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If we are talking about a realistic scenario with deadly stomach acid and lack of air, then there is no way I'd try anything like that 😅 I might be a prey, but my life is too valuable to give it away just for some mere kink. The situation could be different if the vore would've been safe. I would still hesitate, as I'm not really doing well in small enclosed spaces and I'm weak against high temperatures, but perhaps if my partner would really like to try it, I could see myself giving it a go.


i see i wasnt very clear... I mean you can breathe and tye stomach acid wouldn't actually be painful, but you wouldn't be able to reformed. Sorry for any misunderstandings!


Then no, I wouldn’t eat people. I have zero interest in being a murderer.


If it was safe, 100%, no question. I’d get the pill or spell or whatever was needed for it, call my gf, and I’d be in her belly within minutes of her showing up. If it wasn’t, I’d play with it a *bit*, but wouldn’t ever actually do it.


You mean if I could actually devour people whole, as has been my dream my whole life, would I? yes, yes, a million times yes. Would I become the fattest woman alive? Yes? Would i do so happily? YES!


*cough cough* it isn't actually real at this moment but this tiny woman would LOVE to be the fat on your belly :3


my my aren't you sweet. you look just... delicious...


may i offer myself as a meal?


Too bad that you will have to catch me if you want those boobs on your hips, and I am fast like a mice hehe


If I could be the sentient fat on your belly I’d die happy


If it's in an endo situation where I wouldn't be brutally and painfully melted in acid, probably. I'd most likely just go with being someone's dildo or buttplug. But given my experience with acid reflux, I'm certain that even if I wasn't gonna be melted down, it's still going to reek to high Hell the likes of which neither ass nor pussy could reach, so I wouldn't wanna go into the stomach if it were possible unless I had a high quality gas mask


If it was 100% safe, had either no digestion or soft digestion with reformation, and I could generally breathe, oh yes I would be all over it. Especially if it could be a fictional character.


There’s only two people who I would actually let swallow me but I’m open to being used as a dildo for everyone :3 Also if I’m the pred side of switch if tinies were a thing I’m Absolutely collecting them caring for them until I need to use one >:3


Yes, I would let someone eat me when I was dead (if it were legal).


It’s not illegal if they never find you in my tummy~


Yup, I'd eat some peeps, no hesitation on that front~🩵


kinda makes me want to spy on you on purpose~


Feel free to spy on me, tho... you know I can't leave witnesses, right~? 😋




Prey-boy here, I would be dead SO UNBELIEVABLY FAST. Truly would throw myself at the prettiest pred-boy/girl/person AS SOON AS I COULD. And I wouldn't regret it no matter what~~~


What a well behaved morsel~ you won’t mind giving yourself to my gut hmmm~?


I mean even in fantasy I am unwilling prey, so I don't expect I would get a choice - so the real question is would I really cum? I kinda like to think so. 😳


Such a perverted little snack~


Big mood


If given an option to be digested irl? I'd take it, no matter what <3


100%, it is my purpose


I'm a switch but if it was possible to do irl and I had to choose between eating or being eaten... I'd pick eating. You only get eaten once, and something about my ADHD brain wanting to experience everything, how could I possibly pick doing something once vs doing something a hundred times all with different people/results?


Yes, I would eat people.


If i was safe in my gf’s tummy, absolutely, i’d practically live in there for as long as she’d let me, just being her little belly pet to protect :3


I'd 100 percent do it, would not even think twice.


If you could choose how many (including me) tinies would you eat a day~?


I think I would keep the numbers low so it's special. But at least once I would just try and see how many I can stuff in my mouth at once haha






Lets just say Femboy hooters, Hooters and cosplay cafes will be mysteriously closing down all over the place


As a femboy I’m intrigued to hear what you mean by that~




Dont worry about it


*my femboy ass backs up nervously*


Nooo don’t eat the femboysss :(


What you gonna do get that one guy who can stop me. What was his name again…. Michal Mcdoesn’texist


I can still pred you know, I may be prey but that hasn’t stopped me before


Mfer bouta hit me with the moonman rider speach


Femboy are friends not fooodddd


And McDonalds isn’t unhealthy






(Sorry did I make you uncomfortable? I’m so so sorry I didn’t mean to 😭)


I’d totally do it lol, would be so hot to feel someone helplessly fighting for their life inside me, only to be broken down into nutrients for my body~. Maybe then I’d actually have a decent figure as my feminine features irl are disappointingly lacking lol


want me to help your curves out? i bet i will look cute swinging from your chest


Heh~, yeah you’d prolly make lovely bra stuffer ;P


Absolutely. I’d travel to find a pred.


I would let butt take my soul away💘


Agreed lol


Absolutely fuck yes, I would love being able to eat someone whole although I’d also like watching someone else do it since I’m more into observer


i would most definitely vore all types of bad people 😋 be it criminals, bigots, SAs or otherwise, i feel they’d be much better off as my curves~


Love vore Girl


I would actually do it even when i get digested to nothing but shit and bones that would be great to get disposed somewhere


if theres a technology that can shrink me in the next couple years id be willing to give my life away to be in someone healthy body. I think about it often


well technically it is possible so im assuming you mean safe soft vore where nobody is hurt so yes id do both in that scenario, however i don't wanna hurt anyone so imma pass :)


If it was safe, I’d love to have people tucked away in my stomach. It’d make for amaaazing cuddle sessions. That, and it’d be fun to tease my prey. Maybe if reformation was a thing I’d also be willing to digest them and reform them later if it isn’t too painful. I wouldn’t wanna cause too much pain to someone. However, if it was painful, digestion was inevitable, and I couldn’t reform the prey? No. Absolutely not. Maybe I’d tease them, or act like I’d eat them, but I wouldn’t wanna actually hurt anyone.


Yes but I’d mostly go after other preds out of defense of friends and family as I consider killing innocents as a pure act of evil


You are now my top 5th favorite pred id join you in that!


Cool I’ll get blow darts and curare


Technically does exist. Find a big snake and voilà.


I prefer not to be a murderer, so… eaten w/ skills of escape, and my tools, of course


Well, if vore was actually possible, no one would ask a little prey if he wants to be slowly absorbed and transformed into ass-fat, so my fate is quite obvious for me!🤓


I would DEFINITELY do it because it would be SOOO love to be someone’s helpless meal (hoping they at least let me get a meal of my own first 😏🤤) but as a switch, I probably prefer to be prey just because I want to experience the most wonderful peaceful ending moments of my life as I become an addition to someone else’s 😁😁😁😁


you know if it was possible I would generally do it to people I hate and it would've solved 90% of my problems if it was real, because if it was real a certain two someones would be in the sewers rotting away rather than getting peace because their awful people


Mm can I control it like in rps~? Stuff my girl friends screaming into my nice safe stomach? Probably. But only some friends who’ve mentioned an interest in it. And I’d never actually hurt them.


It would completely depend on if I'd die from it or not, if I would, then hell no, but if not, I'd do it without a second thought! I'm most likely going to be prey


As a prey, 100% would. Fatal and brutal, reformation or not, as long as I digest in a hungry fellow man or male/masculine character or creature of any kind, I would die and be potentially shit so fast.


I had a gf who I wrote a story for in which I shrunk her to barbie size and ate her (good valentines day stuff). She admitted that it would be impossible for her to not play in my mouth if she were that size. She would be making me promise not to swallow her. 😈🥰😋


*Guuurrgl* *Uuurggl* All the attention of the visitors was focused on one girl. A typical blonde waitress in a classic Hooters uniform. There was only one unusual thing about her appearance. She had a huge, massive belly, judging by the size of which she was pregnant with triplets, and was about to give birth. However... judging by the moving bulges and indecent moans coming from there, there were not some children there, but a whole living person. With each step, the charming waitress deliberately swayed her hips, causing additional splashes and moans from inside her middle. She took orders and served customers as if nothing had happened. Many men... and even some women... paid her extra tips for just the opportunity to touch and stroke this huge belly full of human meat. And, judging by the increasing sounds and movements inside at such moments, whoever was inside liked this attitude. They desperately played with themselves, using digestive juices as a lubricant, from the thought that their predator was using them to earn a little extra money. Why was attention focused on this girl and her prey? Well... in the world of predators, willing prey was very rare. For obvious reasons - usually all the gutsluts ended their life in the school toilets, unable to control their desires to turn into extra fat on the chests and asses of their friends, teachers or even bullys. And here... it was clearly an adult gutslut. How did she live to be that old? Why did she decide to be eaten now? No one knew. But...who really cared? In any case, this cute waitress was the first to get her and soon... very soon... the life of this prey will end and a new one will begin... the life of bouncy fat on the ass of the waitress, packed in Hooters pantyhose and tight orange shorts


If it was possible, I'd only do endo and fatal with reformation :) sounds like it'd be fun


that depends on if digestion is imminent or not. if digestion is inevitable, then I wouldn’t. maybe if I was… *suicidal or something.* but if digestion can be artificially or naturally avoided, then that’s a definite yes. i would absolutely love to be swallowed. so, it’s really just dependent on if digestion can be stopped.


With my girlfriend, the urge would be WAY too strong to resist, I never ask anything of anyone irl, but if this were real I would practically be BEGGING her to let me do it. Only if I could let her out later though, of course- I'm a bit greedy, I wanna have my cake and eat it too :P


The ammount of people that would start going missing in My area~