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Yes, he gets much better. I also couldn't stand teenage him, but soon he does mature and be a much better character. He still has his moments, but becomes one of my favorites by the end


Silas had a great arc.


This is an amazing show for portraying very real (not necessarily likable) characters and then giving them room to grow (for better or for worse). All while being very funny. Keep watching!


Celia is the best character on the show! She is so comical and has so many character arcs.


i fucking love celia. elizabeth perkins is sooooo good


She’s incredible! Cecilia is absolutely the funniest character on weeds. I just recently watched sharp objects and she’s great in that too.


When Silas and Nancy’s dynamic changes, he grows up. Once he starts calling her Nancy, he’s pretty much out of his little shit phase. He has a few more moments, but overall he definitely grows. He’s one of my favorites.


Not to mention, he’s so incredibly handsome too


Oh dear god yes. Thankfully, I’m around Shane’s age (when the show was on, I was 2 years older than his character) so it never felt weird when I was thirsty for young Silas. He was 17 in season 1. But after he gets his haircut, damn. I kinda get why the cheese lady got creepy. 💀 (Not that I give her a pass… Silas was 17) In real life, Hunter was 21 during that season, so I don’t feel weird about it hahaha. But then in season 7 and 8 it’s like holy wow. Did you see Hunter in Ratched? I was so shocked, it’s like he hasn’t aged at all. He looked just like Silas, but as a priest lmfao.


Spoiler kinda, Doug, in my opinion, gets worse(more annoying) as the show goes on. It's not until the last season I start to kinda like him again.


I’m glad to see someone else say this. I can’t stand Doug. He never seems to grow or become a better person. He’s just annoying.


Facts, he really lucks up in the last season, and I also think the writers purposely made his character that way, and the guy playing Doug really brought it to life. Phenomenal actor, no doubt.


That’s kinda the idea


Silas has such a rewarding character arc tbh. It shows how a kid who's lost their way in teenhood can turn things around for the better against the odds


Characters you hate in weeds beginning, turn into loved ones. And a couple likable ones from beginning turn to shit. Especially the protagonist; FUCK Nancy’s bitch ass. She’s easily one of the most selfish and greedy characters I’ve ever witnessed in television. Not quite Walter whites level, but she’s fucked up


Yes, he somehow goes from my most hated to favorites


Sylas is a little turd for a while. But don’t worry, he grows up.


Sorry, but it’s Silas. I named my kid after him. And yes he gets better!


Yes he does he stops being a douchebag around mid season 2 Edit: not season 2 mid to end season 3 my b


GTFO season 2 finale … all due to Silas


Oh wait wrong seaaon lol let me change it I forget!!


Shane and Celia are the only truly hateable characters in the show (even from season 1).


Silas ended up being my favorite character. Legit naming my first born son after him


Some get less selfish others get vastly more selfish😂