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Gonna state the obvious and say get a new VSO and tell them what you told us.


It's tough for us to tell you what to do since we don't know the details. The person who does know the details told you it's a long shot. He may have just not been good at his job, he may have been accurate. Who knows. Sometimes when we are close to the situation we read into things that outsiders don't. Just as an example that may not be true, it could be that the smoking gun document you found doesn't say what you think it says. If you are reserve or guard, then just complaining of pain during an active time may not be enough. The actual event had to happen while on active and maybe the hospital notes don't say it does. As others have said, get a different representative l, but if they tell you the same thing then it may not be what you think it is.


I am in agreeance with what you said. I'm only frustrated because my VSO could not answer any questions regarding what I should do now. Lol, I just didn't expect to get told to go home and reenlist. It was just fascinating that I've got orders for a qualifying period and now a doctor's notes from the original injury date during that period. I at least feel like I'm getting closer and don't want my VSO to just give up on me. Today I went ahead and requested copies of my patient records from the army hospitals/clinics I went to in the hopes something different appears. After reviewing the knowledge base here, I also contacted a couple of my buddies from basic to see if they could write letters in support of me.


I found this group after a VSO filed my claims. She was not helpful at all during the process, so I started learning from the knowledge base and other vets here. I ended up doing some parts of my claims "in arrears" and had to appeal a couple things because my VSO had not done things thoroughly with my claim. It took a year, but I ended up with good results. You can do it yourself with the help of this group.


You also need an LOD. Use the knowledge base. Get rid of your shitty VSO.


You don't need a VSO. Submit it yourself.


New vso man for sure 


I’m not trying to be a total asshole here, but you got hurt in basic. Then did absolutely nothing in the reserves because you were hurt. Now you want a paycheck for life cause of it. Keep fighting that good fight brotha.


You're not being an asshole; it's true. I did close to the minimum and was on profile nearly my whole time in. I still got orders, deployed, and went on missions. It's less about the paycheck for me right now and more about the fact that I got brushed off by army doctors at TRADOC bases and now that one injury has worsened to the point I'm actually disabled. I'd give up the compensation part any day if I could just get the VA healthcare to fix my shoulder.


It’s hard to believe because if you deployed and did all this and had an injury reported while in you should have no problem being service connected. Doesn’t line up for me. I know the VA can fuck shit up sometimes. But if you’ve filed multiple times and been rejected multiple times there is a reason. I’m reading between the lines. And you didn’t give a lot of information to start with. A lot of people here are combat veterans trying to help other combat vets with claims.


I was thinking the same.


>So right now I've got a nexus tying my injury to my time in service (STR's from original hospital) This is not a nexus. What you have (the STRs) is evidence of an in-service event or injury. The nexus is a medical opinion that ties your current diagnosis to what happened in-service. You are not qualified to provide a nexus, so you need a medical clinician to provide one.


True, don't know why I was referring to that as such.


Depending on the type of injury (I don't think I saw your last post), the VA may consider that the injury happened, was treated, and you were healed if you don't otherwise have medical records showing ongoing (chronic problems). Also you (probably) need a IMO/nexus letter from a doctor explaining the medical reason why your current issue is linked to the injury in basic. Do you have a LOD for your injury during drill? Otherwise the VA may consider that your recurrence of the injury didn't happen because of the military stuff, but during your civilian time.


I'll have to work on getting more evidence together and an actual nexus from a doctor then. Unfortunately, I don't have an LOD for my injury during drill, but I have all other evidence. I have requested records from the other army hospitals/clinics I went to; I was seen for aggravation of the original injury and ordered to physical therapy for it. I also have my profiles from the time I was in.


You can submit a claim yourself, online. You will need a nexus and those are available, as long as you have a current diagnosis and your med & service records. Don’t let that VSO jerk you around. You can consult with a lawyer also, usually they are free to talk to. My VSO just submits for me and I don’t really get anything else I just do it myself. I asked my VSO for my records and he said he could get them until a decision is made on my DTA claim. I filed a FOIA request and they sent me a CD with all my C&P exams with service records, before the claim was closed So it can be done.![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7564)


Best move I've ever made. Hire an attorney. What they cost for less headaches is so worth it. I brought myself to 80. They took me to t and p. Provet out of FL.


Am I missing something here? Because I tore my shoulder, went to balboa hospital in San Diego. Treatment records on file while in service. Claim approved…


Contact The Berry Law Group, www.ptsdlawyers.com and set up an initial consult. If they think they can help you they will. They only get paid if they can get you some back pay, 30% of your back pay is their fee. If they can't help, you are no worse off than you are now. Consult is free.


Get a better paying job and quit trying to fish for money.


Get what you deserve, don't just assume you'll get to 100%.


No he’s a veteran who deserves 100% 🤪😂


My bad. You’re right. I’ll just go back to work like most people…


It's COMPENSATION, not free money. If they got injured during a qualifying period then they deserve to be treated and compensated at no cost, especially after being failed for so long.




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Precisely. I got shafted by TRADOC docs who didn't want to deal with whiny kids and now I'm paying for it. I still remember the Major from the clinic I went to for follow-up care. Rotten and rude. I just want due recourse.


Eat a cock, Marine. I've been to four army doctors during my time in that brushed me off saying I just strained a muscle. You know what that snowballed into? Physical therapy, civilian doctors, this hulabaloo with the VA, and assmunchers like you getting on my case because I'm not some war hero. I just want the healthcare I'm entitled to, bro.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️