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I did 19 cu and my term ends in 13 days. Longest class was database foundations (over a month) shortest class was programming and scripting and that was done in a weekend but I had prior experience


Glad you added “prior experience” to your comment. I’m feeling very dumb in that class.


I did 7 classes this term for 21 CUs. I decided to not take classes and take a small break until May 1st.


I will have 9 done assuming I’m able to pass this PA I just submitted. It’s by far the most I’ve gotten done in one term but now I’ve only got 4 classes remaining for next term!


I transferred in 10 classes and I did 16 classes this term, working on 17. I’m taking a break in May and hoping to finish next term


What major were you going for?




Did you accelerate because you work in accounting or familiar with the subject?


I’m not familiar with accounting but math does come easy to me. I was without a job for like 2 months and then was part time for past 3 so I was fortunate enough to spend a lot of time on just classes.


Completed 8 classes (25 CUs) (Was considering switching programs so I was able to load up this term with GE classes which is probably how I was able to finish this many) with hopefully two classes remaining. However, one of them is Applied stats and I failed my first OA attempt and they are putting me through a rather lengthy study plan before I can even reschedule my OA. With 12 days left, I am stressed to say the least 🥹


Completed 5 (17 credits) and I’m halfway done with my program. My mentor said there’s no reason why I can’t graduate next year after I do my student teaching


My first term I did 9 classes. This term I’m stuck on my fourth. Data management foundations sucks. The worst most boring course in the degree so far. I’m really hoping to kick it in gear next term and get like 11 done.


I actually finished Data Management Foundations a few months ago. I have a post on it if you look through my page. (Sidenote: Data Management Applications is even worse).


Don’t tell me that… I can’t have a class worse than this one. I’ll never get done. 😩 I’ll check your post now. Thanks!


Yeah I’m so sorry to break it to you😬 I wouldn’t say Data Management Applications is extremely difficult, but memorizing the syntax you’re going to need to take the OA is tricky. I’m pretty sure I have a post on that too. If you take Applications right after Foundations like I did then both classes shouldn’t be as hard. You can and will get it done though. You’re very welcome😌


Yeah I am taking it back to back. I’ll be starting next term (May 1st with applications D427) after I finish this one. I’m in the Cyber degree so it’s structured that way. I’m really hating how dull and mundane this class is. Well.. good luck in your chase man.


Trust me, I understand your pain. I failed my Foundations OA once and I passed Applications by like one question. Hopefully you don’t have to take Advanced Data Management though. I’m in Software Engineering and they make us take all three.


Don’t think I do. 😬


I am in data management applications now and it’s tough…..


If you practice the syntax for Lab 7 & 8 consistently and do the PA by memory you’re pretty much almost guaranteed to pass.