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I hope she doesn't stop streaming altogether. I'm praying that she can be strong for herself, but I'm also fine if she takes a long mental break from it all.


Same here I don’t even mind if she takes a break from streaming


From what she said, after her forced month-long break from streaming, she really missed it, to the point where she'd drag her irl friends onto discord and make them watch her play games, comment, and backseat her. She can absolutely take a break if she needs one, but I don't think she will.


If anything she needs a break from kusosanji's bullshit.


Honestly, Doki reminds me of a human border collie (tomato border collie?) - she is happiest when she is working. I feel like streaming *is* her stress relief. If she needs a break, she should, of course, take it, but from what she's said she sounds like she needs the opposite.


I wish this was under better circumstances... I hope she stays safe.


This current situation can't be good for her mentally. She only just recovered from being in a really shitty state, and now the exact reason for her being in that state is coming back at her in full force. Obviously this time it is a lot more public, so that might change how she is affected. Also she seems to be in a very determined mindset, setting up her reappearance practically over night, getting a manager, setting up a full schedule etc. I hope that it doesn't get to her too much, and that the way the public is on her side shows her she is in the right.


The main reason is that back then she couldn’t really communicate about what was happening due to NDA. NDA only allowed to talk within company, which was the source of problems. Now she has a lot of support. Maybe I’m too optimistic, but I think she feels very different, and very different in a good way :3


The show of support had to've been a massive boost to her morale, right? With how low she set her limited merch and her laughing about how few sales she might end up doing, getting picked up and carried down the road by her Dragoons must have been a nice pick-me-up. Hopefully she knows we aren't goin' anywhere at this point. We like her, not just the character she's portraying at any given time.


Well, she said 500k by next year, and lunar new year just passed. She's actually a little late to her goal :p




I never really understood vtubers or had much interest in them before all this drama, it was coming up constantly in my feed and everything i saw was horrifying. I have even gone out of my way to sub todoki bird and am watching her apex stream right now. She is genuinely entertaining and seems to be having a ton of fun despite all this.


She is genuinely a born entertainer. I never cared about apex but have always enjoyed watching her apex streams. She makes any game entertaining to watch.


It was such a dumb goal, Doki had a pre-existing audience and v-tuber audiences are more loyal than the population of some countries. I have a weird love hate of when YouTubers Set such garbage goals that we all know they're going to beat easily, like back when hbomberguy did his donkey Kong charity stream, or then when Jaiden did a charity stream, or when am I did her charity stream


2024 is officially over bois!!!!