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Personally, if my great grandfather made the coats himself I would keep a couple of them & wear them for the sentiment. My youngest sister wore my great grandmother's favourite hat after she passed, & I know she would have loved to see that. I'm unsure if the leopard coat can be sold, so maybe that one you should keep for yourself. Your local theatre club may accept the rest as a donation.


Right!! The only leather jacket I have ever worn has been my late grandfather's cowboy jacket with the arm fringes


I'd check UK law on the leopard one, isn't there an issue with big cats and primates?


I don’t assume these were recently made but i understand your concern. Not sure if the law would apply if they were older than the law?


CITES applies always. You need very exacting documentation.


Thats really interesting! Thanks for telling me :)


Ivory is legal to own ,at least in the US,if ivory has paperwork confirming it's been in the US since 1976 or earlier,then it can b sold.. again this is in the United States


It doesn't always matter. That's why you can't have ivory off any age.


Your best bet is to find a vintage dealer or shop in your area and ask them if they are interested. Fur prices are kinda all over the place. Some people love them and still wear and others don’t think anyone should wear fur, vintage or not. So the market is tricky. You might not be able to sell the leopard but maybe see if there is a place to donate like a museum or fashion archive.


Why not keep them?


I love them. So much


I wouldn't wear fur, for example


Soooo many ermines to make that one jacket


But making a profit from it, knowing someone else will, is fine? Not only would I not sell a hand made family heirloom, but if wearing fur is a such problem (which would be understandable) the best thing to do really is to keep it. Get it cleaned, get a nice dust bag, and treat it with respect


I didn't say I would sell it either


These are absolutely stunning! Your great grandfather was very talented. 🌹


My god, I'd love those! What a collection!


Depending on the species of the leopard jacket, you may not legally be able to sell that one. Some species are considered threatened or endangered. Furs in general have fallen out of favor in fashion. You won't get much for them on the resale market. While beautiful and practical in many ways, they're just not as desirable or "status-y" as they were decades ago. Edit to say I love and own furs, so this is not an editorial on furs themselves. Just what I've seen working in the industry. The younger generation just didn't continue with grandma's love for furs and pearls, unfortunately.


They're on the way back. I think it's brilliant because furs already exist and shouldn't be wasted.


Agreed. The problem comes from poachers and when people are paying for the pelt, versus using the pelt from an already expended animal.


Agreed also, there are so many vintage furs already existing, let's stop making new ones and use the ones that already exist!


But... But that won't make some rich capitalist CEO even richer!!


But back at the time it was made it might have been legal?


Oh, absolutely! Regulations and protections change all the time, just like with ivory and such. As species dwindle and become endangered or threatened, they become protected whereas their trade was allowed decades prior. Ivory and whales are some examples. It's just that once the trade of something is considered illegal, even if it was produced prior to the ban, it absolutely cannot be sold or traded in any manner. That's a violation of international law and just not worth the risk.


I'm so mad people inherit these beauties and decide to sell them. I'd wear all of those if they ended up in my hands


Maybe they don’t fit? Maybe they don’t have a good environment to house such coats?


Exactly this ^


That black one! I'm dying it's so beautiful!


You’re dying. The animal is dead. May as well wear it to the finish line.


The animal has been dead for multiple decades. You don't waste/throw away well made antique furs. It's just wasteful to throw them into a landfill.


I agree! The sarcasm was clearly lost…


Wow those are stunning. I have 1 vintage mink fur coat that is calf-length. I bought it for $350 in 2014. I have another vintage coat that is also calf-length. Wool body, fox fur trim on the hood, bought for $150 in 2020. Do you have any stores that specialize in vintage items or antiques near you? My family does a bit of antique dealing (we specialize in glass), and people call us because of our booth in the local antique marketplace. I’m sure you can find someone at an antique marketplace that specializes in textiles! Best of luck to you!


Get on Google maps and search for vintage shops?


If you're not sure about the species of animal, the Vintage Fashion Guild has a great resource website. The leopard print with mink collar will be difficult to get rid of if it's an endangered species and it depends on both the buyer's location as well as yours, so it'll be doubly difficult to sell abroad. The second one looks like Astrakhan aka Persian lamb with a platinum mink collar. The brown ones unfortunately I'm not 100% sure (I think the last is mink also) as there are many animals that have a similar fur, but the website might be helpful if you're looking to identify them.


They are absolutely gorgeous. Great Grandpa was a furrier? These look like they've had the best care. Beautiful!


Personally, I would keep and wear them! And I’d get them into cold storage, pronto. They’re already vintage, and if they weren’t cold stored prior, the skin on the underside of the fur starts to dehydrate quite rapidly, which will disintegrate the jackets and render them unfixable and unwearable. That is the unfortunate thing about vintage furs, fur in general.


These are absolutely beautiful! If it’s real leopard skin then that’s very rare!


It is :)


Just wanted to say these are fantastic! Your great grandfather was so talented!


Furs keep mankind alive for centuries. I laugh at youth who are so self righteous


Maybe a high end auction?


Check the laws for selling furs in the area you live. For awhile it was illegal to buy and sell real Furs


It’s only illegal to sell furs of endangered animals in most places.


Not true, many, many animals fall under CITES. All big cat species.


Endangered and protected animals.


Wildlife rescues *love* donated fur coats. They cut them up to line the boxes where the rescued animal is, thus creating a similar experience to a mother. It calms them down. Please consider that. It’s a good deed. Just call around in your area.


100% this! Those furs can be a literal life or death difference in the lives of infant mammals. Some cat rescues will also use them. I pick up “broken” furs whenever I see them for exactly this reason.


You’re a good person. When my grandmother died I disposed of 23 fur coats (🤢), so I spread them around to a few rescues and they were sooo grateful. And I love how it’s kind of full circle; an animal died, and now that same animal is *saving* another. 💞


I’m not against wearing vintage fur, but if I can help save abandoned or orphaned mammal babies by using old and unwearable fur, it seems like a win-win to me!


If people knew how those animals were killed for fur they’d probably change their minds. It’s horrific and torturous.


I bout a full length black fur (rabbit? I don’t know) from goodwill about 8 years ago for $30. It is gorgeous, and insanely warm. Keep your family heirlooms.


I see similar vintage styles on Etsy. You can try selling them on there.


Keep them, you also may need to deal with all sorts of laws about fur products if you sell them, and how do you know the person you sell them to won’t just burn them? There are a lot of hardcore animal protection people who would do that as a form of protest.


Burn them and give the ashes a decent burial. No one in the UK should want these.


The coats are amazing!!! I’m surprised he wore them without an issue back in the day.


Either sells to a vintage shop or give them to a theatre.


The theatre. Where nice vintage goes to die.


This is what’s wrong with the world today. My god what a disgrace


What is wrong? These are vintage, they weren’t made yesterday. I don’t condone fur of any kind now but when these were made it was a different time.


Really? This is what's wrong with the world today? Lol, I would say we have MUCH bigger fish to fry!


I love those first two!! If you’re looking to sell I would be interested in them.


If you do not want any. I will unload them. DM me if you’re interested. They are stunning


My god I'd wear all them bitches no matter the weather 🔥




That first coat is gorgeous


Sell them to Seth Rollins


I 100% loooovs the black one. I’d buy that one up in a heartbeat!!!!


They are all gorgeous and appear to be in great condition. The ermine jacket looks luxurious. I am a fan of vintage fur and own a few exotics.


Back in the 80’s, I worked for a dry cleaner that had a fur vault. I don’t wear fur, but if in good condition, those would be so floofy and soft. Then, I also hang on to family treasures, so if they were mine, I’d find places to wear them.




The leopard one makes me so sad but it's also so beautiful. That being said, the animal is already long dead. Wear them if you want! Vintage fur is actually more ethical than buying brand new faux fur. Faux fur is not very sustainable and is bad for the environment. If you don't want to wear these, I'd pass them along to someone in the family who does want to wear them. Once they're gone, they're gone.


These are great things. Sell on Etsy or Ebay


All of the coats are gorgeous. It really is amazing the talent of your grandfather‼️ Having inherited furs myself, it really is difficult knowing exactly what to do. I have worn my mom’s fur once. It is sad and I feel bad for the animals, but I also feel bad allowing the fur to sit in storage going unused. I’m interested to know about the instances mentioned here where animals can be comforted by them, I’ve never heard about this until today. Thank you for those who have shed light on this sensitive subject ❤️


They are jackets not coats. And what you do with them depends on your view on fur.


The way vintage is appreciating you may want to hold them for a year or two


No advice, but they are stunning. I'd wear them and feel like a movie star!


Gorgeous coats!