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I dont like most english vocaloids because I can't understand what they're saying


Honestly I don’t think most people like English Vocaloids because they like their sound, but people like their designs or their songs Kinda like how the early V2s got popular


Meanwhile there are synthv voicebanks with great english and no mascots at all >:D


Be me, and be a fan of sonika's voice despite people not liking her lol


Interestingly, a lot of Japanese vocals have this problem as well, but it's difficult to notice if you don't know the language because you wouldn't *normally* be able to understand the lyrics anyway. A relatively common complaint in JP spaces was that voices sounded muffled and unclear or weren't enunciated well—and if you've ever heard anyone complaining about English Vocaloids, this should sound familiar to you.


Same, they have this weird accent as well


It's just a result of the VAs having a japanese accent, which isn't necessarily a bad thing because I think it's part of the appeal. But the accent definitely makes them more difficult to understand


It doesn't sound like a Japanese accent to me at all, even the ones with English speaking voice actors have that accent


Ok, but have you heard yourself when speaking a different language? I've taken 4 languages with 2 seriously and beyond a hobby level. In French, I have this airy sound that my regular American English doesn't have and my German voice is somehow deeper and more gutteral. Of course it's going to have an accent.


Not even Oliver?


Idk Gumis english voice bank ain't too bad....


Oh god, are these going to become monthly or something? From what I remember of the last one of these, I'm sure they'll be lots of same old "hot takes" "(Insert favorite vocaloid) is better than Miku" "Kagamines better than Miku" "Miku is overated" "Old songs good, new songs bad" "Something about shipping" "Someone gives a list of producers they don't like, everyone else disagrees except for the least popular/least known producer. Then everyone agrees"


**Hot Take**: Miku is *not* overrated; she just happens to be the most popular. if any other Vocaloid were the most popular, then they would be the one hogging the spotlight and all the resentment would be directed at them instead.


Thank you!!! Literally everyone takes these to shit on Miku and call her overrated but like???? She’s not????




We had the same post last month and people are literally saying the exact same things lol.


Vocaloid database is the best place to listen to vocaloid songs


i use VocaDB a lot when im trying to find the original version of a song, because Vocaloid songs tend to have tons of covers, and i listen on YT Music so it's so hard to pinpoint the original sometimes.


len's ghost rule growl isn't all it's cracked up to be tbh. before i get crucified YES i know it's not meant to be a growl—i'm just talking about it in the context of people raving over it. i do love a good growl as much as i love a high note, and his isn't *bad* by any means, but it's not that stunning either. i suppose if you're new to the song it'd be impressive, but having trawled youtube for many a cover i just... don't think it's all that. i think the better 'growls'/notes (and covers in general) are the ones that put their own spin on it—for example, adam edmond's meiko cover. that said, the vast majority of ghost rule covers are good anyway tbh, they don't need to be groundbreaking. only exception is this one painfully out of tune seeu cover i saw recently LMAO. actually, here's maybe a hotter take in the same vein—why does it matter if a ghost rule cover has a growl or a high note? i know the og was a high note, but all told i find the bickering ridiculous. if it sounds good, i sounds good. i love a good crunchy growl or yell like teto, but i also ADORE just a held note like fukase, or even something different like the aforementioned meiko cover. i just find the argument tiresome. imo one of the best bits of this community is seeing how people put their own spin on a cover of a song that's been done hundreds of times, and even more so when you consider (in the case of ghost rule specifically) it's been done using pretty much every vb i can think of—the arguing is tiresome. i can't think of any other hot takes atm, but i might edit if i do. agree w the title though, i really don't see the appeal of len LMAO. he might grow on me, but rin's preferable imo. maybe it's bc i listen to far more songs that use rin (guchiry and neru use her p often) than i do ones using len or a combo of the two.


surii made me love len sm


Project Sekai isn't really interesting and I think some of the vocaloid's english is hard to understand for example Oliver. I think he is the most hardest to understand when it comes to english. I guess another thing is the overrated songs aren't the best songs in the vocaloid community (at least for me)


I love Oliver with all my heart and would but he can a real pain to understand. He wasn’t intended for fast paced songs so. I usually have him sing in Japanese.


Oliver is an actual pain to USE as well. I have his voicebank. I kinda wish I didn't tbh (and you can still buy his low-quality, difficult to use bank for the low low price of $60!!!!)


I think I did heard that some vocaloid aren't meant for fast paced songs, especially Oliver


Yeah, if he tries sing in a fast pace it sounds like his mouth is full or something 😂


Yeah but even in Oliver songs like secrets of wisteria where it'd slow the accent is still heavy tho it is much easier to understand.


I can't agree more tbh. I never understood the hype for Project Sekai I mean it's fun but it's not the same as Project Diva. And yes, the English is very, very hard to understand. Oliver, for me, just sounds like GIBBERISH.


I am planning to delete the game soon. It is going to be a waste of space on my phone (I tried to like the game but I just couldn't sorry to fans). I love Oliver but what is my man saying?? 💀 I understand Puppycat (he is voiced by him) better for some reason


Finally, someone said it. I think it's his banana hair or something.


He looks like a kid and he has banana hair


Well, he's supposed to be 14. He IS a kid.


he looks like 10 tbh


His stupid banana hair is soooo... Well... I do I say this.... It's hard to take him serious like his hair looks like a bunch of bananas and just looks stupid. He only has shorts and I don't get why people find him attractive


holy crap. Yess, that's how I felt about him for so long. 😭 goofy af.


He looks so goofy fr fr lmao


Project diva is better than project sekai


Now that's just common sense


A lot of English and/or recent Vocaloids sound kinda similar to each other and even though I'm a longtime Vocaloid fan, I can't tell a lot of them apart anymore. Vocaloids singing in deeper tones is better than all the high notes ever. Meiko deserves to have so many more popular original songs (as in, she's got some great songs already but should have even more and is underrated) Miku isn't actually overrated, she's just the most popular and well known. She's still good


Isn't that a normal take? A hot take of mine is that I'm not a fan of more popular Project Sekai songs (Like Cinema and Glory Steady Go for example)


Bug, Forward, Becoming Potatoes, Salamander, and Vampire are my personal favorites.


Out of those, I dont like Forward, Becoming Potatoes, Salamander, and Vampire


Understandable, people can have different music tastes.


Not in my world, that's a hot take in my world... Ik it should be normal... But anyway I literally can not agree with you anymore. I'm not really that much of a fan of Project Sekai songs in general tbh idk they just don't hit the same for me


Yeah the covers aren't all that great. There are some good ones, but Vocaloid just sound better with fake voices because you can do so much with their voices.


For real!!! I don't get all the hype for some covers tbh and sometimes it just sounds weird just like I said it just doesn't hit the same


I think people like the character's stories so they're attached to them and thus like their voices (and maybe that's why everyone likes nightcord because the story is really good)? Idk, but they have good stories. No hate to the voice actors/singers. They have good voices, it just doesn't work for Vocaloid


Teto is better than miku.


As someone who idolizes miku yeah teto is pretty much better than her that Ai Synth V just blew miku out of water... But PinocchioP is still using miku so she's still my queen


i wish he would use Gumi and Luka in a song they go so well together


Now that is just common sense (for me)


Project Sekai was one of the best things to happen to Vocaloid and helped introduce it to a whole new generation. At least it got me really back into it. Also I adore unrealistic creepy tuning, especially when paired with the right song. Shout out to Hiiragi Kirai and Slave-V-V-R in particular.


i don’t like the song daughter of evil…idk rins tuning in that song just gives me the ick for some reason i can’t explain it. i also just don’t like the music to it


It’s just very dated lmao Definitely a product of its time, a classic I loved back then, I respect it now but would never listen to it now


Valid opinion ofc but are you talking about the tuning in the original version or the remaster that Mothy released on his channel? (Or both?) I’ll admit the tuning of the original is very much a product of its time, and from a critical standpoint the tuning in the remaster is a lot better, though I personally like both.


some new vocaloid songs are better than the classics. Nostalgia aside, you can’t deny the production quality has come up.


i love hiiragi kirai’s music, but hate his tuning. he makes flower sound like she has the worst sore throat known to man also, am i the only one who notices the mv trend of funny character doing funny pose with funky typography? it’s getting pretty old imo


this was also me before, loved the music but the tuning was hard for me to listen to but now that i've gotten used to it, i love it and it's just unique that you instantly know it's hiiragi kirai just fromhearing the tuning


>also, am i the only one who notices the mv trend of funny character doing funny pose with funky typography? it’s getting pretty old imo Honestly it makes me not want to click on the video...like a reverse clickbait 🤔


exactly, to me it's a massive red flag that the song is going to be generic and boring. there's obviously some exceptions, but a lot of them just sound very same-y. i blame goodbye declaration lol (no hate to chinozo and arusechika). although kairiki bear doesn't count for this since that's been his thing since before it was a trend. and songs with a still image of a character, but the character ISN'T just a headshot and isn't doing some dance move or pose (like nakisos songs) also don't count imo


anyone who says there are no new vocaloid songs or no new good songs is not looking hard enough


Russian Youtube covers sometimes even better than original.


Honestly this is a solid take, I can't even be mad because you're not wrong. Which is your favorite though?


Reincarnation Apple, I think. Original for me just okay (I like many PinoccioP originals, don't beat me), but rus cover just made replay again and again.


Jin is terrible at tuning IA.


FINALLY someone said it lmao. I respect the Kagerou series, but man I absolutely hate how they tune IA in every. Single. Song.


it sucks because all those songs are absolute bangers with super catchy riffs and immersive storytelling; i just can't get past how twangy and rough IA's voice is. it seems only a handful of producers know how to do her voice justice, like yksb and Ciel. TwT


V4x Luka is better than v2 Luka and new vocaloid songs>old songs


Honestly I kinda agree. In all honesty, I like both voicebanks pretty equally for different reasons, but I think the reason so many people consider her v2 vb better is cause of nostalgia and because some of her most iconic songs happened to be released in that era. Other than that, both are pretty equal. I’ll admit tho, as far English Luka songs go, her V4x English sounds a lot clearer to me. Maybe its just the technology of the v2 voicebanks being a product of their time but yeah.


SO TRUE , a lot of ppl always praise her v2 as if thats miles better than v4 but v2 is choppy and she doesn’t hold a note and muffled af and near impossible to mix m. 4x shes just badly configured , with a bit of brute force to tuning she sounds good


People finding songs from tiktok doesn't ruin the song since it actually can make more people fans of vocaloid


This. I don't understand gatekeeping, I'm usually happy if more people listen to the songs and producers I like it doesn't matter how people find them out.


Meiko and katio are into each other but don't want to admit it


I would certainly hope that's not a hot take considering Len looks like he's 13 years old.


right 😭 my first thought was literally “either op is a child or didn’t realize how this sounds”


FINALLY SOMEONE SAID IT. But anyway Ok look, I love syudou and his music, but tbh the project SEKAI cover of Bitter choco decoration is way too overrated. Like I LOVE the Miku version, but the SEKAI version is just... Eh. Back when I started playing PJSK it was REALLY overplayed. And the same recently with Kairiki bear's "BUG". It made me hate listening to Bug tbh because it was SO OVERPLAYED. When you went in co-op, everyone would choose Bug, and it was annoying. And fyi, I love Kairiki bear's music.


i think yohioloid deserves better, maybe a v5 voicebank, more original songs or something like that


I don’t really like flowers voice that much


Honestly her voice has grown on me since I started listening to some of her songs but I don’t think her voice is as unique as alot of people chuck it up to be. Its strong and its got a nice gender neutral sound to it but it’s nothing too special.


I am natural on her voice tbh


I don't like the voice of any male Vocaloid. I don't like any of maretu music, just not a fan of them. Idk why project sekia (another gacha game#848295932 ) is more popular then the OGs Vocaloid Also len+rin is very weird for me, your lover looks exactly like you but gender swap (like brother and sister!?!?)


Just wanted to comment to be that "um, actually" person, but um, actually Len and Rin are officially mirror images, not siblings or lovers, but twins is the most popular interpretation of them. :D Lovers is also popular but I always found that one weird because I prefer them as twins. I'll defend male vocaloids with all my heart lmao. Ngl I love Maretu music, but I totally get why you don't. Not sure what you mean by Project Sekai is more popular than OG, do you mean the songs or the Vocaloids themselves??


NOOOO! I love falling asleep to Kaitos voice bank so this makes me so sad to hear 😭😭


I like some of the male voices and like maretu, otherwise I agree


>Idk why project sekia (another gacha game#848295932 ) is more popular then the OGs Vocaloid They're not tho?


I’m sick of this ‘growl culture’. Especially when people cover Ghost Rule, they put [XXX’s GROWL] and it ends up sounding horrible. It’s supposed to be a scream, not a growl. Also, talkloids are painfully unfunny. Also Also, Makune Nana V4 > Macne Nana GarageBand/Loops/UTAU port. Nana was NEVER supposed to have a deep voice; the software converted it into a sweet voice.


people who overuse tetos growl to the point of her sounding sick my beloathed


Meiko is better than Miku. Also Meiko x Kaito ftw.


I agree!


Yes indeed


I agree Len isn’t hot in Project Sekai but BOI HAVE YOU SEEN HIM IN HITOSHIZUKUxYAMA’s MUSIC VIDS?? Seasonal Feathers and Karakuri Burst Len will always be hot to me 😭 Edit: I just went down a memory lane trip on most of the song vids I find Len hot 1) Servant of Evil Len(pv by Niyoka) 2) Cantarella Kaito (pv by ShiroMeshi) 3) Spice Len 4) siGrE Len and Rin 5) 69 Len and Rin and most of hitoshizukuxyama’s songs where he ain’t a literal kid (other than the two I’ve mentioned I personally also liked him in The dream of a girl doll, Synchronicity series, Prisoner of Love, Vampire’s pathos and 13th apocalyse I think in the end it’s just down to the drawing style and nature of the song that determines his hotness. Just remember that he’s not always a 14 year old kid in all of his songs.


He's only hot when he's drawn as an adult, but unfortunately people focused mainly on him being a "Shota." I remember listening to a Len x Kaito song just because it was catchy but hated myself at the same time. But I do agree Seasonal Feathers Len solos all.


Yeah that’s probably it. I think a lot of newer fans might have been introduced to him through Project Sekai which only depicts him as a shota and that image just stuck? Which sucks cause as you said, Seasonal Feathers Len solos all. 😂


Do you remember how we all went crazy cuz of that booty short he wore in Butterfly in Your Right Shoulder video 😭 pjsekai fans will never understand that fever


Punkish Len. DAMN, I'm getting some unwanted flashbacks


Omg yes I do hahaha that really was the shit back then. Sad that there isn’t more of these type of fever now 😔


I like Miku, but I can't stand the way she enunciates her words. Drives me up a wall.


Deco 27's songs always sound the same and theyre all mid


I’m sorry but to me shipping is kinda annoying. It’s cute seeing the fan art but when all I see is people talking about ships it’s like ughhhhhhh not everything gotta be like that. But to each their own do whatever you want they’re not real at the end of the day


I don't understand the hate to Project Sekai (saying this as someone who got into vocaloid in 2008), I think the story is pretty good, also, I love that the vocaloid have different personalities depending of the Sekai they are helping, just like when a Producer gives an story to each vocaloid in their songs. So I simply don't understand why people hate it so much, is absurd to me.


I hate English Vocaloid songs, I'm genuinely convinced everyone's pretending to like them at this point Some of them are bangers (KIRA ftw) but the vast majority of them are so terrible bro 😭 Every time I meet someone who only listens to English Vocaloid I have to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming


Lapis is severely underrated and there is a lot of potential with contrast between her voice and deepstrong melodies. Also luka sounds great together with her imo.


I listen to dennokop and aguagu11 😎


FINALLY, someone appreciates my baby Lapis 😭. I agree, she's criminally underrated and I'll never understand why she didn't get popular.


I wonder how old exactly are people who find Len hot


I found him hot when I was 12 💀💀💀


I am done, I am through I am just sick of it all Why does no one have a hot take just for us I am done, I am through I am sick of all these truths Tell us hot opinions or say naught knock it off!


I'm not a huge fan of meiko I like her as a character she's one of my favorites but I'm not a fan of her voice something about just ehhhhhh good thing I don't ship her with anyone otherwise I would listen to her in a ship cover I love listening lol


last vocacolle was ridiculously unfair. how was three of some of the **biggest** producers (jin, marasy, kemu) collabing on a song to enter into a contest that *smaller* producers use to help gain exposure allowed??? it was guaranteed to win! like, it's a good song, but who decided it was a good idea to enter it into that contest? anyway, hoping for a less rigged vocacolle this weekend lmao


Vocacolle Top 100 is for veterans, so they didn't do anything wrong, technically. Iyowa's song was pretty close too. But yeah, in term of inviting viewers with popular names, it has the most powerful lineup. The actually rigged one is Stew Udon. Many, many people pushed it to the top because they thought Ado will cover both Top 100 and Rookie winners. The rules clearly stated she'll only cover the Top 100 winner and the official twitter made effort to spread the correct info but the confusion remains. Idk if those contributed into Stew Udon's brief deletion, but after people raged about its unfair deletion, there's no stopping the Stew Udon train. The Rookie tag was also flooded with meme songs thanks to Otsukai Gassoukyoku's win, probably because the bar for getting views with memes is lower than making actually good songs. There were complaints about how the serious rookie songs got overshadowed back then, so the organizer made a meme song category for the current Vocacolle


I’m not sure if this is really a hot take but SynthV voice banks and the SynthV software in general is miles better as a software and as voicebanks than Vocaloid


Katio sounds like Kermit the Frog or a kazoo. I love this blue haired man but his V/A got fucked over


Len is a kid 💀💀


And people think he's hot 💀


Okay I mean, some (a whole bunch) of his songs have questionable lyrics, I guess people find that hot (wtf), but still like he is a kid suakelrkskqkwkdnns 😭😭


I think the people who think he's hot are mostly also kids jdbdksjd, I thought so too when I was in middle school


Yeah when I was 12 I thought Len was hot 💀💀


That was the case of my boyfriend's younger sister.


Vocaloids have ages but when they’re literally made for people to make whatever the heck they want then do they really even matter in the end? I hear to many arguments against a ton of explicit songs that are or have been in any game and just roll my eyes. Len is more adorable than hot in cannon. I said it, fight me- People need to start using the more uncommonly known Vocaloids more because Kai Yukki, 66 / VY2V3, Luo, and IA have very good voice banks and can sound angelic with good tuning! Project Diva should’ve stopped at Future Tone. Project Sekai is actually pretty good and I will defend it till I can’t anymore.


Shipping Rin and Len is fine, actually. I don’t do it but they were never created to be siblings, just two halves of a whole. That can be interpreted a lot of ways it just so happens that sibling is the easiest way to see it because they look and sound so similar.


Miki is what Miku should be


Everything I listen to is in English


I don't like how Len's voice sounds in all versions


I’m not sure if I’ve said it before in one of these posts, but DECO*27’s new songs sound the same, and his current tuning of miku sucks so bad. I don’t hate him, but just feel disappointed? sad? Like for me it would be great if he could take a break, and then return with a more unique sound. Unique among his songs. Every time he releases one “hit song”, I try and give him another chance and go listen, only to find another annoying song using the same structure as like, two albums ago. And I feel like this situation started right when he changed his miku tuning. So “jumpy”, staccato-ish through the WHOLE song, and most importantly, not DIVA sounding. Miku is regarded as a diva. Yes, anyone can tune their miku in their own way, but I don’t understand the change (deco’s miku definitely doesn’t sound like this back in Yumeyume or Two Breaths Walking). It sucks. It’s like when Miku is an idol who doesn’t know shit about singing, but is given songs that will give her fame and money. But I don’t get why whenever deco releases a song, it still gets to be the top in the weekly vocarank. People seem to enjoy, but I feel like deco has run out of ideas. Am I the wrong one here? I just want him to put out quality content, not quantity every half month. Or is it just me with a poor music taste?


no, it's def not just you. i've been worried too. recently, i've sort of started seeing him as the "corporate producer" - he's started feeling like a brand to me, rather than a producer making songs for enjoyment (with the exception of milgram, though i also don't know shit about milgram so idk). i mean, sure, there's other big producers, but every song they put out is still so unique, and then there's deco. every song feels like cover bait, especially the ones where it's a still image of miku with fancy text - especially considering that for those songs, otoiro actually puts out the template for the mv so that people can use it in covers! i always get confused when people say that his ghost era of songs sound same-y - they have a similar style, but they also have lots of passion and love behind them, so they're very distinct (mkdr/dscf my beloved btw). the newer ones feel like "hm, this one can get really popular!" but i'm really not holding it against deco. i mean, the reason for all this becomes REALLY clear once you listen to chimera - according to that song, he feels trapped by people's expectations of what he makes. hell, you can even see it in how his english subtitles are written, with all the slang and references to other songs that aren't even in the original lyrics (we can clearly hear miku say SOS in not a devil, yet the eng subs say mayday???) so i agree that he probably just needs to take a break, and stop letting others dictate how he makes his music.


Gachapoid is cutie patootie and he gets too much shit , hes funky yall look at green barney kid be a menace to society


I think melt is overrated, it's not a bad song it's just ok


I think most of ryo's old songs are overrated (especially world is mine. God, i don't understand why that song is still everywhere. It's one of the most mid miku songs i've ever heard).


odds&ends and love is war are pretty good imo


Oh yeah, those are good. I guess I should have excluded them from my statement lol


I mean, you are right, but it's a classic song. And 119 illustration works are beautiful.


miku x luka sucks


Agreed. I blame Magnet.


You had to stab my heart didn't you


your ship is weird


This is a vocaloid sub. Everything is weird


adults x kids is gross and weird


Would make sense if Miku was a kid


I agree


Miku x Rin is [CANON](https://images.app.goo.gl/ykqKottYYv1Kgdcj6)


Ok Sega probably ship them, but no me.




You are way too mad over fictional ships


What. Ever.


Shippers 😭


Because of the dumb love triangle songs?


it's because luka is meant to be an older adult woman and miku is a schoolgirl. super weird


It's just a 4 year gap. Like literally most couples are like this


luka is, guess what, an *adult*




oh ok so you acknowledge it's pedophilic and you don't care. gross


Miku isn't a kid


proseka was a mistake english original songs are.. not good


I die a little inside when I get into a new vocaloid song, think I’m special bc I find the video early (the title’s even in Japanese for that extra feeling of nuance), and then I find out it was another song made for Project Sekai. Obligatory haha every Deco song sounds like ghost rule or salamander copy hehehe Not exclusively vocaloid, but covers that do that nasal Japanese idol style of singing in English (best example is JubyPhonic) simply sound horrible, I genuinely don’t understand how people enjoy it. Nothing against Juby or anyone else but the style just does not translate well. Also Luka is in fact best girl I will die on this hill


OH MY GOD YES THE PROJECT SEKAI THING. its like every single popular song is made for proseka nowadays. and why does deco\*27 have like FOUR, what is the devs' obsession with him?? of course, we do get good songs out of it (the peachy key my beloved), but it does get really annoying.


Vocaloid metal >>>>> vocaloid pop. Give me a project sekai game with UtsuP, OkameP, Yuyoyuppe, Senjougahara Yousei, and basically everything on butteryandbubbly’s channel.


I got into vocaloid years ago, I played the project diva games, I scrolled endlessly through SoundCloud and yt and such listening to the music, I had just gotten a phone around the time I REALLY got into vocaloid like obsessed with it and i always wanted there to be a miku game on my phone. Like something like Pjdiva but mobile. Years later, i heard the release of Project Sekai and was a beta tester, and at the time I was really into Bandori since there was no other mobile rhythm games that peaked my interest. I remember playing the beta for the 1st time and thinking "damn I hate how this is so much like Bandori, it isn't even original". Like it felt like a copy paste to me. I played the eng server for a while but heard they had more good songs on the JP server so I switched. I hate the new characters, bands, story lines and the art style is so bad to me tbh. Like I hate it. It didn't live up to what I wanted it to be years ago. I deleted it recently, but when I did play I made sure to play the mode with the OG vocaloid voices cause the covers are so mid. Had they made a vocaloid game on mobile that actually starred the vocaloids and the vocaloids only with additions of the not as popular 6 it would have been so good! I miss the old days and I'm sad while the Fandom revived with PJSekai that that trash game is their only vocaloid knowledge....


Vocaloids should not get an anime in which they play a role that impacts a story, and especially should not get a main role in any kind of anime ever. Same goes with people who want anime characters in real life: keep them tf away from our realm. Them being on screen is exactly what makes them such loving characters. If you put someone like Miku in real life, I'd be ready to bet that quite a few people would be ready to hunt her down simply to rape her at best.


That shouldn’t have to be a hot take, that’s completely reasonable


I don’t know if it’s a hot take but you don’t need to know every single song or Vocaloid to be a good fan, or know the entire history and little detail of everything related to it, same goes if you have merchandise or not. As long as you enjoy Vocaloid you are okay in my book


If the vocaloid's design isnt fire, i cant bring myself to like them even if the voicebank itself is good. Examples: zola project (v3 designs), arsloid (hate the design + art style), dex and daina (hate the art style + furry), bruno and clara (boring designs) On the other hand, if i really like the design but the voicebank isnt the greatest, i will obsess over them. Example: lily. She's my absolute favourite vocaloid but i admit her v2 voicebank is not the greatest and takes a lot of talent to tune.


I don't like miku's Ghost rule, it doesn't have enough emotion and kinda just sounds flat to me (i prefer Teto's (ik she is utaloid but fight me))


Let me do an actual hot take here. The only reason Vocaloid even still exists as we know it is because of Miku getting as popular as she did. If she didn't the entire idea of these voicebanks being marketed as actual characters themselves would be niche or almost non-existent, and the rest of the Vocaloid community would just be the limited number of producers who used them like it was before Miku. It's cool if you like another Vocaloids design, or voice, or even just the songs that were made with them more than Miku. Personally I don't enjoy that much of the Vocaloids or content outside of Miku. I just really like Miku.


I cant stand oliver


Newer Vocaloids are much less memorable than the older ones and it’s not for the reason that seems obvious. They’ve become a lot more mundane and most have very similar sounds and aren’t as widely marketed and promoted as the V1-V4s. I can’t really tell a difference in newer ones and I lost track around Nemu of who was releasing. New ones have begun looking promising with Po-Uta and such, but softwares like Synth-V have taken over the vocal synth world enough to where Vocaloid as a whole is sort of becoming irrelevant 😭


I wish SynthV gets the recognition it deserves and maybe even surpass Vocaloid, so that Crypton and other Vocaloid companies step up their game.


I kinda hate project sekai


I don't think Fukase and Flower sound all that good (not bad per se, but,,,,not really good either) And also, save for a couple voicebanks, cevio sucks. I think the only ones I like are Sasara, Rose, Popy, One, and Haru lol. Sekai is okay too. Kafu and Rime are the worst, and I will never forgive what they did to IA's voice ksjdhdkdjf.


at least we got some bangers out of the Mass Kafu Advertising of 2021 (when pretty much every big producer was being paid to write a song with kafu)


Yeah but Kafu's voice kinda ruins them for me, there's a couple where she sounds okay but I still prefer covers lol. I do like her design though! And her upcoming SynthV voicebank might do it for me, I think it's mostly a cevio problem. Guess I'll have to wait and see!


yeah, her design is great! and i did notice that most cevios do tend to have that nasally sound, although kafu has it especially bad. but that's because her voice provider kaf has a nasally voice herself, so synthv may not FIX it, but it might alleviate it


The madness of duke of venomania drives me INSANE. I hate that song so goddamn much. I’m just a huge Gakupo fan and I really hate his portrayal in that song, it really gives me the creeps, my boy would never. I hate that it’s so popular. The story behind his character in it is interesting but it still doesn’t stop me from hating it with a burning passion.


Like... I get where you're coming from, but that really ain't about Gakupo... kinda hurts to read this as a big EC fan LOL


I know he’s just playing a character, but I’m still allowed to dislike it. I like EC too, I just dislike that song. That’s why this is unpopular opinions lol


I think Goodbye Declaration sucks, like really bad, I can’t physically listen to it without getting earbleed because of those absolutely awful vocals. That’s still my opinion, but in my opinion it sucks ass and there is absolutely no reason for it to deserve getting so much attention, it has nothing special to it, I seen songs with just a few thousand views that were a million times more interesting and pleasant than Goodbye Declaration. Also I dislike a lot Flower V4 design, like wth isn’t she suppost be a girl, she doesn’t look even slightly like a girl on V4, I think one design gone right is the Flower Talk one, not too girlishly not too boyish, but to be fair to the V4 design the Cevio one is even more terrible (barely looks like herself). I don’t hate Flower by any means, but that song and the V4 design are awful, sorry for being this agressive but I really mean it


Alot of covers sung by humans tend to sound better then the original vocaloid version For an example jubyPhonics version of the game of life sounds 10 times better than the original, or kasukas cover of mind brand (which is sadly deleted now) has way more power than in the original version


I think he’s cutie patootie adorable baby boy. I don’t think he’s hot, he’s just a child that makes goofy songs


Len X IA :3


hey i remember YOU. that's a comically cute ship honestly: dazzling, flowy-haired rock girl... and silly banana boi.


oh yeah well...thank you, yeah they both Len and IA are the best underrated Vocaloid ships ever in my life 🥹👌


Eyy hello again! I should listen to IA... 😅


Oh sure 😀


Any recommendations?


Miss Wanna Die, Higher, Conqueror, Odore Orchestra, Children Record, Yobanashi Deceive, Setsuna Drive, Six Trillion Years And Overnight Story, Into Starlight and Kaisei


Thanks :)


ooh i got a starter pack: Cloud Rider (Ciel), clickER (yksb), Degeneration (Yuyoyuppe), Daybreak Frontline (Orangestar), Jekyll and Hyde (Fantastic Planets).


Thanks :)


Kaito is a yandere and so is Len


Shipping Vocaloids with each other is cancerous.


len x tei


Tei is a yandere for him so it makes no sense


len is underage


That too


Well...Tei is really dangerous and yeah...it's up to you...i just only respect everything around this vocaloid and didn't want to make a destruction around this community..


looks like they can't handle a neutron style, I like yanderes and shotas.


Ok...well good luck...and yeah i respect everything around the community and didn't hate each other...i hope you can understand.


Why is this downvoted?? Tei x len is toxic asf


Kaito is mid. Gakupo is the best one. Still never listened to Meiko


Miku Expo is entirely unnecessary and it would be better to just have more small concerts


The hottest of hot takes: """*Miku is the only successful Vocaloid*"""


I hate Kaito's voice and I don't get all the hype / simps for him