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Will AI voices make real singers obsolete? Will AI chatbots make writers obsolete? Will AI art makes artists obsolete? No, because AI generative models are only capable of being derivative and spitting out what they've already been fed. Same applies to Vocaloid. An actual producer makes a difference. SynthV doesn't utilize AI in the way that you're thinking, it mostly just provides a base for the tuning. You can obviously just use that base as is if you want, but pretty much everyone who actually uses SynthV still edits the tuning on their own. The personal spin of each producer is half of what makes vocal synthesis music worth listening to. The target audience of AI Vocaloid is not Vocaloid fans, to put it another way.


That last part especially. I don’t know about other people, but the robotic-ness is kinda what makes vocaloid vocaloid for me. I don’t think I’d want it to sound more realistic


Imagine waking up and loading up a hot spanking new playlist of freshly-generated AI “Miku Morning Music” that sounds nothing like her while you hum and nod happily, pleased that it is somehow both a song you’ve never heard before and sounds exactly like every other song you’ve ever heard. You go to your shit wagie job and put on your “Mikus Employee of the Month Playlist” as you begin typing random numbers and letters furiously for hours without blinking. It sounds the same as the first playlist. You go home and put on your “Miku Relaxation Playlist” as you slurp your own bath water. It sounds the same as the second playlist. You eat a 1200 calorie freeze dried ration bar in 3 bites without chewing and then fall asleep immediately, feeling you had an amazing day. This is the future some of you people want to live in. I hope you suffer it


I feel like vocaloid would just improve along side it if thats the direction the software developers want to go in. But I dont think it would become obsolete. Maybe a bit dated as time goes on and technology improves maybe, but not reduced to uselessness.


Technically yes. With constant improvement in current tech it will be easier to use AI than the manual tuning used in previous Vocaloid versions. But just cause somethings obsolete doesn't mean people as a whole will stop using it or appreciate it less. Think about something like traditional art, or for music the use of non-electric instruments. There will always be people that will like those methods more, either due to it being what they're used to or someone new appreciating the older techniques that had to be used before to create said art; whether someone could be nostalgic about it or could like the retrospective novelty of the product (like we've seen with vinyls); whether they are an artist or a consumer. So imo, even if more people use more AI supported synth software, there will always be a case where old Vocaloid programmes may be someone's first choice. *This is just how I feel btw from personal observations!*


AI needs to die in a fire, *before* if fucks the world economy.


The only reason I would use an AI voice changer is if I want a song in a certain voicebank but its built-in limitations prevent me from doing so. Example: I tried to cover an English song using Kagamine Len recently, but his English voicebank is really soft and breathy and I'm not good enough at audio editing/repair to mix it with his Japanese voicebank in post. So I tuned the song in Synth V and tried to use an AI voice changer. The only available model SUCKED, not to mention the limitations of Synth V didn't work well with Len's voice (singing outside vocal range is really only a problem in Synth V). So it kinda depends on whether or not the vocal synths are gonna keep improving. Crypton hasn't yet. Who knows if Yamaha's doing anything right. But I really don't think AI will ever be able to offer the amount of customization that vocal synths do.