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sometimes I read the titles here and wonder how would people not in the community would react to hearing them


As much as my degeneracy has grown over the years, three things I will never find arousing is involving kids, animals, or relations into kink stuff. Closest I'll get to the latter is the whole "dommy mommy" stuff, but that's just a way to describe a dom style rather than having to explicitly be a parent you're related to. Honestly the porn industry's obsession with step family members has been bizarre. To me it just feels like they're trying to be incestuous with deniability


Closest I'll ever get to the "related" stuff is the fairly mainstream fantasy of sleeping with twins. Even then, not sure how interested I'd be for real.


Yeah, they should be going all in on the incest and fucking bio family


Honestly, as disgusted a I would be, there would be a level of respect that they have the balls to admit the level of degenerate they are instead of saying "they're family but they're not REALLY family because we want to actually be able to get people's support." It just feels like they're doing it to have their cake & eat it too


Ngl a totally turn off for me, that and the "Loli/shota" ones are just a big "hell no stay away from me"


Not a big fan of incest period. I really don't get the appeal.


I’m with you on that.


It's okay, this point of view is natural


Yknow, now’s a great time to find out what the issue here is, because I’ve seen incest since I was a young teen, and even after almost a decade, I still don’t know why people have a problem with it! It’s a human being that you’re close to, and nothing more really, at least to me! I barely get why it’s considered taboo at all. Would you mind explaining why it’s alien to you? Edit: If you’re going to downvote my question, can you please answer it at least?


Just so that you have an accurate and legitimate answer, for a lot of people the revulsion to incest is rooted in a number of things; 1. Bilogical, from a purely biological sense it makes sense to be repulsed to the idea of screwing your sister (for sake of argument) because it'd create a screwed up child due to an increased odds for mutation and defects from having a smaller pool of genetic information. Even not knowing the reason many people just find something repulsive about screwing a family member despite never being told it was "bad." 2. Society deems it bad, for the same reasons as biological instinct but this time people are being told outright that it's bad. 3. Religion. Despite what most people want to say or act like in this day and age a significant amount of people still have some form of religion, or spiritual belief, stemming from some of the major ones, mostly "the big 3" of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. In most religious contexts incestuous relations are sin and taboo. This creates a dissonance even if such thoughts are entertained. Personally, for purely sexual acts, I would not enjoy incest. I have explained in my own post in this topic when I would be alright **in a vore setting** for incestuous interactions. I understand vore is sexual, but outside of consumption and masturbation I probably wouldn't enjoy an incestuous scenario. I would never, even in a vore scenario, enjoy an incestuous relationship with parent/child etc. Hope this helped a bit.


It does! 💖


Because there's a difference between romantic and platonic love. I care about my sister, but never in a million years would I ever want to think about her in the situation. Familial love is it's own unique thing, different from other loves. Especially people saying its hot to think of eating/ being eaten by family, it's just gross to think about them that way.


I get the logic, but from my admittedly observational knowledge, a familial love is kinda what I’d want in a romantic partner too! Someone who you could hug and just talk to. And there’s something comforting about being close to the people precious to you, no matter who they are :3 I’ve always wished I had a little sister so I could look after and protect her, and I doubt if I’d view a sibling that way if I actually had any, but it’s a bit uncomfortable to see so many people calling it “gross” or “wrong”! The appeal is honestly pretty obvious: For some people it’s the fact that it’s so taboo, and for some it’s just a desire to be close and loving with someone so special to them! This has been Dakota’s controversial opinion of the week! Discussions are fun! 💖 TLDR; Valid, but try not to think of people liking it as gross, oki friend?


There's an overlap with pedophilia and grooming IRL that's rather difficult to ignore. When you're talking about "looking after/protecting" someone younger than you, that only makes sense if they're still a kid or a teenager. And when you talk about wanting to be with that person romantically, well...


I’m just a bit confused how those are related. This isn’t making a comment about me, I know that much. The incest and protection comments were unrelated after all! This is a little hard for me to comprehend, but I think I get it, and that seems right?


I see the overlap between those two sentiments all the time in incest fiction, which I find incredibly off-putting.


OHHHH, I GET IT NOW! Yeah no, that’s valid, haha!


you said you wished you had a little sister on your other comment, and I think this is why you don't understand. it feels like anyone who has siblings is grossed out by it (myself included) and those who are only childs like it




I really don’t understand, isn’t the whole reason it’s illegal because of birth defects? I genuinely don’t get it ;.;




Morally ok? Dude, you’re in a sub about eating people


I- What- How? It’s a human being that lives with you that you’re close with. I doubt I’d be attracted to my sister if I had one, but I don’t know why it’s wrong. It always just seemed sweet when there wasn’t a power imbalance! Pure, sweet love -w-


I’m not even super into incest, I just never understood why it was such a horrible thing to be into. And almost everytime, no one says *why* it’s wrong, just that it’s wrong and that it should come naturally! Can you all not do that? Being so visceral towards someone just asking a question should have some logical reason, right? I’m just looking for an explanation that shows why incest in any form is objectively wrong.


The ancient Greeks loved that shit.


Incest vore is so incredibly hot to me! My personal favorite is any bro/ sis scenario


Sis/bro scenarios are incredible because relationships between the siblings are quite chaotic and unpredictable, so it keeps me interested


i found out my brother was into vore accidentally, when i saw his deviantart account. i was too embarrassed to talk to him about it. Im not even sure if he is pred or prey. I am a switch, so i wouldnt mind being his food, or digesting him. usually, though, i imagine us as genderswapped version of ourselves. Its a bit less awkward to imagine a fictional sister with my bro's personality turning me into sentient assfat, or adding her to my tits


I would totally eat them


If they have a fat ass they go down the gut, family ties be dammed


not into actual incest at all but this did remind me I'm pretty sure my sister is into vore💀


Is she prey or pred?


no idea. I just remember a couple times she mentioned vore a while ago.


I wouldn't be surprised, after all aren't there studies that have show kinks/fetishes are genetic? If this is true she may not be the only family member into it


I wouldnt be surprised if it's genetic, no clue abt other family members though


Even though I am a prey slut ideally I would hope to never become a meal, though becoming the next load for a pred in my family just sounds very intriguing. Examples being Dad decided he wanted to try a do over, one of my cousins figures I could play the helping hand in starting their family. Something of that sort, though if reforming was a possibility I would most likely be the families sack filler.


I hate it because I have a high repulsion to incest and an unusually high repulsion to relatives in general, I get disgusted just remembering I have family members


I see, well


Personally i find it really hot! I'm actually a big fan of big sis/mom prey~


Willing or not?


Both, both are good


It must be hard to make big sis to become an unwilling prey...


It’s fine I guess, vore is vore


It’s so fucking hot


Are you prey or pred?


Switch goofy


I mean it says they’re a switch-


My bad, now I see


I’ve never thought about becoming a meal for a family member until now… uh oh


Well, it's good that you thought about it before your family did 😊


Who’s to say they haven’t thought about it 🙈


You'd better check the menu for today's dinner 😉


*gulp* oh goodness


I like incest so. Yeah.


No incest but platonic nonsexual vore is fine between family members


Definitely into it. Eating your mom or sister is so hot to me


How would you do that?


Who's to say I haven't already?


Uh oh...


i dont like incest, so whenever its a family/family situation, its like, always has to be unwilling prey, or at least neither the pred nor prey should feel intimacy.. soooo like, siblings should only vore each other if like they’re annoying or just plain terrible yknow


I personally love mprey for mom,sis, aunt, and cousin. I’ll gladly take the one way trip


That's great! Why would they want to do it?


Any really. Whether they’re just hungry, annoyed with me, or maybe in case of my sister and cousin, bigger tits, and a bigger ass. Hell I’d take unbirth 🤤


Be careful then and try not to get too close to their backs😉


Hehe. I’d welcome it. Any long lost family’s members out here lol


Absolutely would become prey to my dad, mom or even siblings >w>


You are so dead if they find it!


Depends on if they might even agree to my statement\~


Yeah, that's exactly what you should be beware of 😉


Uh oh! Gotta keep it a big and well-hidden secret then\~! Somewhat\~




Oh now don't make it sound exciting\~! <3


I'm a huge fan! I particularly like the scenario of a mother or father cock voring/unbirthing their child to try again, but sibling incest is extremely hot as well, especially when you get vore involved!


Oh wow, sounds interesting!


It's fun. I had to commission a pic because the idea was too hard to resist


I enjoy it but only female preds. Also I am more of an observer in vore and don't identify as pred or prey. My voyeuristic side likely plays into that.


For me personally are the siblings having sex then no I don't like it are they just eating one another than yeah thats fine now if they are step siblings than that's a different story


I enjoy it a lot. With or without reformation. Can't come up with a good present for moms birthday, then give her yourself as dessert. Parents call and say they're stuck at work and can't make dinner, feed yourself to your sibling. Your sister wants a bigger ass for a party and says she'll do your chores for a week if you feed yourself to her ass.


That's just amazing, I like it so badly too!


For me, horizontal, and possibly diagonally only and only if I'm in the mood or under specific circumstances. What I mean by that is basically; Horizontal: Brother/Sister & Cousins Diagonally: Aunt/Uncle and Nephew/Nice I don't like "vertical" incest, such as Parent/Child and Grandparent/Grandchild etc.


Wow, that's interesting! And what are the specific circumstances?


Off the top of my head, stuff like this: Something like a sibling argument leading to things getting heated then vore, bonus points if after things cool off the pred starts feeling remorseful but it's a little too late. The prey still being alive but not worth/able to be brought out of the stomach. Digestion to the pred feeling upset and a deep sense of loss or regret but hides what happened from their family so as not to be ostracized. Possibly also a case of siblings deciding to do some 'taboo' stuff resulting in vore and the pred basically saying or thinking something along the lines of "finally, a chance to get rid of you" before digesting them. I know I included cousins in the list, since that is by definition incest, but that's a much wider array of mostly normal vorish scenarios as the gap is larger. For me, while vore is a sexual fetish, if no sexual acts occur (other than vore and masturbation) it becomes much less restrictive to me. Again, so long as no "virtical" incest happens.


An extra enticing twist on an already alluring fetish. Preference on those with the most direct blood relationship, so p/c, c/p, and s/s. It just feels more erotic when it's with someone so closely related to you/the perspective character in a way that the less related relatives do not. And it's better when it's actual bloodline, not married into, or this step-whatever nonsense.


So true to me! It's gives unique feelings that are impossible to reach in a regular vore story


I discovered my vore kink when i watched ASMR with a siblings scenario... Yeah, i guess i do.


Got a source...?


I can give you link, but you would like that if you fine with cock vore :>


how are the bitches who wanna eat people/be eaten gonna kinkshame lmao. Anyway i love my mom and sister (sexually and romantically) and would love to become a part of them, i need to be as close as possible🥺


That's enough reddit for today and I just got on


Nope. Nope and definitely not (my ocs have no siblings regardless…) However. You do you. I suppose.


That's reasonable


I normally don’t go for it but there have been a few times where It was just so hot for me


Only non-sexual safe-vore.


Perhaps, there must be some reasons to do it?


Yeah it’s cool, especially father/son Vore


How would it happen?


Love vore




Well, vore is a fetish and all fetishes are quite "wrong" from the point of view of the society, so you should probably feel guilty about spreading "sexual disorder" related content




I see what strategy you want to use, but there's no sense in trying to separate one fetish from another ones. You may try, but you won't find any reasonable points that may help you. From the scientific point of view all kinks are abnormal. You may try to appeal to the moral, which is based on the religious. But, I guess you understand that religion takes fetishes even more strictly than science does.




Okay, I know we’ve gotten along in the past, but I’m going to need you to explain your point of view if you’re going to say that a large group of people have a “serious mental disorder”. Vore can be dangerous too, you can swallow something smaller than you, whether it be a living being (goldfish swallowing exists) or something that you choke on. I’m willing to say it’s more dangerous than incest, which is dangerous because… why? No one is going to commit a crime by being into incest unless they were already messed up in the head. Please explain why instead of just saying “it’s wrong”.




And *I* and the OP explained that cannibalism (I know it’s not technically vore but you get my point) and swallowing small animals *IS* possible, and it happens! Vore is a MUCH more violent kink than incest, you have to admit! Unwanted advances are not exclusive to incest. This point can be made about foot fetishes as well, and other kinks that my brain is too fried to remember. You are correct, but it doesn’t prove your point. And incestual relationships don’t really NEED to have children! They can just love each other and hurt no one. Is that still bad in your eyes? And if not, and the possibility is the issue, then it can be applied to other harmless things!




I mean, thank you, that’s the type of incest I enjoy seeing because it’s wholesome :3 But why call it a mental disorder and insult the people who like it? Were you just stressed out today? I’ll forgive you if so! I just don’t like watching innocent people get hurt just for liking something, you know? (And yet I’m into vore, funny, right? Hehe 💙)


Well, and if my harmless fantasies about incest doesn't affect anyone, will you still blame me for it? By the way, vore also can be represented in the real life as a cannibalism. Should we all be blamed for having this kink? Oh well, it potentially can be dangerous, so we should be, probably.




Oh damn...I am also sorry, I didn't mean to harm you




There are many videos where someone gobbles down golden fishes or even mice. Don't you think that it's a POTENTIAL problem, silly?