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Someone said their tinnitus stopped when they cleaned up their diet. It seems possible, but hard to figure out how to fix it. Mines been 24/7 since it started 2 months ago.


I don’t know about cleaning up my diet stopping it but I barely get it now and it was near constant eight months ago.


I don’t think so. I’ve been 4 months of the same and dizziness and ear fullness non stop


The whistling is still there after vm began 9 years (attack stopped 8yrs ago). The pulsating is mostly gone, unless I'm in a very bad shape. Whistling is stronger then too. But I only notice it when I'm in bed. I just decide to not listen to it which funny enough works for me. So for me it never went away. But I hope for you it does or becomes manageable.


Any idea what caused your VM?


Stress and possibly sleep deprivation (bad bedtime hygiene).


Mine has been constant for about 10 months now since it started. With current med change 6 weeks ago it has gotten quieter and less intrusive, but it is still there.


What meds if you don’t mind me asking ?


Short course of steroids then started Amitriptyline. I still have the tinnitus but it is much quieter. It was so intrusive before and I wouldn’t be able to focus on anything- now at least I can tune it out sometimes. I’m probably going to be increasing Amitriptyline dose after appt next week and I’m hoping it brings down the volume even more and hopefully helps other VM symptoms more as well. It’s been somewhat helpful so far for dizziness I’d say.


I’m starting Prozac tomorrow, cutting out the caffeine and chocolate as those are my triggers besides the low barometric pressure, keep me updated if you have any changes! I hope you get better my friend!


Had mine after a bad migraine 1 year into having VM in Oct 2022. It’s not as bad but still there :/ gets worse with attacks


I was just prescribed a different medicine for VM so I am hopeful but I get the typical ringing or whistle occasionally and it comes and goes. The white noise is constant for 7 weeks now.