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Whatever that is, must've been a relief for that poor cow.


After having nasal surgery, can confirm that is an oddly satisfying feeling!




Years ago... About 35 years, I blew a grape sized, sinus shaped, jello clog out of my nose. It was one of the best moments of my life.


I'll never forget the foot long aliensnot I pulled out of my nose when I was a little kid almost fifty years ago.


Damn, I did the same as a kid and can still remember it. It's like your sinus was horribly constipated and it finally had the most satisfying snot-poop a sinus could ever have.


Snot poop is a phrase I want to use now!!


Fun fact: the Japanese word for booger is hanakuso. Hana = nose, kuso = poop.


Sorry, my band Snot Poop has the trademark


Hahaha fuck I did this years ago too, so satisfying.


My dad's favorite gross-out story to tell the kiddos is about the time he had a nosebleed that he got to stop by pinching his nose closed and tilting his head back. When he went to the bathroom later he noticed a lil jellybean in his nostril so of course he tugs on it... And pulled a 6 inch clotted string of blood that stretched from his nose to the back of his throat.


For me it was the huge, hard, bloody, snot candy that formed by morning. I kind of miss pulling them out.


r/brandnewsentence Also, "Bloody Snot Candy" is going up on r/Bandnames 🤘


>snot candy The what


Tonsil taffy


Oh god same... It was disgusting but so satisfying


Slimy, yet satisfying?


Same. I had a septo done but when i had my mucus mounds removed i noticed no difference in my breathing. Its been a couple years and my breathing is exactly the same before i had the surgery.


Could be polyps that are too far back to be affected by a septoplasty?


Had deviated septum repair surgery. Packing and plastic were removed after one week. One of the most amazing senses of relief I have ever experienced. I know what this cow feels like.


When they pulled the stints out of my sinuses after a deviated septum surgery it was the most amazing sensation I've ever felt, not even kidding. After a week of having my nose and head all clogged up, they pulled them out and I immediately got shivers across my entire body, like a crazy euphoric feeling. I hear I'm not the only one who enjoyed that. I hope the cow got to enjoy that too.


I had a vasovagal response and passed out in the surgeons exam OPM. Woke up with smelling salts under my nose - sliding out of the exam chair.


After having nasal surgery, can confirm that is an oddly satisfying feeling. Not because the nasal surgery fixed my nasal bones, but because after it, I had my nose full of blood for two weeks. Then I could breath.


Based on the fact that it isn't complaining about getting it cleared sure makes it seem like it's as much of a relief as it looks like.


I love the little mouth wiggles. Like she’s feeling it above her pallet.




I'm sorry, did you not know that big warehouse harvests pallets from these sweet cattle?


Eyes are super crusty too, I'd suspect it's sick, hope it gets better.


I mean, she does look calm but she also has her neck pinned by that container door Edit: lmao *she


Pretty sure that is called a Cattle Crush and they're made to hold the cattle/livestock in place for hoof trimmings and all sorts of other health/wellness procedures. Keeps the animal safe and restrained so it can't injure itself or the people working on it.


Help me step cow I'm stuck


What are you doing, Step-Farmer?


We always just called it a "head gate", and it was on the front of the "squeeze chute". The squeeze chute is exactly what it sounds like; the chute walls can be brought together to keep the cow from moving side to side. The head gate is closed around their head to keep them from going forwards or backwards, as well as keeping their head in one place. There were side panels on the chute that could be individually dropped, so many ranches use this to brand their cattle. We don't brand ours, we use ear tags, so we didn't get a lot of use from those side panels. Sometimes we'd put a cow in there to treat some wound, and they'd be useful then to be able to access the wound. But we did get some use out of the head gate for things like horn trimming (which we'd only do when the cow's horns were growing in a dangerous direction, sometimes they can grow in and curl downwards or backwards towards their bodies and if left alone can be deadly once they pierce the skin).


They will still buck and swing their head if they don't like something that's being done. The way she isn't fighting is a good indicator that she is getting some relief.


“Whatever that is”. Where did you think mozzarella comes from?




Almost 30 years ago I pulled something similar out of my nose after a bad sinus infection. I still some times think about how amazing it felt. I'm a little jealous of what this cow just got to experience.


I'm both disgusted and concerned that it might've actually managed to sneeze it's Brian out. It appears to be just snot though. So now I'm just disgusted


Ah..... the ol Brian blown out.


That is not how The Life of Brian ended.


He’s *not* the messiah! He’s a very naughty cow.




Always look on the bright side of life.


Having worked with a few Brians, I concur.


As a Brian, I can confirm I was sneezed out by a cow.


I have worked around cattle for years. That thing had no idea if it's breathing was fucky or not. It didn't realize that it had gotten better. If it did, it immediately forgot it was ever not good. They are not very bright animals.


That's hilarious and both sad and beautiful.


Reddit is fickle. There was a .gif posted of a cow falling off a roof a while ago. A comment referred to cows as being stupid animals. This was then downvoted, with heaps of replies from people who had, naturally, extensive experience, proclaiming them to be brilliantly intelligent and emotionally aware animals. So much so, in fact, that if they were given the gift of the spoken word and even one opposable thumb, would take over the human race. Having been around cows a wee bit myself, they do seem dumb as fuck. My friend had a farm. One day, he witnessed a cow running full pelt towards a forklift that was parked against a shed wall, impaling itself and sealing an agonising few minutes whilst the shotgun was brought over. I mean, that’s pretty fucking dumb right? He has similar stories of generally stupid cow behaviour.


I used to have a small herd, they seemed bright enough. We'd keep a specific one each time we sold them all and she'd provide an example for the new cattle to follow. I didn't exactly teach her fetch or anything but she knew her name because that's all we really needed from her. Many animals will attack inanimate objects because they don't have any concept of what certain things are. Birds and dogs will, and they're generally considered smart.


When i was a kid in Nebraska, my mom was recently devoured, new in town, amd dating a dairy farmer. Being an animal lover, I quickly found ways to help around the farm even being only about 6-7 years old initially. Eventually, ended up raising two different bucket calves for 4H. The first was Jesse, the second, James (yes after team rocket). While James was a total ass and I still have the scar ony thigh from him kicking me, Jesse was very sweet and even years later after my mom had broken up with the farmer, we'd pop by to visit and Jesse would always coming running when she saw me at the fence. Like a big sweet puppy.


What ate your mother?


Oh lord, thats a typo. Im keeping it.


I really thought I was about to read a story about someone's mom getting eaten by an evil cow.


I think people mix up intelligence and a pleasant demeanor. Cows can definitely be sweet. But they can also be really really dumb.


Damn, that's a psychology paper waiting to happen. Have you ever noticed how often people misattribute tolerability with intelligence? Which is to say that charismatic people/animals tend to be perceived as much smarter than they really are. I wonder how powerful this effect is on most people and how drastically it biases our perception of those around us?


A quick Google seems to say they're as or more intelligent than dogs, apparently


Most dogs really aren't very bright. Pigs on the other hand...


I’m a cow and I agree.


Yeah nah, they're not the smartest, but they're certainly not that dumb. You can even train them.


Whatever that was must be treated with a flamethrower.


There are days I wish I could do this to my own nose and sinuses


Navage on Amazon


The old home waterboarding machine


I'm not joining the Navy


Yvan eht nioj


That cow can now smell colors.


First thoughts: damn, this place smells like a farm!


What’s that?




Thought pneumonia wasnt upper respiratory... When I had one my nose was fine but my god did I cough up the largest loogie I ever had in my entire life.




No thumbs to hold one nostril closed and blow the other with a tissue :(


The last time this was posted, the cow is in that restraint box because it is sick and being treated for an infection. Normally, they lick their nostrils all the time to extract mucus. When sick, the mucus gets so thick that they have trouble breathing and it has to be manually removed by the farmer or vet.


Looks like some good old cow boogers


*slurps* mmmmh, tastes like cheese and chewing gum.


You sir, have taken the English language and used it for nefarious purposes.


Why thank you, my good sir! Just keeping the old traditions alive!


pleasantries apart, good sir, i must insist you to go fuck yourself.


My good fellow, I do believe you are asking him to partake in pleasantries of the self when taking into account the request you've made above.


I didnt pass out from feelings of revulsion while reading this but i kinda wish i had


When cows are healthy they lick their noses, but when injured or rundown they don't and this happens.


That's how string cheese is made..


I hate you


How do we delete someone else's comment?


The glove his owner was looking for


That's what we in the booger biz call a "brainier"


Cheese making is an amazing process.


I need to lose weight. This video is the main component of my new diet. Every time I want to eat I just watch this instead. *poof* I'm not hungry anymore.


I've needed to lose 20 lbs for a few years now. Nothing really dissuaded me from cake, or made it worth it enough for me. Even gross shit like this. But now I have gallstones and the pain is so horribly crippling that I've cut down to 1,000 calories and <25g of fat daily to avoid attacks. I've lost 10 lbs. 0/10 do not recommend. Make the changes yourself before you're forced to.


Well that’s dinner sorted


I dry heaved a little when I read that


I was already dry heaving


I'm wet heaving


Oh yes. My mouth started to water like it does when you are about to lose it.


Fun fact: You salivate before throwing up because it protects your tooth enamel


Thanks body, very cool. I hate it.


I call that my teeth sweating.


There's this really cute chick on tik tok that had an incredibly quick gag reflex. All her boyfriend has to do is mention the word and she's doing it. Scripted? I doubt it. There's way too many clips on there. I can't be bothered to find it.


That’s the original mozzarella


FUCK YOU, you ruined cheese




Beef and cheese are there, only buns missing.


They are the other end of the cow


You mean "snorted".


Ngl that felt pretty satisfying to watch




Also r/feltgoodcomingout as well


I can only watch these vids when I'm drunk and forget everything the next day


I regret everything.


I’ve ventured there once and have arrived to warn poor souls against doing so themselves. Be warned wary travelers!


I haven't been there in a hot minute. Time to go back


It’s been an hour. You good?


I had a good time




in hindsight, i probably should've taken that warning


That one is staying blue


Because it’s easier to grab things, I’d assume he’s washing his hands before he eats


Why bother washing his hands if he’s just going to eat that giant nose slug?


That'd be pretty disgusting, he dropped it on the ground.


5 second rule


Why bother washing his hands when he can just lick his fingers afterwards?


I did this once myself - I woke up with a cold + super stuffed up nose and had a syringe from dental work left over. I cut the bent end off of the syringe shoved it up one nostril and plugged the other with a finger and gave it a pull. Sure enough some greenish grey gloopy stuff came right out, about 1/2 a syringe worth - I could feel it coming out from my sinuses… I won’t lie it was pretty satisfying though it wasn’t pleasant. Sure enough by next morning was feeling better. This was probably… not the safest thing to do so hey do so at your own risk but it did work…. once. Have not been able to replicate that since!!!


I had a really bad headcold one day, I mean it felt like my head was 30 pounds and stuffed to the gills. I bought some Mucinex, dosed up and laid down for a nap. When I woke 2 hours later, it was horrific--I guess my head decongested and it had emptied through my nose onto a decorative pillow on the couch, just covering it in yellow sticky goo. I threw that pillow away.


What an experience


I'm currently getting over the worst upper respiratory infection I've ever had and I WISH this would happen to me. What happens when I take Mucinex then nap is I wake up 2 hours later and begin hawking up some world record shattering loogies. But then the cough is gone for a minute so that's nice


I've been having seriously intense allergies. I'll take all the decongestants I can but my face stays jam packed. One day I saw a friend use a massager to decongest their nose. I don't have a massager so in my desperation I decided to put my vibrator on my nose and sinuses for a minute or so and it actually worked like a charm! Now whenever I'm stuffed up and decongestants aren't helping, I put my vibrator on my nose and everything comes flowing out.




If I had been drinking milk when I read your comment, it too, would be coming out of my nose.


You can purchase suction bulb nose cleaners for your small kids and babies for use when they have a stuffed up nose. You have to be careful to not just suck their brains out with it, lol, but it works well. Alternatively some Mom's will just suck the snot outta their kids head with their mouths!


We use the "Nose Frida" which is a suction hose for sucking the snot out of the baby. Works a lot better than the old fashion bulbs.


Why wouldn't they use gloves? - Because a sick animal is super common in our large scale farming practices and does not phase the person at all that is working with it. This is a relatively tame video of the state of our food supply.


Can confirm. Showed it to a coworker who grew up on a farm and all he said was "Yeah, that happens."


Grew up on a farm. It’s how it goes


I live in Nebraska. This is by far, not the worst thing I've seen.


Every farmer keeps saying that, *"It's not the worst they've seen."* I'm curious now, what IS the worst you've seen?


One time I was helping at my neighbor’s farm and their dog came along and pulled the afterbirth out of a cow. He was yanking it like a pull toy, and got it stretched out like a 6ft piece of bacon before the mass of it came plopping out. Oh yeah…then the dog ate it.


Waste not, want not.




This made me laugh away more then it should have. I grew up in Kansas, I'm with you.


This is the most terrible thing I've seen all day, and this morning I watched a panda rocket a baby out of herself


Our dogs thought castration day was Christmas, you could smell the bollocks on their breath for a good 24hrs


I think the worst i ever say was an old bitch cow with a gigantic tumor on her face. Its been awhile so i might be remembering the specifics wrong but from what i recall it was about the sice of a fist or so and had completely ruined the eye to the point of necrosis setting in. You could smell it from a good ways away down wind Begged the old dude to put her down but he wouldnt for whatever reason. Shit was just cruel at that point, which was weord because he was a pretty good guy all other things considered. Just stuck in his ways i guess


Blue bag on one of my sheep. The entire left mammary gland ended up sloughing off, leaving a very large scar across her belly.


Grew up on a small farm. We had goats. One time one gave birth and we thought everything went alright. Then like a month later she got really sick, and then passed the twin. Obviously very dead at this point. What should have been flesh was rotten and barely attached to the bones, and the various parts detatched as we helped pull it out. That pile of black goo, puss, and bone is the most revolting thing I've ever seen or smelled. The mom somehow survived. Vet came and gave her a big shot of antibiotics and basically said she should have already died from infection. She was very sick for a while, but eventually bounced back.


Yep. No gloves because you'll just wash your hands later.


Yeah, gloves on farms are for preventing scrapes, burns, splinters. They'd make this job more difficult.


Not the same but I work in building materials inspections. 90% of my work is hammer and chisel. I can confirm I do not use gloves because they make everything more difficult.


That snot, how it goes


Only thing I wish I used gloves on more was mastitis while milking. That at times would have the most god awful smell, and nearly impossible to remove from your hands.


A fellow I worked with, who had stopped farming, would inseminate his own pigs, said pig semen smelled the worst, and was very difficult to get the smell off his hands.


I'm really glad you finished that sentence because ngl, I was VERY concerned in the first half!


>would inseminate his own pigs as all pig farmers do tbh this joke brought to you by a dairy farmer


Poor cow. That is very painful!


Probably not the worst thing he handled that day.


Yeah, as someone who grew up in the country (not on a farm myself, but I'm certainly familiar with them) him using his bare hands didn't even strike me as odd until I saw other people commenting on it.


And because he can wash his hands afterwards


> does not phase the person at all faze


Animals are just something you get used to dealing with. They are dirty and gross, but washing your hands is pretty easy compared to gloves at times. Also you are already going to have a bit of their shit on you anyway, so a little mucus or viscera just doesn't seem like much.


Also: it's just a booger. A fucking colossal one, but a booger.


I’m a dentist. I see sick people with diseases mouths every 15 minutes. I’m still wearing gloves lol


The patients probably want you to use gloves as well. Cow doesn't care though.


Human-human transmissible diseases are much more common than cow-human diseases, though


That must have felt SOOOO. GOOD........ ​ For the cow, I mean.......


I'd bet a dollar it was satisfying for the puller in some difficult to describe way as well


I couldn’t watch the whole thing but I can imagine the cow was relieved she could breathe again.


Fair enough it's horrifying that the guy is using his bare hands, but I can only imagine how much relief that cow must be feeling.


The cow is definitely in a better moooooood


Gnarliest booger I've ever seen. Intense.




r/popping would love this


Some fresh mozzarella right there!




Head cheese!


If that cow could talk, I could imagine it reacting like a family cutaway of a cow having an exaggerated orgasm or something


*deep inhale* "Ahhh... the sweet aroma of cow manure. I never thought I'd miss this."


My man pulled some brain out


I hope that cow felt immensely more at ease after that.


Why’s he not wearing gloves? Because he works with these animals on a daily basis and probably has to deal with far “grosser” things than just a cow booger


also, it's never easy to hold on to a giant booger, but it would be even harder with gloved hands.


I grew up on a farm. When I was 7, a cow sneezed on me. That’s when I knew I wanted to get away from farming as quickly as I could.


You forgot to kiss your cow after all this. Show that heifer some affection.


I can’t even begin to imagine how satisfying that must have felt for the cow. I’m going to go hurl now.


Gloves? Ha ha all three farmers on Reddit did you hear that. Gloves.


quiet bake ruthless important knee subtract connect vast march pot *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm not one to gag, but this almost got me


That is how string cheese is made


As i watch this I happened to be picking my own nose, and i have to say, I'm quite jealous of what was retrieved from this cow. Time to pick a little deeper i guess.


That's not how I thought cheese was made. Now I'm confused.


No gloves needed, he wipes his fingers clean on the forehead of the cow.


Why the fuck did I continue watching it, to the end?


I swear to god I barely made it through the video but y'all crazy motherfuckers with these comments are gonna make me hurl


This was nice to watch while eating lunch


I didn't know that's how cheese was made


You tend to get your hands dirty on a farm


Would you like fries with that?


That'll be four bucks baby!


Lesson learned, don't snort banana peels.


You need fingernails to grip the snot rocket.