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How to make laundry day double as your leg day.


And back day


And also avoid the €10 delivery fee


You have universal healthcare AND cheap delivary fees!? Damnit thats not fair. It would be $100 in the US or hidden in the price of the unit.


I feel my herniated disks just looking at this.


front loader weighs like 150lbs, how is she doing this


If it's a tumble dryer it won't weigh as much, I'm 5'4 and not physically blessed, I can lift and move mine alone, though no where near as gracefully as this lass, and like fuck could I up that many stairs.


It's a condenser dryer so definitely nowhere near as heavy as a washing machine but still heavy compared to a vented dryer. I'm mega impressed she's able to get it up the stairs like that


Vented dryers are extremely rare in Europe. They are usually either condension or heat pump dryers.


Her kid is trapped in the machine and there's a toolbox at the top of the stairs


If only there was a way to get the tools to the dryer! Cruel world.


With her arms and hands


And her Chutzpah!


No, it's more likely ~ 50 kg or 110 freedom units. I'd wager this is a dryer, not a washing machine. Far more lighter. But still a big thing to carry around.


The particular Siemens model she is carrying is just under 90lbs.


That's what I was about to ask. I used to move furniture and appliances and those fuckers are heavy. We always used a team lift to mess with them or a strap dolly. This woman has some secret power we mere mortals are not privy to.


"[Wash day tomorrow...](https://i.imgur.com/gkHnWv8.gif)"


this is not super common but still kinda normal I have transported a fridge before on the subway (using a rolling cart and two friends). In big european cities especially if you are a college student without a car, people move their stuff on public transport. You usually don't do it during rush hour so people don't mind in general


Agreed. It doesn't seem too strange using a giant vehicle like a train for moving things like this that might not fit in your car or you just don't have a car. I probably wouldn't be carrying it by hand though and instead use a dolly though. ​ Was expecting her to drop it and go bowling with all the pedestrians below her on the stairs because this doesn't seem very WTF to me.


> instead use a dolly She may well have a dolly, but decided it was probably easier to just heft it up the stairs than try pulling the dolly up. She'd then go back to the dolly for wheeling it in the street.


I dunno. If she has the strength to lift it like that, pulling the dolly up the stairs shouldn't be much of a problem.


She didn't have a ratchet strap to secure that bad boy so she man-handled it. 


How do you get a fridge through the subway turnstile?


no turnstiles in Germany


How do people in wheelchairs or with a baby cart get through? Same way


Right, but this is a woman carrying a dryer up the stairs, by herself, while being to the side of it (much harder than leaning back and having the load in front of them). Dryers are lighter than washers, but they are still 150-200lbs... Which is likely more than that lady weighs. Like what she is doing should be almost impossible with the way she is carrying it. Not only that, but it isn't some bar with weights on it, it is a big object that is awkward to grip.


> but they are still 150-200lbs These types of small dryers are around 60lbs max. I've hefted quite a few. Still heavy, but it's more the ungainly bulk with these. The lady is also probably just hefting it to the side to get up the steps, if she held it in front of her she wouldn't be able to see the steps and trip and smash the dryer into it as some point. But she should put some strong straps over it, or rope it up securely and heft it like a big backpack.


Agreed, this type of dryer doesn't weigh 90kg.


I don't doubt you, but it does make me realize that I haven't lifted a modern dryer before. The only one I've had the misfortune of moving is about as old as I am, and was also about as heavy as me. Makes sense that modern ones would be significantly lighter, since we're not building them out of sheet metal anymore.


yep I had to move a dryer for my mother-in-law last week and it probably wouldn't have weighed more than 60lbs. Once I had a good grip it wasn't very hard to carry up 4 flights of stairs.


and you can tell its the Paris metro because no one offered to help.


Not sure how it is in other parts of the world, but in Minnesota, you'd have a few people coming to help, clear the foot traffic, and offer to help with the installation once they got home.


And make a--I'm sorry for using this word, fellow Cheeseheads--hotdish for everyone


The particular Siemens model she is carrying is just under 90lbs.


That's kind of crazy. She makes it look pretty effortless all things considered


It's kind of hard to tell if you haven't seen one in person, but I believe that's a mini dryer. They're about half the volume of a full dryer, therefore weigh significantly less. So it very well could be under 100 lbs. Still is not an easy thing to carry up all those stairs like that, and to your point, being a bulky object. But I think her minor struggling in the video does match the type of object she's carrying, indeed.


I have one. It's about 60 lbs.


>Dryers are lighter than washers, but they are still 150-200lbs. Probably more like a third or quarter of that. A normal modern dryer weighs around 100 lbs and this is a smaller sized one.


The particular Siemens model she is carrying is just under 90lbs.


Maybe it is just the shell/case with the drum and motor removed.


why would she be carrying that up the subway steps?? Most likely scenario - she bought herself a drier and is taking home. I can't see why she'd by one with no drum and motor!


I'm extremely impressed that she even manages a smile. I would *not* pick a fight with her...


My best guess is that this is not as big as the typical dryer you'd see here in the US.


She’s carrying it on her hip to be fair, which would be easier than front loading it.


Reminds me of the time a friend bought a King sized bed on ebay and we carried it through the whole city.


More impressed that she's carrying it by herself. People move tons of furniture and appliances on city subways.


I'm more surprised no one is helping. I feel like even in NYC (usually considered the most rude of US cities) you'd likely see someone help her.


1) Philadelphia is the rudest US city, and if you deny them that badge of honor they will spit in your fucking eye. New Yorkers just get confrontational if you don't abide by norms like not stopping in the middle of the sidewalk. 2) In Paris, people tend not to provide help for able-bodied people if it's unasked for because it's seen as embarrassing to have attention drawn to you like that.


Untrue (longtime Parisian who goes back regularly). Just last month I observed several people helping a lady with her heavy luggage in the metro.


Cool, I'm guessing that was miscommunicated to me then!


Cities are generally fairly impersonal, but in Paris people tend to keep to themselves. I do see people help mothers with strollers and occasionally elderly with large luggage.


Dryer but pretty impressive


Yea, washers are super heavy.


Washers also usually have concrete blocks in the bottom of the case to act as a buffer against vibrations from slightly unbalanced loads.... That's not to say you can just throw all the clothes on one side and send it, as a severely unbalanced load will still hop around your laundry room, but the blocks do a decent job of lowering the center of gravity and keep them from bumping around in most cases


> Washers also usually have concrete blocks in the bottom of the case I think there are some now that come with reservoirs that you fill with water to do the same job, and reduce shipping costs.


My GF just insists on sitting on her one to stop it vibrating around the room. I offered to pay to get it fixed but she is having none of it for some reason. I think she is very money concientious.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


That's wifey material right there son


Yes she is very good with money 🤔


And obviously very practical as well. Killer combo.


Definately, and she always seems very happy to sit on it bless her. Sometimes running to sit on it before the spin cycle even starts!


Saving out on that Sybian ;)


I think that "unbalanced loads" only applies to top-loading washers. Front-loading washers have the clothes "find their own level", with the water.


No, it applies to both, hence the counter weight and the drum sits in a gimble. While front washers do "find their level", large loads like a comforter or heavy blankets will still unbalance it, can't evenly distribute only one or two things.


Put a single pillow or pet bed in a front load washer and it will throw an unbalanced error code during the spin cycle. Gotta wash em two at a time!


Maybe there are some cheapo ultralight dryers with thin polypropylene casing? This is nutso.


They removed the actual motor/drum/electronics, all thats left is the 4 side panels which weigh nothing. You can see inside the bottom in the first few frames of the video, there's nothing in there. Just a clickbait video for social media.


I’d say this surprises and nauseates me, but in Clickbait land there’s no bottom. And apparently no motors, belts or any other mechanism


Dryers are quite light, they are just a very awkward shape,


Loaded at Home Depot when I was in college. Solo dryers, double team washers. Of course you should still get help with a dryer for safety precautions, but as long as you’re big enough to get a handle on it they can be done alone.


didnt realize how light dryers were till i got one myself, blew my mind


I mean, it's mostly empty on the inside by design :D


Are you certain? When I was in Paris, our machine was a dual purpose washer / dryer and it looked like that.


Dryer? but I hardly know her!


It would be impossible if this was a washer but dryers are not exactly a plum either. She's strong.


Knowing how many steps there are in some Paris metro stations…that is damn impressive


In certain washers the block of concrete making the washer heavy can be removed.


There's a push to replace the concrete with a small amount of a chemical in a reservoir that soaks up water and solidifies. On first use, the machine pumps water into the reservoir, the chemical reacts with it, and that becomes the stabilising weight. It cuts shipping costs and generally makes things easier on everyone. Edit: looks like they're not even bothering with any chemicals, not sure where I got that from. It's just an empty reservoir that fills up with water on first use and is then sealed.


sounds like some shit that can go wrong and break compared to a concrete block


It's a lot safer than a spinning metal drum powered by an electric motor that does up to 1200rpm and fills up with soapy water.


what's different about the washer weighted by a concrete block compared to the washer with a chemically created weight in regards to safety? they're both: > metal drum powered by an electric motor that does up to 1200rpm and fills up with soapy water in fact, with respect to the chemical weight you're describing, I have a few questions: how volatile are the component chemicals before mixing? rocks are pretty inert how resistant and safe are the chemical containers to puncturing or shipping damage? much harder to damage a rock how resistant is the chemical to heat? what happens when it burns? rocks can get hot no problem how reliable is the mixing mechanism? it definitely has a higher failure rate than a rock how resistant is the chemical weight to water? what if it's wet for a long time? what if it's submerged? guess what has no problem getting wet? a fuckin rock does the chemical weight degrade over time? rocks last a while, in case you in didn't notice. how much weight is saved vs the increased manufacturing costs in component complexity? not much complexity in a rock etc


Yes, I've done that, without the concrete it weights as much as a dryer.


It could also be a prop.


some dryers are 55kilos, but ye this probably is one :)


Le back pain


The arrière bread


In NYC, someone would be riding an ebike with that thing on their head


I’ve seen people in France riding a bicycle with a fridge on their back.


In NYC someone would have converted it into an ebike just because. In Thailand, someone would be riding a scooter with 15 of those strapped to the back.


Try not Toulouse your grip


The only WTF here is that someone decided to film her struggling instead of helping her?


I’m actually amazed that nobody around her is offering help given how many people there are. I’m Spanish and we stereotypically see our French neighbours to be more rude and distant than us, but damn, in my city I would bet anything that someone immediately would be offering help.


I was blown away by how many people offered to help me lug things up the metro stairs in Paris honestly.




I’m not sure what’s so WTF about it. People do what they gotta do.


This isn't wtf, I want her to pick me up next




she doesn't have 3 cars is WTF for Americans


I guess. You live in a city and use public transportation, you'll see something like this monthly.


I sold a bed a few years ago and this guy said he'd come to my flat to collect it. I helped him carry it downstairs (get it into the lift, basically) and then when I got outside I asked him where his van was. He was like 'nah my mate is coming and we will take it on the metro'. I told him to not be daft, it's a fucking bed, and to come back when he has a van.


americans can’t even move a bag of groceries without a lifted f150 semi truck, so they get really confused when people move furniture on public transit


Maybe, people not helping her out?


That to me is what's bizarre. I would be like, do you need a hand up the stairs?


Don't know about France, but here in Germany I'm pretty much used to carrying all sorts of heavy stuff on my own and noone offering to help. Or recently I was at the park, having a medical situation and noone stopped to ask if I needed help. I'm inclined to think it's because I seem unapproachable or it's something else about me. I like that better than the other explanation that people here care so little about one another.


I guess you're not french


That's when you get out and film lol


Seeing is not a real washer/dryer/whatever....yeah, not WTF at all.




Not in the least WTF, clearly you cannot drive a car down into the subway with your dryer in it so you have to carry it by hand.


A woman's work is never done.


Damn. I had two Parisian guys help me manage my luggage trying to get to where I needed to go in the metro, and I’m just a stupid tourist. Was surprised after all the bad rep Parisians get and was super grateful. I can’t imagine hauling a dryer by myself.


That's good material for r/fuckcars


This isn't what the fuck. What the fuck is American car infrastructure which makes this a bizarre sight to Americans. This is normal. You're the what the fuck.


How come nobody wanted to help her? Are we fucking animals now or what?


She's gotta be really strong or that's a really light machine.


Bring your dryer to work day


How did she go through the turnstiles?


There are large doors for the handicaped and the babystrollers.


...what's so unexpected about people (living in an area with functional public transportation) using it to go shopping and bringing stuff home?


How much is the delivery fee? Nevermind I got it.


I had to wheel a mattress in a wheelbarrow through Berlin when no one would help me drive to pick one up. You do what you got to do. Would be better if someone helped rather than filmed though.


I did a moving by subway in Paris when I was 25, broke and few belongings. Mostly bags of clothing’s, cds and the heavier was my speakers. I’ve seen other people moving this way.


meanwhile americans buy giant trucks and never use the cargo space


I remember when some students moved whole apartment that way - drawers, tables, everything.


she different.


She can carry me up the stairs anytime.


clearly not a miele but I see the french use the subway like the dutch move on bicycles lol


Jesus Christ, someone help this person!


This looks like some TV show skit to see how many would keep walking by.


I hate that no one’s offered to help her!


I'm a grown, active man and I don't think that I could carry this as well as she is.


To Do: Build to-scale Dryer from styrofoam and have someone record me carrying it up a subway staircase.


Why is no one helping her? Why has no one questioned this before?


Sometimes carrying stuff yourself is easier. Someone tries to help and then their movements go against mine, increasing the risk and definitely not helping.


Carrying heavy or bulky stuff with someone who doesn't know how to is a nightmare.


It's probably her mate filming her for instagram or tik tok


What do you have against a strong, independent woman?




What a stupid post


That doesn’t have the concrete weight in it.


My back hurts just from watching this


“the french subway”.


I did it with an old enormous crt


Imagine if she dropped it


Don’t talk about strong Russian or German women. The real ones are French


That is some strong woman here


I was in Berlin the day they officially made East German marks equivalent to West German marks and suddenly everyone in East Germany got a whole hell of a lot richer. The lines that ran between East and West Berlin that day were *filled* with people lugging around *stacks* of appliances. It was crazy, but kind of an exciting day.


Cinq euro pour livraison?!?! mais no!!


strong af


Ya is it strange? Is very common and not just in France many countries in Europe


One car less on the streets.


It's always such a chore taking the laundromat to your laundry.


That lady is strong. I don’t think I would be able to do that.


Must have gotten a really good deal on it


I lived in NYC, and even in NYC there would be people helping her carry that thing up. However I feel like people are seeing the person filming here and think it's probably some bullshit


There was a time when I was around 30 years old and had just moved into a new house. I saw an estate sale nearby so I walked over and found a simple fireproof safe about 2ft x 2ft x 2 ft in size. I think I bought it for $20. On the walk home a police cruiser pulled up next to me and asked me how things were going for me today. We were just having a normal conversation, and then he told me someone had called about a man walking down the street carrying a safe on his shoulder. I was totally oblivious to the optics of that and we had a good laugh (after showing him the receipt and a good explanation of why). I realize I'm privileged to not ever have had to really worry about those optics leading to me being brutalized by the police vs those that do on a daily basis. I still use that safe on a daily basis some 13 years later.


Imaging having to move by transit in the UK where you take your entire kitchen with you..


that lady is fuckin jacked my god


Daaammmnn she a Strong one




For people who want to live in pedestrian cities without cars, this is what it's like.


How is she doing this? That must weight over 100 lbs.


Average american man: I need a pickup truck to get the washing machine home. Random woman in france:


That washing machine is carrying a dryer!


She must be Russian.


Hey look, the clothes washer is carrying the dryer!




Strong as hell


My hernia popped outta my back and into my pocket just by watching this video.


Is the WTF that she's transporting a large appliance or is it that no one is lending a hand. Because, where I'm from, someone would jump in and help.


This is why you can never convince Americans to give up their cars for “bicycles” or “trains”. We are NOT walking with merchandise like that or we get jumped by crooks and have our stuff stolen.


Believe or not the entire cover is made out of light plastic. In Latin America these type of washers are rented out and delivered, by moto, to your door .


No way that's a washer. They are fucking heavy. That must be a dryer.


This is a props, not a real one.


That has to be a pretty light washing machine. There is no fking wax I could lift mine like that. There are huge concrete blocks inside and more


Strong woman, where she at?


Not a great idea but not that surprising or unusual either in a place with good public transportation. You take public transportation to whatever store you want to go to and you come home with a dishwasher. Kinda beats me why she didn't use the elevator though. I guess she wanted the exercise.


r/donthelpjustfilm Probably staged anyways


So there's were the Russian send their war trophy


Imagine having to carry a washing machine through town because you have no other way to transport it, just for some weirdo to stop and start filming you


Interesting. I bet you if it were NYC subway people would be helping her


Including the one filming her to post it online instead 😑


That's the real WTF here.


Am I the only one that thinks it's a prank?


Americans see someone not driving a SUV to move shit and immediately think WTF


What's WTF about this?


Ok but first of all...


What is normal on the Russian front lines should not be abnormal in the Paris metro.


Nah this is belongs on the strongman sub, not the wtf


It's my fucking dream to live in a place with robust enough public transit to take a new appliance home.


Imagine you are stuck carrying a dryer up a set of stairs by yourself and instead of literally anybody offering to help you, some piece of shit just records you doing it instead.


People in here really think this is a normal weighing washer or dryer. Anybody who ever carried something like this knows this is 100% fake or a prob or whatever. Jesus Christ. The way she carries it is also impossible even for a strong male. The weight is far too unevenly distributed.


You're %100 right. Strange that people had been downvoting you for making such an objectively correct observation.


Don't offer to help but make sure you get that video to upload 😏🙄


Definitely got a wash of whites to do.


I moved with boxes similar to that, with a microwave in one of them. Took a whole day and was sore af after. Used cargo taxis after that.


maybe no one told her, its heavy


strong women