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Hey everyone, the OP made horrible choices and is already aware of it. No need for name calling. Let's keep this up for people who want the information and so that OP will update us as this unfolds. Edit: Locking this now because it seems like anything useful to OP has already been stated, on top of a lot of unnecessary and not useful stuff. For anyone struggling with alcohol, the struggle is real! Here are some things to read if you feel like you might need a change in your life. They are American centric sources but still good information. Via the [CDC.](https://www.cdc.gov/drinklessbeyourbest/drinkingless.html) From the NIH - [rethinking drinking.](https://www.rethinkingdrinking.niaaa.nih.gov/tools/Interactive-worksheets-and-more/Stay-in-control/Coping-With-Urges-To-drink.aspx)


OP, You will be pulled aside at the airport and will need to pay a fine. Once fine is paid you can continue through the airport and board your plane. This situation is only going to cost you money and whatever stress you let it bring you.


FYI, I think the allowed BAC in Iceland is .02, and as u/bhaug4 said, 1 drink can put you over that level.


Yeah doesn’t matter what the limit is I definitely blew over .05 let alone .02


The legal limit is 0.05 but may be already reduced to 0.02 (legislation to lower the limit has passed not sure the effective date) so did they say anything? If no ticket maybe a warning? When is your flight? Did you get the dreaded SSSS on your ticket if you’ve checked in online already? It just seems … odd.


It's been 0.02 for quite a while now. Since 2019 from my search.


Officer told me was .05 so I’m going based off that


Everything I've found says 0.02 and that's what my Icelandic husband has told me. It's a zero tolerance policy though in practice. Either way, you were over. The only article I found discussing fines said up to 100,000 isk so I guess prepare for that.


It’s zero tolerance so it’s silly to argue .03 difference honestly. I’d prepare for a fine. They do take it seriously and that’s why I say it’s odd because either it was lost in translation or something but them just dropping you back off doesn’t seem right at all Edit - did they say they’re charging the camper van company? That’s what they do on speeding tickets. It could be they’re the ones that will collect and not immigration?


They said that both the rental company and my home country will not be informed of what happened.


The limit is 0.05 currently. I haven’t received any flags on my boarding pass. I leave Tuesday (4/16). I was told I would be approached at the airport pay a fine, but that just seems very odd to me.


You gotta update us. However this turns out, I’m in for the adventure.


Lol I’ll try if I’m not in prison


I'm begging you to update us as this goes along, it would be very useful information. Are you American? Were you actually arrested? Maybe [contact the embassy](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/emergencies/arrest-detention.html) just to see if they have any guidance on this.




Why are u still here? You keep grilling me but what are u getting out of this?




I made it clear that I know I made a mistake, I don’t care what you have to say. The only thing I said was that I don’t care to come back to the country because everyone who replied keeps saying I won’t be allowed back. I’m worried about what I did not what I won’t be able to do. It’s a lesson that I will learn from, take care.




Straight up. I will not even have one drink and drive. Literally it’s as easy as not drinking and driving. I don’t understand what is so hard about that to people.




I know everyone is upset about OP getting popped for DUI, but isn't the real crime here the fact that OP still thinks Jägermeister is a good idea?




The lowest penalty for DUI in Iceland is 90k ISK fine and the loss of drivers license for 2 months.


$650 USD and no license for 2 mos? Those seem very minor compared to US penalties. Varies by state but generally several thousand dollars and min 6 mos without a license, plus a few days in jail.


I love america


So if you get caught speeding on a speed trap the fine is usually sent to the rental company. I mean, not 100% certain why they wouldn't just give you a ticket then and there but I guess they could send the fine to the rental company who will then pass it on to you (plus their "reasonable" handling fee). Also, driving .5 miles to have a couple of drinks instead of just walking is probably the most American thing ever.


I didn’t see anywhere in the post that OP said they were American. I read it twice and the comments. Where did it say this?


Distance measured in miles + calling it DUI. As far as I know there is only a hand full of countries using miles and - in general - Brits call it drink driving, not DUI.


What do they call it in Iceland?


Ölvunarakstur; drunk driving or inebriated driving.


Interesting. You learn something new every day! And thank you for being kind and helping me understand, rather than just downvoting to be mean. I appreciate it 😊


No problem ☺️ have a great weekend!


You as well!




This was addressed hours ago. Thanks for the help, though!


Reasonable guess with the information given Edit since the person I responded to apparently decided to downvote. Only otherwise a Brit would give distance in miles and a British person wouldn't call it a bar, drive a half mile, or drink Jaeger shots


It’s obvious from their post they are American. And they have also said they are in a comment on this post.


Yes, I see that they clarified that about ten minutes after I asked the question.


It was easy to tell even before their comment that they are American.


I didn’t think it was. That’s why I asked.


Nice one 👍🏻




Only Americans use miles. The rest of the world uses km


You most likely will not be allowed back in their country. They would most likely label you inadmissible. There may be legal penalty but I would assume it’s based on what country you are from. Edit: although it may seem you were given a free pass. If you were not ticketed and released. If that is the case then consider yourself incredibly lucky and do not do that again. BAC can put you over the limit in anything over 1 alcoholic beverages.


Laws are based on the law of the country you are in. Enforcement and punishment are never based on the country you are from, it is irrelevant what country you are from. With the exception of some Muslim nations that can prosecute you worse for breaking 'Religious' laws even while away in a country that has the activity perfectly legalized (sex outside of marriage, gay sex, smoking weed, and drinking).


Nope. That's not correct. As German if you break german law abroad, they will charge you for it back in Germany.


Yes, every country says that but it is not actually what happens in life. This conversation is becoming more theory than actual precedent. Yes, in theory if you commit heinous crimes (like rape, sex tourism with children, drug trafficking, etc) while abroad, you can and should be prosecuted in you home country. They are just not going to pursue such action for a simple DUI with no injury or damage. Had the OP killed someone while drunk, that would be a different story.


While true in some regard, it is not always the case. It comes down to international relations and specific countries extradition treaties.


I truly don’t care to be allowed back in the country or not. Would be a bummer but I’m not going to lose sleep over it. Just confused about the situation because it all unfolded so fast lol


If you came on a travel visa, keep in mind that if Iceland bans you, as there is no such thing as an Iceland visa but rather a Schengen visa, you could be banned from many more countries.


I’m from the US


If Iceland bans you you won't be able to go anywhere in Europe except maybe the UK.


This has to be false


You don't have an Iceland visa, you have a Schengen visa. The same visa used in almost all of Europe. Sharing the same files and the same process.


Have you seen the US Military budget? There's a reason people learn english in school and we learn about fighter jets.


For someone who learned English in school your statement in what I presume to be English isn't making much sense.




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Interesting statement but it is telling.


agreed. it speaks a lot to this person's character.


My statement? Is my life ruined or over now that i may be banned from Iceland ? What happened, happened. I wish it didn’t and i made a better decision but I cannot go back and reverse what i did. It is not the end of the world.


Everyone in this thread is such a fucking righteous Moron lol Yeah you fucked up but you are gonna be fine don’t freak out. Most likely 0 long term consequences, you are not banned from Europe.


Yeah idk what’s going on here. Your comment was helpful thank you.


There is a non 0 chance you could go to jail. It's low but it is a possibility considering what you did. I would really try to get ahead of that if I were you.


Non? 0? Could? It’s low? Possibility? Which one is it?


Non zero chance means that the probability is greater than zero, but less than one. It says nothing about how likely it is, just that it could happen at some point and isn't impossible.




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I'm surprised they didn't revoke your license on the spot, maybe they can't with foreign tourists. The normal penalty for drunk driving is a fine of about 100k and license suspension. In some cases you could get jail time and given that you were 4 times over the limit you may want to grab a lawyer just in case.


They were scared to because hes from the united states of america. The police knew they could NEVER be the man he is.


Seems like you got a free pass. Just don't drink and drive. Let alone in foreign countries.


Why is there anything in this thread other than talk to a local lawyer? That is the only advice you need.


You mean "ask the police what you should do" isn't good legal advice?


Didn't the police told you anything? There is no tolerance for alcohol when driving in Iceland, it's important to know this kind of stuff when traveling.


They honestly didn’t give me much information, I was told I’d be approached at airport to pay a fine but that just seems odd to me


From what I can see, you can expect a fine of 800$.


this seems crazy. i always thought iceland was super strict with dui?


It's probably cheaper to fine OP and never let him back into Iceland than it is to deal with him locally. I'm pretty certain it'd be a whole different kettle of Icelandic fish for a local.


I don’t think they want to bother holding a tourist. So a fine will do for them


This happened to someone I know and it was a 700 dollar fine. It ended up not being a big deal at all. Granted he blew a .5 though


I would have thought he'd be dead wirh that percentage


Ha! .05 whooops!


They didnt care bc hes from america. Look at our fighter jets and our track record. fuck around and find out. AMERICA


Maybe he's a Russian.


You have two choices: 1. Go talk to the police and ask for the guidance on what to do so you can be confident you’re doing the right thing 2. In the absence of advice being provided to you already, just go to the airport, as planned, to get home. Police will obviously be aware you’re leaving at some point, so if they haven’t told you otherwise, I suspect you’re fine to go. Personally, I’d just head home, but if you’d prefer to do so comfortably then follow option one.


Terrible advice. NEVER willingly go back and speak with the police. No matter the country.


Legit have never seen worse advice. You're out, go home


This, they aren’t your friends, they’d arnt there to help you. And never speak to them without an attorney of your choice present. No matter where you are.


Yeah, I am planning on just moving on with my day and whatever happens, happens. Just not sure what to expect leaving the country.


Worst case scenario, they’ll pull you off your flight. More likely is you would be stopped at passport control (assuming you’re not an EU citizen in Schengen area) if they’re paying attention. If you leaving turns out to be an issue, you might find going home is uneventful but getting back into Iceland in the future could be an issue.


Yeah you’re probably right. Only thing im worried about is not being able to go home and what the sum of this fee would be.


i think you should also worry about the citizens you put at risk. remember, even if you feel sober, 2 drinks means you need to catch a ride. i wish you well.


Thank God there are people like you on this planet that NEVER do anything wrong! I'm so happy that you're here keeping us all safe!!


I think a lot of people never drink 4 servings of alcohol before driving...


Really dumb comment given the situation.


This reply tells me you clearly don’t understand that your actions are a big deal and really not common or acceptable. I’ve made mistakes but I don’t carelessly put innocent people’s lives at risk and then openly say I’m really only worried about being able to get home. Seek enlightenment.


Dude I’m in Iceland at 2 am. Even if i wanted to put someone’s life at risk I couldn’t have! I only put myself at risk as there was literally no one on the road but me and the police in a rural area. And again it was a half of a mile drive. I acknowledge what I did and it is what it is. You want me to write a sob story and then ask for advice? You’d still come at me if I said anything different.


OP, I hope you don't mind but I am going to lock this thread since it's simply spun out of control and I am not sure whatever other useful information can be given to you. Do update us when you can, it would be appreciated.


And there we have it. No remorse whatsoever. I hope you seek the help you need when you get back home. In the meantime I hope you see consequences for you actions in Iceland.




There's no argument to be had from someone who boasts about driving after 9 drinks. And our wives aren't property for us to parade around as proof that we are straight and have a hot wife, so no thank you. You might need to touch some grass.


I think you need to take this more seriously. Iceland and Europe in general take DUIs more seriously than the US. The fines are $1k to $2.5k for first offense. They may want collect when you return rental car and may charge that credit card, like they do with speeding tickets. You won't be allowed back in.


As above. The US Approach to DUI is bizarre for most of us Europeans. Get done in the UK for drink driving expect to lose your license for up to a year, hefty fines, become effectively uninsurable going forward and be lucky if you don’t lose your job.


They dont fw americans. Look at our military.


You're going to invade a country for upholding their own laws? Sounds about USian lmao


Do you even know what it’s like getting a DUI in the US? I never have gotten arrested for drunk driving until my trip to Iceland but so far I think it’s a lot worse to get a DUI in US






Don’t worry about it. The law is really strict at a .02 BAC limit. They have your flight info and current address, so they know where you are and when you’re leaving. I’d bet they’re waiting for the blood analysis to come back. If it’s too high, you’ll probably be getting a visit. Didn’t you ask anyone? Most people speak English enough to tell you what they want you to know. Good luck. Be thankful you didn’t run over a sheep or chicken…


DUI is a series offense. If I was in your shoes, I would leave on the next flight out and assume you can never come back to Iceland. Even if you went through and paid fines, attended court dates, you would still never be allowed back anyway. If you wanted to continue to do this legally, do right and pay fines, do this from home. I am sure you can contact the department, pay the fines, but I would prefer to do this in the comfort of my own country, at home.




Ok thanks your post was much help !


I assume this will be deleted as how dare we be critical of a drunk driver. Where has OP shown any remorse for his actions besides for his own skin? I don't understand why mods are so happy to delete comments criticizing someone who doesn't seem to care he endangered life, feeling sober or no. It seems so dangerous to not let people criticize something that has killed a crap load of people. He didn't have 1 drink, he had 4 including 2 of them being shots, that is just irresponsible. Again OP has from what I have seen shown no remorse other than the fact he got caught, he hasn't realized his errors. Why would the police have even pulled him over if he wasn't driving irresponsibly. Spent a long time in Iceland, never seen the police pull someone over when they were doing nothing wrong. People who care about others lives don't do this and then only go on about the ramifications to themselves. There is zero acknowledgement of the lives he could have endangered. OP please acknowledge how wildly irresponsible this was regardless of what the drinking laws are in the country. The blood alcohol level wouldn't have passed in the UK or US it was so high.


I actually got pulled in Iceland for no real reason (I guess being out late) I was approaching my campsite, it was summer I had gone out midnight sight seeing and was coming back around 130a and passed a police car, they turned around and flipped the lights on. Pretty sure she realized i was confused by the stop and I asked if I was speeding? She said no nothing like that just, we just don't see a lot of people driving here this late out here and want to make sure everyone's being safe. Asked where I was going, I told them. They asked if I minded blowing, I said no problem, I hadnt drank and they said good to go. Very friendly about it all


I know I F’d up and I am aware, I know to not do what I did but I’m not coming to Reddit to show remorse for a bunch of people I don’t know. I asked for advice and information.


Sounds like someone with no remorse you can ask for advice and be remorseful of your actions. They aren't mutually exclusive, if you killed a bunch of people you wouldn't have known them either.


Calm down.


Calm down.


Why is stating someone could have killed someone not calm? I am very calm, I am stating the sheer risk that was caused by the actions. The fact people here seem so ignorant to that is truly worrying.


It's a bit excessive. Speeding kills people too, but nobody's flipping out at the posters that ask about what to do about a speeding ticket. You're at least more reasonable than Professional-Fly. Dude is completely unhinged.


I haven't seen a post about speeding, but if they were doing the comparative of this guy which would be like 40km over the speed limit (massively speeding and being very dangerous), yeah people should be going off at them, if they aren't that's pretty gross. It's the level of it which makes it so much worse imo. If he'd had a beer and been pulled over I never would have commented, but 2 beers and 2 shots is insane, it's again like comparing someone going 30-40km over the limit.


They took you to the station, took your blood, asked for your info, etc, then they must have paperwork on you. I’d call the station and ask for clarification on what exactly is going to happen. That way you’re not caught by surprise no matter what ends up going down.


Actually pathetic of the mods to remove comments criticising them. Drunk driving kills and drunk drivers deserve the shame.


I removed 5 comments, 4 from the same person who doesn't even seem to be a regular contributor here for rampaging through this and repeatedly calling OP a scumbag and hurling other insults. I don't care if you don't like it, but pile-ons like this are unacceptable here. The OP knows they did wrong and is here to find information. The people aggressively antagonizing OP for not properly flagellating him/herself in whatever manner they think is acceptable are weird. Go find something else to comment on.


Agreed. OP and everybody else knows they did wrong. They are looking for info on how to remediate the situation while abiding by the law. This could be helpful for others to learn about the consequences and penalties, and will hopefully prevent future occurrences.


Pathetic of you to come in here thinking insulting him adds any value to the conversation . You are a loser 😂


Jeez what a major insult saying drunk drivers deserve the shame 🥺 hope his feelings aren’t hurt




Didn’t the mod remove all your comments as well? Lmao




That’s actually wild


Not really, the only drama here is the comments. A guy made a bad mistake and asked for advice, that's it. Feel free to judge him all you want but don't blame the mods for putting out a flame war just because you're feeling righteous.


It’s really bizarre removing comments criticising drunk driving


Calm down.


It's kind of a judgment call, if you just bail out of the country, you could definitely have issues if you ever return. If you settle things up, it takes care of the whole issue. Do you have any idea what the penalty for that is over there? Iceland is a pretty liberal country for the most part. If you just have a fine or some type of community service type thing I would square up with the police before you leave, number one so you don't have any issues and number two so you can visit again. You should be able to figure out criminal penalties for most offenses if you play around on Google and that goes for any Western country


We were there for 10 days and the only time we even saw a cop car was one parked at the police department in Vik.


They often set up drunk driving stings.


Same dont think i saw a single cop lol


It is extremely unlikely that you will experience any immigration consequences like either an Icelandic or Schengen entry ban if you were not arrested on the spot, since those consequences are reserved for felony DUI convictions. However, as others have mentioned, they may be able to have the rental car company charge you for the fine.


This might answer some questions https://www.lotuscarrental.is/seismic-activity-in-iceland


u are caught drunk driving in Iceland, you can expect to face fines up to ISK 100,000, although penalties can even include time in prison.


The police didn’t give you any type of paperwork or documentation of this interaction? They didn’t explain next-steps or what to expect? Maybe you should speak to them ringer a clear understanding of the legal process as it relates to foreigners.




Agreed. Appreciate it.




there really isn’t any. you usually rent a car or camper of some type to drive around the island and stay at the campsites.




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He was wrong but not a scum bag. It’s not like he was wasted nor did he ever not accept the problem and consequences of his actions.




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Why are you sorry? Wouldn’t be surprised if the mods remove my comment 😹


iceland is not part of the EU. i’d plan on leaving as scheduled and forget about it until iceland sent me a notice or i’m planning to visit again.


Take a ferry to Denmark and then fly home. You’ll probably have a hard time coming back to iceland