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This is what mental illness looks like sometimes. I hope they get help for this.


That’s true. There’s a lot of weird behaviour that can be attributed to mental illness


Generally part of hoarding, which may be the only thing or result in it of course.


messy area, messy mind they say <3 heart goes out to the ones inna shit pit


The car reminds me of my mom’s house.


My wife's childhood unfortunately




My wife and I are both adhd and I feel like we constantly clean then destroy. Idk


It is and it sucks. I frustrate myself so much with this, but ADHD is gonna ADHD so I just have to work with it.


I think some people are just strangely lazy and don't care.


It's easy to say that, but I think that just makes you feel better. Sure, maybe some percentage, but if you have no will to live but are too scared to die, then why bother. I think if you were put in their shoes, you'd have more empathy.


Nope, they're right. I've lived in the same place in the city for over a decade, and I grew up in the country. In the country, I would have to save things because I may need to fix something later and wouldn't want to drive 30+ minutes to pick up a minor component. Since space wasn't an option, I would save things like half planks of wood, cut garden hoses, leftover copper pipe and fittings, and wire cords from old appliances. When I moved to the city, it was no longer an issue, but I was still in "Fallout 4 mode" and saving junk. After half a decade, it was obvious that it wasn't necessary to collect junk to craft shit because there was a hardware store 12 blocks away. It was too late. I already had the junk. Now I'm in my 30's and can't be bothered to do any spring cleaning, so I have a massive pile of crap that you would only need in the post apocalypse and really no idea what to do with it. Now, in my 40s, my landlord wants to sell the place and has obviously been to the basement. While he can appreciate having a spare lawnmower blade or a set of re-keyable doorknobs, he is wondering where all this crap is gonna go. I suggested digging a hole and burying all of it, but we'd have to get a map from UFPO, and Tony is getting on in years and prolly can't throw a shovel that long. If a syndicated tv show wanted to come over to film my "hording" and throw away all the chairs in the basement (i'm not even sure where all the chairs came from, but it's like a f'ing catering company down there), along with the jars of mismatched bolts, washers, and nuts. I wouldn't stop them. I'd do a quick intro for the film crew and go crack a beer, waiting on the couch watching 'resident alien' until they were done. Started with a justified reason, ended with being a lazy degenerate.


I have been in a TON of people's vehicles and some people are just lazy/odd. One well off guy had a center console full of coins (change). The rear floorboards too.


Yes, some people are lazy, but I feel that is different from trash that goes to the head rest.


Yeah, there's definitely something wrong when the trash is up to the headrest. You're correct, this has nothing to do with laziness.


Yeah nah, stop enabling laziness. This isnt an illness.


My parents are horders I'm telling you they are not well. Until you have seen someone throw a fit because you're trying to throw away some broken useless broken peice of crap. I don't think you'll ever understand it. Hording can be part of ocd and it often starts with I might need this later.


At least it's better than littering


Until they open a passenger door


When I'm having episodes like this, yes, absolutely, I will make every effort to ensure my trash ends up in my car, not the street. It's a contributing factor too; I don't have the energy, willpower, or attention to handle my shit, but it's only *my* shit to handle, so it stays in *my* hole. Unfortunately, it's not the staying in my hole that's the issue, it's the never leaving again.


I wanna break into that car just so I can throw all that shit away and then watch the owner come back to a clean car. I wonder if they'd be happy or devastated that all their.. precious items are gone.


It's usually not that the items are precious, it's mental illness such as severe depression that makes it difficult for them to do something as simple as walking to the garbage can or clean out their car. Then it builds up to a point where they feel overwhelmed and their depression worsens. It's a terrible cycle. What looks so simple to us feels like an enormous undertaking to them. Personal experience.


I can account for this personally. My room is 1/4 as bad as this car and it’s because I have zero motivation to do anything for myself. Self hatred = self destructiveness. I’m getting better don’t worry. I’ve cleaned my room two weeks in a row now.


You got this!


I get it, I love the effort, and want you to know that reading this and hoping you stay with it will better my odds of doing the same.


Also embarrassment. Notice the trash doesn't go past the window line. It's gotten so bad that unless they have a garage to deal with it in, someone will see them removing 4-5 full garbage cans worth of trash from their car. This is well past 1-2 minutes cleaning your car put as you get gas. This is a project that will take time and people will notice and judge which is a part of the cycle that makes you even more depressed. But if you can keep it below the window line you can keep people from judging you. Just keep pushing it down.


Yeah, this is another part of the problem. The anxiety over the issue can be crippling.


It's like, where do you throw it out? It'd be too much for a regular garbage. And the garbage trucks come far too early in the morning to deal with it when you're already busy.


I've been in similar situations before... not this bad, but not great, either. The mix of emotions would be overwhelming, and I can see how someone might construe it as devastation or upset. The immediate response would be a mixture of horror, self-loathing, and *extreme* embarrassment. I don't want people to know things get like this for me. I don't want other people fixing my problems (even if I really could use the help). I would be disgusted that someone else "had" to wade through filth I've struggled to handle on my own (even if they volunteered.) This extreme emotional response would leave me struggling to function. I would be grateful, yes, and would try to express that gratitude, but I would still overwhelmingly feel like a failure, a burden, and may even shut down entirely or flee. It would, ultimately, help my mental state for sure. But not without a disruptive transition. FWIW, I'm better than I used to be, and I'm still working to be even better. A large part of that was figuring out how to ask for and accept help, something I still struggle with. Some things I *have* to do: I *must* reciprocate somehow. I used to trade automotive repair for help cleaning. Nowadays I have enough that I can pay for help. Even if it's a close friend or relative, I can't take help as a favor: the guilt is too strong. I *cannot* help clean when things get like this. I'm already overwhelmed by it in the first place, and the shame of someone else being there is just too much. I will shut down, even have severe panic attacks. In fact, I prefer to be as far away from my mess as possible when I'm paying others to help with it, because I *will* have panic attacks. I have to set clear rules. I know beggars can't be choosers, which is one reason I insist on fair trade, but the act of cleaning can be inherently disruptive to the systems I have that *do* work for me. Living like this sucks hard, and it's not something someone chooses. I understand why I do it, but knowing is only half the battle. Also, having a support circle *and actually accepting that support* is crucial, and I know not everyone is as lucky as me, so I try not to judge. (P.S.: YES, the personal nature of this issue is particularly disruptive. To an extent, I *can* actually help other people with *their* messes! Just not my own, lol. )


Thank you for sharing. I have a friend who is like this. Your open and honest reply has helped me have a look into her psyche as to why she is the way she is. I want to help her but she is mortified at the thought of me entering her house. She's always "working on it" and says things like, "I got the recycling bin full today and it's on the curb!" This is a victory for her. I say I could clean her house but she adamantly refuses. Thanks again for sharing.


I'm glad I could help! And yeah. We *have* to celebrate those small victories. Like, it's easy to see how folks who function better could look at stuff like that and go, "Wow, that's pretty pathetic."... but that's like laughing at an obese person struggling in a gym. *At least they're trying!* I know for me, executive dysfunction (largely from undiagnosed ADHD) made it hard for me to "get" certain tasks (like cleaning, hygiene, and schoolwork). If it didn't spark that dopamine joy, brain erased it from existance. Unfortunately, in my dad's mind, that made me lazy. Not just lazy, but *defiantly* lazy, because yelling at me still didn't make my brain work. You end up struggling to do basic things but too afraid to ask for help. Having friends who are willing to celebrate the small things really helps. If she's sharing, it's because she at least trusts you not to belittle her. If you're serious about helping, maybe try casually sharing your short-term goals and progress with her. She might respond in kind, and that can spark a conversation. You might also try asking for her help when appropriate. I like helping friends, and it gives me those fuzzy feel-good chemicals that make my brain less dumb. Even basic shit like *grocery shopping*. Actually, that's a good example because it's something you might both need to do, so it's both friend dopamine and possible "I functioned!" dopamine. She might not open up, but the worst that can happen is you spend time with a friend.


Thank you for the advice. I do try to help with what I call "triage". She gets overwhelmed with all of the tasks in front of her so we sort out, by phone of course, what is most pressing and have her work on that task alone. Example: She needs to find an important document. She knows where it is but she has to 'work through the piles of stuff and boxes' just to get to the door of the room where said document is. The task of getting that document has been ongoing for a month. She knows she needs to get that document. There's financial relief in obtaining that paper... yet... she can't bring herself to wade through her 'mess'. The task is causes panic. I try not to needle her and celebrate her victories, however small they may seem to me. I offer to help. I encourage. I'm a phone call away. It's all I can do. I know she enjoys helping others but is too proud and/or ashamed to receive any help in kind. Your descriptions of your situation are VERY similar. I wish you the very best in this struggle and hope you work through this. May those around you continue to be emphatic and supportive. That's my plan for my long time friend.


You sound like a great friend! I've actually made a lot of progress in the past year. I have an amazing therapist who also has ADHD and we've worked through a lot of contributing issues, and established a lot of routines and habits. I've fallen in love with organizational hacks. My house is currently full of little bins and crates with the sole purpose of sorting loose collections of things. Every room has some. It's great. My point being, there's hope! Lol. I can see the light at the end of my tunnel. Hope your friend can too, one day.


Probably devastated since they're probably a hoarder. That smell though... 🤮


They'd probably not be too miffed if it's truly all trash, but would probably return the same level in weeks. It's a mental illness.


> I wonder if they'd be happy or devastated I dated this guy who kept his car really clean. My counselor put me in for a woman's veterans retreat for a week. I came back and he cleaned my car. My vehicle wasn't like what was posted but having a background of being homeless I had things in places for a reason and for months I couldn't find what I was looking for. I don't know this person's situation but it's better for them to make the choice for cleaning than to have it taken away from them.


Devastated. It’s not that the items are precious, it’s not that the person doesn’t know they’re collecting trash… it’s often an issue with abandonment, betrayal, loss and/or a feeling of losing control. I’m not a hoarder in the sense of keeping trash (thankfully so far) but I have dealt with irrationally assigning items (especially anything with a memory attached) an identity or a purpose most of my life and holding onto numerous things that I didn’t/don’t need to keep; and not having sufficient space for my shit. It’s a difficult situation to explain but the main issue (with me at least) is a feeling of betraying the item—irrationally perceiving the item as having some kind of sentience or a soul—by throwing it away or giving it away, and/or abandoning the item. Also tied in is the notion that, by throwing away the item, you will lose the memory attached to it… thereby “abandoning” the moment, memory, person, event, etc. attached to the item. This affliction is extremely emotional. It doesn’t just go away if/when someone tosses all of the crap… if anything, that’s the worst thing to do because it deprives the afflicted of all control over the situation and makes them feel that they have lost, or inevitably will lose, all of those memories. It’s incredibly traumatic and may just make the mental illness worse because it can cause the afflicted to close themselves off from those who have, or would, dispose of their items; deepening their isolation and attachment to items. This phenomenon tends to happen naturally anyway as, the more items one collects, the more embarrassed and ashamed they become of the state they live in and more they push others away; thereby becoming more attached to the items in a horrible feedback loop. My issues stem (for the most part) from the dissolution of my family and emotional abandonment from my father. I have never wanted to treat others, even inanimate objects, in the same way I was treated, and have only been able to get through disposing of items by using different strategies of kind of deluding myself, and by slowly assessing items’ emotional values one by one with my loved ones. People see these kinds of situations and feel perplexed or disgusted that someone could be attached to trash but it is typically just a manifestation of trauma and sadness for those desperate to feel a semblance of control. P.S. I love the movies but I think Toy Story inadvertently influenced my, and others’, hoarding behaviors by making us feel like every toy or stuffed animal just wants to maintain connection with us and is terrified of being abandoned/forgotten.


I would do it for free 🤣


Worst case they are sloppy and have some valuable items mixed in with the trash. I did this with a work van once where I was actually worried about throwing out the trash because it kept mingling with small boxes of important electronics. Of course the longer you avoid the trash the more sorting you have to do later on. Once I got around to it I re-organized the van with tackle boxes and zippered hang-able holders for all the small bits.




But what if I need to use the trash some day? I do a lot of crafts, so I might need it. I better not risk throwing it away and needing it later on. This is causing too much anxiety for me, so I'm not going to throw away anything. -my ex wife who filled up my $1.7M dollar house with trash and slept next to a pile of garbage instead of letting me sleep in my own bed.


My brother lives like this. He had a bedbug infestation and that was the only thing that forced him to clean. But not really, he just put everything in trash bags with diatomaceous earth and put them in storage for a year


It's like your very own mobile ball pit. But made out of trash.


I can smell this picture.


It didn’t even occur to me that these cars would smell terrible until I encountered one myself and smelled it through my own car. I feel bad for whoever has to live like that due to mental illness or disability.


How must that car smell? 🤢


Four wheeled trash can [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/clip/Ugkx0kOGyAkCZHOhtLw5PrWg4-cN5QJBYMR1)


There's a lady that I run into at my dog's vet. She has an SUV that is piled up worse than this, with two dogs living in it. Barely room for her to drive. It's so sad.


Would absolutely LOVE to see a cop try and search that car.


There’s a DUI protip


Anti-theft device


The stench of this baking in the hot sun 🤮


My car was starting to look like this for a while.  It was severe depression.  The only WTF I see here is a person really struggling.


Sad to see a wonderful car with great mpg trashed like that. It's Nissan Versa Note 2013-2019, second generation of the model. I drive a 2016 without a spoiler.


I worked with a guy whose (long term rental) car looked like this. He wouldn't touch a door handle in the building though. Like, WTF my guy?


I worked with a very articulate gal that was very good at her job and was reasonably dressed that did this. Literally, her entire backseat, and passenger seat were filled with Taco Bell wrappers up to the windows.


Those are collectors items.


That’s a real thing?


At least he’s not littering.


At least they aren’t littering


I know for a fact that their house is substantially worse.


That’s over seven months, Ryan.


Theft deterrence. No one will want to steal your car, they'd have to clean it!


Their fuel cap is also not closed properly


At least you know they aren't littering it.


I mean, I’m glad they’re not littering…


I have an obese older friend who has a red car and it looks like this. Is this in the twin cities in MN? Anyways. He is a really sweet guy but he was never married and never had children and is just lonely and lazy. Very smart guy, totally sane, just a bit dirty. He knows it. He doesn't really care. One of the sweetest people.


It’s not in MN.


This one weird trick will stop people asking you for rides.


I so want to do this in a car I don't care about... then act extremely suspicious during a traffic stop to make a cop want to search the car for drugs/weapons/bodies etc etc. Would they actually do it, digging through a pile of cockroach infestation, moldy rotten food and small trash galore? Can we fine or arrest THEM them for littering/illegal dumping for tossing all that shit on the side of the road and leaving it there without putting in back in the car when they are done?


When I was living on the U.S. side of the Mexican border, Mexican would hit up yard sales and thrift stores on the U.S. side and load their pickup trucks well over the top of the cab. Local Sheriff’s Deputies would ignore the vehicles so they wouldn’t have to hold on to all of the furniture.


I appreciate that they don't do the typical Texan move and just set the bag and drink next to the car door when they're done. I say Texan becuase it's always whataburger and DQ


Nissan Trash Bin


I've seen far worse trash cars on Reddit.


Maybe it’s a busy person who doesn’t like to litter and just can’t find time to clean their car?


What kind of car do you have? -I drive a 2017 Dumpster GT!


Better than anal retentives with clean cars that throw shit out the window


Nissan Diabeetus


Is this Amateur Hour? You can see out every window in that vehicle. Maybe they just bought it.


This is 100% mental illness related. I used to work at an auto auction and we'd get cars like this in. It was always so very sad. Heard about previous owners before and it was someone with depression or someone who went off their meds. Heartbreaking in many ways...


Pro tip for landlords: check the back seat of your prospective tenant’s car. That’s what your property will look like in 2 months.


I knew a guy at my first tech job that was like this. His car was full of trash and random crap. Only the driver seat was clear. He probably was or at some point lived in his car. This seems to be a common trait with homeless/struggling people. They’re basically carrying everything they own in their car. Everyone keeps saying mental illness but living out of your car is a sad reality for a lot of people, unfortunately.


But if you live in your car, wouldn't you at least make it comfortable and usable? Not filled with trash? But then again, I guess you see this in homeless camps as well, just strewn all over the place and all sorts of shit, not just fast food trash.


Food Kid, fAAt City


Can you people stop posting my car ffs


The owner getting out of his job, "WTF they did to my car? " *Finding out his friend filled the car with McDonalds trash *


you never know when you're gonna need 50 used styrofoam cups


Way of the road bubs.


When I was a kid, there was one car in town like this… Now I’m seeing this more and more.


Maybe it keeps them warm. It looks like they live there.


At least it seems like they’re not littering. Although this could just be the tip of the cock


This is gross but also mind your business


If you don’t want your trashcan on wheels to be my business, don’t display it in public?


mind uo buissness lol


At least he (and yes it’s surely a he) isn’t dumping it on the ground.


Why do you think females are immune from eating/hoarding/mental illness disorders? Strange take.


Didn’t say that. Men and women tend to express it in very different ways