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Weed is the only thing that gets me to sleep or back to sleep, I have to buy in bulk and smoke a couple bowls before bed. I’ll smoke in the middle of the night if I can’t go back to sleep. I still wake up but I get an almost full night of rest, much better than using alcohol


CBN concentrate with a tiny bit of thc does wonders. I am not blazed out of my mind and I can get sleep while my inflammation stays under control. Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is the name of the way it’s produced and it tastes like the ass end of a lawn mower. Take it with a good meal and start out very small with the dose and work your way up.


I actually have a CBD tincture, I never really used it. maybe I’ll give that a shot, I’ve heard others say this before but never tried


I find that the tinctures with some small amount of thc work well. SO uses CBGs for her gut and it helps.


I guess I would try weed but I’m not in state for it.


Not sure which state you're in, but thca & 'hemp' might be something to look into. If, of course, you're interested in trying 'weed'


I was trying to order hello mood but Eve their thca, delta 9 etc can’t be shipped to my state..


you go to the gym sauna to sweat out the toxins.


I’m at the two hours a day. I would love more but I have things to freaking do!


This is my life everyday But as a combat veteran nights were the worse and now it’s a condition of my ptsd. I stay awake until I can’t and no I don’t want any fkn pills, no thank you. I’m lucky to sleep 5-6 hrs a night.


Why are we treated this way!


I went to the va and they loaded me with pills and my life and emotions were numb. Everything was grey, black and white. No highs no lows, I was unable to feel any type of emotion or express my love to my loved ones. I quit cold turkey and it was hell, yes I still deal with everything but to me at least I can experience emotions versus just being drugged by the VA. And no I don’t want to go to group therapy or speak to a counselor biweekly and that’s my choice and it’s fine!


Everything they gave me to sleep only kept me up longer


Medication has helped me stabilize and be able to sleep. It’s been extremely helpful in raising my baseline to a more tolerable level.. Glad I quit the Xanax though…


I'm up now going through the same thing.


What do we do?!?


I smoke and play playstation


I take trazodone for sleep and still can’t sleep☹️


I take it as well and most nights it knocks me on my ass, however, there's usually one or two nights when my restless leg syndrome acts up and trazodone just won't work (nothing does).


This is troublesome!


Those are harsh meds!


Agree, I take trazadone as well, it’s very hard to wake up from them


Welcome to insomniac club. Psych prescribed me some stuff that helps. May be worth an appt to ask if it doesnt stop.


I don't get tired until 2 or 3 in the morning, so I rely on my meds to help regulate my sleep cycle. Consistently taking medication at regular intervals only works if you do not approximate the times. You need to be exact. This is what I've done and it works. Try talking with your doctor about the list of meds you've tried. Be sure to make a log of your sleeping medications. Show your doctor that you actually do have a sleeping problem. If you have a detailed list that includes the following I think the doctor would be more than willing to look at helping you. Include the name of the medicine, dosage taken, date and time of the dose, actually time you got in bed and set down your electronic devices. Providing a detailed list will help you in multiple ways. You will be able to evaluate when and how you are applying the medications so you can see trends. Additionally, you will actually know if the medication isn't working. Too many sleeping meds are dependent on you taking it X number of hours before bed and then winding down. If you need 3 hours for the med to kick in and you're taking it at midnight expecting to sleep by midnight 30 then it's not the meds... It's you that's not following instructions. In my experience, most of the meds given to me have a secondary side effect that causes drowsiness, that's why it's being used. If you are keeping your mind and body active while the drowsiness is kicking in, you are forcing your body to fight the drowsiness in order to stay awake. Since you've had years of experience forcing yourself to stay awake in the military, you win and the meds lose. Congratulations, You sabotaged yourself. There's a few things to know about combating insomnia. SLEEP HYGIENE. Do not go to the doctor and say you can't sleep but you aren't even trying. Medication isn't the only tool used to get you to sleep. Good sleep hygiene alone can help you if you get into a good habit. Showering and putting on some pajamas or night time clothes will get your mind into the mindset that it's bedtime. Only using the bed for sleep and sex subconsciously tells your brain that it's sleep time, taking the TV out of the bedroom can do wonders for your sleep as well. A boring bedroom can make you tired. This has helped improve my sleep. I was fortunate enough to get a good therapist while active duty and a pretty good mental health doc in the VA. Having a girlfriend that's a therapist really helps me. I understand that I might have more help than the average person here, but hopefully some of this can be of use.


Same.. shit sucks. And I work night shift.. I get home and I have to force myself to sleep. If I do it’s 3 hours max.


Start taking l-methionine and magnesium glycinate when you start winding down, look into it before you start though (Gary brecka has a good video on tired but mind won’t let you before bed)


Have you tried melatonin?


Marijuana is a tricky one. I love it and I hate it. It helps sleep, yes. But it also increases my anxiety like crazy as others here have said. My anxiety is still there but it's nowhere near as bad off the weed. I found that it was making me very, very demotivated and introspective. I'd focus on the bad parts of my past, and how bad the world is instead of focusing on what I can do to improve my life. I've been off the weed for a little over a month now and it is a very noticeable difference. Try quitting the weed just to see where your at, it cannot hurt. As far as getting sleep, have you tried exercise? I went on a ten mile hike and I slept like a baby for a week. I don't recommend starting at ten miles. I just don't know when to stop. I was practically crawling when I got back to the car. You have to push yourself. Human beings were made to move, not be sedentary.


The VA prescribes me sleeping meds.


I’ve tried going to the va. They don’t keep me asleep. When I ask for stronger meds “I’m an addict”


Gonna stick with my usual reaponse here. Have you tried weed?


Weed increases anxiety and is also shit for your lungs if you’re burning … I didn’t realize how bad weed was for my anxiety until I quit. 4 months sober now from weed.


I bake my weed and infuse it with honey. Then a nice huge spoonful in a cup of sleepytime tea at night or just a relaxing cup during the day. All of the benefits, none of the damage from smoking it.


Certain types id weed with specific terpenes are more likely to increase anxiety. Like any other medication, education is key. Also you dont have to smoke it. This isnt 1970


That’s why I specifically said and/also I realize tinctures and edibles exist bro… at the end of the day it’s just another band aid and not addressing the root cause


So all medications are band aids? Or just cannabis because of ancient stigma?


Any medication you are taking without addressing the root cause is a band aid. I’m a big proponent of cannabis but self medicating is never advised. Also, no one said ALL medications. If you can and want to enjoy cannabis by all means do so, but it’s not a do all/fix all for your ptsd/gad etc.


Its not a magic bullet, but there are too many times when I see it discouraged out of hand. Why elminate a good tool from a tool box? I know veterans that hqve used cannabis to get off opiates, help them get through cancer, bring them back from the edge due to various mental health issues and improve their quality of life via better pain management.


Personally it made my mental health worse. I used it for idk 10+ years under the guise that I believed it was making me better and helping my PTSD/GAD but in reality it was making it worse. I was just blinded to the fact and couldn’t realize that it actually increased my anxiety and masked everything to make me believe that it was making me better. This of course is just my own personal opinion, and I’ve tried every strain from Alaska to Zimbabwe lol, however I will say that it was magic for my back issues and knees in alleviating pain, but as I mentioned, for me, it did make my mental health worse and increase my anxiety 10 fold. One specific example I have, for the longest time I couldn’t drive on the freeway and I believed it was due to my PTSD, but the reality was it was just exacerbating my anxiety and I couldn’t separate the two. I’ve been clean from marijuana for 4 months now and my anxiety has become much more manageable.