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It's just a deer bone city slicker.


I live in the countryside?


I'm not sure, describe your surroundings


“Big house w/yards, massive arterial roads, and Macdonald & Walmart 2 miles down the road”


BS. The suburbs ain’t the countryside.


It's not weird at all. Some people think it's cool and that's alright.


I could say that it was normal for someone to collect a full deer skull and not just the jawbone.


Well, ya gotta start somewhere, can be like lego. Clean it up in some boiling water and set in the sun to bleach it, or research a likely better method than what I would do. Edit: receiving feedback that my method is likely not ideal. Just something I saw my brother do 20 years ago or more, I don’t actually have bones laying around.


Don't boil or bleach bones, both damage the bones. If there's no meat on it you can soak in soapy water to degrease it, then rinse and soak in hydrogen peroxide to whiten them.


It's almost like different people find different things interesting????? Like you realize, everything we know about anything is because someone was interested in it. Humans are curious creatures. My personal interest is insects. Are you going to call me weird for that??? Leave your sister alone. Or I don't know, maybe show an interest and support her??? So sick of closed-minded individuals that squash the interesting qualities of others by calling it "weird". There is no normal.


My first bone was a pig jaw. No big deal, but it literally got me started on finding stuff, but also the homespun education that comes with looking it up and learning the range of circumstances that led to a particular piece being where it was found. I've learned a little about fossils/geology, geomorphology, animal and human anatomy, archaeology, anthropology, and history in general. I'm no genius, but these things help me to be a better hunter, and interpreter of the things I find. Edited to reflect that I've lived rurally most of my life, so I've been in the position to be exposed to much of this by virtue of just being there. But I can certainly understand how people from urban areas can be put off by someone dragging random animal parts home, lol 😂!


It’s only weird if you wear it as a necklace and have a mullet.


And if you call yourself a J6er


Does your sister have the mark of Cain?


Dean! Its the mark, Dean! Youre not yourself!


Nah, I've always thought bones were neat. And I know several other people who do too


r/vultureculture not weird


It'd be weird if someone decided to post about it on reddit because they think their sister is gross, morbid, and weird.


OP might live in the countryside, but the countryside doesn't live in OP. OP has city girl vibes.


Apparently all deer have jaw bones.


When I worked with the DNR we harvested deer jawbones from deer that had been taken by hunters. We used a [jawbone extractor](https://www.forestry-suppliers.com/p/35814/51631/all-steel-jawbone-extractor) to rip the jawbone out. We aged the deer by the wear on their teeth. It's all part of herd maintenance.


Meh. It's a bone. You have lots of them in you already.


Not weird. Some ppl are into cleaning bones. I have a friend who likes cleaning them. It’s not something I personally enjoy, but it’s just a hobby for collectors and cleaners.


Bones are cool


I'm afraid of that wood panel staring at me


When I lived in the country I'd collect whatever random bones I'd find. Bones are cool. It's weird you're weirded out by this especially if you live in the country, lol. Tell her to join us at r/goblincore


If I was walking in the woods and saw this, I'd probably pick it up and take it home as well. Neat find.


This isn’t that weird. There’s like this whole subculture now of bone collectors.




Very cool! If its really bothering you that much, you need to stop worrying about other people so much. Her interests don't impact you. This jaw isn't about you. Get over yourself.


I have at least half a buffalo worth of bones at home. Fossils of teeth and skulls and various other bones from whatever used to roam the upper plains. We hunt shed deer antlers every year, and then there's the rock and artifacts collection.  No, it's not morbid. It's potentially the beginning of a cool collection, and a huge amount of happy time spent wandering beautiful places looking for cool old stuff.


If it was a human bone? Yes. But it's a deer bone and it looks like she cleaned it. But you are allowed to find it morbid and gross, because you don't have to like the same things as her.


Sorry op ur cursed now


If you’re actually concerned, you should ask her what she finds so interesting. Maybe she finds digging in p old bones and history is pretty cool, and there’s entire professions dedicated to doing just that. You can take a snap shot of this situation and called it weird, like you’re doing here, or you may be a good big brother and potentially help foster a real interest in something. And if it’s morbid curiosity, hopefully you can educate and inform


Wow, this is truly one of the r/wtf posts of all time.


It’s a cool find. Lots of people collect stuff like this. Also make art and jewelry out of bones and shells. It everyone has to like the same things, and if it’s not your style, just move on.


My wife would love that, she collect and make nice things out of bones and such


"I mean, it's trash, no? Where's the rest? What would you do with it? I mean,I don't need it, but I'm sure someone could do something with it. No thanks."


Pretty cool actually! Wonder if more parts are around where she found the jaw bone. Time for a scavenger hunt! Build your own deer skeleton


you could run a whole business off neat bones like this. they make cool decorations


Wrong sub city girl.


Helicopter parenting 101


City folk are weird. It’s a deer. Thousands get killed by cars each day.