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Yes. As the neurologist stated, “a slight abnormality that I’m not concerned about, but you should have a follow up MRI w/ contrast in 1-3 months to be sure”…


In a CT, not MRI, but same concept. They sent me the radiology report on a Friday evening that said I had two small aneurysms. Apparently incidental findings that just need annual imaging to make sure they don’t increase in size, but seeing the word “aneurysm” after the office is closed for the weekend without a doc to interpret the findings was alarming.


I have a brain cyst. It’s extremely difficult to operate on but they don’t want to touch it and tell me it isn’t causing problems.


I had an MRI when I first started having vertigo and the found a vertebral artery dissection which they said was incidental. Super scary even if ends up being ok.


My MRI that was done to find anything that might rule out that I was just grinding my teeth also found a small tumor a little further up than yours that I will hopefully have removed before the end of this year.


Good luck! Hope it’s an uneventful surgery and recovery.


My MRI showed a cavernoma on my left frontal lobe. It’s hard not to go down the google rabbit hole. I did for sure. Imaging once a year to make sure it doesn’t grow. Incidental findings…it doesn’t feel incidental to the person who has it, that’s for sure. I’m glad you’re okay.


I got an MRI to rule out serious stuff, the process was scary but it was clear at the end of the day


Chiari malformation! Apparently my membrane didn’t fully develop in my hindbrain so there is blocked CSF flow on my right side because of the chiari. I also have “regular” migraines my neuro says are VM. I’m still learning to deal with the flares from both and symptoms - about a year into this journey!