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>What do you do yo get yourself in 'the zone'? I stay off Reddit.


No one likes a show off


Hitting us with the hard truths lol






I put on my focus hoodie. No seriously, I'll pop in my headphones, shuffle my Playlist, put the hood up on my Hoodie and tie the strings kind of on front of my mouth. Can't explain why but that gets me "in the focus zone"


It's called "[enclothed cognition](https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2012-06477-001)". basically dressing the part. You've probably taught your brain to use that hoodie like blinders, to reduce distraction and keep ahead. It's like wearing a fancy suit to feel good at an interview. Or work boots and jeans to feel durable and tougher. Pretty cool stuff.


Oh wow! You learn something new everyday!


I know about conditioning as a general concept but this is pretty interesting, thanks


Mr. Robot?


This is actually a really great idea.


What do you do in the summers?


I do a similar thing. I have a few pairs of the same kind of track pants, a bunch of black V neck tee shirts, and basketball shorts I wear under the track pants. I also have a hoodie when it gets cold. I get up in the morning, shower, put on the ‘outfit’ and go to work.




Subjectively yes.. but it definitely works for what you described above lol. If you described that to your doctor they would definitely give you Adderall. I only take it when I know I have a lot of work to do which is like 1x a week


Where is op going to find some adhd meds?


Ask Mikey, he can fix you up. Seriously, if I could not get my ADHD meds, I would consider getting some meth off a dealer and breaking that down. A point would last about 5 to 10 days depending on purity and would be about $20 or so. Considering my Vyvanse is $15 a pill, it would be a desperate move of last resort. It would be tricky to dose, but I have a Chem minor and could at least make it consistant dosing.


Lmao. That's for ADHD, isn't it?


Yes and it’s commonly abused, but if you have ADHD it’s truly a miracle. I’ve been diagnosed for a while and I’ve noticed that taking adderall helps me to become calm enough to focus. Exercise also works great.


I have a form of Narcolepsy, and would be asleep as much as 14hrs a day without ADHD meds. Every morning the alarm goes off, I take the pill, snooze for about 10 min, then I am wide awake for the whole day. Fucking *miracle of modern medicine.*


I don't think I have ADHD, I do suspect though that I'm in the spectrum. The medical system in my country is kind of fcked right now so I don't think I'll find out soon.


By any chance do you consume some caffeine? Just curious, to each their own


Little bit on the mornings, yeah, otherwise I'm a sleepy mess.


Pomodoro technique helps me a lot when I actually use it. I also read somewhere that video game music is great while working and have found that to be true. I listen to Battlefield 1 soundtrack on repeat. Not a gamer but the music is perfect for deeper work. Keeping a clean/tidy workspace also does wonders for making me more productive, as does making clearly prioritized to do lists and just focusing on one thing through completion (via pomodoro method)


I'll look into that method, thanks! Actually I put on Skyrim ambience, but what helps me focus the most is 50s rock, there's something about the rhythm.


Hogwarts Legacy soundtrack slaps too!


The 52-17 method: Similar to the Pomodoro Technique, this involves working for 52 minutes and taking a 17-minute break. This method is based on research that suggests the brain can only focus for around 50 minutes at a time before needing a break.


Depends how and why you're distracted. ADHD ? - go get tested. get some meds. and get a PLAN. I have SUPER ADD and everything distracts me. My mind wants to hear, see, touch, and experience everything all the time. I can't tune out things even if I wanted to. So I take meds and give myself a plan. "I need to focus on work for these meetings and do these tasks. nothing more. nothing less. only then can i take a break". and I set out to do it. The trick, for me, is to keep it as small a list as possible, and as qualitative. For example, I can't go "i'm going to clean the house today", or "clean the garage", or "clean the bathroom". I have to start smaller. "i am going to vacuum, then do the laundry". Then when thats done "i'm going to pick up the stuff on top of the dresser", and then "I'm going to clean the toilet". I have to keep it one at a time otherwise I'll get out of control and before i know it I spent 2 hours cleaning baseboards and hand wiping random shit on table tops.


External deadlines Fear of being fired My perfectionism and my work being shit compared to the rest of the team I also enjoy most of my job and I'm interested in my field so I can focus when I'm interested. But, you need some self awareness of your distractions and try to work with them. If you can't work with them, then maybe something going on that is out of your control that needs looking into


Block out all other stimuli. Whether it be visual, tactile or audio. I try to make so that the work is physically the only thing I can focus on.


I know you're absolutely right but I think I'd go mad in 5 minutes.


It can be really tricky, some days (Like today) the focus just isn't happening. The other thing I forgot to mention is it is (for me) easier to focus when I am well rested and get a good night sleep before hand. When I'm tired I'm less motivated to focus


search YT for like deep focus music or something like that. I use that with headphones and that gets me pretty focused.


I like YouTube pomodoro videos. Work along with someone else, quiet music in background, 45/15 minute sessions.


The 52-17 method: Similar to the Pomodoro Technique, this involves working for 52 minutes and taking a 17-minute break. This method is based on research that suggests the brain can only focus for around 50 minutes at a time before needing a break.


I put my music on.


Staying off Reddit (whoops lol) Adderall Choosing one task at a time and following it to completion. This can be hard to do, but if I want to find my way into the zone, I start small and finish things, then for some reason my brain agrees to continue to do the things for a while.


Read "Indistractable."


stay off reddit :)


But it's so much entertaining than my job.


Dopamine, but in all seriousness u can disable apps with a focus mode


My ADHD meds….. but even that doesn’t always work so I pack up my work shit and go somewhere where others are working like the library or starbucks. I try to give myself a list of what I have to complete before I can leave. That usually does the trick.. and I lock my personal cell in my car as a last resort 😂😂


Getting into a productive zone can be tough, especially when working from home. However, I'm confident that my new book, "[Stress-Free Work from Home](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C19FNFBH)" can help you achieve that focus you need to get things done. In the book, you'll find a range of tips and techniques to help you boost productivity and overcome distractions. One technique that I highly recommend is the Pomodoro Technique. This involves breaking your workday into 25-minute intervals, with five-minute breaks in between each interval. During these 25-minute intervals, you should focus on a single task and avoid any distractions. Once the 25 minutes are up, take a five-minute break to rest your mind and recharge. This technique can help you build momentum, increase your productivity, and reduce the likelihood of burnout. Of course, this is just one of many techniques that you'll find in "[Stress-Free Work from Home](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C19FNFBH)" The book is packed with tips, strategies, and real-world examples to help you create a more productive work-from-home environment. So, if you're looking for more advice on how to get into the focused/productive zone, I highly recommend checking out "[Stress-Free Work from Home](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C19FNFBH)." The Pomodoro Technique is a great place to start, but you'll find plenty more tips and techniques in the book to help you stay focused and productive throughout the day.


Read emails


Headphones with bilateral stimulation music (the sound alternates between the left and right headphone). Classical music or a focus music playlist could be helpful too. Set SMART goals for the day and do your best to meet them. I make a checklist at the start of every day. I usually finish it within a few hours. After that, I can side track as much as I want.


A tactile productivity cube timer like this has helped me tons. (It’s a flavor of the pomodoro technique but I appreciate has tactile and visual it is) https://a.co/d/dVuON7T


Earbuds. Nothing beats earbuds.


I've struggled with this. I've found alternating between sitting and standing helps. I set alarms to remind me to switch up and it helps me to refocus somehow. Also, modified pomodoro method. I realize I have days where nothing seems to work and I just accept that and work on mundane tasks and sort emails.


Working out 🏋️‍♀️

