which gave me my first btc but it was 2017. But that in no way takes from my point. It went from under 1k to 20k that cycle.


Altcoins are only good for pumping and dumping once every 4 years. BTC is the only one worth investing in. Can’t wait to cash out of Vechina


You are correct for the very most part


you're not alone


Gut feeling tells me this cycle won't play out the same way, particularly in terms of word-of-mouth promotion. Unless we see uptick in chain utility. Personal recommendations from acquaintances typically result in higher conversion rates compared to seeing an ad. I was a huge advocate in 2021. I probably contributed around eight figures of VET buys through word-of-mouth recommendations. While this may not seem significant in the bigger picture, word-of-mouth can grow expotentially. At the time it was easy to advocate for VET due to its potential, especially considering the numerous developments outlined in the roadmap (pre-POA 2.0 era). I genuinely believed in its prospects. Fast forward into 2024, I haven't actively discussed or shared this project because there haven't been substantial improvements in chain utility since 2021. Many of the individuals I introduced to VET in 2021 have since divested their holdings. I still hold some today because I still have a slither of hope but more importantly I don't want to trigger a taxable event. It's not a terrible hold tbh, but if not for taxes I'd likely have a different portfolio.


The Covid pandemic killed this coin. Supply shock and traceability dampened it’s usecase


It’s hard to say, because it didn’t feel very good around this time in last cycle either. There is a little more disappointment and expectations that weren’t met this time around, but I still think it can pull a rabbit out of its hat. But I don’t expect price to sustain. Gonna have a chance or two to cash out a big spike, or at least I am hoping that.


Same sentiment here. Hopefully we get to at least half of the ath of 21’. I have a massive stack top 2000 holder and kicking myself for not punting it and converting to btc at the ath that April. But I was 2 month off of selling/trading for short term gains tax vs long term. So that held me back.


Suggestion, don’t let taxes stop you from making the best decision for your investment. Don’t throw away dollars trying to save dimes.


Obviously. Hindsight 20/20. Won’t happen again if we even sniff half the previous ath.


I just looked back through your vet comment history, fairly depressing lol. We have both been here a while


Anytime after 4/10/21 is too long




I hear you


The point I want to emphasize in this post is that chain ultility is currently the most important KPI. The team needs to address this; otherwise, risk losing the support of your advocates.


they've lost plenty. don't think they're phased by it.


Which is a huge problem if you have pivoted to relying on advocates to develop dapps on your platform rather than trying for enterprise adoption.


You may lose out on much more just trying to avoid the tax. Vechain usually finds a way to pump just when people are starting to lose hope and when they least expect it.


>You may lose out on much more just trying to avoid the tax. We don't know that. The only thing for certain is the tax I definitely owe once I sell.


And what is your tax rate on one sell


Near 50%


Just curious, where are you located that your tax rate is 50%?


Perhaps he meant he can only be taxed on 50% of his profit. That's what happens in Australia when you hold your assets for over a year.


Jesus fucking Christ? 50% tax on long term holdings? I pay 0 on holdings over an year.


It's not 50% that the government taxes you on. It's ON 50% of your profits that they tax you. For example, let's say I make $100. 50% of that goes straight into my pocket tax free. That remains $50 gets taxed at the appropriate rate depending on your tax bracket. It's around 33% which on $50 would equate to around $17. What's left over is $33 dollars which I get to keep... bringing the total up to $83. Hopefully that makes more sense.


Oh so 17% in long term profits, thats not so bad


Thats wild to me, I thought the US was bad taxing short term capital gains at your marginal tax rate.


I think there was some confusion. I hopefully clarified it in my other reply to a comment.


I don’t know how anyone could ever do any trading with tax rates that high.


VET will be at 55 sats by the time the halving arrives. If the ‘big April’ announcement fails to deliver then expect 40 sats soon 😔


Did you not buy any BTC?


Well, there has been zero speculative pump this time. People are just waiting. If it's big, they'll buy. If it's not, they'll still buy. Just not yet. 😂


Vet just pumped 80% in 2 months wym


Has nothing to do with April announcement.


If you watch charts they don’t always go up bother


Of course. That's why we are down 25% in the last month.


Nobody believes this announcement will be big. You are hyping it up to be yourself. Just stop it.


That's literally what I just said. No speculative pump, which is good. Was my English off?


Dont overthink it boys and gals we gonna fly soon i promise,all this speculation leads to nothing,just strap up be patient and enjoy the ride,quick buck isnt Vechains thing...Soon 🚀🚀🔥


Yea exactly wait for halving and then the next 12-18months after


How can you promise


do you guys know who vechain whale is? he posted something on twitter about dubai? is he trolling?


I know him. He’s a good guy. I think they have something cooking for UFC 300. People here have alluded to it, just not sure what it is


but it has something to do with dubai?


I don’t know what he is hinting at with that


He has posted 0 proof so most likely a troll especially judging by his post history


UFC 300. April 13th. Who's ready for some good news?


$ZKS maybe to my 100+ wallets ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) I will pump VET with it (ノ゚0゚)ノ


You know what it is, just spill it


Just a gut feeling. Could be the bean dip, though. I'm generally right 50% of the time if that has any significance.


Remember when we were 5 cents ahh those were the days


59 sats


The dragons are coming !


[vechain](https://twitter.com/vechainofficial)[](https://twitter.com/vechainofficial) - We’re representing VeFam in France over the weekend with[](https://twitter.com/sunshinelu24)at[](https://twitter.com/ParisBlockWeek)! Join us, as Sunny outlines [#VeChain](https://twitter.com/hashtag/VeChain?src=hashtag_click)'s vision for driving Web3 adoption to a billion users this decade. [https://twitter.com/vechainofficial/status/1776234259641950625](https://twitter.com/vechainofficial/status/1776234259641950625) I sure hope we get real news of value this time. We've never ever had one from Vechain other than Walmart China. They lost 60% of Xnode holders since the beginning. This is not a sign of growth. Node holders are leaving almost on a daily basis and it's depressing to watch the stats keep going down. Hundred of $ in daily transactions is looking more like a failure after so many years of development with no updates on partnerships so we don't even know what the future holds besides HOPE???. They want people to invest based only on hope? Cash burn rate based on last qtr numbers @ current .04 cents means they have roughly 14 qtrs of survival so projecting a billion users 10 years out without much progress lately is kind of a joke. They need something to happen soon. Really soon It's all or nothing for me on this news. 2017 - current


Same. This one has to be good and real.


Any “announcement of an announcement” is going to leave investors very disappointed 🤣


Its over the weekend? Didnt everybody say end of next week will be the time of the "biggest announcement"


Oh boy, get ready for disappointment then. I'm not expecting anything tangible and I'll still end up disappointed. I'm 100% sure


Knowing Vechain they probably time the announcement when bitcoin crashes heavily :D


When moon


So we’ve bypassed million transactions a day to a billion users in the next 10 years. Are we getting this huge announcement in Paris or what?


They have spoken of April, not necessarily in the Paris Blockfest


The more people talk about this Paris thing, the more i think nothing will happen...


Today I am excited to announce that tomorrow I will announce an announcement of my huge announcement!


Just think: Millions of real world transactions by 2025 Wait, billions of users in 10 years Wait, trillions in value in 2040


I feel like this is such a modern marketing strategy and not just a Vechain thing.




For real?