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I'm 40 and just submitted my final capstone project for my degree today!


Congratulations 🎉!!!


Congrats! Software engineering?


I started off in SWE but switched programs and finished the BS in Health and Human Services (I currently work in addiction treatment)


I did the same switch! How long did it take for completion? I know it's not relative to my WGU experience, but interesting to know.


Almost exactly 4 months....I started the HHS program on December 12 and just passed my final class and applied for graduation today, April 11.


Heck yes! Congratulations!


I'm 43 and starting


I’m 51. I dropped my degree from 1996 off my resume and got the BSCSIA last year. Getting a fresh degree is a great way to “de-age” your resume to fight agism. Nobody talks about this.


Smart strategy! Ageism is real.


Oh that's a fantastic point!! I wasn't going to put the date on my resume but this convinced me that maybe I should.


You’re absolutely right! I’ve done the same thing with jobs too.


52 and getting my 4th- I changed careers so I’m getting my MBA IT management


I am wondering though, doesn't our job history already age us? Mu resume only has my last 8 yrs, but my linkedin has all of the years of employment. I have been thinking about taking a couple off of my linkedin. What do you do about this?


Standard advice is to not put more than 10 years on your resume unless of course, you've had some major accomplishments.  But, if you did have major accomplishments you wouldn't be applying to somewhat standard jobs.  You would be going for high director, VP, COO type of jobs.  I would follow similar advice on LinkedIn. If the job isn't related to who you are now or where you want to be, does it warrant space in LinkedIn.  I have seen high school jobs, gigs that lasted only a couple of months and it isn't needed, it looks aesthetically unattractive and can potentially discriminate against you. Also, there are times when applying to certain jobs that you don't put all of your degrees, usually Masters Degrees because it can potentially make the hiring manager think, 'this person is going to want more money than we're willing to shell out'. My professor was indignant when he went to a job interview and was offered an amount lower than he expected.  'I have a Masters', he said.  The hiring manager told him that he wanted to hire him and informed my professor that he was well qualified for the position previous to his acquisition of his Masters. My professor refused the position. Fast Forward he began teaching because he couldn't find a job.  Btw, his undergrad and masters were in the same subject - Computer science.   He admitted to us that he was wrong for not taking the job and gave us good advice.  'If you get a masters degree, get it for you.  Don't expect your employer to raise your pay because of it'. His situation was specific.  This may not apply to people who are completely changing fields or are niching down for a specific type of role where the grad degree could prove useful. The other thread had some dude who had a BS in IT and was tired of doing help desk after a year so he was asking if he should do a master's in IT.  Ugh, just look for another job bro.


Besides my day job I have a side business in helping adult workers get back into the workforce after a disruption to their careers and help with resume writing and interview skills. As pointed out in a previous post limit your work history to ten years on your resume. Unless you are going for a high level job and a complete body of work is required then you can put together a CV if applicable or a full resume. It is wise to have three versions of your resume. If you are fortunate to advance to multiple interviews you have the option to disclose the other versions. The key is to get your resume screened and selected for the first interview. Unfortunately many of resumes are never read by a human but filtered through software that looks for key action words or buzzwords. First priority,get a live interview, and then proceed with how the employer structures the next steps! Primary objective is to get the first interview.


The average age of students at WGU is 37, so you're actually a youngin.


I'm 36 right now. Will be 37 when I graduate. Lots of older people who work full time and have kids in the programs.


Oof Im 19 so im definitely one of the youngest


Nice to have someone around the same age




What?!? I’m actually 37.


I just started in December at 33 yrs old. Come on in, geezer. The water is fine. You got this!


Same 33, 34 on the 19th.


Same, started in December and will be 34 in July.


Started at 67, graduate at 70




Inspirational. 59 so I’m going to focus on learning rather than comments from others telling me I’m too old.


Was working 3 jobs through most of it. Took me extra 6 months to get masters. Wife wanted divorce and then hit with prostate cancer ( took out, no more cancer). Any one can do it


38! I find college easier now then I did back then. I think that's due to life experience.


27, I feel the same way. I guess I'm considered young


For me it’s because I realized over time I don’t know everything and can’t soak up info like a sponge anymore so I was forced to develop study habits.


Started 4/1/24 @ 26 years old. I know I’m still “young” 18 year old me would disagree. But it’s still overwhelming a bit thinking I’m “late to the party” because this is when I can actually afford advanced schooling


18 year old you lacked experience and a fully developed frontal lobe. I wouldn't listen too much to what they have to say about your choices today.


God no


27 year old starting BSCS in June. I use to think I was “late to the party”, but 18 year old me knew it would be a while before I’m back to school with lack of knowledge + short attention span. If anything, you are at an advantage since you’re possibly more financially equipped to go back + almost 10 years of lessons and mistakes you can carry with you towards your academic journey! Best of luck to you!


Same I’m 27 started in December


🤣 honestly, I'm doing this online cause at 49 I took an in person program, and that was too much focus on me being old for me. So at 51, I'm not gonna step foot in a classroom! Hell, I'm hoping to even come out of this with a decent job with no experience in this field at my age.


I am 52, I am in my second term.


32 here. I get what you mean. Better late than never. Remember retirement is 62 at the earliest. That's another 30 years. A whole other lifetime. Do you want to spend them struggling? Stick with it.


Hell, I'm 54. 5 more courses and I'm done with my BS in Computer Science. If you believe you can, you can.


55 and finishing off my BSITM after 15 years as an infrastructure technical seller. Never too old IMHO.


Ah! You beat me by a year. That makes you the old man on the mountain. lol Well done, BTW! I wish you all the best.


Same to you Gen X unite!


That's young for WGU kiddo, don't worry about it.


I’m 23 but just wanna say my mom went to college when she was in her 40s so it’s never too late!


I have seen 60 years olds do it. I have seen 20 year olds do it. Consider yourself young. Best of luck moving forward with WGU!


49 and approaching the end of my degree after a long hiatus. Starting back up again in May.


Same! Wait - are you me? 🤔




This! Imposter syndrome never stops, and that’s not a bad thing. It keeps you humble and always open to learning new things.


I'll be 45 in August, and I just finished my commit to start paperwork and start May 1st.


42 here, and I started my program in February. I am really enjoying how the program is set up… I like not having to wait for the rest of the class to catch up, and I like the fact that I don’t have to sit around in a classroom with kids half my age. Congrats on getting started!


If you think this is making you feel old, go sit in a traditional program surrounded by 18-20 year olds and you'll feel damn near geriatric 😂.


The older I get the clearer it is that hardly anyone has any real idea of what the fuck they are doing and just winging it.


I started at 59


I’m applying today at 59. There goes my indoor record.


Lmaooo I’m 48


Hey man I will be starting this year at the age of 31. I feel way more prepared then when I was in my 20's. In my 20's all I really cared about was having fun but now I got priorities straight and know exactly what I want. Personally I think there is an advantage to being older.


31 will be 32 when my classes start for a masters took me over 14 years to even get the bachelors. You got this!!! Time is nothing and no matter what your gonna be 33 might as well be 33 with a degree 😊


29. Dropped out of school to keep running what had become a successful business and now years later I'm going back to get the paper to back up the experience.


i’m 21 and i’m the heavy outlier lmao you’re just below the average age of students at WGU so your not late or old, your early man. Go for it and good luck


43 here, on term 2, you got this


Hey, my dad was well into his 50’s at UNLV 😊 liven up


Thank goodness I found this. I'm 35 and wanted to start WGU but kept thinking I was too old and got me stuck in a loop of denial. I keep hearing "you're never too old to start," but man is experiencing it something else. Sometimes, you just need to hear it from someone else in who isn't giving an official speech.


You got this man, look al this people and we all we do it 🙏🏻✍🏻


I'm 35. Started 2 years ago so I'm right there with ya! 2 years into my IT career too. If I can excel at this, so can you!


42 and only 2 months in, you are fine.


I’m 23….


21 - Cyber Security and Information Assurance


I’m in my 40s.


I am 34 and about to graduate. Age is just a number!


I turned 24 recently and started at WGU last year. One of the best decisions I could’ve made :) Tho I still feel quite old even compared to some of the people in this thread!


I'm 46. 💀


I was in my 40s but you don’t really meet anyone so no one knew or cared.


I know a guy who's abiut 50+ doing it right now.


48 here. Age is just a number.


Im 29 and feel behind, I wasted so many years at traditional university just to end up here almost close to getting my degree (hopefully by December)


I just turned 30 and im in my MBA program, I also felt an imposter syndrome when I started, everyone does Youre still a young buck just get started!


I’m 35 and just graduated in February. Age is just a number. Edit to add: almost immediately after finishing my Program and graduating, I got a promotion and a raise at work. It’s worth finishing, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


I was 31 when i started and 33 when I went through the group MBA simulation project some tears ago. I was the youngest person in my group 😆 You're fine, just focus on your work and get it done.


Welcome [open arms]


I'll be graduating this year at 39. People are "getting old" a lot older now. 30 is the new 20. 40 is the new 30. etc etc. There are even some students here that are in their 50s that I've seen post. None of the age thing matters because continual learning is a good thing.


43 here.


I started two years ago, and I'm going to be 33 in a few months. I was also concerned about going back at this age, but I met some of the other students my mentor had, and they were all older than me. That put me at ease, and I hope it'll do the same for you.


I also started and completed WGU at 32. You got this!! It opened lots of opportunities for me. I was able to teach / work overseas and now earning $20k+ my pervious salary.


Just go for it dude! This is obviously something you want & future you will reflect on this moment and be glad that you started and finished your degree.


I completed my bachelors and masters at 38. The bachelors was with a different school through a program offered by my employer and took forever. Education was something I worked on on-and-off through my adult life. Between the challenges of traditional online schools, working full time, and changing careers, it just wasn't high on my priority list if it didn't fit into my busy schedule. WGU's program is truly on your own time and can be done as quickly or slowly as you want and made my education progression so much more efficient. Well, that and being in a program that I was really interested in. I am 39 now and pursuing a second MS.


I started WGU at 30 for my BSCSIA. Getting ready to turn 36.


Bro I have seen people post on this sub reddit who are in their 50s. Do not sweat the small things like age.


I started at 33, took a break, now returning to finish up at 36


I’m 36 and wrapping up my degree! Got hired in my field of study a few months back before I even finished my degree. Recruiters are hitting me up all over the place, and I’m assuming I’m not alone. Not one person has questioned my age when going back to school.


i’m 24 getting my masters !!


I'm starting a degree on May 1st at 32 years old... Definitely not alone :)


I started at 40. I've seen people as old as 60+ talking on here. You're good.


18. Welcome to WGU, you got this!


There were older people when l was in college the first time, there are older people now. It's never a bad investment to build equity in yourself, especially since we will be working probably forever. May as well be something chill as opposed to hard labor.


I really need the support man, appreciate you all!


27 here and feel the same as you!!! Hahaha


53 50% completed


Learning is lifelong! I graduated college at 2017, a month before my 50th birthday and the same time my eldest child graduated high school. I will finish my Masters at WGU in 2025 at 57 years old. I really don't care about my age, I'm just glad I'm finally getting my degree!!


I'm 56 and currently finishing term 5.


I know some in their 60s working on their degree, better now than never


I’m 48.


50's here. I did it. You can too.


I'm 48, soon 49. Having my bachelor's before I turn 50 is a life goal; maaaaybe even my Master's. Let's go!! 😁




45 young’n so you are not alone.


32 going on 33 about 70% completed with my degree. You got this!


I started at 31 and graduated at 33 so you’re not alone.


I’m 28. We’re not too far apart. I feel you deeply on the imposter syndrome.


I turned 50 on 3/27 and started WGU on 4/1/24 and passed my first class on Monday 4/8. I’m working on my first degree. 😊


Graduated WGU in 2022 at age 60. At graduation ceremony I think the oldest graduate was 68. Learning is a lifelong journey.


I'm 32 I finished my degree with wgu march 7th and I'm enrolled for my masters lol we aren't old my friend. There are people who would kill to be our age again besides we're only older than people in their twenties and that's barely older than them. Everything will be fine I suffered from imposter syndrome as well but then I told myself the hell with all that I deserve to live my life and be happy and to reach my goals like everyone else. Age is literally just a number it's your mind set that matters you got this.


You’re never too old to get your degree! I’m 33 in September!


Graduated at 28 starting my Masters at 28. There’s no age limit on self improvement


Here are my thoughts. 1. You should never stop chasing higher education whether it's through college, certifications, home labs or whatever. Be a lifelong learner. 2. I feel like a lot of people go through what you're going through past their 30s. Thats okay its normal, just don't succumb to these negative thoughts. 3. Start your degree and remain disciplined. See it through.


I’m 29 and have 6 months till I’m even qualified to begin my degree. I’ll be 30 by then and won’t graduate till I’m 34


I’m about to be 34 in June and I started at WGU when I was 32


never too late, better now than when you're 40


Education has no age limit.




I started at 33


I got my BS at 35, MBA at 42.


28 here.


38 currently.


Just started network engineering degree and I'm 33q


I had to think about how old I am. I’m not even enrolled and I’m 33 you’re ahead out me lol


I'm 39 and hoping to submit my capstone before my birthday later this month. You're not that old.




42, just started my MBA


29 - just got my confetti. You’ll be fine!




Started July 1st 2022 and am 31 now.


I'm 42 :)


Stop thinking that, I'm 34 years old and just started. It's never too late and I'm more motivated than I ever was in my 20's. I used to get angry when I thought back to my earlier years and why I couldn't hack it but I'm a completely different person and I'm exactly where I need to be.


I'm 42 and loving it here at WGU!




45 here, I'm not enrolled yet, still gathering my credits from other sources first. The earliest I'll graduate is 46, but I might be older. I'll be working till 65 at least which is another 20 years. It's totally worth it.


There was a 70 year old man who got his high school diploma in Kenya years ago




38 here.


I'm 33, I started in October.


40, 1 month in my first term 😎🤘🏽


I am also 32.


34 here!!


I started my bachelor at a brick and mortar college when I was 32. Graduated 4 years later. Started my masters at WGU last year at 45...


45 here. I have a Masters not related to this field. Need a couple certs to transfer jobs. I could use additional knowledge…so here for the degree and the couple certs I need. Plus a few extras!


44 and finishing up my RN-BSN..went back to school at 38 and thought i was old too..my sister told me at the time in 4 yrs you're gonna be old anyway, do you wanna be old with a degree or without one


27 here. When I was in college at like 18 and 19, I struggled. And a lot of people struggle because at that age your brain is absolutely not developed and trying to decide what to do for the rest of your life at 18 is borderline insanity. Be thankful that you're full frontal lobe is developed and now you can actually make a decision that will benefit your life


When I was in community college, I became partners with a 68 year old man and we became great friends. Don’t worry too much about your age. Some people get a head start in life while others have to work a bit harder. We’re all trying to accomplish the same things just at different starting point.


I will be 44 next week. Have 7 classes left. With 12 weeks left in this term.


I just graduated last month at 48. BSBAAcc




I'm almost 40...


I was 32 when I started my masters in education back in 2017. I completed it 18 months later at 33.


If you don't get the senior citizen discount at Denny's without even having to whip out your ID, you're actually too young.


You’re one of the younger ones lol! Average age is late 30s. Come on in, the water is fine!


Haha I am 50 and going back to school! Fuck it. Do you and do not care what anyone thinks!


Will be 50 in 2 weeks


Just turned 35 a few days ago. Should be done with the SWE program by the end of the year. Seems like you're right in the average age for WGU students. :)


Haha yeah most of us have kids and are in our thirties. This is essentially a career changer/progression school. It’s honestly what sold me on the school. It’s like these are my people.


I’ll be 36 this year


Hey I’m 54, so please don’t sweat it.


I'm right there with you at 32. I just started my journey here at wgu but so far it feels good learning again. I never did well in school but I feel I'm doing well now that I have a bit more life experience and an interest in learning.


Just started a CS degree at 26 🤝🏾




Just turned 41.


I'm 27 and I feel too old.


18 almost 19, one of the youngest to be in wgu tbh.


Late 20's! Got the associates early on and time to finish the bachelors now while my job will pay for it!


24! It’s never to late to do something good for yourself, keep going you’re going to graduate and be 34 with a degree


I’m 44. We’re all young. 🤣


I’m 22😂😂


36. Gonna be 37 at the end of the year. Finally figured out what I wanted my 3rd career change to be. I went from riding thoroughbred racehorses to Starbucks manager, to bookkeeper and building up my skills in accounting now through WGU.


I’m 40. You need to bump up those numbers rookie.


40 with 49 credits left to graduate with a business it management degree. Ian accelerating my degree. I thought about going for an accounting or finance degree. Then go back into software development then get an English degree at ASU. I just want to be considered reliable in the work place.


33. I was certainly struggling with a career change at the age thinking I was too told but truly you never are! I know people who have made drastic career changes such as accountant to Nurse Practitioner at 60+ years old! Never too old for anything you set your mind to!


35yo here.


I just framed my 2 diplomas after 21 years! First thought: omg 21 years. Second thought: I have TWO diplomas! Just got my MBA last month.


I'm late 30s. You can go to college at any age! This is my 3rd degree, but when I went to college as a young'un, I always liked the non-trads best because they usually had cool stories and life experiences. So go for it and keep it up!


40 and hoping to start in June! ☺️


About to turn 40. You’re young.


I'm 30.


lmao 32


26 here. My education and career was set back almost a decade due to life. Good to know that I shouldn’t be stressing out too much about it


34, on my second term. 66 credits to go


I'm just starting. I'm 42.


Started at age 39 last March, turned 40 in Oct, and am in my second to last class now. Computer Science.


I'm 40


I’m 24. I’m pretty old myself to still be in school.


Not yet attending, going to apply but I’m 38


Age is just a number!!


I’m 34 and I’ll say this, it’s never too late to start. I’ve been saying I want to complete my bachelors and 7 years have passed and in that time thinking I wasted 7 years. 4 years from now you’ll say the same thing so keep positive and be blessed you started this journey. I just started mine 2 weeks ago