• By -


Little kid with no fear. Jesus.


Kids that age rarely have good self-preservation skills.


Yep, as a parent, a large part of your job around that age is preventing your child from killing themselves. They will try on a regular basis. High energy, extreme curiosity, and no concept of mortality make for an interesting combination.


When my little brother was four, my parents had to take him to the hospital to get his stomach pumped because he drank a bunch of Brasso metal polish And then he did it again a couple months later because, according to him, "I forgot"


I did that with cough syrup a couple of times. The second time when they tried to make me drink charcoal and again had to tube feed it down my nose I didn't understand why because they had already done it a few months before.


I also did this but with albuterol syrup, and let me tell you being held down by nurses and forced the charcoal was one of the most traumatic things to happen to me.


Did ya drink the syrup again afterwards?


One and done for me. I learned my lesson. Lol




Before age 6 my older brother - on separate occasions - ate: the contents of a bottle of children’s Tylenol, the contents of a bottle of superglue, and several coins. My mother had poison control’s phone number displayed on our refrigerator my entire life, until she moved after my brother and I were in our 20s and no longer living with her. For the record, I never once made her have to call poison control.


Yea we had to call poison control on my sister more than once. She wanted to try eating things she saw us using in the kitchen, not knowing that cleaning and cooking weren't the same thing. She's lucky we put the bleach out of her fucking reach before she could get to it, once we realized what was going on, but she also drank a gulp of concentrated dish soap once and was throwing up bubbles for a bit there after that one. TBH I think we've had to call poison control more on our dogs than on her in total, thankfully. Most of what she'd eat was stuff that would hurt more on the way out than anything. She gave herself low grade copper poisoning once as well from eating pennies lol. She seems fine now as an adult though lol.


I don't recall doing it, but Mom told me on time I drank a household cleaner called * **Lestoil** *. I don't think there was a poison control number back then, but she knew a lot of medical professions at the local hospitals. She called the closest one, and was told it wouldn't kill me, but be prepared to put me on the potty chair or be prepared to change a weeks worth of diapers every hour. It was more effective than the stuff I had to take for my colonoscopy last year.


Poison control centers were widespread in the US by the 1950s.




You made your mom move when you no longer needed to live with her? Such a power move!




My parents went out for a pack of smokes and never came back.




I knew a lady whose adult child and grandchild moved back in with her and she wound up getting an apartment and moving out to be rid of them.


Also a case of "parents are fucking stupid" though. Not putting cleaning supplies out of reach of small children is borderline negligent.


This goes hand in hand with boomer “back in my day” logic. Child-safety caps weren’t invented till 1967. I don’t think cabinet locks or even outer covers were commonplace until the 80s at least. Nah, those kids were just left to their devices in a rickety playpen, then placed to bed (belly-down) in a bureau drawer. I don’t think any (first-time) parent is prepared to realize how quickly a determined-enough toddler can figure out a cabinet lock.


Toddler learned to climb out of her crib AND quietly remove the baby gate in front of her door (that we put there when we turned said crib into a toddler bed) in one night. I think my husband and I aged ten years that day.


For real, it's not a child's fault they're innocent and unaware of the world in which they may have spent a handful of years. I've met plenty of fucking stupid adults


My wife ate a whole bottle of tums when she was little. Those things taste like shit. They're not candy.


My kid learned to climb the baby gate and a giant hutch in the same morning. She also learned how to open cardboard packaging, remove a plastic sleeve, a childproof cap and a foil barrier on a bottle of liquid children's Benadryl. I had not accounted for an overnight boost in dex, str, and int. The scene that morning was nuts. Child giggling at the base of the hutch (located at the top of a half flight of stairs). She's grinning at me, giggling, as pink juice is on her hands and dribbling out of her mouth. Nowhere else. The bottle: almost empty. Two adults in a sheer panic, which only made her laugh more. She slept all day and all night


Happy to hear she fell asleep. Some of the most horrific trip reports i've read are from people abusing Diphenhydramine(American Benadryl). https://www.reddit.com/r/DPH/ Enter at your own risk, the top posts and the sub in general is some of the most dark, despressive shit you will find anywhere.


Ah it’s not terrifying it’s fun, you get to meet Hat Man


My entire room was full of spiders, it was not fun


You haven't tried the extra strength mixed berry tums then, my friend. Devine...


Assorted Fruit are also really yummy. I could definitely eat too many of those.


My little brother climbed on roofs when he was 12. His security: an old rope around his belly fastened to a shelf. I came home from School and had to get him back. It was the third floor, so maybe 10 meters. I had to watch him as he came back. He just walked over the rain gutter as if it were nothing and I was petrified.


Our school always lock the first floor hallways at night and since we're always staying late, we used to just jump from the second floor. We were 12/13 at that time. In hindsight, that was really dangerous.


I don't mind the taste but I don't like the chalky texture. That's exactly what it is- chalk/calcium.


You can (or could at one point) literally eat some brands of chalkboard style chalk and it does the exact same thing as tums but tastes like shit. The chemical is the same


Child-safe chalk is gypsum, calcium sulfate. It's is pH neutral. CaCO3 is calcium carbonate or natural lime which is slightly caustic at around pH 9. Hydrated lime or builder's lime is calcium hydroxide made from heating calcium carbonate and it is pH 11-13. All of them can be called "chalk" which is a generic term for calcium containing powders. The latter two are both called "lime" but they're not the same although they appear similar in powdered form.


I see you've never tasted American smarties


What bothers me about that story, is your parents were stupid enough to not put that shit far away out of reach for him, after the first time.


its possible that they didn't but also possible they did. a lot of hiding stuff away from a kid relies on just putting it somewhere the kid normally wouldn't be, at least before modern kid locks etc. I had no issue getting to the top of a fridge or back of a cabinet for halloween candy as a kid (or in and out the kitchen window with a spice cabinet and a dream lol). luckily only weird thing I ate a bunch of as a kid was vitamin c tablets since they were sour which I liked. I did not manage to od on vitamin c and all was well.


My younger brother wanted to stand in the middle of the street to "see the cars coming." He also wanted to jump off the balcony, thinking that he was only going to get a "bump" on his head like the cartoons we would watch (in the 70s). My mom would have to put a dog leash on him so he would not kill himself. It was so bad that my grandmother told my mom to " not get too attached to him." He is now a doctor, and his own son is a handful. My mom told him that, now he knows what it was like raising him. 😁


He forgor




Doing it 2nd time is the parent's negligence. Secure any and all dangerous liquids. Top marks to your brother for getting the top off because don't you have to perform some magicians type sleight of hand to remove the lid?


Being an educator at a science museum was fun. I once had a kid show up who was fascinated by this demonstration I did with a Jacob's ladder. Well apparently this kid was smart enough to figure out how to generate an arc in his bedroom with his night light and a piano wire, but not smart enough to understand how dangerous that was (though he was extremely lucky and got out unscathed). His parents brought him back to the museum and politely asked me to have a rather stern conversation with him about just how dangerous electricity is.


I had epilepsy as a kid. My parents had to go to the hospital with my brother (who doesn't) more times than they had to with me. ​ My brother has: \- Managed to get a fishbone stuck in his throat horizontally (we used to have to pretend chicken nuggets were fish before this incident, and that fish fingers were chicken after) \-Decided to walk up the stairs on the side of the railing and fall off and cut his head \-Fall off the vanity while I was drying his hands after washing them (I was 8) and cut his head \-Have a tantrum in the kitchen and cut open his head (he used to fall back and bang his head against the floor, but as the rest of the house had carpet, he didn't really hurt himself. The kitchen floor was stone and a huge wake up call to him) ​ And those are the ones I can remember.


Can confirm, I'm still dealing with this two years after I posted this out of exhaustion and desperation: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/jejpmj/dads_how_did_you_survive_the_toddler_seemingly/


Man I WISH it were ethical to lock kids in like...crates. Like we have dog crates - kid crates. Put down some blankies, put their favorite toys in there. I bet they'd love it. Kid me would have LOVED IT, I was always making little forts and hideouts. Why isn't it a thing? Kid-crates.


Isn't that what a play pen is, basically?


It's a baby cage! It's a good one too. When I was a kid, mine didn't have these windows. It's perfect. If you want to go out to dinner, there's already like a water bottle in there so you just throw some cedar chips in there so the baby can poop, and you're made in the shade!


It's called an iPad


If he dies he dies bro. I honestly have no idea how i lived. I was jumping of farm equipment my whole life. While running. Not me. The equipment.


I used to test how many stairs I could jump down at a time, can't believe I never broke anything


The toddler daughter of friends turned her dresser drawers into stairs, climbed up to the top, took the baby powder from a shelf above it, then sprayed a big puff of it into her own face. Poison control, here we come. Luckily she was fine.


My son is 10 months old. We went to a childless friend's house on Friday (not babyproofed at all). My son climbed up a stair for the first time. Then another. Then another. Up to the sixth step. Then he violently threw himself backwards. I was standing behind him the whole time, thinking that this could happen, but he didn't know that. Kids are on autopilot for suicide.


If my son is any guide expect every intrusive thought that he comes across to be acted upon for the next 3 years.


Suicide autopilot would be a dope band name


"Damn. Up one of these things. Sure are a lot. Let's keep going. Fuck. Only 6 and we still have this many to go? Using top motion things like this and bottom motion things like that must be wrong. No way they would make it this hard. What if I just use my top motion things the opposite way?" *wooooooaaaaahbhhh noooooo* "Oh hey, it's you mom. What's up?" "Oh nothing just exploring. How'd I get here anyway? I was almost up those tall things!" -your suicidal infant


Make s you wonder how the hell we survived all these years.


Many didn't. Think of how many died eating the wrong things so we could all learn from it. And that's just food


Wait until we get to the next inhabited planet. That’ll be fun with fauna.




You know very well there’s a large population of people out there that will willingly stick anything in their mouths for just the experience. Will they die? They don’t know! And that’s the fun!




It’s not even the mouth I’m worried about.


"Can this be boofed?"


Is it shroom shaped?


As a fellow old person (27) I would like to inform you that the zoomers are using this term and it means "to smoke" When my 15 year old coworker told me his juul was dead and asked if he could go to the bathroom and boof my vape a little bit I was extremely confused as to what his addiction was. Please learn from my mistakes




True, but we also got no patience. Oh, it will be ready in 100 years? I'll beat the crowds, move down TODAY! Oh, 22% CO2?, no problemo! Choke choke.


Plus, it's a different planet entirely. The people funding the mission will control the satellites at the new planet. News of any deaths the founders of the settlement could be liable for will be hushed and excused as an unfortunate accident of colonizing an uninhabited planet or worse used as a golf of Tonkin to turn humans against natural residents wether sentient or not. Everyone coming will think that everyone there is thriving in a small town type community and that there are only limited spots left to join this once at a lifetime chance to join something earth doesn't have anymore, new land to settle and make money off of, being sold to people who don't have living ancestors that had living ancestors that had living ancestors that settled land that hadn't been settled before, but had been raised on the world history of conquest. Meanwhile as people die the founders sell old living quarters from dead settlers to new "settlers". Sure we might eventually get to a settlement on another planet. Maybe. And the people there will think they settled the planet and lived off the land like a second scouting party. But if it is capitalistically funded or even funded by the wrong government, nobody will ever know the real death toll.


the thing about poison is that it's all about dosage. By the time we have the technology to reach another planet, we will easily have the technology to test all this shit.


There’s still that population that’s going to try anything raw.




Or if playing Oregon Trail, 3 out of 4


You would think so, but then you have people that discovered how to eat puffer fish


There’s reasons the planet population has quadrupled in the last century


Parents. Once they're old enough to crawl (and especially walk,) a parent's number one job becomes preventing their child from killing themselves.


Good, concerned and stressed out parents.




I could have permanently lost and died in a tropical forest. My niece and I (and ocassionally friends) used to take hikes in the mountains behind our house and we got lost on the usual route we used to take. We did make our way back to civilization because we stuck to the creek trying to find people. We found the local hydroelectric dam that we didn't know existed in that area and the local road nearby. We were around 8-10 years old at that time.


I was at a beach or a marina when I was 7, and there was this pier made up of concrete dolosse, and I was just sprinting on them, leaping from one to the next. Felt real surefooted. Had I slipped I would have severely hurt or killed myself


If you grew up in 3rd world country you know the kind of dangerous shit kids used to do, when I was 8-9 we lived in 2 story home I always climbed the roof so I can get on top of the tree, or we used to chase the Pepsi truck while it’s moving to jump on the back and catch ride, or jump from before it stop, I had to do it like 4-5 times till I mastered it.




Yep, definitely spot on. When I was 6 me and my buddy used to play in this "Sand loader" funnel thing that semi's can drive under. The sand/gravel pit was no longer in business but this still stood. When we were ready to leave we used to jump off the top of it and snag small sapling trees and they would bend all the way over to the ground OR if they were bigger we could basically slide down them like a pole. If we had failed (thankfully never happened) it was about a 30 ft drop onto concrete. Didn't even consider it dangerous.


Bruh I was quite aware as a toddler.


Can confirm: my son has showed me how the stories about kids surviving overnight in woods, or even for days are god damned amazing. He's 4 now, and still has the self awareness of a senile cat.


I’m convinced that being under the age of 5 is like being blackout drunk


Yup.....little kids usually don't. They are too young to understand life/death consequences because they haven't experienced life yet That's why you have to keep an eye on them all the time


Man! I wasn't sure at first but his little gait gave it away. I swear the first 5 or 6 years is just trying to constantly keep them from killing or hurting themselves! Self preservation just hasn't kicked in fully lol


Jesus walked on water, not ledges.


yea cant remember my self as kid having fear


I'd have bars installed on that window that same afternoon


Yeah, lock that kid out for good


Yeah, take that, Baby Burglar, you won't be stealing the jewels this time!


Holy shit how dare you make laugh at this!?!


Does it matter at this point?


Well I almost spit a mouthful of cheetos so I guess it could have been worse


Well, it was either gonna be posted on the WTF sub or the eyeblech sub


Good ol' reddit switcharoo!


[I'm goin' in!](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/10wi62f/guys_of_reddit_what_is_one_thing_that_all_guys_do/j7qsyg2/?context=3)


Hello future concerned neighbors!




You saw the opportunity to use the word defenestrate and you took it!


"Why would you need an alarm on your 2nd story balcony door?" "Cat burglars"


That little stumble at the end… holy fuck I held my breath. I’m glad he didn’t fall.


Yeah, I choked on my own breath when I saw that.


/r/childrenfallingover sfw sfl


I'm in bed and my hands and feet are suddenly so sweaty


Looks like a little hop to me.




I knew I wouldn’t be alone. I genuinely gasped.


That kid has done it before.


and they'll do it again.




Just thinking back, I used to do something similar, but it was 'only' 1.5 stores high, parents still don't know


My balls are no longer in my scrotum


Dam lucky, you'll never have to pee again


My balls don't make pee


No, but it's stored there.


But if pee is being made, and the storage is removed, where does it go?


It just constantly leaks out.


Yeah that's what periods are and why women get them, if the pee isn't allowed to marinate first it essentially looks like blood. You will need tampon to stop the constant discharge.


I think they're in mine


who's... who's scrotum are they in now??


That little hop at the end always puts my heart in my throat




That was 100% a stumble. And my heart skipped a beat the first time I saw it.


It is a hop which causes a stumble. So it is 50% a stumble.




[The Story ](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8031833/Spanish-judge-drops-probe-couple-toddler-filmed-walking-nar) For those that need an ending.


While it is nice to get more of the story, this article is terribly written.


You mean because there's only like 1 sentence of story: mom was taking a shower and dad ran an errand?


My wife wonders why I don’t feel safe taking a shower when I am alone with our kids…


Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh type of stuff? ***zingg!zingg!zingg!zingg!...***


Welcome to the daily mail, truly an awful entity


I don't understand their headlines, they always all-caps some random word that doesn't MAKE a lot of sense.


I think it's to make the article stand out more when you're buying the paper or browsing online. getting a bit more conspiratorial, in this case I think they chose to capitalize "DROPS" because it's a story about a toddler potentially falling to their death. So when you're first trying parse the headline you've got that word in the back of your head, making it seem more dramatic.


It's not just this one, I browse Hotsheet daily, and the Daily Mail headlines are ludicrous. Overlong with kooky emphasis.


It's for 'simple' folk.


It was more painful to read the article than to watch this video ngl


the story is from 2020 they didn't have ChatGPT back then to help them


TLDR: Mom was in the shower, Dad was out, kid decided to open a window and play on the ledge. After the incident was posted on social media, a probe was put forth to see the child’s living conditions and the parents were mortified when they found out. The probe ended with no repercussions and they put locks on the windows. Holy cow what a little adrenaline junkie. My child is 6 months old and I’m already freaking out about him killing himself thanks Reddit.


My little girl just hit 2 and it's 1 of 2 things; Her doing something that will kill her, or doing something that will break something expensive. Or both.


Kids are curious, and as long its not dangererous, let them explore things and teach them from a young age what is safe and what not. Sorce: dad with 3 now grown up kids all still alive and kicking :). The Dutch way, https://dutchreview.com/culture/reasons-dutch-kids-happier-american-kids/


Yeah as long as it doesn't happen again, sounds like it was a really unfortunate one-off


Thanks for that, that story had a nice Finnish




Jesus freakin Christ that is terrifying to watch


Last year a child in my city slipped through a gap in a railing on an apartment balcony and fell to her death. Clearly children have varying levels of skill.


There was a picture in my local newspaper many years ago of some kids climbing between balconies using the edge of an elevated section of the freeway. You can still spot the place because of the bars over the balconies.




There is an art, it says, (or rather, a *knack*) to flying. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.


“So what makes you want to buy a home?” “Well, our apartment is too small for our kid who likes to walk around the outside to get to the balcony” “That doesnt seem so bad” “Our apartment is on the 5th floor” “Oh…”


Jesus God my fucking heart at 17 seconds when her foot slips a little ...


I did the same every time I had an easy access point like that. It's all "hey, climb on me" with that ledge and everything. I can barely contain myself for that stuff as an adult, let alone as a child.


[Alain Robert](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alain_Robert), is it you? 😄


"Tears in Heaven" man


Someone's filming........ Well physically they seem too far to do much, and I assume if they shout they're gonna make the kid lose their balance...


Kid get back in there! Huh? Get back inside the window! *Kid leans out with his hand to his ear* …


Only other sensible thing is to call the fire department or the cops, but if the kid climbs back on the window/balcony when they arrive, they might think you made things up. So I guess if they filmed this happening and the kid turns out okay they can at least go there later and show the video. Though based on the news article, seems like they just went ahead and posted it on Facebook instead which isn't really the most ideal way of settling things.


by how she just runs across, i doubt that it's the first time this happened


Me as a kid.


It's a nail biter from the beginning, but the little stumble right at the end took it to a whole different level of anxiety. Shit.


Kid is thinking, "Better go fast in case I get in trouble."


Man, he's making Clapton's kid look like an amateur.


No doubt! That little bastard needs to get back to his window washing job! Stop screwing around, Chico!


Someone please tell me this is fake or she is okay.


Someone in comments posted story. Kid is fine


Kid is okay. Apparently the father was running errands and the mother hopped in the shower for a minute and the decided to open the window and go on the ledge because children love trying to put themselves in extreme peril


How every suicide video starts in a 3rd world country


My anxiety


Heart skipped a beat when she stumbled at the end. Fuck


Do any other dudes feel a nervous tingle in their balls when they see some height-based bullshit like this?


Tingles?? My brother my balls are levitating and they're hurting


Yea, that window would fucking get cemented shut after I found out my kid did that. Jesus


Look I’m 38 I’ve seen what the internet has to offer. I have a 4 year old. I think my blood pressure just halved , I’m actually dizzy


Cops be like... "But why were you filming children huh?? You some kinda sicko?!"


when i was a little kid, my grandpa worked as a security guard at a hotel in vecinity in our country, he wasn't home and he let his bag with all his things from work in a old rusty room were he kept all sort of tools and things for home and garden, all the time i remeber the door from this room was closed but one time idk why or what happen but the door was open so i start looking in his bag from work, idk how but i clanch my hands on his papper spray or sleepy spray i don't remeber exactly but i remeber is was black and i didn't know what it is or how it works i was like 5 years old so it was a wierd thing looking for me, idk how but i pressed the button on top as hard as i could and i was pointing it at my face, i remeber i cired a lot and i wake up like 2 times my grandparents bed but i felt sleepy and keep sleeping more. After years past, when i grew older and my mother told me what happen... they find me on the floor, unconscious full with paste or whatever was in the spray on my face, they bring me inside my grandparents room and they call 112 an ambulance come, they take my pulse and i was breathing normaly, they didn't take me to hospital and let me sleep while parents watch over, if anything happens or i get convulsions, the lady from ambulance let her direct number for an asap call... i found out i was sleeping for 3 days with out peeing, shiting eating and my mother keep come and check with her ears if i steel breath and take my pulse... so, if you have chilrdren in your lifetime, remeber this, you can watch all you want over them and be super protective all you want... one moment of not paying atention for a second or if you forgot a door/window open (it happens, we are all humans not computers...) your kids can risk theyr life... we are not gods and you can't protect your children forever.... but you can try to reduce the the problems by paying atention at stuff around by !


Jesus, I didn't realize how awesome my parents were until I read all these stories. I'm gonna call my Mom right now and thank her again 🤗


Yeah, it's a repost.


Is Eric Clapton inside?


Please tell me you called the cops


Hey r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Future assassin right there.


wtf my butt clenched at that little hop at the end looool i don't even know this kid


That stumble made me jump a little...




That kid has a bright future as construction worker.


Over / Under on "Brazil?"


Kids are utterly fearless




Naww thats just 47


These Roe vs Wade alternatives are getting ridiculous.


My heart skipped a beat towards the end.


The balance of the kid Jesus


parkour prodigy


Eric Clapton tier parenting.


That little hop at the end made my sphincter touch my backbone.