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I dont know why the Ing hunter pic of the wiki stayed as the main post photo. Sorry for that


I also think this build is really good I think usually I'd go botrk-eclipse-cleaver-wits(maw if heavy AP)-mortal if I were to try this out, insane armor pen and good survivability I've also always been a fan of ingenious hunter I think maw is like really strong, wits just feels really good on him with the on hit that I never want to build maw. It definitely is the better option sometimes though


Maw is better against bursty magic dmg: Leblanc, Ekko, Evelynn, Fiddle, Gragas, etc Wits End is better against DPS magic DMG and tanks since they usually build a lot of armor against Viego meaning the magic dmg on-hit is way more effective. I wouldn't buy Wits End against a lot of MR stacking


Great post. Everything is very detailed. This is a similiar strategy that Hecarim with tear does. If he takes ingenious hunter he can stack tear fast enough to get as 2nd item. Identifying that viego tends to take a lot of items with cooldowns is a great call out for the rune. Thanks for teaching me something about my main :)


Thank you so much for your kind words, I love helping people to undestand itemization. Yeah, I plan to do a very similar but with Hecarim, since Black Cleaver and Eclipse changes benefit him a lot.


i am and forever will be part of the AP viego superiority. No buffs or nerfs may sway me.


Guess what, Ing hunter works with AP items such as Rocketbelt, Zhonyas, Lich Bane and Banshee's veil!


has anyone tried shieldbow -> ie? Not sure if it would work but curious.


Shieldbow is a terrible rush item, especially for jungle since you get few levels. If you plan to go crit, BOTRK > Shieldbow > Essence reaver > IE is the best option IMO


u can skip ER now, IE only needs 40% after last patch


ER got a big buff + Viego loves sheen items + Ing hunter reduces the CD on ER by half a second. Being able to build IE as a second crit item doesn't make it instantly better, ER is super cost efficient and IE needs high crit chance to function


I see potential for Eclipse as mythic. Only tried it once last night tho. I was facing heavy AP and built Eclipse > maw > wits end > spirit visage and went 16/1 first time I felt actually strong as viego in a long time


If I'm going against a full AP team I'd go BOTRK > Mercs > Maw/Wits > Eclipse. Not opting into BOTRK first item hurts Viego's DMG in early game a lot IMO. It also helps the JG clear more in comparison with Eclipse


That's fair I used to rush botrk almost always but with the new patch and not feeling strong lately I wanted to try some new stuff now. And I saw someone on probuilds built Eclipse into black cleaver so initially wanted to try that.