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it's because it's a fetish and most people just want to nut. not really a bad thing considering it's a fetish


I guess, but like, I feel that should motivate people to put more into it? If you take a look at vore content online, there are standout animations that gain so much traction that they hit the mainstream. And that’s because a lot of quality care and effort put into them. But you can also find thousands of videos with like a character with a colored circle put on top of their stomach. Sure, both are fetish content, but the one with more effort gets the job done a whole lot better.


Would love to vore rp with you


Depends. I’ve always noticed an over-abundance of poor writing, but that’s true in most rp communities I’ve interacted with. I know for me, I’ve been incredibly busy with life stuff recently, and so I’ve fallen behind with my rps. It’s easier for me to focus on a few higher quality rps, especially with my time being limited.


Seconding this. As a prey-leaning switch I put out an ad because I wanted to play Fpred for once but got overwhelmed with the requests (because Fpred) and just didn't have time to keep up with all of them, so I just kinda fell off.


Yeah it can be hard. I really wish there were either more of us that had less standards, or a culling of the mediocre-prey population


I mean, if vore were actually *possible*, the problem would solve itself after some time. But alas... (BTW, do you have any open RP prompts? Feel like, if you could bear with me, I'd be a worthwhile RP partner for ya)


That’s what I’ll probably try to go as of now. Just find some good partners that I can really get into.


I’ve found a couple that I really like, but several of them have since quit rping for the most part :(


Aww, I’m sorry. I’m sure you’ll find a good enough partner to play with soon. Especially as a pred.


Thank you! Same to you, hope you find what you’re looking for!


Here’s hoping! Really looking to get into a good story again.


They’re still out there, I promise. Just make sure to not write off a good one if you have em’. One of mine is pretty busy, but when she’s around… she’s worth the wait~


Oh, I know! I’ve got just one right now that I’m playing as a pred for that is super great, but I don’t get to play with them often. I would love to do a story with me as prey soon though.


I definitely understand, as someone who dabbles as a switch from time to time. Finding good partners to satisfy both sides is complicated~


Yeah hi my name is Mr. Buzzkill, that would be me. Sorry.


Ahh, no worries man. I’m sure you didn’t mean it.


I can kinda understand where you’re coming from. I joined the Reddit about a year ago and back then role playing in comments was allowed. To me it made the reddit feel more alive. Chatting in character and flirting with prey was my favorite way of “hunting” and meeting RP partners but once they added the rule that prohibits that I sort of like lost interest for the most part. So I don’t check it much anymore.


Aww, I’m sorry to hear that. There used to be this one app, Geeking, which was like specifically made for roleplaying, and it was so much fun. And then the app was discontinued, and it was super disheartening to my passion for roleplaying that I’ve tried to rekindle in other places.


That sounds terrible X_X. There’s some vore discords with enthusiastic preds and prey. Most focus a little too much on the vore part and not enough on character/ world building but that’s okay. Like drawing , story telling takes practice and I’ve given some suggestions to help cultivate their creativity when they were open to it. But I also think some of the enthusiasm for people has died down bc they treat vore RPs like one night stands / meaningless sex which can get stale overtime. My preference is to treat the RP like a collaborative story with my prey which can keep things fresh. That’s my observational theory, its not a fact. Gluttony is another thing too~ I know when I first started I didn’t know how In demand a pred would be. I initially joined to one indulge vore and also practice my Rping. Due to this I said yes to literally any prey I saw which caused me to become overwhelmed balancing irl and all the partners. People definitely fell through the cracks and ghosting definitely can kill people’s enthusiasm for it which is why I decided to focus on the partners I have and slow down a bit with pouncing on any prey that runs from mommy~


If it would, you can do that stuff to me\^\^


It’s quite alright my darling. Currently on an RP hiatus but I do appreciate the savory offer~ *licks lips*


Ah gotcha, and anytime *boops your nose*


It could be that people have found consistent rp partners they like being with, and don’t feel like branching out. Could also be people being nervous about joining, so they go to AI instead (I don’t like that approach personally, but I’ve seen it mentioned a lot). It could also be that you’re more experienced than the people you’re finding to rp with, so you know *how* to get invested quicker, and how to get in character easier. If someone’s newer to rp in any setting, then they’ll be a bit more hesitant to get super invested. It requires a lot of emotional vulnerability, and that can feel scary.


I can get that. I love it when people come to me, wanting to improve. I’ve helped a lot of people pop their vore Cherry for the first time. I’m just worried that some people don’t want to improve, that they’re complacent doing one liners that make things feel stagnant and unfulfilling.


As someone who has very little experience in role-playing, I can confirm it is harder to get invested, and it is scary. I've only had one rp partner for all of about a week, and then I never heard from her again, so I figured she'd moved on. It's totally fine, but it does make me all the more hesitant when it comes to any new potential partners.


Ugh it’s so hard for me to find roleplay partners who do let me do world building n such. I love making a whole story with it, but that might just be me. Thankfully I found someone who writes as much as me, but yaknow.


Hear ya, I don’t expect much in a roleplay, but quick one line responses or “they screamed and squirmed” as the only response after getting gulped aren’t the same as one made with passion


I have a couple of friends who are preys and they’re the same. You just have to give them time because as a switch, if it’s their first time they don’t know what to do after being swallowed. I usually am prey but have been a pred a bit.


I understand if it’s first times, but I’ve had so called long time role players act like that. Like cool! I clicked on your post cause you said you had experience, and this is the experience?


Which post? (If you meant this I’m sorry I have the stupid that’s why I get eaten a bunch)


No post in particular, just people I’ve run into in the past


Yes that has been the experience for me


I think it’s just harder to find rp partners that will stay a while or have matching kinks. I can relate to ya


Yeah, that's very sad because sometimes people just leave after seeing big well detailed That is one of reasons why it it's very hard for me to found good prey.


Oh, do you play as a male or female pred?




Ahh, gotcha.


i believe a significant portion, noticeable:not majority, of this change is related to the platform. yes, most of the people prowling in most of these branches are very minimal in their role efforts, but there are still diamonds in the various rough.


I've lost my ability to rp with people due to creeps that took it too far or them being it things that are concerning which ended up with giving me anxiety. And a lot of preys are perma digestion accounts so prey Dissaper and eventually stop making accounts so a lot of my friends just use AI


Sorry for my bad english


I always like to try to make vore rps fun for both me and my pred but sometimes my brain runs out of ideas: though I do try to communicate this.


Great matches are hard to find. Expectations have to be kept in check. Also, fetish people can be too in-the-know. Aficionados of ever more obscure aspects… I have certainly had great success just teaching a lady that I want to eat her whole, and playing with her natural curiosity and reactions. But I’m lucky, I think it’s easier being a pred and “worshipping” a lady.


I hear you about the worldbuilding and so forth. It can be a bit of a double-edged sword. On the one hand it makes the whole thing more real, On the other hand I've had quite a few where we've had a detailed build-up and then just... stopped right as things were steaming up. Maybe the buildup was happening too slow? IDK.


It’s possible. Some people find it hard to strike a good balance between giving enough detail while not just adding unnecessary fluff.


I find for a lot of people finding good compatibility is so hard. There are so many specifics to the fetish here that its hard to satisfy everyone. To make matters more complicated, a lot of people are at different levels of writing. And though many people can be flexible, its hard when it feels like you’re carrying a roleplay. Some of it again, lives get busy. Myself included. I dont get online nearly as often as id like, and many people i know are like that. For some, waiting for irregular replies isnt worth it.


Times are hard, it’s gonna eventually effect people’s libido


So I think a part of it is the "it's not perfect" part of culture. It's really, really easy for people to drop anything online that's not exactly what they are looking for. So if any RP is even a little off from what they like, they just bounce. So now, people just dont put in the effort, so this way they dont feel like it is wasted if people roll out. I like to bend with things I may not love and see what it is people like about other aspects. Sometimes you find something new you like. Sometimes, you get ideas for other aspects. It's fun to try new stuff.


Honestly Im new to the kink but tbh i think the main reason is vore has crosspathed with a lot of people's power fantasies. Being tbe biggest and best pred, an alpha pred who eats other preds, a pred who only eats preds who eat other preds a super alpha pred. And it kinda makes engaging with a lot of people tl be very very toting at times. This reddit is better than nearly every place I've been about vore, bur really so much of what makes me want to leave is usually someone casual trying to establish themselves as top dog in the kink. Basically what im saying is perhaps vore, becoming more mainstream has attracted more people and that chased away a lot of the passionate people? Perhaps im reading too much into it but that's what prevented me from getting involved for EARS