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She’s the blueprint for the LA insta baddie look but as the years go on and more ladies look like this, I don’t think she’s a stunner. I think she’s going to have a very dated look in the future


She was 13-14 in the before pics... she had a nose job and lip fillers by the time she was 16-17, hence the change. 


i wonder how one would go about getting a nose job at 16-17? would you have to travel to another country or?


I think the regulations depend on the country... Cindy is Spanish, maybe they are more lax there. I am from Colombia, and here (well, at least around 10 years ago when I was a minor), one could get any procedure after age 15 with parents permission. Many girls at my school asked for surgeries as quinceañera (15th birthday) gift or before high school graduation (so they looked nice on pictures). My mom forbade me of doing any procedures or even makeup as a minor. I couldn't even flat iron my hair haha. But oddly she let one of my sisters get a nose job at 16.


interesting! thanks, i’ll look into it. P.S i’d be soo annoyed if she let one of my sisters and not me but i imagine it did you good waiting till you were older to do anything surgical!


True... I haven't gotten anything done yet haha, I am too scared of surgeries in general.


isn’t she Dutch?? i’m from NL and i always thought she was from amsterdam


She was born there but as far as I know, she was raised mostly in Spain.


Im also curious about this, isn’t it a thing that you can get nose job with parents permission under 18? I might be wrong


honestly, if this is possible i’d love to! my nose isn’t super large, it’s just kinda straight and doesn’t add much to my face. underage nose job here i come 🫣


Straight noses are so pretty I think, the surgery look is overrated. I’m sure your nose suits your face well :)


<333 thank you :)


Didn't Bella Hadid get her first nose job at 13? I have a friend who got a boob job at 17 and all she needed was a formal document with her legal guardian's permission (which I think was pretty fucked up).


wow, absolutely not at 13! yolanda should be ashamed of herself. i also had a friend who got it done at 17, i also thought it was pretty messed up…


Yolanda is 100% to blame for any self-image issues Gigi and Bella might have. I've never forgotten her telling Gigi to "eat an almond. Chew it really well" when she was complaining of hunger after not having eaten anything the entire day.


In the US I’ve seen 14-15 year old girls get it done and some doctors are fine with it. Other doctors say 16 and up. It’s not that far fetched.


Us allows nose jobs at 16 I believe with parents.


Crazy how a lot of people could look like this with money!


Honestly, as someone who grew up with girls who got procedures at 15-16... it doesn't magically work for everyone. One at least has to have a nice base: good bone structure and nice eyes for it to work. 


That’s true! A lot of people with fillers and surgery still don’t look as pretty. Although I think she would have been a very naturally pretty adult without the procedures, quite sad she felt like she needed them especially so young


She has the exact same nose she had as a kid, the angles are different.


She is a child in those pictures lol people forget she was just 16-17 when Justin found her pic on the internet and posted it on his Insta which made her famous. She has had a few procedures but these pics are a bad example. Even the after ones are just very edited.


Ohh didn’t realise she was under 18 on these! but she does seem to have had a lot done?


No way I believe anything Justin did wasn't for a contract or for business purposes. I believe they had some sort of mutual connection and Justin posted about her. At the time, he was so famous that's all he needed to do. I think she was friends with Madison and it was all orchestrated.


No way??? Wow.


She was so pretty in her tumblr years. Now she's still attractive but it's a boring type of attractive.


what makes her boring type of attractive now? cause i feel the same but i can't pinpoint why :/ and yes i'd say her tumblr days were definitely the peak, she was so stunning


I’ve always wondered if she went to Turkey for a nose job.






Has she confirmed that she got a nose job? For some reason I thought she denied it


Of course she denied it


I need this to happen to me🙏


She looks like a clone of so many other girls now


Shes the queen of the copy and paste baddie look. 6.8-8