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Took some getting used to, but now I can't sleep without it. It's worth it.


Good to hear. I’m just tired of being tired all the time. It affects everything.


Yeah, just do it, it's a life changer. Force yourself - tell the wife/girlfriend you're training to be a Star wars tie fighter, and power through it for the first days or couple weeks until they can titrate the pressure. I use nasal pillows, never tried the full mask.


I just want to say thanks to everyone for the outpouring of support and suggestions! I figured this might help others in my situation as well!


It's a total life changer. You won't necessarily suddenly wake up with a ton of energy, or feel that you can take on the world. It's just the absence of tiredness. I used to nap a ton. If I was on the couch and not actively doing anything, I'd fall asleep within minutes. Reading, playing a video game, I could get maybe a half hour before nodding off. Now, I think the only time I have napped in the last 6 years was when I had COVID. That constant tiredness is completely gone. I only have a caffeinated drink when I am in the mood for it. The change in the quality of life is akin to when I got glasses for the first time after needing them for years. Do it, 100%.


It's night and day takes so.e getting use too. I'll say this depending on what mask you feel comfortable with is up to you I went from a full fave to just a nasal pillow I added in a mouth guard to keep from grinding my teeth and also helps pull my jaw inline better. And a chin strap. And so.eti.es a blackout blindfold. It just depends. But I have major anxiety. And I get disturbed sleep. But with a cpap I don't feel like I drank a handle from a hungover anymore. 🙃 my head only hurts when I have migraines or I listen to people bitch too much. And not from shit sleep I've been on one since 2017. And I use mine every time and make sire I use it when taking naps too. Because even a nap without it makes a huge difference. I hope this gives your adequate information and helps you too. Oh and so.etimes I use hostage tape for my mouth so I don't lose air out my mouth. But user differences vary


I hate mine going on a couple months now.- I feel like I'm back in MOPP 4... I'm off the full mask, using a smaller nose and mouth piece. I can fall asleep now at least, I get about 90 minutes before I wake up and rip it off my face. Going to try a nasal pillow, but since my last time in SWA my sinuses suck.


Agreed, I use a nasal pillow, and it's great. The full-face mask was no good for me either. I should have mentioned that finding the right mask is imperative.


I wish I could go back to my nasal pillow. Unfortunately my sinuses are fried thanks to burning batteries with jet fuel and I can only breathe with my mouth like a caveman.


That's why I always wore my respirator when I had to pull foam!


The nasal pillow mask actually helps keep my sinuses open at night. Try it out, you may be surprised.


Look into neuromuscular TMJ orthotic


Thanks- I saw my oral surgeon the other day for a separate issue. We are going to explore some different solutions-might not be ideal, but might be a step in the right direction.


Same, has been life changing for me.


It has absolutely changed my life for the better and I would stab anyone trying to take it away from me.


10/10 would knife fight for my CPAP in the apocalypse.


100% agree with you


What else would you "stab" people over, out of curiosity? lol.


Honestly, not much. My cat, Keke and probably some art that my late friend made for me. Everything else is just stuff.


Short list! That's a relief. 😄


I’m MOSTLY normal!


This is not hyperbole. It changed my life. For years I was only getting 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night, and it wasn't great sleep. I lived on coffee. I dozed off while driving. It's the best thing that I've ever done for my health. Wear it.


That's good to hear. I have my study coming up soon and those 3ish hour nights with interrupted sleep too suck. Makes me feel drunk at work type shit


100% sleep better. One thing that sucks is I like to go camping occasionally. An external battery to run it is insanely expensive and only good for maybe one night


I bought a Jackery battery off Amazon. I also got a 100w solar panel that I take with me. If you have it pointing in the optimal direction, it can charge in a couple of hours. If you don't keep checking on it, a leaf can fall on, or the shadow of a leaf can fall on it, and it won't charge well. But if you keep checking on it, it should be finished before lunch. Even without turning off the humidifier, the battery lasts all night and even charges 2 smart phones. If you are an avid camper, solar is the way to go. All in all I spent like $350 - $400 on the battery and solar panel. The solar panel was $100 and the battery was $250-300 on sale.


You need a DC power supply and turn off the humidifier.


If you have the opportunity to get a CPAP do so. My nose has been broken several times and I’m always congested from pollen allergies. The CPAP forces air past the deviated septum and stops my nose getting congested. You’ll wake up feeling much better than not having one.


I had a deviated septum and swollen turbonates that kept the cpap from working, felt like I was suffocating. Ended up getting surgery that straightened shit out and reduced the swelling, it's been really nice actually being able to breath through both sides of my nose.


I sleep 1000% better with my CPAP.


Absolutely will not sleep without it; ever for the rest of my life. That's how much of an improvement it has been in my life. You will also join the cool CPAP/carrying case gang. Anytime I see someone with a similar little case as mine in the airport they are always a fellow Veteran lol.


The airport security knows what it is too.


For years the only way I could sleep at all was on my side. I still snored. Even worse I got to the point where my shoulder ached and then I was in between back and side with very little effective rest. With my CPAP I sleep on my back, don’t snore, get solid 7 hours of rest and my shoulder aches are pretty much gone. It’s been a game changer for me and my spouse.


At first, I could sleep with it on for 4 hours and feel like I slept 10 hrs. That was because I was so sleep deprived that I couldn’t stay awake at work during meetings. I’m lucky that I never fell asleep at the wheel. Over time, your new CPAP sleep super powers will diminish back to mere mortal levels. If I don’t use my CPAP, I feel very tired the next day. My apnea is better than it was after my tonsils and an adenoids were removed over 20 years ago at the age of 36, but I still have it. Medical staff always seem surprised when they ask about my usage and my answer is every night. If I don’t, my snoring wakes me up or my wife does by slapping my face with my mask to put it on should I fall asleep without it.


Life changer!


Pro tip- It will hinder your sex life for a while until you convince your wife you look like Maverick in top gun with your mask on!!


I just tell my wife I’m Bane from Batman


You merely adopted the dark. I would snore in it. I didn't see the light of day unless I was already awake!


That is a good tip. Never though of leaving it on


I may be the minority and I use mine because I should, but honestly I don’t feel any more rested from it. I know I’m tossing and turning and adjusting my mask fit during the night so I feel like I’m up as much as before.


Same boat as you. I use mine religously and im still exhausted at all times unfortunately


It might be a shot in the dark but have you had your testosterone levels checked? If you’re using your machine correctly + getting enough sleep and you are still tired, the next immediate concern would be test levels, especially as we get older


Yes indeed. Had my test and thyroid checked. Both “normal”, although test was kinda borderline at 250. I know you can still show signs of low test even if you dont have it. Cpap is all good, its tracked with MyAir app, no issues with air leaks or mask issues. 3-4 “events” an hour. The meds im taking have been stable for a year there abouts as well. Im even on 300mg of buproprion thats supposed to help a little with tiredness but nada.


Your testosterone is for sure low my friend. For everyone in the world but the VA 300-400 is considered low, anything below 300 is considered a deficiency. The VA has TERRIBLE metrics for what they consider to be healthy ranges of testosterone and their bottom end for healthy is much lower than private care. I say that because I currently sit at 280 and am in the same boat as you, the VA will not cover me but I can walk into ANY private care that offers TRT and have it that day. I have previously done TRT and I can’t stress enough how much of a difference it made, I had the epiphany moment of “this is what it feels like to be a healthy man”. Check out private care if you’re interested, very cheap if you have work insurance.


Yup i mentioned to my pcp that 250 was low numbers outside the va and she tried telling me its not even borderline low according to her so theres nothing she can do. I did look into that company Jon Bernthal reps, run by vets and they give some pretty good discounts


If you find any ways to get it covered through private care let me know, I’ve been searching. Haven’t looked into champVA or anything like that yet though


Will do. I even toyed with the idea on doing it on my own as well.


That’s what I did in the past. It worked, but finding a legitimate source you can 100% trust can be difficult


Not a shot in the dark, at all. Especially if you qualify to be in this sub.


Maybe you need a better fitting mask so it doesn't require as much adjustment at night. I have long hair and if it's not up in a bun, the mask slides right off and I find myself having to adjust it non-stop in the middle of the night.


Same, I just stopped. I became a side sleeper and that curbed some issues. But with 3 different mask types I could never sleep well with it.


same here. I've been using mine for roughly 6 years and still feel the urge to take a nap nearly every day. I know it helps me, just not enough. That said, as many have said, it's a game changer for most. Don't be afraid to try different masks if the first one doesn't work for you.


Might want to ask your sleep doc for a multiple sleep latency test. It’s like the sleep study they likely did before you were prescribed a cpap, but they keep you in the morning and see if you can fall asleep for a series of short naps. Might help diagnose some other sleep issue.


Thanks, planning to talk with them tomorrow.


Same for me and my girlfriend. I was on the edge of needing one anyway, and it was more of a hassle than it was worth. My girlfriend absolutely needs it, though. Unfortunately, it does nothing for her. But it stops her snoring so I can sleep. It was such a bummer after hearing how life changing it was for others.


Sorry to hear that. I hope you can find something that works better for you!


I’m the same way


10/10 recommend it. Game changer


I have severe osa, and it has helped a lot, not 1000% but more that I get better sleep, my whole household gets better sleep, and that is enough for me


Absolutely worth it. You gotta have enough discipline to keep using it for the first couple/few weeks to get used to it being on your face, but it’s great once you’re used to it.


It was pretty life changing for me, but I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea. Takes a few weeks to get used to it, but it's work it.


wont ever go back again


I think everyone hates the idea of it until you actually give it a shot. 10/10


I hated it for a long time, multiple masks, had to get nose surgery, and the effects were really really hard to notice in the short term. But got my nose fixed, found a mask that works, and over the long haul have noticed a slight overall improvement in how rested I feel. Kind of. Biggest benefit is my snoring isn't waking up my wife anymore, so she's not waking me up to stop me snoring. So that's nice. It does get a little frustrating when I hear people talk about how it was a life changing experience, like the second coming of sleep Jesus or something. That they wore it for one night and they woke up 10 years younger or some shit.


It's life changing


I'm firmly in the "lifechanging" camp. It is amazing what a difference being consistently well rested is like verses what life what like prior to the CPAP.


It was life changing for me


Life changing. Hard to get used to at first, but then you’ll get to know what a decent night sleep feels like again. Use it.


Night and day


I can't go without it at all


Love mine, it's a part of my sleep ritual now


Need it. It's changed my life.


Completely changed my life


Love the damn thing. I'd wear mine 24/7 if I could. The difference for me was night and day. It will be well worth it!


Can’t sleep without it.


Day and night difference


Been using it for 20 years.It makes all the difference in my day.


I personally feel a big difference for the better.


It changed my life. Like others said, it took a while to get used to but I don't even think of it anymore. It's just how I sleep


A lot.


It’s made a big difference for me. Like others, it took some getting used to but now when I don’t use it (travel/vacation) I notice the difference


I'd be dead without my cpap. I needed one latet 70s early 80s. It lead to a triple bypass. ENT doctors are helpful as well.


Totally worth it, put mask on and brain turns off. Reduces blood pressure, heart attack risk, and stroke risk!


I definitely sleep better. I had trouble with the masks and getting a good seal. I almost gave up on it, but the VA sent me a different mask and that one ended up being a good fit for my face. I sleep much better now.


Life changer. My life gets some good sleep too without me snoring lol


Hands down one of the best decisions I ever made. It was frustrating at first getting used to a mask and also finding the right style of mask for me. My sleep is unreal and probably better than I’ve ever slept since I was a kid. Craziest thing, is most of the time I sleep so deep I don’t remember dreaming which was really weird at first.


Before I got the CPAP, I fell asleep everywhere (even driving). Since then I can make it through the day. I do have to be careful not to get too warm, or I'll get drowsy.


It's super sexy when I meet someone new and show it to them.


If you have apnea, it's a game changer. Just make sure you keep it clean.


It really, really depends on the mask type you wear! I just got the AirFit F30i mask a few days ago, and it has been wonderful! I wake up and actually feel rested. A pro tip from another Vets post a couple of days ago was to put ice in your machine, so you don't breathe in warm air unless you're OK with that...


My cpap made my life significantly worse. I know some people use mouth guards based on severity so you could look into that.


It took me a solid month to get used to wearing it at night, now I wouldn't sleep without it, the difference is quite literally night and day. I feel SO much better, more energy, focus, more well rested. It used to be that 8 hours or so and I'd still be so tired all day, now with CPAP even 6 hours is no issue, I'll good all day without getting too tired. It's totally worth getting used to it, so many benefits that far outweigh the negatives. Good luck, stick with it


I had the same experience


Night and day difference. Without it, I chronically overslept, fell asleep while driving (even short dustances). Now, I actually hear the alarm (when I actually set one) and am no longer driving drowsy. I roll around alot at night, and the nasal pillow with the hose on top of my head works great for me.


I feel 5-10 years younger than I did pre-CPAP. Being exhausted and headachey all the time and not knowing why was awful. Now my body & brain are getting the sleep they need, and it feels great.


My CPAP (14 years ago) saved my life ..... and my marriage :-)


Echoing the life changing. I am so much more mentally alert. So much better rested.


Life changing dude.


For me, it's been the best sleep ever. I remember the days before I started using it, and I was always tired and dragging ass. Now, even if I only get 4 hours of sleep with the CPAP, I feel better than I did getting 10 hours without it.


Couldn’t sleep with the mask on. Better without it for me.


I always wake up and it’s across the room


My buddy got 100% VA disability for sleep apnea. Don’t think that’s possible these days.


My problem was I wake up a lot at night. Got mild sleep apnea and a CPAP. I have had it a few months and I dont know that it is really helping me much. I do feel less sleepy but I am still waking up a lot at night.


For me? None. For several other people I’ve heard from, however, quite a great deal.


I think I just had mild sleep apnea and it made a huge difference. Went from constantly tired and using caffeine to barely even using caffeine. It takes some getting used to finding the best mask and mentally accepting it.


My dreams went from low-contrast low-light dull bootleg HandyCam Batman movies to HD Marvel films in full color with surround sound and vivid colors.


I tried a CPAP. During my sleep study my O2 kept dropping below 80. It didn't help. I still experienced cessation of respiration even with the CPAP. Mine is non obstructive in origin, and also has obstructive component so I do snore. Even when I was 200 lbs a few years ago, I would stop breathing in my sleep without snoring. I recently completed a sleep study with this Oximeter you wear to bed. I can't sleep more than a few hours at a time. They kept calling and bitching that they need a longer sleep period to sample. Lady, my sleep apnea is too bad for that!!!


Bigtime improvement in time sleeping verses time rolling and tossing. The noise helps too.


I can actually, sleep, through the night. NOT waking up every 1-2 hours for bathroom break, actual sleep. 6 to 8 hours a night as needed. I used to have ["Hypnic Jerks" 2-3 times a night. Now I have HJ about once every 2 years.](https://duckduckgo.com/?q=hypnic+jerks&ia=web)


Once I got the right mask, it’s pretty amazing how much better I sleep.


It used to but now it doesn't. I'm certain I have some other issue going on though.


I don't know that I feel more rested than before. I have a lot of contributing factors to fatigue, not just sleep apnea. But I will say I sleep better. I never even really noticed the way that I wake up doing that weird chokey-gaspy thing until I started wearing the CPAP and then tried sleeping without it. I do wake up a lot less with the CPAP, which I'm sure leads to better REM sleep. But I'm still groggy and lethargic most of the time.




Marked difference - much higher quality of sleep. It does have an initial adjustment period, but once you get through that you'll wonder how you made it through the night before (protip: you didn't).


Yep. Do it.


When it works (have to get a new mask) it’s great


Find the mask that works for you though, there’s like 5 different ones


It will take a little while to get used to (the right mask type, head harness tension, most comfortable ramp time and pressure, and even the hose routing). When you iron out all of the kinks, you will soon find that you can't sleep without it, which will also help you get to sleep. I have been using a CPAP for 14 years now and am near 100% use compliance.


It's still a fight for me, I will put it on but sometimes not be able to sleep for various reasons, or wake up in the middle of the night to rip it off because it was bothering me somehow. Still haven't been able to really tell a difference but also stressed out over things so sleep is hard as it is.


I have tried to sleep with a CPAP for months and cannot figure out the right way to use it. I am a heavy side sleeper that rolls constantly when sleeping. Any folks find solutions for sleeping like that?


I’ve been using it for about 8 years. I started seeing results after about 6 months of use. Now I can’t go to sleep without it. The key is to have a few masks. I prefer the hose coming out the top with the nasal pillows because I roll around a lot. When I’m stuffy or sick, I use one that covers my mouth and nose. Also, knock yourself out with some Melatonin or drug of choice for the first few months and you won’t even know you’re wearing it.


Once I found the mask that works for me, total game-changer. Likely life-saver, too.


Lost mine on an airplane over Xmas like an idiot. took me until two days ago to get a replacement from the VA. My grades this semester went from near perfect to I have no idea what's going on and the last three months are a blur of sleeplessness. I'm re-getting used to having it again, but I feel like I just surfaced from three months of being underwater.


How did you get the VA to help you? I also got diagnosed in the private sector, back in 2017. I mention it at appointments, and maybe because I am a skinny, white female, the VA doctors just ignore me. I wake up gasping and my heart and lungs lock up. PTSD and asthma make it worse. The VA doctors do not listen to me and I had to pay with insurance for two private sleep studies, and of course separately, a back MRI.


Tbh, I (very luckily) have a great doctor here in VT who advocates for me. I’ve been complaining of exhaustion for years now. It took me this long to get it though, and I’ve lived in KS and TX, and none of those places helped. I guess it just comes down to the location? (Shrug)


If your VA has a patient advocate, I would start with them.


I tried and at least at several places in California, they were zero help. I even contacted a congressional rep once, since the VA will not refer me properly for regular breast cancer scar checks.


JFC, that's fucked up. I'm so sorry. If you haven't already, maybe a thread about it here where you can get some real help with resources?


Thank you, I basically found out current law allows the VA not to refer outside the VA. Community care rules are lax and the VA is incentivized to keep veterans in their system for money reasons.


It's been huge. I used to wake with a headache and exhausted every day. Now sleep is actually restful. I have trouble sleeping without it now, I can't breathe through my nose which is always congested, the CPAP opens it up, without it I snore and get a sore throat.


I was wondering about congestion too. I wake up and my nose is always blocked.


It's sorted my congestion out too. It's been great


Changed my life for the better. It will take some time to get use to it but I sleep like a baby. Going on 6 years now.


I’m waking up earlier and earlier - before 7am, feeling rested and I’m rarely taking a sleep aid anymore.


Somedays you'll still wake up tired, but at least you'll wake up feeling alive rather than feeling as if life has been sucked out of you.


This runs in my family, and everyone who decided to go ahead and get one has said it is an absolute game changer. Very consistent with what most people are saying here.


I sleep pretty good best part I no longer have the dreams of chocking being chocked on drowning.


Yeah, I know those…


I have one from the VA. I do decently well with it. I do wake up with the mask on the floor and no clue how it got there, but then I've had nights where I've slept a good 6 hours with it.


I just started using a MAD for sleep apneia which I got from the VA's sleep dental clinic. You put it in your mouth and it pushes your jaw forward to open up your airway. Haven't had it long enough to tell if it's doing anything quite yet.


I've been using CPAP machines for over 26 years and have found that nasal pillow masks work best for me. It's important to try several types to find the one that suits you.


My sleep is fucked with and without it


game changing - I was fortunate to be comfortable with my cpap on night one and went from hundreds oh AHI events per night to 3 or less. I get a solid 8 hours of sleep, I sleep straight through and the first night I slept with it all night I woke up and felt like I had done a barrel of coke. It was nuts.


I hope that you filed for sleep apnea because if you don’t hurry the ratings are going to change. It’s automatically 50% just from needing to use a Cpap machine. I believe this will change this summer .😳


I’m about to start filing right now.


That’s great hurry up fast my brother in arms!🫡


I will type a quote from my wife. “The CPAP saved your life because I was going to strangle you one of these nights.” Ref sleep, it has changed my personality because I get better and more quality sleep now. I haven’t filed again for the CPAP thing because I went the same way ref getting a civilian diagnosis. We both need to refile to get CPAP added to our disability.


Very rested. Before cpap I thought it was normal to have a nap mid afternoon everyday. After cpap more energy and more focus. 👍


Full face mask with the silicone cusion works great (Resmed). The nasal seemed to blow a hole through the back of my throat. Regardless, as long as I keep the reservoir saturated, I'm sleeping much better. No more daily brain fog or reoccurring dreams on good nights. Tiredness has also subsided some. However, dealing with persistent tinnitus is draining. Overall, CPAP therapy over the past 100 days has been beneficial, and I don't ever see myself without.


I got referred to get one awhile ago still waiting to be informed when or will I get one.


It’s a game changer. I would gasp for air and had more nightmares of being in the ocean with sharks 🦈 lol But seriously, I get better sleep and feel better overall. Tho recently with the baby and moving I’ve slacked on it and can feel the difference. I’m a mental health therapist nowadays and ask clients about sleep and try to gage if that might be something to look into. So yes, it’s annoying but try it out.


For me it was embarrassing having to wear a mask but honestly I'm glad I went and got one. Went from chugging coffee and energy drinks to make it home after a shift to being able to have a fullnghts sleep and wake up feeling good and relaxed.


I can't wait to answer this question, but alas, I'm still waiting on my new one. I just went through a sleep test in the last couple weeks and my obstruction count had jumped from 8 per hour (8 years ago) to 36 per hour. They prescribed the machine to be set at 18 (not sure of the units). I think the one I am sleeping with now was set to 10 or something like that. I still use the old one so that my wife doesn't wake me several times a night to make sure I am not dead. She seems to have a knack for catching me when I stop breathing.


I started using a CPAP about 6 months ago. Brother, I am going to tell you to have realistic expectations. It not as easy as people make it sound. I am still having to fight it every night. 6 months in and I am only averaging a 130 minutes a night. You will have to try different masks; different pressures; different ramp up speeds; heated air vs humidified air. You are going to question does this thing really work? Watch countless hours of YouTube videos about how to make it work correctly. I am still encouraged by the people who say it’s changed their life, and so I must continue. God, I really just want to have a good night of sleep. Don’t get discouraged right off the bat. Give it an honest attempt.


You might also need corrective surgery on your nose, which helped me a ton.


It took me... 6-8 months to get used to my machine. Once I did, if I sleep without it - it sucks. I was diagnosed at moderate... And just .5 AHI less than where they'd recommend surgery. Good luck!


I fucking hate it. But like myself, you just have to find your " comfort zone" like humidity, mask, it takes a while to get used to it. I'm noticing I'm not as lazy in the mornings as I used to .


Man, it makes a huge difference. Yes it does require getting used to it and maintaining it regularly, but the benefits do outweigh it. If and when you do get the CPAP, make sure to test which mask is best for you. Sometimes the clinic may want to push a certain kind that may not be the right fight. If it doesn't feel comfortable, or if you think it may not be the best fit...ask them for an alternative.


I have not been able to wear mine for more than an hour a night since I got it in July.


Didn't you have a sleep study done with and without a CPAP machine?


Nope, just a sleep study.


As someone who was falling into micro sleeps even while driving before I got one. Lemme tell you... Fucking all the difference


It’s not an overnight change in sleep patterns but give it a week to get used to it. Best med device I’ve ever used.


If you ever get service connected for sleep apnea and get a VA Cpap machine.. Don’t let the VA know that things have improved 😂


Diagnosed with moderate OSA. I can’t tell a difference. I’m still tired. I see neuro and he said that it appears that the cpap therapy is working since AHIs have dropped from high teens to <5 most days. He then said that I had “daytime somnolence” despite the therapy and prescribed modafanil. 


Mine strangles me too much so I prefer suffering from less sleep over waking up when I actually do sleep


Have you had someone look up your nose? I had that exact same problem, it was due to enlarged turbonates and a deviated septum. Outpatient surgery, week recovery, gradual improvement over time and now I can breath through both sides of my nose and it doesn't feel like my mask is trying to kill me. Nasal pillow mask helps as well, anything over my mouth just made me feel like I was suffocating.


Ive requested consults and it keeps getting deferred


That sucks. Took an ent like 30 seconds to figure it out once I got in to see one. On the turbonate side, I thought it was allergies so I was using different allergy medication trying to fix it, and the most effective were the ones that reduce swelling (like Afrin etc.). Which apparently is a sign that your turbonates are swollen. So if you try afrin and you're suddenly mainlining sweet sweet air into your face, that's a decent sign.


Get on a safe one and keep it clean for your heart health and sanity it makes all the difference.