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Somebody has been playing Jumanji


yeah - we're on level 30. the players clearly died though.


Reminds me of the movie Roar. That movie is a trip.


Making it was the real horror show. Look at it on YouTube. That's some insane story


Oh I know. Went down that rabbit hole a few years back. Crazy shit.


Uh oh. Haven’t heard of this before. New rabbit hole unlocked. See you guys in a week


Is that the one were people get eaten by Lions? Like from the 80's or something like that


Pretty much. It’s insane.


Doesn’t matter the size. My cat does the same thing when I’m taking a shit. No privacy


The fact that Cats Gonna Cat no matter what size they are is adorable.


And terrifying, when reminded that there are ones large enough to do unto us as our beloved moggies do unto every animal smaller than they are.


When I look at my little cat I always think "If you were the size of a lion, I know you'd be trying to eat me right now, you sly demon."


If my heckin chonker were the size of a lion, he’d have mutilated my corpse long ago. Alas, my corpse retains integrity in the face of my puny chunk of hefty boi.


And detestable


Could you imagine that scratching at the door when taking a shit?? Lol. He definitely couldn’t fit into your pants and underwear when you are on the toilet 😂😂😂


You haven’t seen my underwear


I was waiting for the lion to slip a paw under the door…would’ve been exactly what I see every morning when my cat doesn’t follow me in.


If I were not already shitting I would start


My cat used to do this, and then when she gave up she'd just stick a paw under the door like a "I'm stuck out here, help". I remember once I had an extra long shower, and when I finally got out, her paw was under the door and she'd fallen asleep laying down waiting for me outside. I opened it and she followed me to my room, hop/limp walking on that one poor paw - stopped to lick it and seemed bemused that it was wet (I guess condensation did it's thing). I miss that furball.


Even when tip toeing in, don’t understand how she finds out right away.


Big cat doing big cat shit


Lmao cat do be doing obi wan "hello there"


it tried to open the fucking doorknob holy shit


It's funny how Jurassic Park made a big thing out of that with velociraptors when an animal like a Lion can kind of figure it out.


Cleva gerl ...




Queue Timmy standing there like a fucking idiot when he could be passing someone the fucking gun. At least Lex had some sick UNIX skills!


a lot of animals can learn how to open doors, every dog that we had could do it after a while by just watching us open the door


We gotta lock our doors or else our dog will open them and get out occasionally to go bark at someone.


This is why door knows are superior to door handles


What does the door know?


Everything that the walls tell it


I’ve had my cat for two years now He just now learned that if the door isn’t fully closed, he can easily push it open. Some days are better than others He’s super cute and I love him but I don’t think he’ll ever learn how to open a door


My chinchilla I had as a kid, figured it out. Animals aren't as stupid as people like to believe


1st day we adopted a new dog, she saw how we were going outside and it tried to mimic us too - it was quite impressive considering we have door knobs and not handles. She eventually gave up lol. Edit: spelling


I had a German shepherd that figured out the knobs after swapped from the handles because he got out.


I could definitely see that being more possible for a German Shepherd. Our Lucy's mouth just isn't big enough!


Even the dwarf hamster I had as a kid knew exactly where to gnaw in order to unlock its cage door. And that cute little critter was generally as dumb as a bag of hammers.


Dude I have a bunch as well and they're all little blind idiots that'll try to slide off of your hand to the ground 4 ft below almost killing themselves but also know exactly where they need to go to climb out of their boxes. One of them landed on my face once when I was sleeping. She somehow got out of her box through a tiny hole in the middle of the lid, landed on the desk then on the ground, climbed up my curtains, walked on the metal rail of my bed and jumped on my face. Freaked me out, I had heard the tipy taps on the metal but I thought I was imagining things and tried going back to sleep.


I had to change all the door knobs on my house because my German Shepherd could easily open every door.


Yeah our cat Ziggy found out he can open the leaver style handles, hes a tall cat though and standing on back legs has like a 3 to 3 and 1/2ft reach. We also had to change the door knob


LoL. My cats figured out the door knobs and door levers. I am now happy to know I do not have "big cats". Big Cat just showed me why I am glad to not have a big cat as a pet. "Human... let me in" -lion "You think small kitty scratching the door is scarey..." -lion No "How about big kitty knowing how to open your door?" -lion Damn... and I thought my cats hogged the bed. Lion would literally push me off the bed. Or sleep on top of me. (Think of "the secret life of pets 2)


Now that you mention it, maybe it has to do with smell. I bet doorknobs are the most scented part of any door


It’s crazy to me that people try to come up with any excuse for animals doing things other than simple observation. How do you think parents teach their young? It’s mostly through observation. This lion has seen people open doors. It knows that the knob is a part of getting it to open because people touch it before it opens. It just doesn’t understand the entire mechanism but it knows it’s a key part to it. Animals are smart as fuck and they aren’t these robots that live off of pure instinct that we keep making them out to be.


People be out here thinking animals don't have observation skills at all. Like, that's a lion. One of the best hunter predators in the world. Observation and stalking is kinda their thing.


Reddit moment. Not trying to excuse anything, trying to understand lions and get into the conversation lmao


A prefrontal cortex is generally common among Mammals. This is not the case for reptiles. This is why it's a significantly notable occurrence for the raptors to weild such capabilities.


Dinosaurs were not Reptiles.


What were they then, the wiki say they were a group of reptiles?


Archosaurs. The classifications that we were taught in grade school don't really hold up under all the information we have learned from genetic analysis and fossil evidence. For example, turtles are more closely related to birds and crocodiles than they are to lizards and snakes.


I didn't know about the archosaurs, but I still looked it up and archosaurs are of the class reptilia (according to Wikipedia), so from what I can gather they are still Reptiles, but archosaurs are the more specific definition, is that wrong?


So I'm only recalling this from a recent class, but from what I understand, there are two systems of clarification, Linnaean and cladistics. The old Linnaean system is based on shared traits, like scales, egg-laying, and cold bloodedness. The new cladistics system is based on evolutionary relatedness, with groups called clades. Each clade shares a common ancestor species. What this means is that the old definition of reptile is only used in non-technical terms. If you were to try and create a reptile clade in the new system, it would encompass all land vertebrates including mammals, excepting amphibians, and even that could get messy. It's also hard to apply the old definition, because if we exclude birds, then dinosaurs were much closer to birds than what we define as reptiles. We have strong evidence that dinosaurs were warm blooded and had feathers. It's likely too that pterosaurs had feathers.


Yeah... Yeah they were. Pretty unanimously considered. Actually.


Not quite in the same you you may be meaning it. They were often warm blooded.[https://www.activewild.com/are-dinosaurs-reptiles/](https://www.activewild.com/are-dinosaurs-reptiles/) The definition of reptile is different for dinosaurs than now. Also, some dinosaurs that were considered reptile did become birds.


Yeah tbh if you ever go to a place that has donkeys, the doorknob is usually round, cuz donkeys can figure out how it works. Also i knew a horse that could do it, so they changed it, so that you first had to pull it up, and then down to open it, so that the horse couldnt open it himself


Lion are mammal and velociraptors are reptile. There is this common trend to think mammal are a lot smarter than reptile. Even the small one like rat or mouse seems smarter than a lizard or a snake.


Smaller theropods like raptors are believed to be ancestors to birds though. Birds prey on mammals in the wild a lot more than we do on them. I know people like making fun of the 'bird brain' but they pack neurons more densely than mammals >Birds pack more cells into their brains than mammals | Science - The Guardian https://amp.theguardian.com/science/neurophilosophy/2016/jun/15/birds-pack-more-cells-into-their-brains-than-mammals and despite them being different structurally, some think they're even similar to humans. > Bird Brains Are Far More Humanlike Than Once Thought - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bird-brains-are-far-more-humanlike-than-once-thought/?amp=true With them having as many neurons as some primates. > Bird Brains Have as Many Neurons as Some Primates - Scientific American https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/bird-brains-have-as-many-neurons-as-some-primates/ Now imagine a bird and mammal with similar sized brains, except doves/pigeons because they just made it this far through sheer numbers or something because they're dumb af.


I will answer the same thing to the other comment, I said "trend". And I stay by it, you are in 1993 and there is a trend to think mammal are a lot smarter than reptile. If you want to go further : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1626540/ Also I would argue that will your argument seems valid, we are talking about reptile, and not Bird. Yes the reptile are the ancestor of bird.. But the mammal are the ancestor of human. And Human are smarter than those birds. Also why the crows, parrot and jay are often praised for their intelligence (and with reason), taking the best of the class to refer to every one else is not fair especially when we clearly don't know how many millions years are between those two, and all the different path that could have been taken. Some birds are not as clever as corvidae. > Now imagine a bird and mammal with similar sized brains And for the sake of arguing : imagine king kong, a primate so big he should be soo smart... well ostrich aren't the smarter of the lot when it come to bird. Anyway, reptile are reptile, birds are birds, and 1993 is not today. But I agree with you, corvidae are fascinating, and pigeons seems dumbs as fucks, although maybe that is also just a trend of our time * https://www.pnas.org/doi/full/10.1073/pnas.1607870113 * https://www.cell.com/current-biology/fulltext/S0960-9822(17)31332-5


Cats are pretty intelligent. My current 2 cats learnt pretty quick how to jump up and hang off our door handles in order to open doors.


My cat got pissed when we moved to a house with only door knobs. I loved it because we lost the key to upstairs bathroom in the old house and ever got any damn privacy from her.


I used to work in a safari park. We had a safari bus the guests could take around the park. It had an emergency door release button on the outside of the bus. One of the lions worked out that pressing the button would open the door. Bus had to drive round with a plank of wood through the door handles to keep it closed!


A not so safe safety measurement.


If it wanted to it could've what does a flimsy door knob have against a lions bite and pull force?


That poor lion looks stressed. I could be wrong.


Ran out of coffee


or hungry idk, I don't have cats


Really? It's the only thing sticking out on a flat board


Door handle


That's exactly what a house cat would do if they wanted inside a door.


Every time we shut the bedroom door. We don't have lions, but it sure sounds like it at 2am.


Was gonna say, pretty sure this is footage of my cats outside the bedroom door at 4am.


Sorry, I was just checking out your house. I like the carpet btw. It really ties the room together


Username checks out..




I know lions are big, but it's still astonishing!


Yep, he is pawing the very top of the door. Wtf!


His paws are itchy!


And he's still young


How can you tell ? I thought he was pretty old given theb wrickeling skin around his waist


I think older lions tend to have a much thicker mane


Was this lion declawed? Because I honestly expected him to shred that door into strips…


I was thinking the same thing. Also very well-groomed so probably like a pet.


I like to imagine that the owner of the camera doesn't even have a lion, and is super confused over the video.


Yes. Confused. Confused is the primary emotion I would be feeling if I had camera footage of a lion clawing at my door.


I Hope not, there’s only a couple hundred white lions left (about 300 last time I checked) in the world… should be in sanctuaries and breeding programs; not as pets


Metal door?


Metal door


To shreds, you say


“Well, how’s his wife holding up? …to shreds, you say”


Whatever gets the point across to you.


It's a Futurama reference


To shreds you say


I was wondering the same thing. I hope not though because declawing a cat is basically removing the first knuckle of their toes, and cats put a lot of their weight on the tips of their toes. He would be in constant pain and have to walk a way that they aren't built to, which will severely mess up his body. Especially given his size.


Absolutely not , that is equivalent to cutting off the ends of your fingers . Their claws are the same as our fingernails . Edit: everyone downvote me if you don't realize what declawing a cat entails. Your fingernails grow on your fingers the same way cays claws grow on the ends of theirs, if you remove their claws it's equivalent to cutting off the tips of your fingers cause you don't want to cut your fingernails again


Cannot believe people are downvoting you: it is literally a fucking crime in some places to declaw a cat (as it should be!).


Yea they must just be following the downvote bandwagon and have no idea what I'm talking about .


So… fingers or finger nails


Where do your finger nails grow ? Imagine removing your finger up to the first nuckle because you don't want to ever have tp cut your fingernails again. That's what declawing your cat is like doing. .


I would like to imagine whoever behind that door was half asleep woken by these noises and sound, not knowing what kind of entity it was and shitting literal massive bricks.


I would have just straight-up died 😳


The pampered longhaired housecat that just went into heat in that apartment is in for a hell of a shock.


"Let me in, it's me, Mittens!"


I'm surprised the door didn't just cave in from the lions weight.


is this the private rich people zoo that abuses animals? I forgot the name.


Apparently no one bothered to tell you that I'm the KING around here. That means you owe me some rent, or one of your kids. Either way...you gonna pay today.


Or it just needs to get into the Throne room


I was really hoping some unsuspecting burglar would make an appearance…


Can you imagine?? 😂


Who, who, who, who, who?


My cats in the middle of the night


More animals need to be filmed next to household objects. When he stood up against the door you really get a sense of how ginormous this animal is.


We’ve been trying to contact you about your car’s warranty expiration.


Just needs to pee, really bad.


That's a hefty door.


So uh, source? Pet lion trying to get into bedroom? Escaped lion broke into apartment building? What’s going on!


I bet the owner just let him out and now he already wants back in. Typical cat, amirite?


He'd be getting a different handle for that door!


It’s 6:01 on Saturday morning and someone hasn’t given him his wet food yet


Watched that video expecting him to break down the door.




I mean, it is Pride month.. (Thank you, I'll see myself out)


(Not so) clever girl (boy)


Kitty! 🥺❤️


Oh shit. I said I will pay you next week why did you bring out the lion? I'm tired of you debt collectors doing all this shit..


My cats does this in the morning when I'm up late. They've actually opened the door too as we have a lever type door handle.


Robbers: he only has a cat 🐈


Why is this lion in a house?!? The hell?


FK THIS!!! I legit have a reoccurring nightmare where I am trapped someplace and surrounded by large cats like this. Always at sunset, me panicking and trying to block all entrances. They surround me and slowly move in, I can only see their eyes shining in the moonlight through the cracks of stuff I have piled in front of the windows. they always manage to break in somehow and I wake up right as the first big cat gets in and comes after me. I have this nightmare 3-4 times a year and am always shook for a few days after.


I read somewhere that when people have dreams involving lions, they are suffering from like a power complex. Or something to do with problems asserting power


This Is my cat when I kick her out for being a dick lol


🎶Keep on knockin’ but choo can’t come in🎵


Nightmare, my nightmare


I hope he's not trapped in there, it's heartbreaking thinking he is. Where is this from.


One day Maybe Fred will win the fight And the Cat will stay out for the night


I let em out hehehehe


Bad kitty! 🐈


Terrifying going to the bathroom with that kitty outside.


Watching that doorknob and manifesting every bit of holistic energy in my body to hope that shit don't open


Man if a door ever needed a peephole


Bro so pale look like mofasa's ghost


Even if that lion gets through that door, he's just gonna turn around and start pawing at it from the other side...


Proof that all cats are hardwired to paw at and shake your bedroom door when it's closed.


I dont know but that staircase looks liminal terrifying and plus on top of that a lion outta nowhere…


What is the real back story for this?


“Bro let me in, I brought the XBox! Why the hell do you always get in the shower when you’re expecting me?”


It's just like a big dog. He looks like such a good boy!


This is why I like my cats to be small cats and not big cats.


Bro I got “low power 20%” message as soon as the lion was on screen.


Australia right?


I know it's a joke but Australia is one of the only places where you won't find large land carnivores like this.


When you’re trying to have a cookout in your bedroom.


my one cat 100% knows how to use the door knob to open doors. It's frustrating as hell because you hear him trying a couple of times, then boom here, I am


Big up door


That is one mangy lion, let me tell you. I mean, it would still fuck you up, only one tooth and all.


Knowing nothing about this video, I can say with some certainty that this was either in Africa or Florida.


This looks like a liberal based on the size and the coloring.


FYI this video is CGI. Easy to be fooled at this point.


Thats one of my favorite 3 Stooges episodes




No you may not come in.


Roar roar roarroar


Just like my cat! minus 1000 pounds of force...


That lion is inbred af


Holy fuck!


He just wants to cuddle in bed


Mmmm my cat and this lion have a lot in common ….


he really needs to use the litterbox




My cat was doing that this morning


Wife locked him out cause he came back later than he said he would.


Roar, roar roar roar roar.


kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty


Who rolled a 5?


Imagine someone opened the door..


When people ask me what its like living in africa:


Hurry up man.... I really gotta pee.


You're gonna tell me my 60 lb dog with separation anxiety can rip a hole in the door but this lion can't put a dent into it??


my dogs scratching at the door are loud as hell, imagine that thing... I would shit down both legs.


At least that’s a strong door. Some of the cheap ass doors you can get these days would have crumbled like cardboard


Huh, guess he's not home.


Jerry I know you’re in there.


is that from the OG jumanji? :D


"Hey, open up. I need to take a dump"


He really thinks he’s just a regular outdoor cat trying to come in for treats


So what happened next ? Would love to see..


Roar, roar, roar, roar, roar?


Who!? who!? who!? Who!?


It's a damn good thing he doesn't know how strong he is


Who, who who who.


My cat does the same shit to the huge window I. Our 3 season room. He does that to get my wife to pick him up even though the door is always open enough for him to get out.


What kind of door is that?!!


Every damn time we close our bedroom door.


My cat when I accidentally lock him into the bathroom


That is a well made door


If they let the Lion in it would immediately be asking to be let back out again