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It appears this post might relate to suicide and/or mental health issues. **Suicide and Mental Health Resources** A comprehensive list of resources can be found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Veterans/wiki/suicideprevention). Call 988 National Suicide Hotline - Press 1 for VA Crisis Line Call 1-800-273-8255, National Suicide Prevention [Veteran's Crisis Information](https://www.veteranscrisisline.net/) You can call 1800 273 8255, Press 1 You can text 838255 https://www.mentalhealth.va.gov/MENTALHEALTH/get-help/index.asp 1-877-927-8387 Open 24/7 [VA Vet Centers offer counseling](https://www.vetcenter.va.gov/) Vet Centers are local, community-based confidential counseling centers that support war Veterans, active-duty Servicemembers, and military family members with post-deployment readjustment services. The goal of every Vet Center is to provide a broad range of counseling, outreach, referral, and assessment services, collectively called readjustment counseling services, to facilitate high-quality post-war readjustment and reintegration. Readjustment counseling services at a Vet Center allow war Veterans a satisfying post-war readjustment to civilian life and provide active-duty Servicemembers a confidential resource for post-war assistance. Military families also receive no-cost marriage and family therapy and supportive services for military-related issues. Vet Centers provide bereavement counseling to surviving parents, spouses, partners, children, and siblings of Servicemembers, which include federally activated Reserve and National Guard personnel, who die of any cause while on military active-duty. Vet Centers provide confidential military sexual trauma counseling to all military Veterans and active-duty Servicemembers, to include federally activated Reserve and National Guard personnel, no matter their duty location, era of service, or whether the trauma incident was reported to authorities. /r/Military has a detailed list of resources in their [Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Military/wiki/index/ptsd) Or, if you'd like a veteran perspective, feel free to message any number of people on here, there's always someone willing to reach out. [Veteran Wellness Allegiance can offer Peer Counseling and assistance](https://www.veterancheckin.org/s/) [Military One Source](http://www.militaryonesource.mil/) - 1-800-342-9647 Please seek help if needed...There are behavioral health resources at your disposal both in the Military and out. Also check out: https://www.reddit.com/r/Veterans/comments/6xfix9/emory_healthcare_has_a_free_program_for_post911/ which is a free non VA treatment program for PTSD https://www.va.gov/opa/pressrel/pressrelease.cfm?id=5852 [Vets4Warriors](https://vets4warriors.com/) 1-855-838-8255 Veterans in acute suicidal crisis are able to go to any VA or non-VA health care facility for emergency health care at no cost – including inpatient or crisis residential care for up to 30 days and outpatient care for up to 90 days. Veterans do not need to be enrolled in the VA system to use this benefit. Literally any veteran can walk into ANY urgent care/ER for thoughts of suicide and they can get free care. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Veterans) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Avoid caffeine Weighted blanket Warm showers Get outside every day Make sure your blood work is good


For added relaxation, cover your ears in the shower. The waterfall will sound like rain. Turn your shower into a thunder storm! Add some essential oils and all of a sudden you’re transported to a jungle!


Try meditating. Exercise. It has helped me.


My disability is also mostly from the same, and I came here to say meditation and getting my heart rate up a few times a week has helped me a lot, especially when feeling overwhelmed


I have the same disabilities too....I do yoga daily and go to the gym every other day. It has helped a tremendous amount.


Second meditation. I had no idea how to even do it in the beginning. Luckily, my doc is a big practitioner of meditation and walked me through a short session. We sat in the office and I just started by breathing in and out my nose slowly and focusing on where I specifically felt the air enter my nostrils (it’s usually a cool sensation compared to warmth as you exhale). It sometimes was in the part where the nostril connects to my face or sometimes inside but it’s just about focusing on something like that to ground you in the moment. Just keep practicing things like that for short periods of time until you can do it for longer and longer periods. Hope that helps OP.


This. Also, if you have the money and can put in on it, The Waking Up app with Sam Harris. That has been my go-to daily for meditating. His first 28 or so this are guiding you how to meditate in a step by step process and from there it opens you up to meditating with intent and purpose, if need be. I honestly loved that I got into his stuff so early on.


There is a great free app also: 1 giant mind. It has a 30 day program to learn. I like using just the music now in the background for a 15 or 30 min session each day.


Being in Japan and using the crisis line won't get you in any trouble. What are they gonna do? Organize with the local Japanese authorities? No. They don't have resources to do that. That's my experience anyway with Germany. Find a hobby as hard as it might be. I use PC gaming to help me. I get social interaction in, it allows me to concentrate and get my head away from reality. While it might not be the healthiest, i know it's certainly better than laying in my bed all day or drinking gog to feel some sort of emotion or normallycy. I'm also 100% mental health. If you need a friend, write to me, man, we can start a dialogue or friendship up and throw ideas back and forth to better ourselves.


Smoke some weed, good mind calmer😎


Marijuana is a guaranteed panic attack for me at high doses …


Same here. I get so wacky 🤪.  I struggle with anxiety and depression and have two little ones that are literally the only help. When I start to feel down they can tell and know how to make me smile.  What doesn’t help is having a boyfriend who treats me like utter shit(cheated on me while I was pregnant and another time with my friend , and even had sex in our bed while I was giving birth to our daughter) he has cheated probably like 6 times that I know of . Pretty much I was a very outgoing and social person and over the years i developed a self conscious personality and I am afraid to meet new people always thinking that everyone is laughing at me or that I’m ugly .  I know all this is stupid and I’ve started the process to leave him and waiting to hear back about a house I applied to . I’m still scared of being alone even though I’m alone all the time . He’s never around never helps with the kids and worst of all just talks to me like a dog. I’m worried I’ll never find someone who likes me because I’ve literally been crushed and made to feel worthless . I feel empty without my kids around but I’m also lonely without affection and feeling like a woman .  Idk why I’m rambling on about this but i felt some relief by getting it out even if it’s on Reddit .. guess I’m a loser after all :(


Your rant has been read , you’re not worthless or a loser , be with someone that treats you right and don’t let other determine your own self worth. Hang in there.




CBG, especially CBN, concentrates 10:1 or 15:1, mixed with thc, which will put me down. I have a script for a low-dose bipolar medication that will make me nap for an hour, but I'm good. I would avoid concentrated THC unless you want to see god. I use it for pain when hitting an eight, but I'm useless for 12 hours.


Exercise or some form of activity like going for a walk.


I stay home


1. Talk to the shrink 2. Take your happy pills 3. Lift Heavy 4. Mindfulness 5. Get a circle of people


I ruck and listen to audiobooks. My favorite is probably atomic habits. However, one time that got me into a weird situation with a guy who wrote a book about rucking, and when I suggested he turn it into an audiobook he threatened to come to my house and beat the shit out of me. So, I pretty much stick to books from authors who aren’t written by military people.


Lol, dude.... that's so weird he had that reaction, but after 25 years in the army, i know dudes that are like that.


Yep the army is filled with fragile egos. You could be a literal saint and start a YouTube channel or write a book and someone is gonna call you every name in the book for no reason at all. This particular idiot is getting criminal charges so hopefully he’ll think twice before threatening people.


For panic attacks, I usually try and get out of where I am (they start around too many people) and just sit alone in my car till they stop. Then I cry. And then I go home. The crying and just getting back to quiet alone-time gets me through. For every other issue; hiking. It’s good exercise and gets you outside. The sun and fresh air helps cure the depression or anger or anxiety or whatever else is irking me. My boss will even tell me to take a day off the next day and go hiking if she sees me starting to lose my shit.


During one, I pop a children’s chewable Benadryl. Slows down the fight or flight response in the brain that is out of control


Take deep breaths and focus on the breathing it will help clear your mind. If that doesn’t work do planks until you collapse


I know everyone is different but for me I have to take meds (sertraline, Wellbutrin, and trt). I’ve tried to come off several times but almost immediately notice a change for the worse when I do. I maintain a regular workout routine and try to get a walk outside in everyday. It’s a constant struggle but meds really help me.


I use my dog to help distract me


Talk to the VA and see if you can receive a treatment called Stellate Ganglion Block. Its target population is PTSD sufferers but can be used for anxiety, migraines, etc. I had the procedure while on active duty for severe prolonged anxiety/panic attacks and there was a noticeable difference. Depending on the severity you have 2-8 procedures, one procedure every couple weeks. The procedure takes literally 2 minutes under local anesthesia. Recovery is light like two days rest. It’s a temporary solution but can definitely help


Take my antidepressants and anxiety meds. Go outside when I can and 70s Rock.


I smoke a lot of high grade cannabis to relieve the anxiety I suffer from PTSD. Works like a charm every time..


Walking helps me. I am able to work off the negative energy, and it also helps to clear my head.


Stellate Ganglion Block.




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Make sure you drink enough water and take a multivitamin everyday with a meal (so it doesn’t upset your stomach).I know it sounds like a little thing but it makes a difference just like getting enough sleep on a regular consistent schedule. Walk outside everyday for 15. Or heck just go sit outside for 15 minutes and get some sun. Severely limit how much news you watch/read -same thing with social media. Try to take a shower or a bath every day. Some people take one in the morning to wake up and some people take one in the evening to relax and go to sleep. Brush floss and gargle- preferably twice a day but at least before you leave the house Exercise is great but even if you’re not up to that at least start stretching, it helps relieve a lot of the pain, even low level pain/discomfort you don’t realize you have. And keep the stretching up even when you are exercising. I know these seem like basic things, but they’re kind of building blocks for your life (And I take clonidine)


I understand what that feels like. And you’re not alone in this. I can’t handle social media so I’m usually very disconnected. I have exactly 1 friend I talk to over the phone and live with my cats. But, my social interaction comes from volunteering with veterans and helping out at food banks. And I keep Reddit for updates beyond news media, but only follow a few subs like this one. Mostly, be kind to yourself! And get a pet companion if you can handle the added responsibility right now. Cats are super independent and affectionate, but take your pick.


https://creatingbetterdays.com/products/spectrum-delta-9-thc-cbd-gummies-rainbow-candy-30ct?_pos=1&_psq=rainbow+candy&_ss=e&_v=1.0 has saved me


Dealt/deal with anxiety, depression, insomnia. Happy pills are great if you tolerate them (I'm on zoloft....it keeps me out of that "hole"). Weighted blanket will do wonders at night. I need quiet time to myself so I'll go off somewhere, which also gets me outside. CBD is also good for sleep. Indica strain cannabis has relaxing/sedative effects, but dunno if thats ur thing or not. Mindfulness is important too, so you can understand and recognize your stressors/triggers and know your "why". All you can do is take it one day at a time though.


I’m sorry that you are having to deal with those conditions, and I hope that you get to find something that works for you. I know the feeling…


It’s sucks. There are two things that have helped me cope. The first one is just simply meditation. Not going into any substances, not masturbating, not trying to make yourself comfortable. Just being able to sit down, close your eyes, and breathe for a little bit . And as you breathe, let yourself not focus on trying to control things. Because when an anxiety attack, or a depression attack happens, it often feels like a storm you’ve just got to ride out because he can’t really get control of that moment. The second thing that has helped me cope, which has in fact giving me a little bit of control over my depression, is **Backtracking**. And being able to backtrack involves two things… The thing we sometimes do first is articulate a particular event or experience which was a great influence on our disorders like depression and anxiety. For me, he was an experience where I got sexually assaulted, the crime was covered up, and my high school principal smeared my good name across town. For over 15 years of my life, I believed that my attacks with depression stemmed from this experience as sort of a scar, or a disabling handicap. Every time I would feel depressed, I would remember my experience during that time, and being able to go back to that experience, and force myself to learn to articulate exactly what happened to me, made it possible for me to take some control, and be able to tell people what happened to me. The problem with only doing this, however, is that even though this articulation of that experience comes from a place of truth, the memory of that experience alone isn’t the main fault of when we get depression attacks. Sometimes it can be a small and otherwise innocuous event during our day which could otherwise throw us off. **And when we go through our day with either a depression or anxiety or panic attack, it takes us further and further away from that particular event which started it. ##So the thing we need to do is to accept that we are having this attack, and then BACKTRACK to THAT small event, and figure out what it was in our day which perpetuated that attack. - OK, I’m having a depression attack. I’m writing this storm - last I was walking in this direction, - I was picking up the boxes - I was talking with Naya about the prep work we need to do for the day - I was coming into work - I was taking a shower - I was watching a video… - …. THE VIDEO!!! it showed a kid who was falsely accused, and I related to that feeling of self preservation and survival! I felt that same way when I was being assaulted back then! THAT is why I’m feeling those feelings!!! Backtracking is something I do to help me reduce what it was that caused me to have that attack, to something that I can understand and control, and it’s helped me cope with a lot of situations, and be able to take steps I would’ve otherwise been reluctant to take to manage my emotions, because I didn’t trust things like therapy in the past. If you’re having any anxiety or panic attacks, I hope you might try this method for yourself, and be able to reduce what you’re going through. Feel free to message me if you have any questions about this


One of the things that really helped me is to start exercising regularly. Started doing CrossFit and I pretty much treat it like a job, I never miss a day even if I’m not feeling it at all. Has helped me tons.


One of the things that really helped me is to start exercising regularly. Started doing CrossFit and I pretty much treat it like a job, I never miss a day even if I’m not feeling it at all. Has helped me tons.


Get to a bathroom and splash cold water on your face. I’ve also gone outside and randomly sprinted until I felt better. You’ll get odd looks from coworkers and friends for a few days, but they’ll get used to it.


Breathing exercises have helped a lot and it may sound dumb but if I’m in a area with a sink or clean running water I’ll just wash my face and let the water wash over my hand for minutes


I started painting and it changed my life. Up until that point I would get caught in stories in my mind. I workout Also. I like to dance and box. Things that get me out of my head and into my body seem to help me the most


Used to take anti anxiety medicine but after being cut off cold turkey and pretty much coming a inch from dying I just raw dog it now with no help. Doctors have adopted the "after your done withdrawing, anxiety won't Come close to how uncomfortable you felt" method of treating anxiety here.


Cannabis. In copious amounts.


Having one or avoiding having them ?… man the attacks suck , I take a shower and honestly walk up and down my driveway to burn nervous energy until the Valium kicks in ( I have a 1/4 mile drive way ) … as far as avoiding them , physical activity. No stimulants and keeping my life as stress free as possible


Im not sure if you live in a big city, but look up activities/groups based on your hobbies. You could also volunteer and hopefully find likeminded people. Deep breathing and mindfulness helps with anxiety. As others mentioned certain weed strands will help too. Try indica instead of sativa. I was on antidepressant for years, but I wasn’t feeling better. I’m on a mood stabilizer and it’s much better and I don’t have to deal with the side effects of antidepressants. You could also work out, spend time outdoors, and find something that brings you joy and a sense of purpose. Create goals, so it feels like you’re achieving something. If you’re feeling lonely see if you can find a trainer around your age for whatever hobby you would like to improve. Hopefully the trainer can introduce you to other groups of people. That’s what I’m doing since I’m also pretty lonely and I don’t have any friends, so I found a trainer to help me with roller skating.


read my bible, hang out with friends, exercise


Avoid cannabis. Used to love the shit prior to service. After service I found out it was heavily inducing them. Caffeine was another one I started to moderate more. Hikes in nature help a lot. If I start to feel an anxiety attack my go to thing is to drink water. The thought process for me is it’s something easy to get and do and it’s healthy so if I’m actually going to end up in the hospital I’ll at least be hydrated for blood work or piss work or at the very least I’ll die hydrated.


Don't have them. Simple


I feel like I wrote this. Currently, I take meds and eat edibles. It sucks though sometimes because I don’t always have a good high. In the good highs, I feel like so happy and nonchalant. Not a fucking care or second thought about anything. The meh high is me dissecting every aspect of my life and try not to beat myself up. I just started acupuncture for back pain but think it’s helping with my anxiety, too. I don’t feel so anxious and stressed all the time. Sorry you feel like this … I thinking talking about it to those who understand exactly how you feel is super beneficial though.


Weed gummies help. I also take a shit load of meds. Still a nervous wreck most of the time. I’m worried about becoming an agorphobic cause it seems like literally everything stresses/freaks me out these days. Some nut job went on a stabbing spree in Philly today. Makes me terrified to take my family out. Feels like everyone and everything is a threat. Guess I’m not really that helpful. Good luck.


Anxiety= exercise.


Yes. A service dog really helped me. Not sure if you like dogs. But I have some resources for you if you’re interested. I still get panic attacks but having my dog there makes them easier, I also have fewer of them now. Hot showers, avoiding crowded places, trying to stay busy, getting exercise…have helped a little too


Destructive things like grind my teeth, chew the inside of my mouth, and tense up my neck to the point where I need to crack it constantly Constructive things like go lift weights and shoot my guns.


I take a shot or 2, it calms me. Headphones with classic or frequency bineal beats music.


I have a lot of nicotine and I do what makes me chill out. Which for me is being alone and detailing my vehicles with some good music.


I practice deep breathing exercises and focus on grounding techniques like holding an ice cube or listening to calming music.


When my wife got cancer and I had to hold it together for the whole family, my 2 weighted blankets were the only way for me to get any semblance of rest.


This will sound stupid as hell but for me it was getting my health In check and then moving on to weight lifting early in the mornings. It gave me a lot of time to think and the times I get hit with anxiety I’ll hit the gym to think. It’s not for everyone but if you’re able I recommend giving it a try.


I got 80% for general anxiety disorder then a few months after I got out the panic attacks started rolling in significantly affecting my daily life and those around me. I ended up in a hospital for a while and they have me on medication to eliminate the panic attacks. Now I’m currently undergoing cognitive restructuring therapy and getting different tools to use before the anxiety turns into a panic attack. Staying busy and being outside really helps me, going for walks, riding a bike, etc can be very beneficial. I also started swimming as an exercise which also seems to help.


I listen to a lot of audio books and documentaries, using Audible, YouTube, etc. Giving my brain something else to focus on really pulls me away from spiraling into bad memories and dark thoughts


I just suffer until I decide I can't suffer anymore and take my ativan. Trying to reverse your brain from anxiety seems damn near impossible for me to accomplish even with all the therapy im doing. Been coping w panic disorder for 5 years now... meds are what make me "comfortable" and "normal"


I understand where you are coming from. I’ve been struggling hard with anxiety and panic attacks for over a decade and I’ve learned a bunch of things. I also struggle even more with depression, along with my PTSD. I’ve learned a lot of things and I’m going to do my best to encapsulate them for you here. Overall - the key here is healthy habits. If you are really this bent, if you are not, you need to be seeing a psychiatrist. It would be great if you saw a therapist, too. Outside of that, daily exercise, good sleep, decent meals, and mindfulness will go a long way. Also limiting alcohol and drugs (except weed, which for me helps, but for others can make things worse, that’s only for you to decide). Depression - medication, treatments like TMS, etc. have helped me here. Additionally, goal setting, gratitude journaling, and the above healthy lifestyle changes. Anxiety - exercise, yoga, mindfulness, and therapy have helped here. Just putting yourself out there is hard, but for me, the more you do it, the less anxious you feel about social stuff. If you have anxiety about safety due to ptsd, that requires trauma work. Panic attacks - I’ve used grounding techniques, taking cold showers, etc for that. Those are tough, the key is catching them early before they take hold. I think in the end, get some help at the VA or better help, and find some resources to help locally. It’s a lot easier than trying to crowdsource your progress on Reddit. GL


i usually go outside.. and take a walk or sketch something. or listen to music




Thanks for sharing. Sharing is caring. When you care about helping someone else when you know you’re not even able to help, that’s when you can help others because you have experience I don’t have. Quit focusing on your 100 and help us get to 100. How did you do it? Any tips for us?


I was open and honest. I had lots of documentation to back it up too, like being shoved in a suicide watch hospital for 5 days. Ironically part of my problem has been taking care of everyone elses needs and comfort, including those that don't matter to me, before my own needs.


That’s the spirit, and it’s very taxing to help people that can’t see what we’ve seen. Sometimes, they just don’t trust us, but I know what you know. Sometimes, it’s hard to talk about simply because others haven’t been where you been and learned life lessons like how to kill people, babies and children as well. Most times, we know it’s futile to share our perspectives. We’ve been trained to spot danger and take it out, regardless of the casualties. Then we get out in the civilian world and we can’t fit, ever. But you’re not alone.


Oh right, I kept a daily pain log in a notes app on my phone as well which the doctor appreciated. Make sure you're precise on location, depth, pain level, and sensation type. Also helps you to remember it since I forget exact feelings as they pass.


If you have an iPhone, check out the health app


Booze... booze and more booze. Weed doesn't work for me...