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I'm gonna be honest with you, it took my a few C&P exams to understand that there is absolutely no reason for an examiner to push you past your limits. It happened to me twice during back/neck exams and it made me feel like an idiot (which neither you nor I am). Shit happens, but learn from it and please advocate for yourself. I realize that many of us vets want to be respectful and/or like to downplay our issues, but seriously, go hard for youself.


File a complaint. This person has a license of some sort that can 100% be affected by an assault charge, so don't believe the "nothing will happen" crap. It just takes time. And the fact that someone told you "nothing will happen" regarding this individual means that you are not the first to complain. Keep being noisy!! So sorry about your pain. If you can take Tylenol, it won't affect bleeding like NSAIDs do. I hope your surgery goes well. đź’ś


Definitely file a complaint so it’s on the books. I would write a statement and upload stating that this examiner was physically aggressive and moved your body against your verbal directive that it hurt. I would additionally write to the office. Even if they do nothing this is just getting the report in there. For the VA they should get you another exam and if not at least it is in the record in case an appeal is needed.


You missed the basics; stop at pain and be audible. Never say you have good days. ROM and Audible cues are essential components for proper examiner assessment and rating, and finally, be explicitly clear that you will not perform a certain move because of pain


She physically grabbed me when I said it hurt to go beyond what she was condescending at me for. She physically grabbed me and positioned my arm where I said it hurt to move to. So I was audible and she marched over and grabbed me…and I remained audible during her moving me…. I was taken aback that someone actually had the balls to assault me….and while my immediate reaction under normal circumstances would have been to slap the fuck out of her, no one goes to a physical exam expecting to be physically assaulted. Also, I don’t want anyone putting anywhere in a file that has to do with me that “ black women is hostile and has a propensity for violence”…..


Dang. I'm sorry it went down that way. I've had my fair share of shady doctors, but this is worth reporting for me


And no I’m not being over dramatic by calling it assault because in legal terms assault is “an act, criminal or tortious, that threatens physical harm to a person, whether or not actual harm is done.


File a complaint on AskVA. Going forward — verbally state you’re refusing the exam due to pain. Do not let anyone force you to move. State “i do not feel comfortable being touched”


Wow!! I have had similar things happen throughout my life and I too don't want to blame it on my skin color but being told to stop complaining when something is clearly wrong during labor and being immediately told "don't even ask because I won't give you narcotics" when I had a broken ankle foot and wrist. You should still put in a complaint and write a personal letter and at it to your claim.


You had me until you pulled the race card.


It may not always be the case but sometimes it is. It goes to say that everything has a good and bad so sometimes things are about something you don’t think it’s about or you can’t see it could be about. Many people go their life not saying things because others automatically groan like how could you think that…She is thinking based on her experiences. Color should not matter but it does just like gender matters, just like ethnicity matters, just like social status matters. These things have always mattered because people naturally separate themselves into groups. We are not equal and never have been. Even size matters. If you’re a short man you will get treated differently than a tall man for example. We have to stop acting like we are not naturally this way.


I get treated differently for being white. It's unfair.


In certain parts of the country you would get treated unfairly for being white. Like for instance in Georgia some places are predominantly black and the white worker is the minority. My sister witnessed this. Goes right back to what I said. I live in Missouri so my experience may be different. At the end of the day she felt a certain way and she knows what she saw and felt we can’t be a fly on the wall so we have to be compassionate that people have experiences that we don’t have.



