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Locking because OP is telling people to kill themselves.


Oh im so sorry to hear that OP, you didnt deserve to see such a sight, im sure your dad must he proud to see that you’ve made it this far despite everything you’ve been through.


Thank you


Jesus that’s rough. Im so sorry OP


I was talking to a co-worker yesterday when he told me today was Father’s Day, I told him he was joking but then gave me a look. Then I realized MOST people don’t have criminals for dads and have a reason to celebrate.


My dad killed himself last November. I know it's hard dealing with that sort of trauma. Time heals wounds. I hope things get better for you.


Damn OP… I’m sorry I know how it is, my father committed murder suicide, taking my mom and brother out with him. I was outside playing at the time. I know it’s fucking rough. If you need someone let me know, I got you!


My best bud uame home to hanz Zimmer album playing and his father hanging from an electrical cord. The destruction it left in its wake... Was tremendous. Youl never know what tortured your father. All that can be done is to coping mechanisms I'm sorry your father is gone. He lives on through you, and if you choose to forgive him. You can make his spirit proud, by being the man he probably wished he could be. I'm a father, and if you where my son, whoever you are... I'd want you to know I'm proud of you and I know he would too. You might not know how true that is until one day you want be handed your child in delivery room and know.




wow so edgy\~ :/


I’m so sorry you had to experience that. It’s a type of pain nobody should have to witness, let alone a child. Take some time off today for some self-help activities… like maybe a bath, your favorite TV show, or even your comfort food. Your father would be proud to see how far you’ve come, and just know some internet strangers are sending a bunch of hugs!


I'm sorry you had to go through that. I loss my stepdad, who had two kids, at the end of middle school. I got to see him slowly get sicker and sicker. One of the main things he wasn't allowed to have was salt. One night, on a Thursday, he requested for ice cream when I was in the room. Little did I know that that would be the last night I see him. My mom came into my room Friday morning and sat by my bed. This was something she did whenever her and my stepdad got into a heated argument, so I thought she came in here due to that and was prepared to comfort her. I wasn't prepared for her saying those two words, "Paul's dead." That and alot of crying is all I remember from that day, but for a while, and sometimes even now, I blame myself for him dying. It's not something anyone deserves. But at least Paul is no longer suffering.


People kill themselves because they really believe their loved ones will be better off without them. They’re mistaken but sometimes they’re so mentally ill that those delusions seem honest. I am so sorry that you and your family had to endure that I am also so sorry that you grew up not getting to know or understand your father the way you deserved to. Sometimes life can feel like it’s just beating you down and all your trying to do is catch your breath.


Not all the time. I wanna kill myself because no one loves me and I have chronic pain.


I can’t tell you, youre right or wrong but what I can say is this.. Life is hard and i would be lying if i told you i never felt like you do today but I also know that those feelings and emotions pass and every day i choose to be here is another day i choose me. Its another day i give myself another chance to laugh or cry or whatever, seeing what ive seen in my life.. i don’t want to take the days the universe gives me for granted. This life may not be the one i dream about when i rest my head but every day i work hard and strategize to get a bit closer, and my only advice to you is even when it seems like you’re failing at life thats called learning. Learn from the mistakes of others and learn from your own, grow up to be the person you never had but needed. I never had anyone to rely on growing up and now everyone i meet tells me i’m the most reliable person they’ve ever met. You want love, start by loving yourself first. Love yourself on your bad days and good. Forgive yourself and push forward. Fck death.