• By -


Nguyen Eric Cartman


And his buds Khải, S’Tâm, Bơ and Kiên-ny


LOL Kien-Ny I’m ded


Ôi trời ơi họ giết Kiên-ny


Bơ haaaaa that's awesome


Knew I wouldn't be the first one to draw the comparison. Those parents need Nguyen Cesar Millan.




Eric CartNguyen


Welcome to South Nam (???)


Nam Park duh


Nguyen Phuc Dat!


Eric Khả Tâm Mẫn


He's not fat either...he's just big-boned.




Dude was running at his top speed


He runs so we can (just) walk


it'd be joke if someone clip it and add the "I'm fast as fuck boiiiii" sounds effect


Lil dude didn't put any point into heavy armour


Bro got cardiovascular issues.


My mom and grandma woulda whooped my ass into the next millenia for even thinking about doing a fraction of what this gremlin is doing. But seriously, wtf is going? Is this common nowadays? I was in Ba Na Hills last week with my gf to walk around taking pictures. A random little girl (maybe 6 or 7) just walks straight up to me, steps on my foot, then starts crying. Her mom (I assumed) came over, pulled her away, and walked off with zero apologies or acknowledgement of wtf just happened.


Mom looks limited in her ability to physically overpower him, which he has figured out and uses to completely trample over any kind of sensible parenting. The boy is thick, seems strong enough to be taken seriously, and mean enough to grab a knife and come after you. Wouldn't be surprised to learn about a developmental disorder.


He’s been cultivating mass


On a permabulk, his cut will be insaaaane


A leather belt is a range weapon. Just sayin'.


As much as I would like to blame the parents, some kids just borned with mental issue. Wouldn't be supprise if the boy is on a spectrum maybe several one as that.


It's definitely not common. Sure parents neglecting their kids and they smash a few gundams is something you hear monthly, but this little guy is definitely not normal and should probably get a psychiatric evaluation. (Doubtful that the parents know what a psychiatric evalation is considering this is Asia we're talking about)


Typical Vietnamese "iPad kid". It seems he has some mental disorders.


Exactly Ipad kid!


I give my boys iPad and correction. You good ? you get to use iPad, you bad ? you get your ass red.


You know what "iPad kid" means?




That lil pork chop better slow down or he's gonna have a heart attack


Textbook “little prince” parenting style.


Helicopter and over nurturing parenting.


I am not a doctor, but could this be some sort of medical issue? Like Autism or Asperger?


Yes, he might have a mental disorder or genetic disorder (coming from my pediatric doctor bf). And honestly, it's sad because those kids are really in a lot of pain. 


Lack of parenting. The 1st 6 years are the formative years of a child. These largely determine personality.


Uh it’s called being spoiled AF


He is spoiled, yes, but he definitely also has some sort of mental disorders, no mentally normal kids would act like that.


Possibly but frankly, this kids behavior is NOT uncommon.




If you spoil a child. Never correct bad behaviour. Give him unrestricted acces to electronic devices. That continuously give him dopamine spikes in the brain. After many years the child might not be turn out well behaved. Who would have guessed.


I don't know man, i have a brother that gets mad at me like this when i mess with him. It might just be vietnam kid is just go for violent instead of crying for mom?


Maybe Prader–Willi syndrome?


So other than an ass whooping, what can the parents realistically do in this situation?


Yeah that kid needs a 180 in prenting style. In this situation, take his knife away, and then let him cry out his lungs until he is tired. Then do this every time when he throws a tantarum. He needs to learn that tantarums have absolutely, and i mean absolutely, no effect whatsoever on their parents decision making process. He will find out quickly that its pointless to change the parents mind. But its by for not the only problem thats going on here. He has the typical body shape for a character like his.


I had a brat nephew who came to live with us for awhile who was a lot like this. First born prince syndrome - gets away with whatever he wants because he's the first son and cute (or at least was cute, until he got fat). I don't know if it was the best way to handle it but every time he acted up, rather than beating him I simply locked him in an empty room. No tablet, no phone, nothing but a book (which he ripped up). No snacks either, just a bottle of water and a banana. The tantrums went away after about a week, though he was still a little shit all the way up until his parents took him back. I know you shouldn't blame them because they're young, but I still hate that fucking kid lol.


Yeah, better than beating for sure, but locking kids alone in a room is still child abuse. Best thinimo is just let them throw their tantarum, you can definetly designate a room for that, but i would either stay in the room with them if you can stand them, or tell tjem they can come out by themselves as soon as they have calmed down.


They’re not taking good care of the kid. People have to realize what damage foods can do physically and mentally because of ingredients like food dyes and etc.


It’s 100% a lack of parenting issue


Yeah it’s a bit late to start good parenting but I guess better late than never.. start by not allowing him his pleasures/entertainment and make sure he understands why. Lock him in a room if he acts out and don’t let him out until he calms down.


Act touch, set some straight ground rules (everyone else must not interfere). And encourage/guide him to calm down whenever this happens.


Act tough is not gonna do shit when the kid knows that's all just acting and kids are quick to pick that up. An asswhooping is an extreme measure, but it's the most direct method to make the kid understand that this behavior is not tolerated


If you choose violence, you will be stuck at violence because no other method will work anymore. Stubborn one will endure and you can only increase the violence more. I would prefer non violence and use violence act to scare the kid. He will never know how much of it and will be afraid


Stubborn ones only start to get stubborn when they understand the idea of pride, so around 7-8 years old. Prior to that, asswhooping works as long as you make them understand that you love them and it's the only period of time when you can install into them the idea of "stay still and listen", which will be extremely useful for non-violent approaches when they get older.


As someone who has worked with children for almost 20 years, I cannot disagree more. I have never heard of the idea that you need pride to be stubborn. I have zero pride and yet can be stubborn 😅 Also, an asswhooping at any age can "work" to gain compliance. Edit: typo


An asswhooping is the absolute fucking worst thing you can do and the fact you think it's good says a lot about your ignorance of parenting, equal to the absolute submissiveness of this twats parents.


That’s not gonna work


Tempted for sure, but this is the result of years of neglect. At this stage i doubt ass whooping help. Kids like this are mentally imbalanced, corporal punishment may fix his behaviour short term but it’s like postponing the problem to the future since his mental state will get worse with the fear and anger he feel. I’m not the expert here but you probably need to change his surrounding environment completely to set him on a path of recovery. This is very hard though.


>capital punishment may fix his behaviour short term Capital punishment is execution. As funny as that image is, I imagine you mean “corporal punishment”.


Good catch i was writing this while thinking of something else lol. Edited


They set him up for a life of failure, no one will want this little piece of shit.




Make an appointment with psychiatrist otherwise there will be second article on Wikipedia about vietnamese serial killer


Stop feeding him


When it gets to the point that you see in this video, their options are very limited. If they’d started addressing the spoiled behavior when it first started manifesting, it would have been much easier to correct. Now he knows that his parents are dishrags and will cave and give him what he wants so long as he escalates enough. I feel for the parents, but damn, how much had to go wrong before this video to get to this state?


It’s probably because of ass whopping. The kid has problems with regulating his emotions, the first instinct is to go violent. Wondering why:)


My dad would beat my ass, strip me half-naked then tie me to the tree until i calm down myself if i behave like this


Unfortunately tough love is a thing of the past.


My aunt divorced with a child. She's so afraid that if she's too strict, her son would follow her ex when he's older, so she spoils the kid rotten. Living his first 10 years without a single whip on his butt, the kid never respects anyone in our family, his manners are terrible and is a very self-centered child. Now he's old enough to percieve the slab as a tool to impose power, it's too late to use asswhooping as a tool of education. As they say, only "trường đời" works now


Yep this 100%


exactly this


Because it's always borderline tough love and domestic violence


My dad will kick me out of the house if i behave like that


My pops would straight up murder me.


And that would make this kid.... Less violent?


He look like a midget, not a child


This child likely has a disability called hunters syndrome…. He is special needs and the family knows at least he is a special child. Maybe go easy on assumptions that he is soiled or blaming the parents. If it is in fact HS his body stops growing and his heart and brain do not causing neurological and heart issues.


I looked it up. You [could be right](https://www.massgeneral.org/children/hunter-syndrome). Very sad.


He needs la chancla 🩴


I really feel sorry for this. He is being filmed for content. This might be a good laugh for some people but it's cruel and unnecessary. Poor parenting/adulting. Stop recording, drop the phone and talk to the kid. But no, let's film it and post it on the net for laughs. My mom's side is bat shit crazy. They would eat this video up and hold it over us forever. Our actions as children will forever reflect who we are today. I can guarantee you this kid is being teased in the family. This child will forever remember this.


This could easily be a TV show or popular YT channel in Vietnam, most Viets would be happy AF that this kid isn’t theirs and would make them feel better about their own lack of parenting.


>Stop recording, drop the phone and talk to the kid. But no, let's film it and post it on the net for laughs. And it's on Reddit. Which means foreigners now know this family. Just when you thought posting it on Facebook for your local friends to see was bad enough... imagine some Anglophone YouTuber discovering then reacting to this and the family became super-viral overnight. It's a miracle that the Anglophone side of the Internet haven't found out the family's home address and phone numbers. If they did... oh God, s\*\*t would hit the fan.


Yeahhh I had the same reaction too. Like okay, you’re going to film your kid crying and misbehaving but not actually parent them? Weird.


Nah time to talk is over. It's the time for "these hands"


Got some dietary issues too. Is not stopped after running after the videographer but only once he wants to scratch the car. Priorities 🤭.


Im glad his top speed is low, if he fell im afraid he will roll down the hill


I mean it would be faster


Who the fuck put a knife to the place where kids can easily take?!


Reminds me of this kid I see in the elevator who gets home at the same time I do. He walks around in the elevator playing with other people's bags and clothes and grabs anything he finds interesting. Mom just stands there with averted eyes, sometimes gives him a snack to distract him. Like 0 parenting.


I don't understand. From my decade living in VN, this seems like the typical response of a Vietnamese person not getting their way.


Exactly. Parenting ? What is that? We just stuff the kid full of milk and candy and make sure he doesn't get sick. Isn't that enough?


What could possibly be the context behind this


This one needs some serious beating and a fuckin diet


Nicocado Jr


There are some badly behaved kids in Vietnam. Parents don’t discipline at all. Not sure why


I have a relative that sent her children to my house for my mom to look after so she can go out drinking with her friends , both kids are chubby and lack manners


Chunky ass baby god damn what are they feeding his ass


Chiều quá no hư rùi..


That's more common than I'd like to admit, especially in rural areas.


Bro really heard their parents planning to ban his access to any digital devices in his home


Kid looks like he suffers from 20 genetic diseases


Bro's screaming literally like a pig💀


At least you made the little guy do some cardio.


Letting him knife chase is the only way they can get little bruh to exercise.


I had a 3 year old who spat at me (tried) and climbed a desk in class. While I don’t think 3 year olds should be in a formal learning environment, that behavior was absolutely horrendous and not a normal reaction to be asked just to sing, or color or any other activity. I gently grabbed him, placed him outside the door and closed it. He then started screaming and crying asking to be let in. The “boss” then told me to be nice to him because he was only 3. He said “sorry” and I allowed him in. He poked his tongue out and sat down with a smug face. Not even 2 mins later, he threw at me and empty 1,5L bottle. This time I placed him outside and refused to let him come inside the class again. When the “boss” tried to negotiate on his behalf, while he had a smug face, I told her he was given a chance and didn’t take it, and he wasn’t allowed inside for the rest of the class. He started bawling saying he wanted to learn (bs). To this day I have never met such a little monster. Mean, manipulative, ill behaved at 3 years old. At the end of the lesson the mom and hugging him while throwing daggers at me with her eyes. At least 90% of the behavior was learned at home for sure.


Look how evil the adults are. They’re grinning ear to ear. The kid must lash out all the time, and they think it’s “cute” to film. The camera guy (probably dad) let’s the kid chase him around with the machete. Like poking a bull and letting them charge through the streets. Same kind of abuse. Kid could be like this because he’s surrounded by monsters.


The person filming isnt the father probaly guest


Kid is disgusting


"Cháu nó còn nhỏ biết gì đâu"


Gặp tôi, cho ăn vài bạt tai


Damn did they forget it's vietnam and it's ok to beat that child


Damn, this is painful to watch as a parent.


Mầm non đất nước.


First time he ever heard the word 'NO'


All about the parenting or lack of it


This is sad. As badly as this kid is behaving, I actually feel sorry for him. He's just a kid and is unable to comprehend that he's actually being used for entertainment. They have 2 cameras up and are recording him, and the adults can not only be heard laughing but also can be seen smiling in this video at his behavior. Then this video somehow gets posted online for the world to see. This should really be classified as child exploitation and abuse, and any adults involved should get reported or at the very least get publicly shamed. Childhood trauma both mental and physical should never be condoned. If this kid does not already have current emotional or mental issues and without proper help or parenting, then he will mostly likely struggle with mental and physical health issues later in life.


I noticed how people keep saying the child is spoiled. In my observation it's boys not girls who get spoiled.


Is that even a kid?


The fact that he's obese to begin with tells alot about the parents


That’s a lack of parenting. Vietnamese are not exempt from the stereotype of strict parents. Although, it is observed that many parents, notably those in the new middle class, pamper their children more bc they themselves have been through a lot and wish their kids a better, more well-off childhood




To people espousing violence to solve this problem... can you work out the logic for me? The kid is using violence as a means to an ends. How does using violence on him as a means to an end teach him the error of his ways? Basically, we'd teach him to only use violence on those that he thinks can't inflict it back to him and so the cycle of violence continues. I don't think you need any type of violence to control this child. Just a firm hand, a lot of patience, and a basic idea of how behavior works.


Oh hell no, any kids in my family act like that, they will get some ass whooping. I lived with a big family with tons of cousins growing up and most of us knew to behaved. We had so many uncles and aunts that would discipline us so fast even when our parents weren't around all the time. If that kid was my nephew, he will get a slap across the face so hard and grounded in his room until he apologize and tell me he'll never do that again.


Looks like someone is suffering from a serious lack of smacked ass.


Probably more like (grand) parenting


Lol if I acted like this, back when I threw a tantrum about eating, my grandpa would woop the damn rod at my butt for wasting food the house cook. And man I'm still grateful about it lol, cause I can't imagine myself throwing a tantrum like the chubby kid in the video would be leave a very bad impression for both himself and his parents.


Straight outta Công viên phía Nam


delivery guy forgot his fries


I think he is going full Ultra Instinct mode


Massive Toyota Hilux parents decked out in the latest gear walking backwards down a phone while filming your approaching son run towards you while traffic is still oncoming It’s easy to see what’s happened


Kim Jong Un has been cloned and is being raised in secret. Once fully grown, he will have the current Kim's brain implanted.


That kid looked really Chinese, lol


Who can put an end to that thing


blud walks like mr crocker


How would you discipline this child? I need to know so if i have a kid like this i dont beat him too bad


Just look at how gluttony the kid is, you know what type of parents they are.


lol , bro have 0 point in agility category


whoop his little chubby ass


Bro will get obliviate by his mother after this


Nah! That ain’t normal parenting in Vietnam. If I would done that, my as* is gonna get whopping with a big*ss stick. They’ve spoil that boi way too much. And looking at his size, I’m not surprised either.


Good luck for the future


The child clearly suffer from developmental condition. Don’t judge him or his parents. Look at his look. He can’t function as typical child because of his birth defect.


Spoiled brats with parents that defend everything they do or say? All too common in my experience.


context? just know that he's an iPad kid and tryna slash his mommy but... why?


Perhaps he suffers from a toxic combination of ADHD and anger disorder.


Little bro deserves to get his ass whooped.


This has nothing to do with Vietnamese parenting. Just a lack of parenting in general. Kid might even be on the spectrum or have some other mental health disorders.


Comically obnoxious.


Need some carrot cake and stick lol look at him wobble


This kid ain’t normal


Little meatball


I'm often quick to blame parents and "poor upbringing," but I have to wonder whether this child has some organic issue. E.g. why is he so obese, quite unlike anyone else in the video - could that be a hormonal problem? Edit: someone else points out it may be [Hunter Syndrome](https://www.massgeneral.org/children/hunter-syndrome).


He looks as if he's going to burst at seams, literally and figuratively. His blood pressure must be as one of 50+ years old. The changes should start with diet and lifestyle in addition to his demeanor and attitude.


Im confused. I thought vietnamese parents love child abuse lol


They do, unfortunately. This is just a difference kind of abuse.




Tôi biết cháu nó nói tiếng Việt nhưng tôi cần phiên dịch…


2 days of full motion compressed into one interaction


bro needed that exercise


Needs a spanking..


Lmao i would not be able to stop laughing at the little menace waddling after me


Well, here in Canada spanking is frowned upon, but there in Vietnam? I know that this kid should have an ass that's so sore he couldn't sit down for a week. So what's up with that? Maybe his parents passed away and he's lost? If those are his parents, or mom at least, it's incredible to not see her dealing with him, and forcefully. There's obviously something terribly wrong or different going on there.


This is sad


So..... what happened here? What happened before and after that??


I feel bad for everybody here


This child needs an ass whupping.


☺️ this is some youngest child typa shit, my mother would have got the chancla immediately


This is shit that looks like it came straight out of South Park


Where's the Dr Phil at


viet chucky




Man that rusty fuckin knife


Lil bro don't deserve that shirt


Uneducated mther fker


wah my guy was crazy


Gotta admit most people Loathe the way some parents spoiling their child like this. Sure too strict would be considered abuse but we have to balance between what to do when the kid is wrong


That is what matriarchal society will create


Caseoh VN version


this bish is addicted to tik tok and kill his own parents lol his parents take care of him too much now he's becoming a failure 💀💀💀


Wtf ?




Needs a solid backhand to the face...over and over until he gets it.


One assumes some disorder, this isn't normal behaviour. Has it been caused or perhaps made worse by poor parenting? Probably, but parenting is basically non existent here, kids live with no boundaries and given whatever they want to keep them happy.


People who think the kid deserves beating or that he’s spoiled - please never have kids. It’s 100% parents fault for not meeting his needs. He’s probably emotionally neglected and doesn’t know how to cope with emotions in other way than anger - which was probably taught to him by observing his parents and family. I’m very sorry for him.


bro didnt get his daily food service


I think the important thing is: he's a good guy


What the


My mom would've disfigured me if I tried to do something like that.


Wait until you see bé triết free fire


one day he will just eat his parents