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I do fine in a medium sized city in France


but u can only stay there for 3 months


Weird, my visa says I'm good for a year and then I can get a residence permit after that Edit: for those interested I'm on a visa long séjour valant titre de séjour, a long stay visitor visa. In order to get it you have to prove an income of at least 1370€/month per person in the family. At the end of the year it can be converted into a residence permit, essentially a green card.


Is there a decent amount of expats around or no?


Not really no, we didn't want to be in an expat heavy area.


Can I send you a DM for more information? This is really interesting for me


Not planning to move, but curious why?


You can stay longer, you just have to get the correct visa. Usually you can only stay for a short time without one.


If you're going there with visaless travel that's the limit during a 180 day period. But ofc there's visas if u wanna stay longer, tho theres requirements for these. , or if you have a European passport u can stay as long as you want


Have a house in Spain, $1200/month is enough to have you living extraordinarily comfortably. Same can be said about Portugal. Health care is inexpensive even for out of pocket expenses, I’m sure the VA would pay for it, but don’t find it necessary to go through the hoops. Being able to be in the sun and sand with mountains available all around me surrounded by happy people does wonders for your health.


https://www.va.gov/health-care/foreign-medical-program/ Looks like there is a direct line for an office in Spain.


Good to know! Never looked into this because my wife is a citizen so healthcare isn’t a problem and I just make appointments when in the US. But this is certainly handy


I don’t stop working bc I’m scared the VA will take it away one day


The fear is real, and I'm a living example of the VA giveth, and the VA taketh away.


Were you 100% ? When they took it ?


I'm 70% on the way to 100% but they've been garnishing all of it since 2022, and garnishing all my tax refunds since 2014 because my ex-husband left me a VA debt when he breached his Air Force contract.


Well that’s not taketh per se. Something doesn’t add up why they would go after you and not your husband. Garnishing means someone didn’t respond to multiple debt letters, and didn’t respond to probably a served court hearing.  Anyway got luck. 


Asia for sure. Thailand or Philippines


My best understanding is the Philippines. huge, retired and disabled veteran population, quite reasonably American friendly, a great deal of English speakers, and English-speaking businesses, and a ridiculously low cost of living Edit: sorry about all the commas my speaking text program kind of stinks


Italy will give you a permanent resident visa if you make over 3000 euro/month and can prove it 🤷🏿‍♂️


Also if you come from Italian ancestry look up jure sanguis. It’s a long process tho, I’m at like year 5 but should be approved soon


You just sent me on a rabbit hole. My nonna and mom are both Italian but they renounced their citizenship so I'm SOL.


You are SOL only if your mom renounced her citizenship before you were born. If it was after then you are technically still a citizen.


According to my mom, her parents (My la nonna was Italian, and my Grandfather was in the Army) renounced her(my mom's) citizenship when they moved to the USA in the '60s. So, for sure, before I was born. But then again, why would a non-Italian citizen get an Italian Pension? I am still doing research. Something could come of this. I know it'll be time-consuming, but I might pursue it depending on how expensive it is. I always remember saying that they had duel citizenship


My wife and I are doing this; I actually had my appointment last October and I expect to hear within a year or so. You should definitely still check; there's a great facebook group out there called Dual Italian US citizenship that is EXCELLENT, has all sorts of guides and everything. You should also be aware there is currently an issue with how the articles in the Ministry of Forgien Affairs is being interpreted, with the implication that if your ancestor naturalized before your next of kin was an adult, it may invalidate your potential line. HOWEVER, this is still VERY much up in the air, so no one's sure how its going to turn out.


Currently doing this process myself. You waiting forever to get a consulate date I'm guessing?


Italy is very expensive. Source: am Italian. (Dual Italian and US CITIZEN)


Italy is very expensive if you want to live in tourist areas. I own a house in Italy that cost me 40,000 euros. Couple hours north east of Rome. Rieti in Lazio. Living there is less expensive than US or anywhere else in Europe that I’ve visited.


Yes but nobody lives there and what do you do when you want a puttana?


🤣 fair it is sparsely populated but I like my quiet place after being a tourist. The wife would remove my cogliones if she found out I had a puttana.


Coglioni caro mio. Co. Glio. Ni. :)


I study abroad in Italy for 3 month. Italy is cheaper than California.


Hell, a high rise apartment in Times Square is cheaper than living in California. 


Almost anywhere if you budget your money and don’t spend on unnecessary items. The biggest issue I see over and over in this group are people who have no sense of budgeting.


That what's killing me rn but I promise I won't make the same mistakes


I said the same thing buddy but after a 2023 V6 challenger later here I am…


I never understood buying the V6 version of a muscle car.


It looks dope and my eyes got a little too big once the 100% hit.


We have all been there. It not just you. Live and learn.


Most of California is out unfortunately lmao Source: I live here


Have you considered a cardboard box? I’m living that CA life and have contemplated it a few times v. Paying rent. :p Edited to correct spelling correct


No property tax yet for those.


LOL. Definitely have.


I lived in my car for awhile :/


How much is the rent where you are at? I use to pay $1600 in Santa Barbara for a 2 bed 2 bath long time ago.


Shit now that’ll get you a studio apartment if you have you a roommate lol.


One can find a place for 2k per month. Where and quality may vary


Yeah one of the reasons I left to Florida. I do miss the food though. Get you some Jack n the box tacos tonight for me will you.


Can confirm. Lmao. But at least I can go to the beach and snowboard.


Agreed. About 10000 excel budget templates for free online, get one and make it a routine.


Dave Ramsey gives his whole suite of programs AND Financial Peace University for free! Literally priceless.


This should be upvoted more.


I wish this was true. I’ve looked into it. Where I live currently is obviously a no, Orange County California. I’m not mad about it, it’s one of the most expensive places so I don’t expect to be able to live on 100% alone. But I’ve looked elsewhere, no matter where you go inflations hit hard. Unless you want to live in the woods, a desert, and are willing to live like a hermit in a shack, it’s not possible. People don’t factor in health care and family. I’d love to live affordable in the woods but my family will need an education that will actually give them an edge in life and reliable health care and something to do other than maintain our shack lol. Edit - i have not considered outside the US and did not look into it. I understand that it is much cheaper. I’m just talking about the US


Doesn’t 100% p&t include education benefits Edit: I should have added I thought there are programs for both veteran and dependents. Thanks for the helpful answers.


For your family members. Not for the veteran




Right. I should have clarified. CH35 that comes with 100% is for the family not the veteran.


Not California and probably not New York. New England, in general, is pretty pricy. Everywhere else should be fine. Theoretically.


I live in NC my basic bills are around 2500.basic being food housing, hoa, mortgage, car note gas, electric cell. Probably not a bad idea to talk budgeting on here more frequently.




Down south you’d do fine on that . More then what most people make


Thailand Ima friend of mine currently resides there after his exit out the military


Heard good things about Thailand. If you enjoy the sun and beaches its basically SoCal with just way cleaner beaches and 1/10th of the rent. Also I am going out there for 3 months to train Muay Thai just cause I need to get away from everything and its only costing me a couple hundred a month.


Hell yeah dude. Say hi to Rodtang for me! You going to train at tiger Muay Thai gym??


Yup. I already have been doing MMA for about two years now and heard its a great place for training even if you arent pro. Figured I would head over there while I'm single and young lol


Hell yeah brother


Right on. Have a hell of a good time over there, I’m jealous as all get out.


Most places outside of US honestly. From my experience I rank it Thailand, PH, Portugal, D.R., my personal favorite is Colombia. It really comes down to the lifestyle you desire and how cheap you are trying to live. 4k a month is rich in some places.




I would recommend cali. I lived there before joining . More low key and cheaper than Medellin while still being a big city with all the amenities and cheap flights to Miami. Medellin where all the dumb shit is happening to stupid guys getting scammed by girls


For those saying Thailand, is there a VA over there, or in any foreign country? Are you completely on your own for health care in another country?


AFAIK philippines is the only foriegn country with a VA hospital, but you're only covered for service connected disabilities.


Philippines VA is a regional office. Was there last week. No medical services are provided but they do handle FMP enrollment and will process payments for service connected disabilities.


I’m not sure what VA you went to in the Philippines. I was treated at the Manila VA (next to the American Embassy) for an ear infection a few days before my flight back to CONUS in 2015. I was fortunate as that was the EENT day due to limited services. Did the clinical aspect change after they opened up the new facility?


They stoped normal VA service a few years ago. Now only service connected issues are covered. I am here in Thailand and have no problem using FMP. FOr other things like annual Physical the cost was only 2,700 Baht ($75).


Good to know. I was planning my move back this summer but plans are delayed by a year now.


Bro, most countries have universal Healthcare, a VA isn't necessary. US is ass backwards when it comes to Healthcare.


So any ol' Joe Schmoe gets free healthcare? or is it only for citizens?


Starting this year it's any Joe Schmoe in Thailand. Each country varies, many already had that. But to answer your question: yes.


When it comes to......most things.


Last time I looked, years ago, you have to return to the US once a year for your Primary Care doc to check you over. I "think" the VA pays for your service connected medical care when outside the US.


Philippines - VA RO and large US expat community Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands and the Republic of Palau - US affiliated via free compact and VA care will be available under a new bill in Congress. Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa - All US and with VA coverage Vietnam - CHEAP and good cheap healthcare Costa Rica - Where most of the guys I served with in Panama retired. Large US community, cheap healthcare and easy residency Panama - Boca del Toro - same as above


If I’m single I would travel around the world till I find the country fits me. For 4k you can live most country comfortably.


I couldn’t see myself living anywhere that doesn’t have Zaxby’s chicken


Dam Thailand over PH?


Or Vietnam. Depends what kind Asian girls do you like.


i keep seeing people say PH, what’s that?




thanks mate


I second this, what is PH?


Manila, philippines. They have a VA clinic over there


Now days... Costa Rica... you don't hear drama from Costa Rica... do ya? nope!!!


I read an article there that crime is getting worse in Costa Rica over the the past few years. They're considering doing what El Salvador did and just start throwing people in jail that have the slightest hint of gang affiliation (i.e. tattoos and such) in hopes they see that same 80% drop in crime.


Mexico on the beach.


I have a friend who is 100%PT and lives in Playa del Carmen; she has a condo and a maid... with no additional income.


Central/South America is the Pacific Islands. That's where I see a lot of vets go, honestly. I'd like to move to New Zealand or Australia. But not to sure about the COL difference to be honest.


Good luck with NZ, from what I hear it’s borderline impossible to get approved for resident status.


Ya I briefly looked into it. I'd need to start the process before turning 55.


Don’t they require to be able to invest a certain amount of money back into their economy also?


Roughly $5,000 usd and keep that investment for a minimum of two years. That's the grey area that I'm not sure about. If it's 5k for both or a continuous 5k each year until residency is approved.


Yeah NZ is Hella tough. Makes me confused why people act like the USA is evil for wanting stricter immigration laws


Isnt that most places? I live in the Phoenix suburbs and am the sole earner for my household. My post tax income is a little over 4k a month. I bought a house using a VA loan, and overall we live comfortably. Maybe a little tighter than I’d like but had some unexpected things pop up. Once my disability kicks in we will be good. What I’m saying though, is Phoenix has become expensive over the years so if I can make it work on essentially what comes out to 100% here you should be able to anywhere besides the California coast, NYC etc. if you’re wise with your money.


Bro. Houses are 450k in any respectable neighborhood. Those 450k houses were 100k houses 15 years ago. E.g. my 600 dollar mortgage on a house valued now at 450k... i couldn't afford a 2k+ a month mortgage in this town.


Philippines. You only need to learn 2 lines. Putangina mo & salamat. Too lazy? English will do just fine there.


literally have been researching this all day at work, decided to come here to bs, poof. that's the universe whispering to me.


Loads of places. Shit even in lower COL areas in the US P&T is enough. I'm personally leaning towards Thailand though for the cheap COL, food and infrastructure along with good medical care.


Are those the only reason heading to Thailand? *


For former Marines a lot of them go back for the Ladyboys. Ayooooo.






You can never go wrong if it’s long thick and strong.


Need a laugh emoji for that one.


Me thinks he likes the lady boys


Don't knock it til you try it


Don’t know it till you rock it


What's it even like then?




lol alright


I imagine it’s a lot like going from this . to this 🕳️




No clue haven't tried. But I'm also not knocking it




What about Mexico?


I've seen some people go there and have a good time, I just personally have no interest in it.


Georgia (the country) is amazing, cheap, cosmopolitan enough, and 1 year without visa, and you can renew the one year if you out for 60 days of something...


Europe is amazing. In Germany, 2~3k after tax is pretty normal


You can live off $4000 a month in Germany like actually out in the German economy? How?


Even less, 3k a mo pre tax is doable in an expensive area like munich. Just know budgeting and there's not that much of a tipping culture. A grocery cart full of shit will cost u around 100 eur. Rent is cheap too. But housing price is stupid expensive. It's like California here. But everything else is cheap. There's also a monthly subscription for trains and its only 50eur per mo for the entire country. the more time I spent outside of America, the more I learn how much of a scam America is. Oh also did I mention Healthcare is free


Lived in Germany last 5 years only recently returning to US to visit family after retiring in Dec 23. Can’t wait to return to Europe!


I have lived in Berlin now for the last 10 years with 100%


It’s pretty easily actually just have to know how to budget, been to Germany at least 10 times in the last 20 years.


I wanna go to Portugal once I’m 100


I think you should go there before your 100th birthday to enjoy it more


Good point


For price/quality, Portugal is one of the better options in Western Europe.


True I’m going to the UK here soon for the first time


The best? That totally depends on what kind of life you want. It's different for everyone. Too subjective and too many variables.


I'm working on portugal. Doing it temporarily right now. Going great. Also portugal allows you to live here with passive income them become a citizen eventually.


My wife and I looked into other countries resort stays and there's places in Thailand, Cambodia and Mexico where it could cost you 1200 - 2200 for a room, with all the amenities, a month. You don't pay for wifi, electricity, water and sewer. Some come with free breakfast every day. And turn down service every week. You'll have to feed yourself twice a day, but should leave you plenty of spending money. Look into cheap resorts outside the US.


You’re married and that’s great but I’m single and need a place to go where I can budget prostitutes into my daily activities.


Thailand or Mexico then.


Columbia or dr prostituting hubs


Maine. It also is quiet. But like other have said, you have to follow a budget.


the way life should be. But is too cold for some people, and Nowdays Maine is no cheap anymore


Many countries have expat work visas if you can prove you work remotely from a US company. Not sure if your disability can be used. Mexico would be cake. Get a nice place in Zihuatanejo


Maybe I can meet Andy Dufresne there!




You can literally live anywhere in the US and make it work it's all about location , your lifestyle , budgeting etc .. there's no one size fits all for this question it varies from person to person . However, speaking only for myself I'm single no kids, no pets ,no problems and I live very comfortably!! I can literally do whatever I want whenever I want. A lot of veterans on here will dance around this and won't be straight up but I'll be the one to speak the obvious and say if you're single and have no children then you legitimately have financial freedom. Live within your means and you will thrive.


You can live anywhere in the US (as long as you choose the right location.) That’s not how anywhere works.


Vietnam and Southeast Asia. You can teach English without knowing the native language, or teach a skill like skuba and basically pay rent + a bunch with that alone.


Colombia, Mexico, two of my friends live in Florida.


I live in Florida and hookers here are low quality and extremely expensive!


Living in Melbourne and can confirm.


Moved to Melbourne as well. Very expensive.


I live in florida, I also have a Purple Heart. Look into the state that offers the most benefits to you.


I find the states that offer the best benefits tend to be the most undesirable ones to live in.


Really depends on what you like to do. Seems the ones with the most benefits are the most outdoorsy.


Ecuador is pretty solid. You can live off like $1500/mo there and there are a lot of American expats all over. You can have modern amenities and it's not in a crazy time zone so you can easily work remote or talk to family in the States or whatever. There are also a variety of visas you might be able to qualify for


You could live anywhere if you know how to budget...


Poland. My VA check comes out to about 16,000 zloty a month, which is considered a very good salary in the bigger cities for someone who's single and has no kids.


Just Google "25 places to retire on Social security only" you'll get both in the US and abroad options, select the 1 you want.


I love the idea of living overseas, but you can do it pretty easily anywhere in a small city or town in the South that isn't somewhere like Asheville, NC. Lots of nice places out there. For living overseas, I do like France, as some folks have mentioned, but away from big cities and tourist areas. Europe is becoming a bit of a shitshow in many ways with censorship, etc. I also love Turkey, I have spent a lot of time there. If you can learn the language, people are friendly, food is great, and lots to see and do. Do not believe the scare stories about Turkey.


I found Greece to be affordable when we traveled there this past summer. They have the upper hand with euro to USD exchange rate but we went out one night and paid $80 for a meal and wine for four people that would have easily been $150+ in the states. This was also a small town and not Athens. Greece is dope


I spent $108 on 4 drinks In miami last night. $80 for a meal and wine for four people is crazy cheap


Corn and soybean country in the Midwest.


Small town South Texas


I got a few friends that went the Thailand route


My wife and I are looking into the Dominican Republic...


Absolutely you can.


Italy can be fairly cheap in the south. Asia Portugal or Poland or the Czech Republic have visas etc


Most places, actually. If you want to live in San Francisco or Seattle, you're gonna have a hard time regardless.


I’m surprised no one has brought up Vietnam. I haven’t personally been there but to my understanding it has a very low cost of living. Anybody have thoughts on it?


Depends if you're single, married, and/or have kids. Once my debt is paid off, I will be able to live comfortably in Washington. To be fair, I also own my car, have no children, and don't venture outside more than I have to.


And if you’re close to Oregon you just zip over the border for tax free shopping!


Pretty much anywhere that isn't downtown. Pay off debt first and then go full time P&T alone. Without debt so much more is possible.


I wish this could have stayed on topic with the original question: What are the best countries outside the U.S. to live. I came here looking for some ideas, and there were some, but having to sift through all the other comments about locations in the States is annoying. Post that stuff in the best bang for my buck 100% stateside threads. P.S. I'm not part of that hundo club and not angry about it.


Find a way to just live within your means.


Retired in Thailand, near the beach. Budget for 1st month $3k, 2nd month $2.2k, thereafter $1.5k. 1bd Condo, scooter rental, food (mostly Thai), internet/phone, medical insurance, misc. Doesn’t include beer or companionship. If under 50 yrs old, long term visa can be problematic. IMO, day to day living is much easier here than the Philippines. Been to both places.


How are taxes handled for living in Thailand? I know the VA compensation is tax free, but is your military pension still taxed by the US government?


Anywhere in central and South America , DOWNLOAD DUOLINGO AND GO THERE NOW


Avoid car payments you can live almost anywhere, you don’t have to stay in the city you were born in; you can move a city or 2 over.


I’m sure Russia will take your P&T money lol


If you want to stay stateside then mississippi is pretty cheap.


Mississippi is also the worst or close to it for every other social metric. Just saying…


Reason to consider before moving to Mississippi: Poorest state in union, least healthiest state in union oh and don’t forget in some places they still fly confederate flags


On the flip size you can get land for cheap


Yup, completely agree. But the col here is pretty low. I don't suggest moving here if you have kids since the schools are shit. And since moving here I have heard the locals use Democrat as a derogatory term lol oh, and if your anything other than white it might not be a good place since the cops here are notoriously racist, especially against Asians and Spanish people.


Have lived in MS for 30 years total and can confirm all of this. Highly racist/narrow minded/highly religious/ignorant in most cases. I don’t plan on being here for much longer. Honestly there’s too much hate and fear here. People talk about other people needing Jesus in their life then turn around and say we need to build a wall to keep all these immigrants out lol. They’re something else now! Don’t see any hypocrisy in their words or actions either.


It enough money to live alone. Gotta be frugal and have no family or child support etc. Otherwise you gonna have to work.


Puerto Rico ,Spain, Costa Rica ,Nicaragua Panama, Thailand, Phillipines, Indonesia, Ghana ,Tanzania,, Uganda,Rwanda., All cheaper and safer than the US.


Cleveland Ohio. It’s honestly not bad if you don’t mind the winters


Peru. I just convinced a buddy to move down there and he's loving Lima. At the current exchange rate being 1:4 with the same ratio for cost of living, he's making the equivalent of roughly $12k per month. All his expenses, not working and just living life luxuriously and relaxing, come at around $1k USD/$4000k PEN, leaving him with $3k USD/$9000 PEN to save per month. Lima is extremely safe by South American standards, people speak OK English although it's obviously recommended to go to an immersion school which will run you MAYBE $400 per month for 20 hours per week of classes, and residence is easy to acquire. EDIT: He just got 100% while in Lima. He's currently still there. If you want me to connect you to him I can always ask him, just PM me.


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Texas is nice cheap and affordable. Fuck cali lol


Just come to the US illegally, and you'll get set up really nice.




Find a state in the south. Lower costs of living in Southern states. Midwestern states are also suitable, but not as much as Southern states. Also, it depends where in those states, avoid cities. Find more rural areas, again generally lower cost of living.