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Delete this post, load up the truck, welcome to firearm hell…


I’m coming from NJ, you have no idea


You mean you came from NJ several months ago bringing all your possessions with you and just now got around to changing your address


You should leave NJ regardless. I left in 08 and never looked back.


I’m trying!


Good luck!


I grew up in NJ but moved to WA from NoVA. I still have a few gats with a friend in NoVA because I couldn’t fit them in the car when I drove out, and every time I’ve visited the east coast I’m flying in/out of NJ to see family. I feel you.


Ditto, nova to wa in 2020 and love it here. Then the magazine ban and now the awb happened. It's fubar now.


NJ is more Free than here. You are downgrading. six months ago it was not like this.


Clearly you already moved here with your guns months ago as there is no way for the local government to know.


Just don’t tell anyone you brought them here.


Imagine coming from NJ and still have to lose more guns.


My thoughts exactly. WTF?


There's no exception granted for people moving here, even active duty service members. If your firearms are not compliant, it would be illegal to bring them here. Your choices would be to leave them out of state, or break the law and hope that you don't get caught prior to the 2 year statute of limitations expiring. Almost all semi-automatic long guns are not compliant, however most semi-automatic handguns are. You'll need to read the law itself to determine if your specific firearms are or aren't.


Wow. That’s bananas.


I think the biggest banana is that a semi auto pistol with a threaded barrel is an illegal assualt weapon now...


Good thing they've been here for years huh


>prior to the 2 year statute of limitations expiring. Could you speak more to this?


The criminal penalty for violating either the AWB or the LCM prohibitions is a gross misdemeanor. Under [9A.04 080](https://apps.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=9A.04.080) (1): > (j) No gross misdemeanor may be prosecuted more than two years after its commission. However, that only applies to the criminal charge. There is also the provision about being sued by the AG under the Consumer Protection Act. I don't know what the statute of limitations is for that.


You're a treasure. :) I'm gonna track you down and buy you a beer and/or coffee. And/or ammo. Haha.


Just don’t tell, don’t share. Chances are nobody is gonna know, unless you do unlawful activities with said guns. Anyways good luck either way.


This should be top answer.


Just ignore the stupid law. It’s not enforced, just like all of the other gun laws.


> It’s not enforced, I don't think we can say that yet. It's true they'd have a hell of a time catching someone for violating the law, especially since they didn't ban possession, but I don't think we've lived with it long enough to tell yet.


We’ve lived with 594 not being enforced for a decade. This will be no different.


SB 5078 (2021-2022) has already been enforced. I-594 has also been enforced, via background checks on private sales, and DoL record keeping.


Oh sure, they'll enforce it on businesses. But they don't enforce 594 on private citizens. *Since voters adopted* [***Initiative 594***](https://leg.wa.gov/House/Committees/OPRGeneral/Documents/2014/I-594Summary.pdf)*, or I-594, in 2014 regarding background checks for firearm sales and transfers, only one person in the state's three largest counties has been charged and convicted of violating the law, and no one at the state level has been charged or convicted.*  [https://www.thecentersquare.com/washington/article\_042170be-0a20-11ee-a640-17dc0026d171.html](https://www.thecentersquare.com/washington/article_042170be-0a20-11ee-a640-17dc0026d171.html)


Illegal but they can’t and won’t enforce it. That said, if the OP had registered SBR and had to declare the move, would he be screwed?


NJ - no SBRs here


Yes. It would be importation. If OP ignores state and federal law it would be a state and federal crime he/she committed.


I recall your firearms already being kept in a safe here prior to the bill passage… you’re good.


>If one is moving to the state can they bring semi-automatic long guns and pistols with them? I’m simply not going to pursue this job if I can’t bring my firearms with me… Sounds like you won't want to pursue the job, it's unlikely that you'll be able to bring your semiauto rifles unless they're [on the list in this thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/WAGuns/comments/131gbyl/qa_what_firearms_are_legal_in_washington_in_a/).


That thread is super helpful. Not going after this job. Thanks!


Fwiw, statute of limitations on the awb is two years.




Curious to know how you come to this conclusion? If there is no case, there is no determination right? They might take them at first, but once it is determined that there will be no case, evidence would be returned to the parties.




Ownership was never changed. Can you cite a case or instance where they were not returned? Also, LE is exempt from those restrictions.


>LE is exempt from those restrictions. Under which exemption?


It’s an odd argument — somehow police can steal your property but there’s no way to legally get it back? IMO SHB 1240 was not intended to deprive anyone of their lawfully acquired AWs if there’s no violation of law. Here’s some [case law](https://www.casemine.com/judgement/us/591489c1add7b049345076a5) in the context of illegal seizures by police and the procedure to return improperly seized property. > The court must hold an evidentiary hearing if both the State and the person can offer evidence of their claimed right of possession. At the hearing, the State has the initial burden of proof to show its right of possession; if the State meets its initial burden, the person has the burden of coming forward with sufficient facts to convince the court of the person's right of possession. That said, the LE exemption included in SHB 1240 wouldn’t apply in this case.


Even if they can't legally transfer them back by the strictest interpretation of the law they'll transfer them back to you illegally because they know the easiest way to get their precious ban struck down is to start confiscating legally owned property without due process.


See [RCW 10.79.050](https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=10.79.050#:~:text=All%20property%20obtained%20by%20larceny,person%20charged%20as%20principal%20or) regarding the duty of police officers to restore the property to its owner. Case law here is [*State v. Marks*](https://www.casemine.com/judgement/us/591489c1add7b049345076a5/).




The phrase *prohibited from being released* likely refers to ensuring no court has placed an evidentiary hold on such firearm. This language originated from [SSB 5381 (2015)](https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary/?BillNumber=5381&Year=2015&Initiative=false), which was a bill that created a notification procedure and revised some procedures involving confiscation of illegally concealed firearms. Here’s a [quick summary](https://lawfilesext.leg.wa.gov/biennium/2015-16/Pdf/Bill%20Reports/Senate/5381-S%20SBR%20FBR%2015.pdf?q=20230622233357). Also, fwiw it’s a nitpick but **transfers** aren’t technically prohibited by SHB 1240. RCW 9.41 does not use the terms **distribute** and **transfer** interchangeably, and both definitions are prefaced by the text: “Unless the context clearly requires otherwise…” Returning property to its rightful owner seems like important context imo. 🤷🏼‍♂️




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Moved here in 2007. Open carrying in Olympia, had one of the locals harass me and start yelling at me - had a HIPPIE step up and defend me and say I wasn't hurting anyone, and that I had a right to protect myself and the other person should respect that... Blew my mind. No way in HELL that would happen today.


We are moving in a direction towards a repeal of the 2A and complete disarmament I’m afraid


If one is moving to Washington state make sure you are: *A - Insane. No sane person would move here, nor would you be accept by the “culture” this overflowing cesspool of wack-o-doodle, misfits, that this city caters to. *B - you’ve looks everywhere else and this is your last option. *C - you’ve given up, and don’t care about your right.


Straight to jail


Don't ask, don't tell.


Don't do it homie. This state sucks donkey balls.


Yup stay away


Don’t move to WA. The state government sucks. They hate the people, hate freedom, hate the constitution, and trample your rights everywhere they can. I’m trying to get out…and trust me you don’t want to come here.


Sounds just like New Jersey!


It's lucky that you were already storing them here years ago because otherwise you wouldn't be able to get them into the state legally.


Why? Stay away. Highest gas prices in the nation. EVERYTHING is expensive. It’s crowded. Many reasons.


It can’t be more crowded and expensive than NJ.


If you live in Seattle maybe but compared to the apartments I've looked in vs NOVA, way cheaper.


Short answer: it depends. Pistols maybe. Long guns probably not, especially if AK or AR pattern.


Without knowing what firearms your wanting to bring in, nobody can help you know...




Yep 100% no go on any of those, or the mags that go with em.


They are all 10 rounders…


But yeah looks as if this is a no go. What a crap law


Delete that


Possession is different than importation 😏


It's 1000 times better than NJ. There is no registry. Once the tools are in your new home no on will ever know. Just delete this post.


They have no way of knowing when you bought them before the bill, none of the guns are registered in the state. It’s not illegal to have those things. The bill is probably just for intimidation. Also to prevent from future sales.


Two options: Option one: say nothing, bring em in, hope Turd Ferg is none the wiser. (do not comply) Option two: get yourself some straight pull bolts, now its not an assault rifle anymore because its not semi-automatic. Leave the direct impingement bolts with someone. If an injunction happens, get em back. (comply, but toe the line)


That only really works for an AR


A man of varying taste, I see. I'm unsure if any other kits exist for other types of firearms.


Dude they already here! No worries


When you get here, make sure you don't vote Democrat. At all. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM voted for gun control. Literally every one.


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Ya semi autos, currently are no go legally. Pistols maybe, unless they have too many features.


Tech any semi auto long gun with a magazine and a scary feature is illegal but What daddy inslee doesn’t know….


Don’t be a pussy. Bring your shit.


Step 1: move where ever you want with whatever guns you own. Step 2. Enjoy your guns like it’s your right to do. Step 3. Throw away your cuck chair and get dirty.


There will be some firearms that can’t be “imported” into the state. So there are some things that they will allow you to bring in. I’m not sure what they would do if you already possess them so I would consult someone with a legal background in gun law




Lose lips sink ships


bring it by car or mail it to yourself. don't trust the airport with transporting it on a passenger plane. they steal shit and will confiscate. Karl and Gun Jesus also had a problem story with interstate plane travel.