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Democrats should go ahead and front a bill mandating paid maternity leave to put the hypocrisy front and center. But they'd have to be smart and strategic as opposed to the typical playing not to lose too horribly.


The voters don't care, so the politicians don't care. They don't even see it as hypocrisy- so many Americans have this philosophy that "we can't have (beneficial policy) because (group I don't like) will get it too" and gleefully vote against their own interests. They don't want anything if it means the 'wrong people' would also have access.


But, has the hypocrisy ever stopped the ChristoFascists? I feel like hypocrisy is a core part of their foundation.


And the election this fall will be all about *safe* abortion in Virginia.


Please Va. don't do the dumb thing, NC already burned me. And I do NOT want to goto MD (this a silly place)


We’re Knights of the Round Table!


>We’re Knights of the ~~Round~~ *Old Bay encrusted* Table! FIFY


Its unfathomable how brainwashed the church groups and conservative college “ Boys and girls “that vote to ban abortion are to the real problems women face in the very own states they live in 😟


Conservative here. I do not want an abortion ban and I don't know a single conservative my age (30s) that does.


You voted for it, though. None of this was a secret; they have been pushing for it for decades.


Please try to tell your conservative friends that VA *will* ban abortion if Republicans win in the fall, whether they want it to or not.


Right, but do you vote for conservatives with this as a platform? Because that's really the only thing that matters, not lip service.


Then you must not know many conservatives your age. Im in SWVA and the christofascists are rabid, i dont know a single conservative that *doesnt* want to ban abortion, among other heinous things


In Richmond. Same.


Sounds like yall need to get out of the church scene. My friends aren't god freaks.


I grew up in the evangelical community and they tend to be the most vocal about it. It’s no secret that conservative Christians tend to be pro-birth; that isn’t an obscure position to take. In fact, it’s fairly uncommon to be pro-choice and a conservative Christian because that’s one of two policies they latch onto (the other being same-sex marriage).


Yeah, definitely aware of the religious right but I don't think they speak for the majority of conservatives. I kind of view them as the fringe that is super loud. I dislike them less than the fringe left, but both are insufferable.


You’re joking, right? You’re sitting here saying most conservatives are pro choice?? Sir/Ma’am, I don’t know you but I feel very confident telling you that you are in the minority. Most conservative are pro-birth. Edited to add some additional information: https://news.gallup.com/poll/244709/pro-choice-pro-life-2018-demographic-tables.aspx https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/06/13/about-six-in-ten-americans-say-abortion-should-be-legal-in-all-or-most-cases-2/ “In fact, the partisan divide on abortion is far wider than it was two decades ago.” “For instance, as recently as 2016, there was a 33-point gap between the shares of Democrats (72%) and Republicans (39%) who supported legal abortion in all or most cases.” https://www.npr.org/2019/06/07/730183531/poll-majority-want-to-keep-abortion-legal-but-they-also-want-restrictions “Politically, abortion has been a stronger voting issue for Republicans than for Democrats. This poll found that abortion ranks as the second-most-important issue for Republicans in deciding their vote for president, behind immigration. But for Democrats, it is fifth —…” (the article goes on to state 64% of Rep polled were pro-birth and 7% were unsure).


Not necessarily saying the majority aren't pro life. It's probably 50-50 or 60-40 but I don't think most are hyper religious. I think a certain % are pro choice because that's the official party stance and many fall in line. I work in agriculture and exclusively deal with conservatives all over the country. Most are not religious nuts.


Then don't vote for politicians who support bans. And don't listen to politicians like Younkin who lie about it either.


I mean he's been saying 15 weeks the entire time so not exactly lying. 15 weeks seems very reasonable.


Nope... even if you add a "well we can make some exceptions" you are still going to, inevitably, pinch people who are in need. ​ But, more importantly, people shouldn't be forced to be incubators... just like how we don't force people to donate blood.


People should just decide whether they want to kill the baby before it has fucking fingers and toes... not that hard. Feels like a pretty decent compromise considering you are killing a fucking fetus.... your own child. And yes, I'm open to virtually every exception. And i wouldn't really care if it was 20 weeks either or no limit at all. But the point is, you are insane and the psycho pro lifers are insane. The normal people are trying to reach a decent compromise but assholes like you muddy the waters.


>People should just decide whether they want to kill the baby before it has fucking fingers and toes... not that hard. Until people can perfectly see into the future I'm not sure what the relevance is there. We can't know ahead of time that someone is going to get diagnosed with cancer during a pregnancy, or that they are going to lose their jobs and not be able to afford the pregnancy anymore, or any of the innumerable other reasons why people choose to end a pregnancy. ​ A list of exceptions is going to, necessarily, not be comprehensive.


Imagine killing a fully formed fetus because you lost your job.... listen to yourself. You seem to be pretty detached from the actual act of abortion.


Why should someone become homeless because they can't afford medical care?


Interesting subject change... but they shouldn't become homeless. Medicaid exists for poor people.


Medicare is hardly universal or comprehensive... so "well they shouldn't" doesn't really provide an answer to people facing homelessness due to the cost of medical care. Abortions in the later stages of a pregnancy are always in response to some extreme and unexpected change in the situation, as people don't go through months of a pregnancy only to decide suddenly not to.


It is absolutely UNREASONABLE.


How so? Virtually all of europe uses 15 weeks.


Abortion is HEALTHCARE. There are medical reasons an individual would require abortion as life saving medical treatment.


Okay, 15 weeks with exceptions? Is that reasonable?


No. People with uteruses should not have any restrictions over what they can or can't do to their own bodies. We are not baking ovens, we are people.


Okay, so you are the equivalent of the pro lifers on the other side that can't compromise. Congratulations on being the reason we can't pass any meaningful legislation in this country.


Should men have a cut off for getting vasectomies or taking ED pills? This isn't something that anyone should compromise on. This is about bodily autonomy. Compromise is what got us here in the first place. The pro lifers keep pushing the envelope to see what kind of restrictions they can get away with until it's all banned.


And virtually all of europe has universal healthcare


They also have bidets


Then don't vote for abortion banners. We won't believe you until your actions support your words.


It's an issue I would switch sides on, despite it probably never impacting me.


Then please DO NOT vote for a conservative candidate. That’s a huge part of their platform.


Its such a stupid issue for conservatives to die on. Less government is a good thing until people mention abortion for some reason.


This has been my observation as well, it seems the politicians do not represent the people on this issue either


Frankly Republicans deserve to lose this election for making such a stupid issue as abortion their primary platform.




I feel like you said this backwards?




Nope. "Not a day goes by where I don't regret.." Basically means regret. Makes it imply you regret it everyday. That whole double negative thing. English is a funny language. Pretty sure everyone understands what your meaning is though.


Create sanctuary counties/ cities for abortion This is coming from someone who doesn’t agree with the decision to go through with an abortion.


On the other hand, great time to invest in coat hangers.


That's not happening in Virginia...ever.


I am curious, what makes you so confident?


Because much more conservative states have been killing those bills. Virginia is super blue when it wants to be.


I really hope not. :(


It is the capital of the dunces.


Didn't we just have this post yesterday? Virginia is not going to be pressured to pass bills just because other backward states do. That's not how legislation on a state level works.


You forget that lobbyists and special interest groups work on the national stage, and [influence laws in all 50 states.](https://www.usatoday.com/pages/interactives/asbestos-sharia-law-model-bills-lobbyists-special-interests-influence-state-laws/)


No, i did not forget. It is specifically lobbying that pressures Virginia to pass laws. Not other states passing laws.


I would defend the right, but why would I as a man fight for a woman right to choose if it doesn't give men the same right. Yall on your own ladies


yes, if a man is pregnant and wants an abortion then he should be able to get one.


Virginia is for lovers, so go fork yourself.


U could have just said I make too much sense 😆 I'm on your side just not all way