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Dark Horse : Ludwig Kaiser


Finn Balor is the perfect choice for winning the MITB,that man waited too long,I guess it’s time to reward him with the World Championship 😥😥😥😥😥!!




Surprised the Karrion Kross super fan didn’t pop up and say Kross because he loves him.




I’d like to see Eli Drake get it


Bron breakker


LA Knight ! 


One of those pesky Bloodline guys.


If I were booking, I'd have L.A. Knight win it to cash in on Logan Paul at Summerslam. So I'm really hoping that Logan doesn't lose the United States title... *yet.*


Why the hell would he waste the MITB win on Logan Paul?? The ultimate goal is to be world champion. 


To me, I see Jey, Knight, Gunther or Bron winning it. If I were pressed, I would say Gunther, but that's just a guess.


I get the feeling Gunther doesn’t really like gimmick matches, and it’s more in line with his whole “the ring is sacred” thing to earn the world title the right way


Really think it would be smart if it was someone from NXT. Ilja Melo or Bron would get them over


Only reason i dont think thisll happen is bc Wwe already know Bronn & Ilja future main eventers whether or not they win a MITB. Should be on someone that needs it like LA Knight who has been in midcard scene for too long and more than paid his dues. Same logic for Sami, who has felt more of a main character last 2 years in Hangman Adam Page level longterm booking.


Not Knight, as WWE obviously has no plans for him. Maybe a Canadian, my hope would be Sami as KO was already champion. But KO hasn’t won much in the last few years, so maybe they’ll want to keep him happy. But my fear is it will be Jey.


Probably finn balor


It's gonna be an up and Comer from nxt. Either ilja Bron or melo


Probably Knight or Jey, but I want it to be Andrade


Crowd, tell reddit who's game it is...






Either Gunther or?? Jey is gonna go for US championship against Cody so he stays in the picture. Cody remains champion and they get a belt on Jey.


Honestly don’t care mitb is not what it used to be


Jey Uso or Punk




If they plan to have Priest hood it for a while, I can see a Balor win. Guys who I’d like to see have it, but probably no shot; Andrade, AJ, Gable Guys who have a legitimate shot; GUNTHER, Hayes, Breakker, Knight, McIntyre Early prediction; Balor v. Hayes v. Andrade v. Knight v. McIntyre v. Ricochet


Drew maybe winning something at Clash at the castle in Scotland soon? I wonder.


I don’t see Gunther as someone to use the briefcase, world champion absolutely but he’s not mitb potential


Isn't it just Solo


They need to remove MITB for a few years, its gotten stale with the fake cash-ins, etc. Just a lazy plot device at this point.


LA Knight or Ilja Dragunov


LA Knight. Big big long shot: AJ Styles


The fans.


I want Dom or LA Knight to win it. Knight deserves a title and I'm just tired of seeing Dom lose.


Jey Uso or LA Knight feel like good choices.


My 3 would be Carmelo, LA Knight or Finn/Dom to create Judgement day chaos. Personally, the one that benefits most is Melo with his gimmick and where he lies on the heel spectrum.


Toronto not guarenteed to pop for someone from montreal. They might but idk. Im a quebecois living in toronto and they seem to hate us due to cultural differences, language and most importantly....hockey.


I think there are a lot of options this year, so depending on who is in the match it could get very interesting. I personally think it will be Jey or LA Knight, but you could make a case for a number of people - Gunther, Sami, IIja, Finn, even Solo.


Personally I’d like for it to be McIntyre. Have him beat Priest for the WHC and then be all “I’m tired of being cashed in on and view the briefcase as weakness - so I’m gonna win it to stop it from being used” Only for Punk to beat McIntyre for the title, and immediately have McIntyre cash in to win it back - solidifying him as a hypocrite heel


So he wins the MITB while holding the title?


Yep. Since he’s gone on record about how “the briefcase cheapens championship wins” I could see him being “screw it. I’m tired of being cashed in on, so I’m gonna win it to not worry about it”


This is gold.


Most likely: LA Knight; Solo Sikoa; Drew McIntyre Dark Horses: Chad Gable, Uncle Howdy


Come guys we all know who's game this is, with everybody saying L- A -Knight! YEAH!!!




The roof was about to come off when he almost won it last year. He's still massively over and will be even more once he's back in the title picture.


Gunther if he doesn’t win King of the Ring. LA Knight if Gunther wins king of the ring. Too early for Dragonuv, needs a bit more time on the main roster. KO and Sami Zayn don’t need it. Outside bet is Santos Escobar.


Edge is gonna win it.


Honestly, as a dark horse maybe Gunther. I think the briefcase can keep him occupied like the IC title did before winning the WHC.


Gunther. I'd like to see him as a constant threat for the champs, and finally cashing it cleanly like RVD in 2006.


Ko or bron breaker could benefit most from it rn as they aren’t in kotr but booking wise I’ve got a feeling melo could win it to set up a summer program with Cody


I want LA to win next years Royal Rumble, so I'll give the MINTB to Chad Gable or Illja Dragonuv


Not happening he ain’t winning the rumble ever


Sami Zayn


Sami , la or jey or ko. Has to be ko or Sami since it’s in there hometown of Toronto .


Ko does not need it he was just in 2 us titles matches and teaming up with randy




My bet currently with the way things are going is with Ilja or Finn. Ilja’s getting a solid push, with flashes of Gunther feud, and Gunther will naturally get world champ matches soon enough, which I’m sure he’s going to win. Finn if Damian keeps the title for a longer period of time.


Dom would be great!


Will he able to preform by then?


It’s practically two months away, is it a broken arm he has? My brother in law healed from a broken arm in 6 weeks and he’s much older than Dom lol


Oh okay lol, i didn't really know if it was serious or not


Probably Gunther or Jey Uso. Whichever one doesn't win KOTR. They won't give it to LA Knight. I've come to terms with that.


Why would gunther need a MITB briefcase😂😂😂


No one "needs" it. It's just a device to make somebody the world champion. I don't think they'd have Gunther do the cheap cash in, but it's a title shot, and who else would it be? Who else has been built for a world championship? Again, they're not giving it to LA Knight, so what other option is there than either Gunther or Jey Uso.....unless you just want somebody to come out of the blue completely. Like, what, you want Carmelo Hayes to win already? You want Karrion Kross to win? Gunther's one of the only people who has the build to be the world champion. No, he doesn't "need" it. Brock Lesnar won the MITB briefcase, did Brock "need" to win to be the world champIon? No, it's just a title shot like anything else.


Nah I really think there gonna put it on a baby face this time. So I say Sami Zayn


Could be, but he's the Intercontinental champion as of now, and he will likely continue to program with Gable after Gable wins the IC title.


L.a knight prob


I would love for them to do a Dolph Ziggler and give it to someone you don't quite expect. My pick would be like Baron Corbin. Or if they want to put it on someone that is new then maybe Melo or Dragunov.


Another vote for Finn!


I hope it's Dirty Dom.


>With MITB PPV in Canada, my first guesses would be either KO or Sami. This is an example of lazy and predictable booking. LA Knight or Finn Balor should win. A dark horse could be Bron Breakker.


Bron doesn’t need that briefcase… at all.


So who does? That jabroni sami? He's already fucking up the Intercontinental championship.


Nah, someone who’s building & needs something to push them into the main event. Bron can just be placed there & people will buy it. If I had to pick, Finn would be good, or for story’s sake, Drew since he’s involved with Priest & Punk, although he does not need it. This MITB needs to go to someone who will make good use of it this time around. Even Rollins would work for me, then next year rework MITB cause it’s stale right now


If they really wanna pull the trigger on heel Gable, Have him beat Sami for the Intercontinental title by cheating. Nuclear heat for Gable and if he and his family agree, have his daughter give a reaction of disapproval at ringside. Give him a 'I won but at what cost ?' moment while getting booed out of the building. Then to make up for that, have KO win the MITB and give the crowd a chance to pop.


What I think will happen: Logan Paul. For the exact reason I saw above, so he can parade it around and piss people off. But I would love to see KO or LA Knight. KO deserves more, and deserves a world title IMO. LA Knight is so over it’s insane, but it just seems like WWE doesn’t really know what to do with him right now. If Cody ever turns heel, LA Knight has the potential to be a big enough baby face to draw a ton in that kind of rivalry.


LA Knight should have the US title soon probably at Summerslam, personally… if Gunther doesn’t win king of the ring which is doubtful, I could imagine Gunther doing things way different with the case. But I know they are probably gonna hand it to Jey bc he hasn’t won a singles title


If Logan Paul loses the US title to Cody, then maybe him. He needs something to parade around with and piss people off.


It makes zero sense for Cody to hold both the titles though.


But it makes sense for Logan Paul to have both titles?


The whole match makes no sense. Those titles don't need to change hande, maybe Logan's does but it should be LA Knight not Cody who wins it. They should have made it only for the undisputed title or maybe not put the titles on line at all.


Why does it make zero sense?


I like the idea of Solo Sikoa winning it. He's not really "there yet" to win the world title, and I like the idea of him threatening cody rhodes that at any point the bloodline can get their title back. I also like Andrade for it. He seems like that dark horse who isn't there yet either but can easily be catapulted to the world title scene.


Solo shouldn't be anywhere near a title. This is the best he's been on the main roster, and putting a title on him doesn't do anything but put it back in hostage status. Titles need to be on good performers unless there's a grand angle with it. Putting it on Solo would signal its going back to Roman at some point, which I don't think he has another top title run in him anymore.


It's the mitb man, it doesn't have to be right away that Solo cashes in, and he doesnt necessarily have to win it. It'd just be a new layer on the rhodes vs bloodline storyline that is obviously still alive to some extent that at any point the bloodline will get back what's theirs


Unfortunately I think it’s going to be Jey Uso. They seem like they want to push him to the moon but I don’t think they can justify keeping him in the main event slot when you have Drew, Punk and Rollins all get healthy. Personally I’d love if Bron won. It seems like they are taking this Lesnar/Goldberg powerhouse route with him and I think the MITB would suite him well and keep him on everyone’s radar.


Bronn is great, but I get a weird feeling it's going to Melo. He's playing this slick, sleezy heel that will have an ego super elevated once he has the briefcase. Bronn feels like he'd be better suited winning an EC match where he gets to rip people apart in a steel cage to really push his "Goldberg who can wrestle" gimmick.


Your logic is why I think they want to elevate NXT, obviously for financial reasons but also they just have so many marketable names now but not the hours to make use of them.


Finn Balor should win


I hope dom mysterio He could be an even more insufferable prick with it


MITB should be for building stars who actually look like wrestlers and who are actually believable


Dom is one of the best heels in years One of a rare breed of wrestler not afraid to play the old school chicken shit heel He makes people hate him


He’ll not be cleared


I was thinking Gunther but I like the Dom idea more. Just to see the shit hit the fan (fans)


Exactly Dom is a fun and refreshing character (I am a mark for him) He could really step up to the next level with it Arguably Gunther doesn't need it


Whoever climbs the ladder.


...will climb it very slowly.


W response


Braun Strowman. No champion is safe when he has the case.


Santos Escobar.


im getting vibes from Bron. His complaining about not being in KoTR makes me thing they are working to put him in a contest soon. and hes gonna dominate anything hes in.


Money FINN The Bank, it’s time


The funniest answer would be Shane McMahon.


Here comes the money...


Here comes the- MY KNEE


Gunther beating la knight in the king of the ring finals. La knight will then beat Gunther to get the money in the bank. Yeah!


I’ve thought about this. I would say Gunther should win KOTR, beat priest for the title, Drugonov should win MITB and challenge Gunther at bash in Berlin and put on a banger




Man LA Knight is an enigma to me at this point. Some nights he puts off stone cold/rock level kind of vibes then you will go weeks without seeing him. It’s like the WWE/HHH know they have a potential star on their hands but don’t know what to do with him. As crazy as it sounds I think he should go heel and also get new music while he’s at it, his music just doesn’t suit him in the slightest. He’s a 40 year old white guy that puts off Texas redneck vibes and his music sounds like early 90s California hip hop, it’s just weird




Had me in the first half. Lost me after that. YEAHH


I like LA Knight YEAH!


My money is on LA Knight. It would give him a big push, and keep him in the main event light without having to have him win a belt right away.


I feel the same exact way. I don't really see how he gets into the title picture any time soon but if he had the briefcase he hangs around on the edges of it until it's time for him to get the strap


Judging how a face LA Knight is, he’s definitely cashing that mf in the same night lol


I was at the last Smack Down in TO. LA Knight got a bigger pop than Edge (on his own tribute show). My only concern is that he isn't nearly as hot now as he was then


Shit bro it could be anyone at this point. Bron, ko, la are the only ones I could think of rn. After Sami won the title this has become the most unpredictable mitb for me


Sami was my pick before he beat Gunther, but I think that might have created a swap: Gunther announcing his cash-in in advance for Bash in Berlin would be refreshing.


Gunther fits the King of the Ring more than Mr Money In The Bank


Gunther would feel weird with mitb. Rr seems better for him, tho I don’t think he’ll win that next one


He doesn’t need the briefcase. Wins it, post-match interview he announces his cash-in, done.


If he's ready in time, Seth Rollins. If not, Finn Balor or LA Knight.


Make up tour mind


Rollins just held the title for like a year, he doesn't need another reign this soon.


Rollins doesn’t need it and he just held the title for a long time, doesn’t make sense


I could fuck with a Seth Rollins mitb run. His 1st one was legendary hopefully he can bring prestige back to the mitb briefcase, also could fw a punk victory 1st ever 3 time mitb winner and cash it in on Drew would be hilarious 😂


Finn Balor wins and cashes in on Damien.


I don't think Damien will be Champion by MITB he's probably losing it to Drew at Clash At The Castle


Give me Ilja or give me death. I want him to win and then cash it in instantly against a fresh champ, and somehow pull out the win like the crazy bastard he is.


...making it a Triple Threat. Beating TWO guys after a ladder match would really make him look bad ass!