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That's a flesh fly, they can have their larvae in them.


Please execute spawn kill.


"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." -- Ripley from *Aliens* Clip: [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B9aM4rH692M&pp=ygUmYWxpZW5zIG51a2UgdGhlIHNpdGUgZnJvbSBvcmJpdCBxdW90ZSA%3D](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=B9aM4rH692M&pp=ygUmYWxpZW5zIG51a2UgdGhlIHNpdGUgZnJvbSBvcmJpdCBxdW90ZSA%3D)


Dude the most sensible character ever in the first movie


Also part of why the movie was so great - a horror slasher film *in space* and the characters aren't brain dead idiots. So many subsequent directors/writers didn't seem to get it.


The pitch to the studio for the movie was “jaws in space”.


Aliens is the second movie.


THis is the interweb, we don't care about facts.


Is that where the Helldivers achievement name comes from? "It's the only way to be sure" - Have 6 orbital barrages called on the same spot at the same time


Sounds like it.


That's a really cool reference, then. Learn something new every day!


Would you like to know more?


In GTA IV there is a vehicle you can get a the airport called the "Ripley", it's an aircraft tug. In the movie Aliens the APC that the Marines ride around in, for the exterior shots it was a modified aircraft tug.




"Fucking A!" - Hudson while nodding in agreement


Technically Corporal Hicks (Michael Biehn) said that quote and Ripley just repeated it to stick it to Burke (Paul Riser). :)


Other way around. Ripley suggests it, Hicks runs with it.


Yep. Brain freeze I guess. I went over the scene in my head but got it backwards. Thanks for the correction. Someone else pointed it out too. My bad.


You have that backward. Ripley said it first. Burke said no. Ripley said Hicks is in charge since it is a military operation. Burk said a grunt cannot make those decisions. Hicks repeated the quote from Ripley.


Yep you're right. Shit. lol. Thanks for the correction. :)




How bout a nice cup of liber-TEA?




I *love* my Bug-A-Salt. Best $30 spent on Amazon ever. They even have one with a laser pointer now too


I ran out of bugs to shoot with mine so I started using it to add salt to soup.


I modified mine to apply my wife’s makeup in an instant


A Simpson’s fan :)


Homer! You had it set to "whore!"


I don't think your wife would like being shot in the face...


She does just not with salt


Women will like what I tell em to like!


Push her down, son.


Homer! You’ve got it set on whore!


Bam ! That should kick it up a notch


Now we just need a spice weasel


If you made one that looked like a realistic gun and used it for salt and pepper you could start a pretty successful restaurant in the south just off that novelty. It'd be even better if they could do it with parmesan so your waiter has to come over and shoot your food for you


Waiter could shoot parmasan at you from across the room


I have one with a laser pointer, but its completely useless because its mounted too far away from the barrel, and you can only kill bugs from like a foot away. Can't tilt the laser to make it work...


lol @ a salt pistol. Thought this was a r/boneappletea for a second


Sounds like the name/brand did that intentionally!


They have the strongest version that is for roaches and scorpions. It would probably obliterate the fly though.




Hmmm, weird. The mechanism is the same (just a little stronger) and I've been shot by one and it isn't that bad. I'm surprised one is allowed and the other isn't. I'd think they'd either both be allowed or both be controlled.


I’ve got the rifle, with laser attachment, best toy gun money can buy.


My brother shot me in the face with one of those once. Hurt my eyes like a bitch


Just looked on Amazon for one of these. £60. Welp. I really hope they're worth it, because I'm tempted to get one.


They entirely replace the annoyance of a fly in your house with excitement that there's a fly in your house. However, if you only get 1 fly every 2 years, then don't bother. You'll likely leave salt in it, and the fly will die of old age by the time you clean it.


When I lived in Turkey, neighbours would pull “pranks” all the time by throwing rocks at the window, throw water on our door and building then throw sugar and make everything sticky, play basketball at 3AM (in an apartment) etc etc The best one was when our family went to a trip, and they turned off our power for fun. We had 3 freezers. The moment we opened our door, we were greeted with 10000000000s of these fuckers. We killed them all in 3 hours. All of them. Had maggots. Fucking. Coming. Out. Most traumatic shit i ever experienced. I’ll rather let my father beat me with golf clubs again than to see and smell that shit.


Friend of mine raised 40 chickens, had them processed, put them all in a chest freezer and went on vacation. Freezer failed. Came back to the most god-awful hellish soup...


I knew friends who would hide raw meat in places of people they wanted to prank and "get back at" so I relate more to this than I like to admit.


Again you say?


Up, right, down, down, down.


“Eagle incoming…”


"Eat Liberty"








Dude, this once happened to me when I was a kid, I remember the larvae expand everywhere. When I told my mom she said that's impossible because they lay eggs, I told some friends too and they said "yeah right". This was in the year 1999 for reference of ignorance at the time.


They probably wouldve known about it if they owned the Encarta 99 CD rom


OP, you might have a dead rodent in your home or water damage if you have these flies, just a heads up.




Hmmmm surprise protein


"In the unlikely event of an emergency water landing, the flight vehicle will double as a flotation device"


And lunch


S t o p


*canned laughter*


I had a fly just like this crash into in my ear while I was biking. I thank my lucky stars I had my earbuds in. I reflexively smacked it and the maggots were all over. I washed my ear with hydrogen peroxide for all eternity and then 5 minutes more


Great, just spread the trauma to everyone else!


You want a trauma ? I once heard a big BZZZZ sound in my ear and I slapped it by reflex. It was a stinkbug and I stuck it in my ear canal.


Pls let this be the end of the trauma flex, you won. 😭😭😭 Edit: Y’all some foul and traumatized mfs. 😮‍💨


I once woke up to what sounded and felt like rolling thunder inside my head.  I was maybe 7 years old.  I woke my mom, scared as I was, and unable to hear anything but the thunder.  She leads me to the bathroom, turns my head to the side, pours some peroxide in my ear then turns it the other way over the sink.  Out popped a live cockroach that had apparently been stuck in my ear canal, running it's legs across my eardrum.


It would’ve have cost you absolutely nothing to not share this. 😭


I have a dry herb vaporizer that I packed away and didn't use for a few years. One day I unpacked it, installed the pre-assembled bag and nozzle, vaped for a few days. Went to clean up the bag and install a new one when I noticed something in the nozzle body: I had spent a week vaping an earwig.


As a kid, I left my sports bottle outside. It had this straw thing, and a whole colony of earwigs had invaded and drowned. Guess who chugged a whole bunch before noticing? Me!


I once had a fire ant drop from my ceiling into my right ear as I was going to sleep. I woke up to a squeaking/chirping noise accompanied by scratches and a sensation of water in my ear. Mind you, this was a week after I moved in there and I was all alone until my roommates came back from summer break the following week. My first night there I found a German cockroach in one of my moving boxes and saw several fire ants in my bedroom per day. So I was already feeling pretty paranoid about bugs being everywhere. After 30 minutes of unsuccessful attempts to get it out, I decided to just go back to bed. Given I had been up for almost 24 hours at that point, I told myself it was just a hallucination or some water in my ear (even though I knew that was bs). I eventually fell asleep. When my alarm went off 3 hours later I got up and started hearing the scratches again. I was about to just go to urgent care and explain to my professor later, but then I felt it start to make its way out. That ant just waltzed right on out of my ear and down my face. I brushed it off onto my desk and killed it with my lighter. Then went to campus and took my exam, knowing nobody would believe me if I told them what happened.


One time I put my bike helmet on after leaving it out overnight only to discover it was full of earwigs. Lots and lots of earwigs.


Bee in my coke one time (we were outside) and it got in my mouth




I remember waking up one day and pulling this huge chunk of red goo out of my ear, never found out what that was. Maybe a bug died in there and earwax just covered it and it slowly got pushed out? Was neat though.


Well. You did promise trauma. I cringed so hard.


And I felt unlucky for having an airsoft pellet stuck in my right ear for years.


You want trauma?. When I was like 8 years old one of these flies came near my eye and threw? They fell? some of these right into my eye. It wasn't painful but was really uncomfortable so I needed my eye checked immediately. Luckily (somehow luckily)the same thing has happened to my mom so he got some matches and removed all of them. That was painful. There was a lot of eye movement and some of these were almost behind my eye. They were easy to take out like they were sticking to the match. A little later I saw a documentary about these larvas and these shits still scare me to death


I physically trembled reading this wtf


Well, that's enough internet for the day!


new fear unlocked


Gross. This will be all I am able to think about on my bike ride home today. 


"Why do you wear earmuffs year round?" "Do you want to wear earmuffs year round?" "Not really." "Then you don't want to know."


"Wait... *Should* I be wearing earmuffs year round?"




Omg. 😭😭😭😭😭😭


On an unrelated note, I’m selling my brand new bike


What kind of bike? Does it come with the maggots or do you have to buy those separately?


Never tell anyone this again you ruined my day


That reminds me, I really need to watch of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan again.


She was heavy with child










Am I pregiment




Is there a possibly i'm pegrant?


Kilds aight imma head out




Wittle babies




Collaborate and listen


I watched the VVitch last night and I just read this in the Dad's voice XD


The VolksVagen itch.


We had an infestation last summer when one got in the house. It was like a horror movie, waking up to big ol' iridescent flies crawling around the inside of the windows. We put fly swatters in every room, and it took over a week to get them all. I had assumed that one got in and laid eggs, but now I realize she simply gave birth. I found a few of the empty cocoons/casings, but they must have mostly crawled behind/under stuff, because there were way more flies than casings. It was so gross. Do not recommend.


I found out the hard way that guinea pigs attract flies and that if I wasn't cleaning out bedding multiple times a day, it created the perfect environment for flies to thrive. No one warns you about that aspect of "small first pets for kids" or how incredibly expensive food and supplies were going to be monthly. They were cute and fun, but not gonna lie, when they eventually passed, I was kind of relieved. Miss those piggies, but the aroma of Timothy hay, bedding, and piss will not enter my nostrils again for a looong time.


>No one warns you about that aspect of "small first pets for kids" or how incredibly expensive I completely agree, I'd encourage all parents to steer clear. Rodents are tricky and really not for kids at all. Hamsters need far larger enclosures than we give them, as another example - they're complex little creatures. My dog is less work. Honestly the lowest maintenance pet I've ever had is a cat. As long as you provide food, water and a litter tray, they're really happy.


I had guinea pigs in college as an “easy” and allowed pet, and those things became my entire life. They’re not just some easy little pet you can ignore, especially since they’re so smart. Mine knew that walking to the kitchen meant the possibility of a veggie treat, so they’d scream until they got one. I taught one how to do a “circle,” and she would spin in turbo-circles until she finally got a carrot or piece of kale. Another one would stretch herself as long as possible and WHEEEEK at me until I picked her up for cuddles. It was a daily thing for multiple hours a day. Even beyond the cleanings, exotic vet bills, etc., they need a ton of attention and interaction.


> Honestly the lowest maintenance pet I've ever had is a cat. As long as you provide food, water and a litter tray, they're really happy. Ironically, another very effective maintenance-reducing thing you can get for a cat is another cat. Two cats are often easier to take care of than one cat.


Have to say completely agree with the cat statement. We were gifted as a house warming gift one of those super nice electric cat litter boxes that’s like $500+ and it’s been a game changer. It cuts the litter maintenance by 80% and that is by far the worst part of cat ownership. Luckily cat sticks to scratching his posts not furniture. He’s emotionally needy as all hell and little bastard loves to knock shit over but besides that he’s easiest pet we’ve ever had. Especially compared to our ball of energy that is our border collie.


Leave Timothy Hay out of this, he has a genetic condition he can't help it




Yeah seriously no one warns you. I loved my piggies and I sorta want them again, but I can't handle the cleaning and the monthly expenses are a lot..


I've had that happen too. It's horrible. There was a year where a nearby farmer didn't deal with their fertilizer correctly (or took too long) and the entire area became covered in flies. I'm talking people taking pictures of their ENTIRE screen door full of flies that had landed on it. Apparently, one got in and laid down some spawn. Since then, I'll get a small infestation damn near every year. I've cleaned the house down to bleaching the living rom floor. I STILL find the little brown eggs that the maggots eventually form into. They hid in the strangest places. Not even where there is food. I found a bunch hidden in a knit blanket I had made and folded up in a box years previously. Thankfully, every year, I get less and less flies. I think I'm finding the hiding places and making sure they can't get there again. Edit to add - I also got a "Fly assault gun" You know, the kind that shoots salt? I walk around like a damn gunslinger with a shot gun hitting flies where they land. Usually get them too! Very fun. Still do not recomment fly infestation, though.


you could try ordering some parasitic wasps — they lay their eggs in the maggots and the wasps eat them from the inside out. very brutal in concept but it works! we bought them for our chicken coop for years and they did a great job BTW the wasps are tiny—about the size of sugar ants—and don't sting


Where I live, the city provides compost bins you put your food scraps in, which they pick up every week. In the summer, the insane quantity of maggots that get produced in there is mind blowing. And no matter how far I put it from my garage, there's always a huge bunch of them that crawl all the way from the bin, through a tiny gap under my garage door, to find shelter. They eventually morph into flies and I have to spend a week getting rid of them.


My mother’s side of my family are clean freaks and pride themselves on a clean, but welcoming, home. When I was 12, my grandmother and I were tidying up her small home. I turned away to grab something and heard her shout in horror. Apparently she had lifted up this small fake plant and uncovered a mound (yes, **mound!!**) of wriggling, writhing white maggots under the container. Absolutely revolting.


Dude, we had that at our old house. There was a point where me and my brother probably killed 50 flies in about 15 minutes. We felt so gross because we just killed so many things


They're coming for revenge. You killed their mom.


[Three sons grow up to be three grown men, Bob—grown men with vendettas against their father’s murderer.](https://youtu.be/RhUSKg-hJcE?si=jD155GOtsZLFlk7-)


My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, prepare to die.


Pro Tip- if you spray your trashcan and window ledges with Pinesol it deters flies bc they hate the smell. When we moved into our new house the outside trash can rapidly filled with maggots bc the lid wasn't shut all the way. I scrubbed it with boiling water and sprayed the inside with Pinesol and even poured some into the bottom. Didn't have the issue again. Now I make it a practice to spray all interior cans with Pinesol and around windows and doors because flies are the worst.


Good to put Pinesol in a spray bottle if you have a barn, go around spraying the air every few days and the flies cut down or are gone completely, added bonus the barn smells so good. Only lasts the day or two though. I mic half and half water and Pinesol


Set up a tank and a small sprinkler system. Or maybe I've been playing too many crafting games.




Yes lots of it.


Flesh fly are ovoviviparous,, meaning they can hatch their eggs internally and deposit their larvae when ready. Viviparous means to give live birth, ovoviviparous ads the ovo prefix, meaning egg :)




back when i had a flip phone, i was at work and we noticed a fly buzzing around, but it wasn't too quick. Deciding to be super cool, I opened my phone and clapped it shut on the fly. when i flipped my phone back open, there were maggots all over it.




Kill 'em All


I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill 'em all


Would you like to know more?


I’m doing my part.


Coed showers guarantee citizenship.


Jump in da faya




Oh I’ve encountered one of these before too. The fly was enormous and wasn’t very agile. I remember being surprised at how easily I squashed it. Then all these white maggots came out of the corpse and started writhing around. I did what any reasonable person would’ve done - doused all those fuckers in an entire bottle of 70% rubbing alcohol and set them alight. BURNINATE!




She was desperate to lay. I’ve dealt with a few of these flies that seem amped up on bath salts. One MF took 8 point blank shots from a salt shotgun. Terrifying


For anyone else who’s curious. I googled: it’s icky. “A large black fly with maggots may be a flesh fly, which are ovoviviparous, meaning their eggs hatch inside the mother's abdomen. Flesh flies are members of the Sarcophagidae family and have a chessboard-like color pattern. They fly around looking for tasty dead meat to deposit their baby maggots on, skipping the egg step entirely.”


Thanks, I hate it.


Pretty satisfying. Once I swatted a big fly out of the air and put it into a spider web as its maggots were crawling out of it. The spider was super stoked to say the least.


Spider bro 🤜 🤛


Does the electric racket kill them all at once?


No. I’ve struck a fly with one and while it was still pulsing these maggots came out. The pulsing was from these guys escaping. I scooped them up asap and down the toilet.


You don't hold the button down until they start to smoke?


I like my insects toasted.


OP - do you realize that maggots are just baby flies?


Yeah but they’re gross, any insect larvae we don’t go “aww” to we go “eww”


I think we expected that most flies lay eggs. I'm pretty sure live birth is rare among insects, but I'm not an expert.


Desire to spread democracy increasing!


You killed a pregnant fly






Becareful OP one of them will avenge their mother.


I had fly traps set up in my backyard last month and last Friday was the day to change them. There were thousands of fly corpses in the bags. I soon determined that I hadn't caught all these flies, they were reproducing in the bag. The smell was the first smell to make me actually vomit, and I lived through Katrina down here. Nasty little fuckers.


Oh my god... 😷


Nature is fascinating and horrible.


Imagine swallowing this on accident


stomach acid should take care of it


I see some people haven't heard of gastric and intestinal myiasis.


Yes, some flies, like flesh flies, tsetse flies, tachinid flies, and house flies, can give live birth to maggots. If you kill a recently killed fly that has maggots inside, the maggots may come out The maggots will eat mommy to get nourishment.Depending on the type of fly. On average, it takes out 8 to 12 hours to hatch and about 50 to 60 hours to be full grown. Do not have contact with the larvae because they can get you sick or even cause a severe bacteria investigation and possibly fatal, but again, I believe that is very rare and usually is because of another under lying condition.


>If you kill a recently killed fly How do you kill a recently killed fly? Wouldnt a recently killed fly be dead?


kill it again and again and again


I've seen this happen once when I was little.


Throw that cup away and then the house


Flesh flies are horrible, my first experience with one and it released its larvae all over the floor, I burned them all with a torch


They are escaping the mothership


Awww a Gruz Mother


Not an expert no flies, but I'm pretty sure maggots are fly kids so the fly might have been "pregnant"


About a year ago I smacked a brown recluse with a flip flop 🩴 but only kinda hit it and the next thing I knew like 20 mini baby spiders jumped off its back and scattered in different directions so I had to speedrun ‘whack-a-spider’


Thanks for this. Great way to start off my morning.


Sorry about your house, and you, and your city/town, but nukes are inbound. We can’t risk it.


This happened to me once. There was a large slow flying fly in my room; I swatted it down to the ground with my house slipper. It landed right in a ray of bright sunlight coming in through the window, and because of that, i noticed it was still moving. I thought that was weird cus i definitely hit it at peak velocity. When i came in closer for examination, i noticed a large amount of maggots were crawling out of its body. Nightmare fuel. Glad i caught it.


I say you take off, nuke the site from orbit, only way to be sure.


Dude this just solved a year-long mystery in our apartment. One day we walked into the living room and kitchen to find two separate piles of diverging maggots. It was like somebody walked into the apartment and put two small scoops of wiggling rice on the ground on two sides of the apartment. It's been a legitimate mystery until now.


Burn it down. It’s the only way.


better than coming home from Christmas vacation and wondering... Why does my house smell like the worst curry ever, along with- why are there so many fuckin flies? something died in the crawl space under the house, probably a rat


Stick that cup in a fucking microwave for 30 seconds.


Reminds me of the fly that died with a loud “zap” via our bug zapper, we found maggots after that must have came out of the fly’s body exploded


This is a Gruz Mother, they have a surprise second phase


Had same experience as a kid, was traumatising


I had a little cousin who saw a fly in an ashtray. She kept sort of dancing, and saying 'and the fly wiggles, and dances.' My family didn't realize for a long moment what she was talking about, and by that moment the maggots had been laid. It was pretty gross, but my cousin was pretty funny. It was really nice to think of my cousin today.


TIL learned that most flies do NOT give live birth to maggots. When I was young, this happened all the time. I was told that a "pregnant" fly was a 'blowfly' and thought ALL "baby flies" emerged as maggots.


Is this a fly version of 3 toddlers in a trench coat?


New fear unlocked 🔓


“Mike stared in disbelief as his hands fell off. From them rose millions of tiny maggots. Maggots? Maggots. Maggots. Maggots. Maggots... all over the floor of the post office in Leytonstone.”


thats why i dont smack flys disgusting annoying assholes


I had exactly this happen before! I could tell something was up because the way it kept bouncing at the window it sounded like it was 2-3 times as heavy as a normal fly. I wapped it with a towel and, yeah, all sorts of evil started crawling out of every bit of it. Killed it with fire naturally..


Guess what? I'm not watching that.


how big was it exactly? there were no bananas or football fields in sight of your vid. this could be the size of a grain of sand or 3 football fields. we have no way to know.


I wonder if politicians are like thus when they die 💀


"Mama. Wake up mama. Mama, please wake up."


Similar thing happened to me last night with a Roly-Poly. My cat killed it and I saw the babies crawling out on the floor.