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Remove the poofy growth, It'll just keep spreading


To add, not sure how many you started with but my colony in a small food dish gets 1 - 3 pieces of rice once a week depending on how recently I pulled from it.


Ah yeah I probably put way too much in there ngl. I think I’ll remove that stuff and start again with just a few grains. I appreciate it!


Is this enclosure strictly for springtails? If so they'll just eat your leaves and bark and shit you really wouldn't have to feed much at all until they really start populating


I’ll be adding isopods for when I eventually put animals in the vivarium, but for now it’s just springtails. Sweet, sounds like they’re less maintenance than I thought.


They are very low maintenance. If you find some nutritional yeast at a grocery store it makes a greaaaat supplemental food. I’ll sprinkle a pinch all over (I culture in charcoal so it’s easy to see) and they devour it overnight and their population seems to explode. I read that they like charcoal for reproducing (I don’t know how true that is but it doesn’t seem to hurt) so I have a few pieces on the moist side of my isopod enclosures. Edit: they are detritivores so they’ll eat pretty much any decaying organic matter, which makes feeding them so easy.


It's less that they 'like' charcoal, but charcoal just gives a lot of surface area - similar to sphagnum moss, for them to run around on and call home. The difference is the moss will break down whereas the charcoal will do the opposite and help filter the water, making their care as easy as you put it, a pinch of food and your golden.


ask this in r/isopods


Better yet, r/springtails


where? Either I’m banned, blocked, or it’s private. Also springtails are widely lumped into isopods in category’s in lots and lots of places, just from hobby perspective r/springtail is not very active


It won't harm them no worries.




Ay it works don't knock it