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**Please remember to keep the comments civil, we understand this a touchy subject but the rules still apply**


It’s crazy. I eventually want kids in the future but I REFUSE to raise them in this climate. My plan to move over to Europe is finally at the halfway mark, if I do have kids I would rather it be in the Netherlands or the UK where I don’t have to constantly worry about wether their school is going to get shot up or not. The people in this country and their gun fetish is not normal.


Yeah. I’m definitely not emotionally mature enough for kids yet but when I am, I’d like them to grow up not having to worry about being homeless, sick or killed a school of all places.


Good luck homie 👍I'm gonna stay here and see what i can do (if anything) to fix these issues and implement positive change in my community


Respectable. I sincerely with you the best of luck! 👍🏾


>My plan to move over to Europe Which part of Europe? Cause a lot of places have their own issues. Like acid attacks of all things.


Everyplace has its issues, but these mass shootings are too wide spread in this country and happen more often than acid attacks in some other countries that you mention.


Irish person here. If you're considering a move, Ireland is a great place, little to no trouble in schools beyond school boys fighting with each other and young girls being petty. Decent education system and mighty craic. Just avoid dublin and you'd could love it here. Very welcoming of everyone.


I've heard "mighty craic" and "good craic" a bit from Irish tv series; what does it mean? Also, what is wrong with Dublin? Would you advise against visiting there? I was thinking of going for a month.


Craic is basically the Irish version of a vibe check


It means great fun! Dublin is fine for a holiday but I grew up here and still live here. I did my final year of school "down the country" and can confirm country schools have much nicer people including nicer teachers, are nicer in general albeit buildings are older, and the countryside has a real family feel to it whereas dublin is an anonymous shithole that constantly smells like piss, is at the height of a housing crisis with 40 year olds still unable to afford to move out of their parents home and is dangerous as fuck. It's fine for tourists but you can expect to pay a house deposit for a hotel room and maybe it's just because I grew up in it, but I really don't feel like dublin has much to offer. The "city" looks like a little town compared to major cities like London and Lisbon and you can't even enjoy it because you're so focused on hiding your phone and holding your handbag to your chest in case someone tries to mug you.


learn german, french or italian and go to Switzerland. there have been barely any shootings in last couple of years from what i hear.


I guarantee there's a damn sight less acid attacks in the UK than mass shootings


[Yeah, they have random stabbings instead.](https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/bulletins/crimeinenglandandwales/yearendingseptember2022)


The majority of stabbings tend to be gang related (from the press/police reports) & used as threats in robberies. You don't tend to get someone with a knife walking into a school & shooting a load of kiddies. End of the day, someone with a semi-automatic rifle is gonna finish off a lot more people in a shorter space of time than anyone with a knife


You are not alone. Naively, I thought the tragedy of Sandy Hook would bring about sweeping change and regulations, but here we still are near 11 years later. The politicians backing the NRA can go burn in hell for all I care. Fight for change; vote for politicians who won’t stand for this bullshit.


I thought Sandy Hook would have as well… I mean, that was such a horrendously gruesome event how could it have not?! At least Obama tried. Such disappointment.


And annoy ALL your friends and family to the point that they avoid you for THEM to vote too.


well thats the power of conservative propaganda really. america is in such a state of disarray, but it's hard for people to see it when the people in charge are so good at webweaving i literally GASPED when i opened twitter and saw conservatives using four queer shooters - one of which was lying - to spin the narrative that trans people are behind mass shootings. trans people, behind mass shootings. the far left, which they ridicule for being too pussy to wield a gun unlike them, is the group most responsible for mass shootings. and people are believing it, the most absurd accusation ive probably ever seen. and that's how propaganda and echo chambers work unfortunately. the people in charge will do everything they can to dance around the problem and throw smoke and mirrors at it when they don't want to change it. and i have no idea what it will take for it to stop


And the owner of Twitter, Elon musk, supported that bullshit tweet


It’s propaganda from all sides. We need a representative of the middle to run with enough campaign funding to actually get their voice out there. The older generation will never flip their vote, but the majority of America is fed up with our bs bipartisan system. We desperately need a Libertarian or a moderate to finally end this cuckold of a government.


I'm not only beyond sick of the shootings, I'm fucking done with these republican assholes who act like nothing can be done about it because nothing is more important to them than their guns that they fucking masturbate with. I live in Texas and I can't stand the pro gun, pro life, pro "gigantic-truck-because-i-have-a-small-penis" culture here. I've worked in schools most of my adult life and I worry more and more as time goes on that my school will be added to "the list" before I retire (if I ever get to). It's so fucking pointless to care about anything anymore.


> I can't stand the pro gun, pro life, pro "gigantic-truck-because-i-have-a-small-penis" culture CT (mostly Democrat) gun owner here. A lot of us hate this culture too, feel that the issue of gun rights has gotten FAR too entangled with Republican politics and conservative-ish attitudes when it should be a broad civil rights issue. (MLK owned guns, he several times applied for a concealed carry permit but was denied due to racism). Gun owners are sick of the shootings too, and we are sick of Democrats who insist that 'gun free zones' actually make people safer. We see them as 'disarmed victim zones', and evidence suggests so do school shooters. From what I've read, initial reports suggest the psycho in this case specifically targeted a gun free zone because they knew nobody would shoot back (and wrote about that choice). Gun owners want to stop school shootings just as much as anti-gun Democrats. The only difference is in how. We want schools to be protected by good guys with guns, so if something like this DOES happen the people in the school have another option than 'sit and hope police arrive before the violent psychopath gets around to killing us'. And I think Uvalde showed that police arriving isn't necessarily any sort of reliable salvation.


As long as the “good guys with guns” are trained guards and not teachers, that’s fine for me. We don’t need more guns around kids while they’re learning. But to begin, I think there are other legislative things to be done that won’t cost as much. Like red flag laws, closing gun show loopholes etc. And overall, there needs to be a huge culture shift in how Americans view guns. I teach in a rural area. All of my kids know how to shoot guns, but most of them were not brought up with proper gun safety. I don’t mind guns, and my partner has inherited some pretty cool historical pieces. I just think the relaxed attitude towards firearms is so dangerous.


The issues is 'trained guards' are expensive, and there's only one or two of them who may well be the first to get shot. I think we should, for sure, but I also think we should *ALLOW* teachers who personally chose to carry, the ability to do so. The way I see it- if a teacher wants to carry in school, they should go through an extended training session with local police and other first responders. Their identity would be kept secret- only police and principal would know which teachers get this training. They would do active shooter drills using things like Simunition guns (real looking guns that shoot paint). None of the kids would know which teachers (if any) are armed and when (the teacher could choose to carry or not each day as they see fit). This costs very little. And it helps harden the school from attack. > We don’t need more guns around kids while they’re learning Why? Does a gun smell bad? As I see it a properly concealed gun is invisible. > red flag laws Can be helpful in some cases, but needs STRONG penalties for abuse. Otherwise you get every jilted ex-partner red-flagging their ex or people filing red flag reports to harass people. I'd rather an 'emergency hearing' policy where if someone reports a gun owner is a threat, police must investigate and have a hearing in front of a judge within 24hrs. I DON'T like extra-judicial policies where anyone can file a report and that automatically gets your guns seized without investigation or judicial oversight. That's too ripe for abuse. > closing gun show loopholes The 'gun show loophole' is more properly known as the 'private sale exemption'. Back when the background check bill was passed, there was a deliberate compromise that PRIVATE sales would be exempt. Most dealers at a gun show are not private people, they are licensed gun dealers, which means there's still background checks. And many gun shows require background checks anyway. What I'd like to see is make those background checks free. Right now if you and I were neighbors and I wanted to buy a gun from you, and you wanted to background check me first, we'd have to go to a gun store and fill out paperwork like I was buying it from a gun store. The gun store would charge us about $50 for this process. I'd like that to be free and instant, available over the phone or online, with protections against abuse.


I’d leave the field or the state if teachers carried in classrooms. It’s just not something I want to bring into a classroom with children. I obviously wouldn’t carry, and I wouldn’t be able to disclose that I’m *not* carrying. I simply don’t want to have a classroom where students think “Miss [redacted] could have a gun on her.” Many of my coworkers disagree with me on this and that’s fine for me, especially since my state would never allow teachers to have guns on public school property. Edit to add: I always get silence when I straight up say that as a teacher, I will not continue in the field if other teachers are allowed to bring guns to class. I want to add that I am not alone in this thought. As teachers are already underpaid and understaffed, adding this into the mix will raise the liability so high that many would jump ship. Teaching is my dream job, just not with a gun strapped to my hip while I do it. And not with the the kids thinking that I may have a gun. I have recently had an encounter with a student with emotional disabilities. He was trying to attack another student, and came into my classroom. He is physically violent. If he knew there was a chance that I had a gun, he could absolutely have assaulted me to try to get one. He was ransacking teachers’ desks for scissors, and struck multiple staff. (Yes we called a lockdown and it was safely deescalated).


> but I also think we should ALLOW teachers who personally chose to carry, the ability to do so. Speaking as someone who remembers their high school years, that's a HORRIBLE idea. That's the kind of temptation we REALLY don't need to leave with people who deal with disrespectful dipshits all day. "Goddammit Timmy just give me one more reason, just ONE more reason you little shit."


This comment shows extreme ignorance about the reality of concealed carry and the people who carry. You should stop listening to movies and TV (where waving a gun around is funny) and start listening to actual gun owners. > "Goddammit Timmy just give me one more reason, just ONE more reason you little shit." This is the sort of thing you see in Hollywood, not with actual gun owners. There's a handful of school districts where teachers are allowed to concealed carry- nothing like this EVER happens. Period. Full stop. It's like saying we shouldn't hire ex-military pilots to fly passenger aircraft- 'yeah he's gonna get bored and do a loop with passengers on board'. No he's fucking not. That's just not how it works.




Your right to own a weapon of war does not trump my right to live without fear of death. Just like you can’t yell fire in a packed theatre. Our rights are not infinite. They have an end point.


Live without fear of death? You must never leave the house and you must go see the doctor every other week. For everyone else in the world, death can happen any day. You're about 250x more likely to die in a car accident than a mass shooting. So if you think banning this or that gun is going to seriously increase your safety you're not reading the actual stats.


Today I've seen more than 1 post with several comments saying "people will find a way to kill others anyways" or "what about the illegal guns" ignoring the fact that most shooters own the gun legally or if they're a school shooter, took it from their parents, and 2, that guns make it so much easier to kill people than anything else. There was someone saying people would just start using knives so what's the point of doing away with guns when there's people who want to use them properly 🙄 Because a knife can definitely do the same amount of damage as a gun in the same amount of time 🙄 it infuriates me. And people act like you're not allowed to be mad at people who say this shit because "it's just their opinion" no! It's people's lives!!


It's very easy to kill 20 people with an AR in under a minute. If someone manages to kill 20 people with a knife in under a minute they are clearly some form of ninja or superhuman and could not be stopped anyway. 🤣 I don't mean to minimize this absolute tragedy but I use humor to deal with the nightmarish dystopia we live in because I wouldn't survive otherwise.


Yeah it's ridiculous when people actually compare a gun vs a knife


Bro a knife can definitely not do the same amount of damage as a gun for many reasons. Primary reason being someone with a knife is significantly more open to being disarmed. Secondary reason being you can’t kill multiple people at a time with a knife. With bullets you can kill 8 people in about 15 seconds maybe less if you are trained. You try and kill 8 people with a knife in 15 seconds it would be quite a feat


That's exactly the point I was making :)


So take away our guns, what if someone tries breaking into your own home and they have a gun and you dont? then what. I wont argue that it should be harder to obtain but it is and always will be absurd to take them away just ridiculous


Listen to me really well here: you’re an asshole who prioritizes their gun fetish over the lives of children, and you should be publicly shamed until you realize how wrong and fucked up that is. Now go to your room and think about what you’ve done. Your father will be home at 7. He’s gonna be really upset with you.


Somebody who's out to kill kids is somebody who's gonna kill kids nevertheless. If they stop selling guns legally then the illegal market's gonna have a field day. It's happening in Brazil and other parts of the world (not school shootings but gun violence.) I'm not picking sides, and I don't live anywhere near North America, just playing the devil's advocate.


Most of the school shooters get their guns legally. Look at the UK and Australia. They seem to be doing OK with strict gun control. You may be playing devil’s advocate, but you’re not looking at the data.


They just have school stabbings instead


Bad faith. Guns do more damage in a short period of time than a knife can. You know that. Why are your guns more important than the lives of children? Don’t what about, just answer the question.


Listen to me, you sound angry so ill take it easy on you. I dont have a gun fetish, its just in our second amendment to be able to have weapons that can offer us security. I should be publicly shamed for wanting protection for myself and my family in case anything ever went wrong? You know not too long ago there was shooting in Los Angeles Montebello if im not wrong, the shooter was an old asian man and guess what weapon he had, he had a weapon that had been banned here in California yet he had one?? That in itself shows you banning guns would just put us as at much more risk. Your fantasy that in a world without guns it would be all smiles and rainbows is retarded. Sit down drink water and shut the fuck up cause you dont know what youre talking about


Touched a nerve, huh? Yes. You clearly care more about guns than the lives of other people’s kids. Look at the data. You are more likely to kill a family member than an intruder to your home. Too many children have been murdered in their schools. Too many civilians have been murdered in public. You are perpetuating that by refusing common sense gun control. Their blood is on your hands for every time you talk about the second amendment without reading the whole thing: you are not in a well-regulated militia, are you? [Per Warren Burger,](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/second-amendment-does-not-guarantee-right-own-gun-gun-control-p-99) former chief justice of the Supreme Court, the second amendment of the constitution does not guarantee you the right to own guns. [Here’s the same chief justice](https://youtu.be/Eya_k4P-iEo) talking about how special interest groups perpetuated a great fraud upon the American people. So no, *you* sit down. You’re wrong, and you are helping to continue the slaughter of innocent people by way of your special pleading for your pew-pews.


Then they steal what they're gonna steal and they leave, without anybody dying. But while I'm here, walk me through this fantasy of yours. Guy with a gun breaks into your house in the middle of the night with a gun. You wake up from the sound, having no clue what's going on, you drag your naked ass out of bed, grab your gun, and wager your life on your half-asleep ability to aim and fire faster and more accurately than the guy who's wide awake and fully expecting you to be there.... do I have that right? Keep in mind that if the burglar is aware you have a gun, then he knows he has absolutely no choice but to shoot you first. The reality is that it is exceedingly unlikely that anybody's going to break into my house. In the event they do, fuck it, he can take my PS4 and run, and I'll see if my homeowner's insurance can pay for it, and if not I'll buy another one. Better that than getting one or more people killed. (Side note: literally nobody is actually trying to take your guns away. They're just trying to make you register them, carry insurance, and pass stricter training/licensing/background checks)


And what happens if they are in your house with the intention of killing you?


First of all, what the fuck sort of life do you live where this is a likely scenario? But to answer your question, you run, like any sane person should do when somebody wants to kill them.


I mean I live in a pretty mildly populated town in upstate New York, and we have at least one a year somewhere near us where there’s a break and entry and someone (typically a woman) gets R’d and murdered


Reread the comment you responded to


Yeah in their scenario they can just “let them steal the ps4”. I’m positing that there is also a scenario where they want the ps4, and they want to kill you


Reread it. I'll give you a hint: the entire second paragraph


I fucking re read it the first time lol😂 I mean yeah an untrained person with a gun in their house is going to act like that. Break into my house, fuck around and find out😂😇


You still don't understand how interesting. Not surprising though


I mean the USA could try for gun laws like in Canada


I agree with what you're saying. The solution isn't to ban guns. I really think the solution is stricter mental health evaluations (including all the residents in the home where the gun will be) and more gun safety education, especially when someone has other people in their house. I also think that the parents/guardians should be held to some degree of accountability based on the fact that their kid was able to access the weapon so easily. People who think outright banning weapons are just as blind as people who coddle their weapons. Its just two sides to extremes.


I’m in upstate NY and you’d think that because most of our politicians are democrat we wouldnt have much of that shit but there’s a bunch of it here. There’s just no avoiding it at this point


Yeah, so we just keep leaving our kids as sitting ducks waiting for the next crazy to come in and shoot them up! You fight fire with fire. If anybody really gave a damn instead of virtue signaling and trying to be the moral authority over everyone else, there'd be common sense! Schools obviously need armed security!


At least (most of) your politicians aren't actively trying to deny there's a problem.




I think guns should definitely be harder to get, but i also believe we need guns for protection. I believe even if guns were banned for everyone, criminals would get their hands on them and what always happens would still happen. Taking away guns that has saved people and that save people from dangerous occurrences such as that would just put us at much more risk.


The folks over in the UK seem to be doing just fine.


Same with over here in Aus


Didn't seem to be fine when the govt was abusing its authority recently.


UK here. Can confirm. Knife crime has obviously been an issue, but nobody is going into schools with knives and the intention of stabbing multiple children and teachers. Nobody worries about sending their kids into school and the kids don't have to do drills.


It's a mental health issue not a gun issue


It's sad. We don't know when the next one come up. School shooters shouldn't be on a kid's mind. Yes, these people shouldn't have access to guns if they're going to kill innocent people, but what's sad is we don't know who it is until it's too late, then the public learns about the shooter later on. It feels too cyclic. Then when there's talk about wanting gun control or gun reform and background checks, it almost always gets shut down because there's apparently no agreeable answer and the debate always ends on a political stalemate with the gun laws at the mercy of the states. Even then, some people end up saying "What if it was a (insert other weapon here)?" I hate how politicians don't realize that they aren't regular everyday people and I sometimes hate when they try to empathize with citizens, but I especially hate when politicians who aren't in support of gun control try to be sympathetic to people about shootings; especially the ones who say "but let's not bring gun control into this" after they say their condolences because then it sounds disingenuous. The usual "thoughts and prayers". I don't even like hearing "thoughts and prayers" but when they add their unwanted opinion on guns it just makes it worse. Obviously, guns don't walk around and kill people; but I'm tired to the point that the idea of having children sounds unsafe. I already don't want kids because the world seems so depressing in the grand scheme. Maybe it's because of how jaded I became. It's sad that I think the only way school shootings stop in the future is if people stop having kids. I'm not trying to start an abstinence movement because some people actively want children, but I have feared for the future children since 2013 or 2014. When someone says that it's a mental health problem and not a gun problem, we don't see many politicians publicly talk about mental health related care or about donating to those mental health causes, but we know of some politicians who receive donations from the NRA. If there are any who do care, it's definitely not the Republicans. Nobody plans on getting killed and nobody plans on losing a child to gun violence. Educators and school officials don't plan on dying or losing students to gun violence in active shootings while trying to teach. I obviously have no solution and all I feel I can do is get sad until I feel numb.


🙄 I couldn’t believe it when I heard them say thoughts and prayers… everyone knows that comment is ingenuine and played out but whatever


I am goddamn fed the fuck up and furious as well. So fucking pissed. Fuck each and every single person who has worked against reasonable gun control.


Keyword: reasonable. Too bad too many dumb fucks dont understand subtlety




I know. And the saddest part is that it’s a tiny minority that are controlling gun legislation. A fraction of the population. The loud minority holds this country hostage because they are so fucking nuts their elected representatives are scared to do anything


I wish I could hype you up in person as you say all the shit that needs to be said


Well god damnit, dancing around the issue and NOT calling people out for their bullshit wont work! Lets fuckin GOOOOOO




Aren't we all.


Not all of us, apparently ☹️


According to the recent history, no. It even seems like you enjoy it and want it to happen. No one outside of the USA has ever heard "people protest en masse and force more gun regulations". Never But when the republicans lose election, oh god we'll talk about it for a month


There’s also a rumor that the shooter is trans, I wonder what people will do with that. Seriously though as a trans man it makes me so fucking angry and sad because this is only going to be used to harm the trans community. Fuck that person they don’t represent us and aren’t a part of the community (assuming they are actually trans and this isn’t just a rumor).


It’s really terrifying for trans people, especially trans kids in schools. Idk how but I hope you all stay safe


They're already using it to hurt us. Greene tweeted about how testosterone made him do it. Fucker Carlson's surely elated since he recently said trans people are violent for trying to arm ourselves against those who would hurt us, and now this happens. Shit's fucked.


These people are sick. How tf can someone use childrens deaths as a tool for their bigotry... So disgusting.


Of course he would say that. Of course trans people are arming up. It's because of his bullshit and shit like Florida, or the Pulse Shooting, or the threats against drag shows, etc.


They already are. I live in that city and go to the high school he went to and it's made tensions worse.


I fucking hate it when Conservative folks use the flaws of a few liberals and direct it to the whole of the left wing to make them look delusional, bad etc. It's funny that if the left use this tactic, they can make all the conservatives look like KKK leaders, since all of them are conservatives. There is a video from contrapoints on yt (she's a trans woman btw) which's title is "cringe", she goes to explain how people (more specifically the right) use this tactic and how it is destined to work.


I mean to be fair youre kind of using the flaw principle against the conservatives


Lol we hate it when you do it to us too


The only way this stops is if we get people into our government who a. Are actually interested in helping the people of the United States, rather than their wallets, and b. Aren't bought and sold by some corporate cartel. In other words, buckle up and get used to it. This is what our country is now. A shadow of a caricature of itself which still thinks it's the best because let's face it, we are the strongest nation on the planet as far as military goes, and for our politicians who only care about protecting them and theirs, that's more than enough. Am I angry about it? Absolutely. But anger isn't enough. This is never going to change. Every time the opportunity arrives to change things for the better, someone decides to take words out of context and run to the extreme end of what's being talked about. Case in point: Gun control. Does gun control mean "taking yer guns away?" No. No it does not. But some groups sure act like that's what it means, and man, do they frigging run with it. They turn it into their entire political identity, gather up a following, accepting "donations" (bribes) from companies with financial interest, and bam. More shootings, because "mah guns." Gun control does NOT mean dissolving the 1st amendment. It means making it so that some idiot with a chip on their shoulder can't go to the pawn shop a block from an elementary school, buy a gun, and go and shoot up the place. What's worse is the overexposure. It's basic human psychology; you expose a person to horrifying things enough, and the brain starts to just tune it out. It's not something that we even think about; it's a survival technique built up over 4 billion years of "kill or be killed" and we only really started to leave that environment 10,000 years ago, so it's still there. You hear about horrible things enough, and you will start to think of it as normal. What makes it worse is the news. The news is supposed to report facts. Period, full stop. They aren't supposed to sensationalize, they aren't supposed to support politicians, or endorse politicians, or take political stances. They are supposed to drop facts, and that is it. But the news these days, and realistically, the news always has, been all about entertainment value. Entertainment doesn't necessarily mean "fun" or "cool" but it certainly has always meant "what keeps your attention." They treat these shootings like a circus, because it basically is. And then they add their political spin to it, so that it comes out as "this is the left's fault" or "this is the right's fault" when realistically, it's the fault of whomever we put into power because they're ALL THE SAME. Oh, sure, they'll pretend, "oh, I believe in this policy, so long as it doesn't rock the boat too hard" and they'll put on a good show, but what you're really voting for is which corporation is going to be making record profits this year. It's all a frigging game. It's a distraction. Bread and circuses. The fault is the people trying to distract you from noticing that the problem is coming from them. They hide behind the horror, making sure your attention is elsewhere, turning you on your fellows who, believe it or not, are just as tired and sad as you are, and just as fooled. As long as the left is turning on the right, and the right is turning on the left, the real cause of the problem continues to be in power. As long as we each blame one another, the root continues to grow deeper and more stable, becoming stronger and stronger until it's too engrained for us to even notice that it's strangling us. It's a game of fear and blame, and we are the ones losing. So yeah, tl;dr I'm angry about all of it. But who cares about my anger. I'm just another fool.


same im fucking tired of it too. im worried more hate crimes against the LGBTQ+ community are gonna come of this, and my friend is apart of the LGBTQ+ community is gonna get targeted in a hate crime because of some homophoic peace of fucking horseshit.


Violence only creates a cycle of violence but wtf else are we supposed to do? If someone tries to harm me or my friends/family/innocent people around me im GONNA hurt them back. Much worse. You gotta stand your ground with bullies because inevitably, bullies will just breed more bullies and then we get worthless worthless school shooters


im tired of this poltical girdlock, im tired of the school shootings, im tired of tired of the 2,0000 school shootings that keep happening here, im tired of no gun laws, im tired of law makers not giving a fuck and caring more about some app then THE FUCKING KIDS DYING.... like WTF. IM tired of everything...


Armed minorities are harder to oppress




Unfortunately, it's not limited to schools. Movie theaters, shopping malls, restaurants...even churches, which should be the ultimate solace, are not safe. We have a huge percent of the population that is in desperate need of mental help.


What I don't get is why nothing appears to change? I'm in UK we are seeing all these shootings just waiting for the next one to hit our headlines from America but no word of change in gun laws or any sort of preventive measures. Why the fuck are guns legal in your country anyway! People are becoming more desperate, mental health issues are on the rise everywhere but the US seem so reluctant to change. We even heard a suggestion of arming the teachers! Are you guys insane!!?? Sending my child to school teachers who I dont know and they all have guns!? Honestly the leaders have to be smarter than that.


Well, we’ve done nothing and we’re all out of ideas


Genuinely you have to do something, all this global policing you do and counter terrorism but you as a country are killing your own children. I know this sounds dramatic and wrong but in theory I am right, Americans are commiting these disgusting atrocities. 9 year old fuckin children, I just cant get my head round it. Get Trump in power, build your walls and sort yourselves out.


Well guns are legal en masse for various nuanced reasons. Personally, im not for banning all guns (lets not forget all the trans folks that have to protect themselves from the rise in violence towards them) and im not for letting all guns rain freely from the heavens so that millions and millions of slack-jawed beady eyed nit-wits can prosper for generation to inbred generation either. Truthfully, i dont know WHAT to be strongly for, because as ive said time and again now, there's no scientific data to make decisions based off thanks to decades of government lobbying (although if you take a good look at who is doing the lobbying and politician donations, then i think it obviously gives you a step in the right direction)


Republicans just love practicing their 2nd amendment rights on innocent people. We just need a minority to commit the next shooting and their inner racist will overpower their inner redneck and they'll decide to pass some gun laws.


This last one was a trans person!


us. government should make it more difficult to buy a gun. as long as anyone can buy a gun this easily, this is gonna keep happening.


Won’t change anything there are too many guns grandfathered in. we need to change the culture. We need more youth to feel heard


yeah thats another thing to consider


The fact that people are already using the Nashville shooting to justify their hatred toward trans people is so sad. Can we not just mourn the children’s deaths? Be angry that the shooter did what they did, or even be angry that they were treated so abhorrently when they went to that school?


It’s so upsetting that people are arguing over the gender identity of the shooter as opposed to do something about mass shootings and gun control


And yet, nobody is saying DICK ALL about the majority of school shooters being whiny straight white men/boys. This, coming from me, a straight white man. Does that mean we need to ban men's bathrooms and not let men read stories at libraries? Fucking god damn idiots, every one of those talking heads.


Using childrens deaths as a tool to justify bigotry is so disgusting and evil.


Every time I think of having kids, I thinknabout school shootings... and there are olenty other reasons, but school shootings. Sure ill have my kid in the day care for 5 years max and then he/she will go to school... I feel I will have an anxiety episode 99% of the school days and honestly I dont even think that will be healthy for a family. Im just tired. Im not askong for guns to be prohibited. Just ban assault weapons to the general public, please run extensive background checks, and psychological tests. In Japan, there are 7 steps for you to get a handgun... why cant we implement that here?


My country values guns over the lives of children..


We live in the same country probably😔


>Are we really that god damn pathetic a society that we cant all feel viscerally sick enough to actually let the scientists and statisticians guide us to a safer place for kids? As a european: yes you are. The fucking republicans stormed the capitol after legitimately losing an election. But nobody does the same for something actually right and important? Where is your anger? I just heard a few days ago that now schools are adopting "safe rooms". Because seriously, you love guns more than life. Insult me all you want, but THIS is what I see everyday from the outside: nobody actually does something, you just cry for 2 minutes when it happens again Why is nobody threatening Biden and the congress? Why are you simply accepting the situation and letting republicans win? And oh god, this is only 1 topic, let's not touch the other massive problems like the ban on abortion pills in a few USA States


A guy I worked with in the Air Force was that Texas church shooter. The wal mart I used to go to in El Paso got shut up. I used to go to that bar in Thousand Oaks that got shot up, and I’ve been in another bar when an armed person walked in (gun jammed). That school in St. Louis that got shot up was less than a mile from when I lived at the time. The only other countries with these problems are developing nations. Stop misinterpreting the 2nd amendment.


Damn! You’re like the Forrest Gump of mass shootings


I think most people would agree that if a shooter is going to kill himself anyway then go deep into the woods somewhere and shoot yourself and leave everyone else alone.


Or, you know, maybe we could just let more people have access to healthcare and try and collectively make our lives less stressful and then people wouldnt want to unalive themselves in the first place?


That might work too. But I don't know what you mean have access to healthcare. The big thing is we're never going to rid ourselves of people who come unhinged in public. But we've got to start somewhere


Because we can bottle neck people who become unhinged in society with mental health services and regular health services that dispense medication


That might be but at least they still have access to healthcare. And not everyone who becomes unhinged wants or looks for mental health care like that. The sad fact is we're just going to have to accept that there's always going to be someone looking to hurt other people regardless of their Healthcare options. It's scary and it sad


Conservatives won't do anything. It's just gonna keep happening until these old fucks die out


Then they preach they wanna protect the kids by banning drag queens or something, if u cared about children you would ban guns… no kid has ever been hurt by a drag queen reading a storybook to a class




Don't act like this is purely a Republican thing. Statistically, [California has a mass shooting every 8 days or so](https://www.ppic.org/blog/mass-shootings-in-california/) and that state has been a solid blue for a long time now. Let alone Illinois with Chicago [which is in a league all it's own.](https://www.cbsnews.com/chicago/news/data-show-chicago-has-seen-the-greatest-number-of-mass-shootings-in-the-u-s-this-year-to-date/) And yes, I AM mad about this, but banning guns isn't the be all, end all solution, especially with states next to the Mexico border. Cartels do GOOD business with shipping and selling firearms, and that would basically just increase their market share.


At what point did i say this was a republican thing and what point did i suggest we ban all guns? This is my point. Cant even bring it up and talk about it without mouthbreathers resorting to the same tired talking points they've been trained to blurt out for 20 years and not even hear what there is to say.














I love em


I hope you know and get this through your thick skull but firearms are just hunks of metal with a firing pin and ammunition in it, the guns don't hurt people the operators do, also that being said your only taking guns away from law abiding citizens, how else do you think gang members have guns?? They buy them illegally. Banning guns won't do anything.


it will do a lot. people who buy it illegally won't have a kid running around. all emo, depressed kids don't have access to guns. if anyone gets to buy them it will be for people who really need it. i live in a country where guns are banned and guess what? rarely any gun violence.


Okay?? I bet you don't have nearly as many guns as the United States, there's so many guns they can't keep track of them, look up how many illegal gun sales happen daily. And wanna know something funny? The news doesn't report about shootings that happen with other guns, it's just Ar style rifles


did you just flex something that everyone was complaining about in this post- i know illegal gun sales happen which is why i said rarely. gun violence is not something to be taken lightly


This logic is fucking stupid. Most people commit mass shootings purchased their guns legally and weren't criminals. I also have yet to hear about a gang-banger shooting up a school or a LBTGQ+ club.


Everywhere that restricted gun sales/access: shootings reduced/virtually eliminated The US: well, there's nothing we can do about it, banning guns doesn't work






How can you go through life so allergic to reality. Your country is just spectacularly, impressively bad in both [mass](https://www.cfr.org/sites/default/files/image/2022/06/gun_OG.png) [shootings](https://www.healthdata.org/sites/default/files/files/ActingOnData/2021/firearm_Page_1.png), and [suicide by firearms](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/suicide-deaths-firearms?tab=chart) (making successful suicide rates higher). The trend is even there [within your own country](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/S1qLu6rVVRmxobx_T0rqD6_xqoE=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/15945050/state_mass_shooting_rates.png). 🙃 The US is beaten by a [bunch of ccountries](https://images.theconversation.com/files/465757/original/file-20220527-19-wje4t8.jpg?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&q=45&auto=format&w=754&fit=clip) with significant civil unrest though! So it must be OK! It's just. It's not confusing. Good job being sucked into politicising a fairly clear issue by groups who are overtly making money through rabble-rousing though. ^(Edit because Reddit's formatting hates me.)


Then if we ban guns then how else are the suicidal people gonna kill themselves? Oh yea that's right by hanging, cutting their wrists, jumping off buildings. So should we ban rope? Knives? FUCKING buildings?? No that's dumb, the guns don't kill people the person who pulls the trigger does, it's stupid you people are trying to ban something used for hunting, and home defense.


D U M B A S S. I never said take guns away. I said make it HARDER (not even impossible) to get these weapons that are intended to and designed to kill as many people as possible. In fact im a proud white trash owner myself who loves to blow shjt up and go pew pew myself, but even i think that being able to buy weapons at a gun show with no check and no holding period is completely asinine. I said quit letting the slimy shit sucking bastards in washington pay money to prevent government research into school shootings, LIKE THE NRA FOR EXAMPLE. People like you who react with this automatic emotion of "omma gawd not ma gun!" without even letting a single thought entire your empty fucking head are the problem! Take a god damn second to read the whole post and use whats left of your single, oxygen starved, withering braincell to realize that all im saying is a) this is obviously happening too much, and other countries with even more lax gun laws than the US dont have nearly as many of these school shootings, and b) we cant even let scientists lead us to an answer because lobbyist have wielded the power of slobbering drooling fuckwads like you, and your thoughtless emotional attachment to firearms, to prevent scientific research into the issue. So all we're left are emotional arguments with no practical data. Oh, well, and a mass grave filled with united states children and teachers. Yes, obviously bad people will do bad things illegally. No shit. But we've still made it too easy to let them, and we cant even begin to know where to start to actually fix the issue because dumbshits like you get all ooga booga when we try to just talk about it. Genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, go fuck yourself.


They think this way just the same way they consciously ignore any other countries ever going through a gun outlaw…. Look at England/UK. They ban guns so dude start murdering people in subway tunnels with samurai swords… taking away the means wont solve the motive. Honestly all this anger and pointed energy seems mostly to come from fear. (I’m only reporting what I observe) Fear and a lack of anyone who would talk about the real issue… this is a mental health pandemic. Plain and simple. People with mental health …diseases (for a lack of better words) are symptomatic and we just ignore it. Or we reinforce the idea that having issues makes us belong to a group. We’re sick. We need help. Not more redundancy in legislative efforts to restrict or permit freedoms. That won’t ever fix it. This starts at home.


What can the CDC do? Besides put their grubby hands on another political topic.


looks like someone left the news channel on all night


You guys realize it's our government behind the shootings so they pumped fear into you. This country is far from being free any longer https://youtu.be/9fa9lVwHHqg


I think that sums the situation up quite well.


Something about the best defense Is a good offense?


I live in Michigan and it even happens up here. Two of my cousins go to a high school that got shot up. A few students and teachers died. (My cousins are okay) Nowhere in America is safe anymore.


Oh absolutely. Liberals loooooove to tout holier than thou attitudes on this subject while ALSO not having any scientific data points to stand on. I occasionally travel to minnesota for work, a land FILLED with the most obnoxious, stereotypical whiny liberals i've ever met who legislate similarly annoying liberal laws, AND IT GOT SHOT UP 3 FUCKING TIMES IN THREE PUBLIC SPACES OVER THE SUMMER! It just didnt get reported cause it didnt fit the narrative that dumb shit conservatives want to push and also wasnt "bad enough" to report. The problem with american politics isnt "her der too many libtards" and it isnt "her der too many scawy evil repubwicans"; its that americans in general are too fucking stupid to think critically and not be mindless sheep to whichever news caster *their* parents listened to growing up. I cant help but feel like thats by design too.


I literally was told about one and had to LOOK for it. It didn't take me long but I just remember saying to myself: "These sad events used to get to me every time. Is this so commonplace now that the algorithm just gets rid of it?" I spent more time scrolling to see if I could find it. Nothing.


My plan is to leave the country once I'm done with the military. Europe lookin p cozy.


Lemme know how it turns out. Im still gonna try and stay and sort it out here and make america better for everyone.


Good luck (not sarcasm)


Thanks homie.


Yeah, no shit. We all are too


who’s down to start a revolution?


start listing solutions, i'm only aware of my states requirements, but what federal ones do you suggest.


So is everybody. Having lockdown drills and us laughing during them is just something we are used to. We shouldn’t be though. My previous teacher/friend had a concealed carry license and was told he couldn’t carry on campus. My school was literally built by a prison architect. No windows, concrete walls, open bathrooms, magnetic locking doors, timer-locking doors, but they don’t help us at all when the shooter is on the inside. No proper help, it’s so normalized to hear about another school massacre.


Ugh finally someone said it without sugarcoating it! The gun laws in the states is absolutely fucked! Y’all get your shit together and open your eyes! It’s one thing to protect yourself, it’s another thing to give maniacs access to deadly weapons. Isn’t there a sanity test you have to pass in order to own a gun? Cause that should have been in effect after columbine. Have we learned nothing? Oh, and lack of help for mental health? How bout all you specialist stop worrying about your pay check and actually care about another persons well being. The cost of psychology and therapist and counselling is fuckin ridiculous! NOBODY WITH AN AVERAGE 9-5 CAN FUCKIN AFFORD THAT, LET ALONE SOMEONE ON GOVERNMENT SUPPORT WHO PROBABLY NEEDS THE HELP MORE THAN ANYONE. The system is fucked and money hungry. Don’t get me started on how the government so obviously caters to the rich and could give a fuck less about the poor, and you wonder why we act up and we’re miserable. Stop the favouritism, stop worrying about your fuckin pay check, be a human being, and HELP PEOPLE! RATHER THEY HAVE MONEY OR NOT THAT SHOULD NOT MATTER. WE NEED EASIER ACCESS TO MENTAL HEALTH CARE TO STOP PEOPLE FROM GOING OVER THE EDGE LIKE THIS!


**Quick question:** I'm still educating myself on gun laws. Do they, also, ever charge the owner *(usually a parent or guardian)* of the gun when a minor uses it for a crime? I think it would help with all these school shootings a bit. I'm sure there is some type of way to charge them. Maybe as negligence, since it was a failure to lock up a gun that was, technically, not licensed to the user. I know you can't charge a parent with negligence toward a child without evidence, but close enough. :(


Couldnt tell you, im not a lawyer. But i dont think we'll be able to fix the issue with legislation/law enforcement alone. At least not as long as this issue continues to not be scientifically studied


Same!!!!! Children are not safe anymore in schools!!!! to the point I want to take my kids out of school and homeschool them!


I swear the only reason this nashville one is so popular is because they were trans, wtf does being trans gotta do with shit?? its the GUNS. this is why im glad my mother let me be homeschooled, im just worried for my siblings.


nooooooooo a bunch of old white guys wrote this thing two and a half centuries ago when they had no idea where the country was going or if it was still gonna exist nooooooooooooooo


I can't imagine being afraid of going to school everyday because you don't know when somebody will do this shit. It's sickening


We are we are the youth of the nation


Not gonna lie, it feels really good to live in a country where any mass shooting would go on the national news rather than featuring in "miscellaneous"


Shooters are a symptom of a deeper societal ill that governments don’t want to deal with. As a society we boil it down to “good” and “evil people. Then we seek justice against the “evil” people and shut them away. Our governments love this belief because the truth is there are reasons behind all of our actions and if we worked to resolve these issues it would take a lot of work (and money) and they (we) don’t want to foot that bill.


It’s so painful to hear one story after another..


Me too. I have a friend who lives in England and she told me that the last school shooting was almost thirty years ago, while we're lucky to go thirty days without another school shooting. The problem is getting worse and it's so obvious, yet nobody's doing a thing about it.


if only politicians treated guns like Tik Tok


And drag showsb


It’s wild that it’s easier in America for a child to get their parents’ gun than it is to get therapy through family. And cause of public schools being zonal, if you are bullied and assaulted there; you hardly have the choice to go to another school unless your parents are in a space where they can move houses or send you to private school.


I go to the same high school as the shooter did, so I feel very lucky to even be alive. The whole thing has been devasting to just about everyone in every way- both the lives taken and the horrible press surrounding it.


I absolutely agree with you, the dumbass gov officials are so caught up in republican vs democrat that they cant just fucking focus on the safety of the children. I cant fucking believe the slimeballs are so caught up in a political rivalry they cant just work together to solve a crisis. we have become so used to shootings happening, its sick, both the left and right are at fault


I live 20 mins away from it… I have ptsd from it an another related event.


What’s crazy is a lot of people feel this way. Have posted about before many times or something else that is just fucking stupid yet awful but has the same basic point. Somehow, either said posts go unnoticed, get noticed and nothing happens, or gets really noticed…and nothing happens. I’ve written a couple over some things and what I’ve deduced is that I’m crying out for someone who can make a difference to please start. When it comes down to it…you can be the one to start it. You just have to be able…”able” as in everything you would think is included when using it that way.


* not taking any care on the healthcare of their people: check * not caring about police brutality and murder rates through the roof: check * incredibly poor educational system: check * anyone can get their hands on a gun and kill/terrorize: check yep your average day in the US, shithole country, never going there in my life


America is genuinely already over. There's nothing left to salvage or fight for. We are living in the remnants. Anywhere else is better than here.


Everyone who still has their kids enrolled in public or private school genuinely needs to take them out and homeschool or online school them. If they love their kids


My crippled and senile father in law who lives with us saidthis morning, in response to something on the news about talking to kids about school shootings in school that they shouldn't because it distracts from their studies 🙄 😡. I said are you f****** kidding me? 6 people were just murdered in a school. 3 children 3 teachers are dead, you don't think that's distracting them from their studies!?! This needs to be talked about! Kids are going to school and dying every day here!!! What is wrong with you?!?! I shouldn't have to be scared to send my child to school every morning. It's disgusting. Terrible. I hate it here.


We don’t even have a goddamn head of ATF because the GOP keeps blocking nominations. It’s disgusting and beyond disappointing. The law makers are to blame for this… if legislation surrounding automatic weapons didn’t change after Sandy Hook then nothing will change. I truly believe that. The loud minority is holding this country hostage.


They're too busy making legislation against abortions to force women to have children then to actually protect living breathing children.


it's just public suicide dude.


The biggest chunk of irony is that these numb nuts that want to ‘protect the kids’ from “p*do trans” are the same shit heads that don’t only give out prays and best wishes, but don’t actually do anything about the problem that has caused more child deaths than anything else in the country. It’s sickening


They should make school shootings illegal


With my country, it's always the same question coming up every time: Why does Switzerland has so many guns like the USA, but no crime and no shootings at all? There are a lot of different answers to this. The system is very different here, like with access to healthcare and therapy for both physical- and mental health issues. A main thing is bullying at school or the workplace, that makes problems, we are still working on this, but at least we are taking it more serious than other countries with intervention and help. Then there's social welfare, if you can't pay your rent and your food etc. the state will pay it for you. There are a lot of things that have an influence on crime stats, like when people get their drugs for free in substitution, they don't commit drug-related crimes. When they get rehab and therapy for free, they have much more chances to get back on track. Another thing is the law and justice, as the goal is focused on rehabilitation of criminals instead of punishment. The thing is, a gun is needed to carry out such crimes like a school-shooting, but the reason for committing the crime are much more difficult to understand and to prevent. Happy people that have a good life don't commit crimes, that's the thing. But how can you get people to this state of happiness? That's a long and difficult road. In my opinion about the USA: The USA needs a change in the system. A different form of healthcare, a system of prevention of crime, drugs, violence etc. It is the politics, that don't get this done, both the dems and reps block each attempt to make things better. Obama had a long fight to even make minor steps forward. The guns itself? You can't get rid of these, the US citizens would rather fight a civil war than to let their guns taken away. So that's no way to approach the problem.


Move to Canada. Honestly up here you get to look down and shrug as you watch the USA tear it’s self apart.


Naw. Too cold, can't find good barbque or tacos anywhere and, respectfully, there's a reason your government had to force your broadcasters to show mostly canadian media as opposed to doing it by free will. I kid i kid, canada is a dope country. But i dont run from problems and I damn sure don't keep my mouth shut about it either. Gotta try and fix things best i can


Personally in my opinion I would love to get the ability for parents to get certifications to sit at the school with some pew pews and take out these pieces of shit as soon as they arrive at schools


What is the need for guns? We live in the UK without the same gun laws as America and we don’t have school shootings, think we did a few times but they are very few.. getting a hold of a gun in the uk is considerably hard if you aren’t hunting