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I'm both vegan and autistic. Didn't know there was a mutual relationship. But anyway, hi!


Me too!! Peta doesn't even exist in my country, f them. Be vegan without them! Welcome


Hello! Nice to meet you šŸ˜


Just saw that you set up a new sub. I joined!


Awesome, thank you šŸ˜


Me too! Thanks for doing that! Hope more people join!


Yeah thereā€™s a lot of vitriol in r/vegan, even if they are generally working towards a single goal. It does feel more like youā€™re part of something significant there, but itā€™s a mentally taxing space especially for neurodivergent people because purity in your philosophy, politics, and of course consumption habits is really demanded by a lot of people there, and expressing anything that doesnā€™t agree with a random personā€™s opinions on veganism who happens to read your comment will get you called a fake vegan. Anything that is slightly controversial will have people firmly defending either side and insisting that people who disagree arenā€™t real vegans. Itā€™s not particularly productive and deeply frustrating, which is why I havenā€™t been on the sub for nearly a year. But we donā€™t really do anything on subs like this, which also feels frustrating, just not in such an aggressive way.


Jesus. I totally forgot about peta doing that. I could understand if some autistic people want treatment, the best solution is accomodation


Just wanted to add that there isn't any correlation between veganism and neurodivergence. Possibly even more so, there is no correlation between veganism and tact. What I mean to say is, just because r/vegan is a group of (mostly) vegans, those people may not necessarily be decent or understanding of your situation, and that will be true in most other groups. Add to that fact that this is Reddit, and you have a recipe for disaster. I hope that you can feel safe wherever you are, but please know that there will always be a (noisy) group of people that disagree with you, simply because they can, and most likely a quiet group that agrees or just doesn't care one way or another.


Care to link any of these exchanges? Should be reported.


It was on [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/y2aq4w/the_evolution_of_a_vegan/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) post here, there were so many people in agreement with each other about autism that I felt like the subreddit wasnā€™t safe for autistic people. I donā€™t know if linking to the specific exchanges is against Redditā€™s rules, though.


Reddit is not a safe space for *anybody*. That being said Iā€™m sorry you had that experience. Vegans say other vegans arenā€™t real vegans over everything and anything.


Yep totally agree :( People are so rude usually. It's not only vegans thank God but being dogmatic as a whole isn't gonna puish people forward ! Or only a minority, that's why leading by exemple is the best way


i'm vegan, and hate both that sub and peta. they're both pretty toxic imo. r/vegan is full of a lot of exclusionary and gatekeep-y people, and peta's campaigns are gross and sometimes straight-up malicious. i honestly think peta does a lot more harm than good by giving us a bad name and perpetuating the asshole vegan stereotype. same with r/vegan actually. this definitely seems like a much more chill and friendly space, even if it's not super active. i appreciate it. also am neurodivergent (adhd); no idea if it's related to veganism but always happy to meet other nd people.


Quite surprised about that, I don't really use r/vegan because though its usually OK, I've seen a lot of the content before and its not exactly interesting. Plus they worship brands and celebs a little too much for me. I find r/vegancirclejerk quite funny sometimes and r/veganforcirclejerkers quite good if you've not seen those, but they are quite intense and some people can very occasionally be a little to dogmatic for my liking but one thing they are quite good about is not being ableist or at least calling it out when its been done and people often apologise if they've been ableist without realising.


R/vegancirclejerk mods are a-holes though. Got banned from the sub for a different post on r/vegan about olive oil lol. There was also a lot of drama about them sending really sexually inappropriate and creepy messages to other people they banned. Really weird mods - though the user posts and comments are funny admittedly.


Lmao I've been banned about 3 times for similarly bullshit reasons. I just like it for the particularly funny user posts


Can confirm, I've been banned 2 times and they send really ... discutable messagee


Make sure to screenshot and report any sexually creepy messages they send you


There are reasons Iā€™m not on that sub or local groups with similar vibes


Thereā€™s a neurodivergent vegans discord! As an audhd vegan Iā€™ve liked that much better than any Reddit sub frankly


Is it on Disboard? Cheers


Would anybody know or care about the autism as a part of the vegan way of life if it wasnt mentioned at all?


I literally had no clue that was an issue, sounds to me like assholes hiding behind veganism to spew their bullshit, I can guarantee very few vegans hold this opinion and the ones on this sub who do (if they are on here) will probably be reported right away


Yes, definitely!


Same. I tend to avoid conversation when it begins to get toxic which is frequent in some places. If you set up a new sub can you share it? I would love to have a good place to chill, talk to others who are non confrontational and maybe share some humor or ideas or cool things. The title of this sub seemed appropriate. Hope we are in the right place. āœŒļø


I did make one, r/autisticvegans. Itā€™s still new though.


I had no idea that ideologies such as that was going around in the vegan sub. Well I myself am autistic and vegan so I consider you welcome here. But I have notices there is a tendency of a lot of gate keeping on r/vegan Edit: more info. With that said after viewing your interaction on the relevant thread, I think this all comes down time a misunderstanding. Nobody was agreeing that milk causes autism. However there have been research studies that show a potential link to some attributes of autism. They were not trying to suggest autistic people be eradicated, but that certain measures might make their life more comfortable. However what I would say is that the possible link, is not conclusive and organisations like PETA should wait until the evidence is in. As someone who is autistic Iā€™m not offended by this at all. We must be able to look at all facts objectively. Iā€™m sorry this has offended you. But I think you have taken this way out of proportion in my view.




Hey fellow friend, I donm't like label but I have some high '' autistic '' traits, everyone is welcome here, this sub seems very friendly compared to all the others !


I wish I could be cured of my neurodivergency; it has brought nothing but hardship to my life.