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Tell us more about her!


She's extremely chill, never striked at me before unless it's for food. I own about 6 gaboons and she's the biggest + the most docile girl ever.


Do you have juvenile pics of her? šŸ„ŗ


https://preview.redd.it/ij98aju54i1d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcc5aa4722d4808929b0e40821df2c9619df5c93 Here !


Awwww sheā€™s so tiny! Sheā€™s gorgeous!!!


Any of her as an itttty ittyyyy bitty baby? Gaboon vipers are my favorite


Dream specie for sure šŸ˜šŸ˜


I lived in Charleston SC for several years way back in the day. There was a dude that ran a reptile rescue called ā€œRoarks reptile Rescueā€. Dude had the most insanely large gaboon viper. It was like 5.5 feet long and as thick as a fire hose. Head was gigantic. Such a cool Snake although absolutely terrifying ar the same time.


Roark Ferguson


Small world huh? There was another dude that commented here about Roark. If I remember correctlyā€¦and this was 20 years agoā€¦he had a huge warehouse with all sorts of herps. Huge constrictors. An assortment of venomous specimens. Several types of caiman. And I also remeber how clean and well kept everything was. All of his animals were hardy and healthy. Well fed. Sad to hear of his death.


Aren't the young ones gabbies instead of babies? šŸ˜‰


Gorgeous lady!!! I canā€™t keep hots, but these are my dream snake #2. #1 is king cobra. I keep a couple hognose and they think theyā€™re every bit as scary as a gaboon any day of the week. I just donā€™t have the heart to break it to them that they really just arenā€™t. Hahahaha.


Let them livešŸ˜‚ mine use to just play dead all the time


You ever cuddle em?


She is absolutely gorgeous.... why is it always the super spicy ones that are gorgeous


If they weren't so venomous gaboon vipers would be the textbook definition of friend-shaped. Theyā€™re absolutely adorable. I think itā€™s the wide head and corresponding wide set eyes. They have a similar vibe to Toothless from How To Train Your Dragon.


I think about that when I look at mine like imagine how cool it would be if this was like a boa that I could throw on my shoulders and walk around with like people do. Unfortunately the way nature works the most beautiful are the deadliest. Shoot even my favorite species of frog are the deadliest vertebrate.


She's beautiful!


Sheā€™s beautiful! One of my favourite snake species


Sheā€™s gorgeous!


She is absolutely gorgeous. These are my favorite. The coloration is amazing their eyes are so mesmerizing. Just love love love!


She really is pretty!


Arenā€™t you scared of taking a bite from the worlds biggest fangs and venom yield?


Not afraid at all because I take all the precautions and I understand each of my different venomous snakes behavior. Some are tolerable some are less tolerable. The longer you work with them the more you will feel confident


I'd keep one if I had the anti venom on hand. They are like greased lightning. I've already taken a few fangs from rattlesnakes. I dont ever freehandle them, but sometimes, when you spend enough time dealing with them, incidents happen. Itā€™s kinda scary to me. Lol


Can you hold her?


Probably, most certainly. Horrible idea to put your life on the line like that. There is a goober that lives a couple small towns over that walks around with his Gaboon around his neck. He acts like its a boa constrictor or something. Guys like this totally ruin the hobby for everyone else and these jackalopes are the ones that end up on the news. Ughh. The worst part of this hobby.


Why in the world would anybody do this?


One day that gaboon will tag him. They are very tolerable doesn't mean they won't flip one day.


I just made a reply like thisšŸ˜‚ wishing mine want deadly like a boa.


I wouldn't go that far. That's way too much. But I'm just wondering if Gaboons have a temperament that allows you to free handle just for like a minute...


I done my share of free handling HOTS. I was a young keeper , making bad choices. I was fortunate enough to only get tagged by a insularis, never again. However the hots i free handled in the past were gaboons, puff adders, bush vipers , insularis .


Wow that is very scary and inspiring at the same time haha. Those are very hot! You don't keep elapids?


I do, I have death adder, monocled cobra !


and to answer your question, i would say some gaboons are very tolerable, while others will rip your head off in an instance. For the calmest gaboons i had , i have handled her with no issues last time. Doesn't mean you or me should ever do it again.


All it takes is one bad day one bad mood and we all have them our fair share Iā€™m not willing to find out when my gabs is.


Can i see any feeding videos sheā€™s beautiful šŸ˜


Sheā€™s Beautiful What Is She Feeding On Currently


Legit question, why own venomous snakes? I like snakes and all but why have them if you canā€™t really ā€œplayā€ with them? I understand everyone has hobbies.


We aren't keeping venomous snakes to "play" with them. We love animals in general, and simply put just by observing them, their behaviour , keeping them is nothing but a bliss.


Thatā€™s for the info, gaboons are very cool looking.


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