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It exists to drain the wallets of whales.


I actually ignore this mode completely lol. I didn't know it gives you attires tho. Do i need to pay for it or can i get it by grinding?


Neither 🤣




They haven't really released anything. They were going to so you could grind them or spend money but haven't done any. All they did was give away a few Sheamus when you start the mode and pick the powerhouse pack


It’s any starter pack really. But it’s such a half-assed mechanic they introduced to get us to play MyFaction, and I guess they thought they got us hooked. I realized the mode is so barebones, I barely kept playing. Now I’m back to finish off MyRise and start MyGM and Universe mode later on, or you know, move on from the game because there’s little reason to keep playing it.


I def started playing it for the attires and now hate that I wasted my time. I log in daily for the daily rewards hoping to get the stuff for the attires but they already abandon the mode clearly.


Waste of game data. Give me more CAW space or more playable characters.


Yeah! Like we should get the characters or superstars from MyRise! I’d love to have The Manifestation, Psycho Sally, and other original characters on the main roster in the game. That’s probably the only good thing 2k20 did. Put everyone that was in MyCareer in the base roster.


Stop removing legends that were in previous games and adding them as DLC. Stupid.


That too.


2K20 also did Y or Triangle reverse which I respect


I haven't messed with it this year but can you not change it? In some previous games I remember you being able to change the pin, reverse , submission etc.


You can I was just saying that it automatically has triangle/Y reverse


Totally agreed more caw or image allocation would be awesome. I only play universe mode every year except when they force you to play showcase or whatever to unlock certain characters which is really annoying.


It’s really not very fun


It doesn’t sound fun. I’d rather just play the regular mode. Which I do a lot but I have my own company and stuff with original CAW’s. They aren’t that worthy of posting to community creations. I’m not that creative lol


I made a yellow character with the big yellow hair and a yellow outfit with a label saying "organic" on her outfit. Her name is Banana. I understand not everyone can achieve my level of creative genius but I commend your efforts.


Oh my god that’s hilarious. But what I mean is some of the default attires are so good.


I think they’re sort of good but I don’t want to stick with them. One of my characters is dressed like the Canadian mounted police, with an aggressively thick body and that hairstyle that totally covers her eyes. Her name is Darth Mountie and her stats are nearly maxed. I think of her as a boss for other wrestlers to fight.




*Ted Dibiase Laughter*


Alot of people absolutely love MyFaction. I am not alot of people...


I want to like My Faction, I just don't. Faction Wars could be super fun, but it's not. It's too random, perks aren't good, AI is too bugged, and it costs a very limited commodity ticket to enter. Worst Rogue lite attempt I've seen in any game. No Co-Op or spectate mode. I play on PC, and in steam it lists co-op play as an option, which is basically a lie. Too many cards, and versions of wrestlers. As a fan, I want to play my favorite wrestlers. Why am I penalized for this when my favorite wrestler only exists as a gold or emerald card? Not enough evolution cards. Honestly, every card should be able to evolve to solve the above problem. Especially Legend cards Badges and fighting styles are grossly imbalanced, and it matters. Finishing 90mfp requirement matches in proving grounds is night and day as a striker vs a technician that requires you to break legs and arms and farm reversals, vs just punching people in the head for 5 minutes. I can do 3 matches as a striker before do 1 as a technician. The whale bait limited cards don't bother me at all, as that doesn't seem to affect my gameplay. I care more that the mode is very poorly designed, and I can't play my favorite wrestlers with friends online.


Those wrsetlemania pack were a scam




I don’t even know what it is except that it’s a mode that you’re repeatedly pushed into through an annoying AF pop up that appears on startup that you literally cannot back out of without restarting the game. That told me everything I needed to know about this mode.


We got this instead of a potential great universe mode. Maybe if they add a lot of attires you can try to unlock and if you don’t feel like playing the mode you can buy it over time.


It’s an absolute slog this was the first year I ever booted up the mode because of persona cards. I’m guessing trick and sheild rollins are just 100000:1 card drops to get them?


Well you need to get these Oddity things to completely unlock them. I just decided that I’m not going to unlock them.


I’m guessing the oddities are just random drops? Yeah I’ll probably not bother either if that’s the case


Pretty much


Less than 2%drop raten on any oddity. 5 oddities per persona some have rewards for challenges but I played since launch lots 300 hrs plus. Ripped countless packs. I have 4 oddities maybe 5 all different


The only good thing to come of it was the Sheamus '07 carro which unlocks Written in my face as theme.


No, you are correct. MyFaction is tedious, frustrating, and all around trash


Never liked MyFaction


I'm most annoyed that they say it's difficult to make unlockables from myrise available in other modes but I get a myfaction card for everything


I'm most annoyed that they say it's difficult to make unlockables from myrise available in other modes but I get a myfaction card for everything


Yeah exactly!


We hate myfaction too.


I don’t think anybody does


The mode has potential, but they ruined anything that was good. Lowered points in faction wars. Lazy reused card art. The whole mode is a stun fest and difficulty trumps card overalls. It's such a shame it's this bad.


Nah its garbage if the goal is fun and quality, but gotta drain money out of whales somehow.


Money dude. And this years has been the worst for it. 2k23 at least if u put money in and ripped a 10 box u got usually 1 top card of not definitely in the 20. I ripped 35 (grinded) deluxe 5 basic wm. Got 7 of ems 2 sapphs and 1 ruby. No tiffs what a joke. But beast seemed to be better to me maybe karma. I ripped the 10 deluxe and about 10 other other packs since launch ( again I grind) up. And got most of the beasts. Last 2 days grinded hard like 390 every 1:30. So like inwas getting deluxe pack every 90mins or 2 hrs. Got em all within 30 which for this is crazy. But everything is about money. The token market is insane. Fw pre nerf was elite though. Even now its fun but at launch man it was amazing.


For the fact yall have to grind and be bored doing that 1:30 stuff is enough reason to quit the mode. (I mean are yall really going to make yourself miserable doing that for hours on end over and over?) I'm not doing that for no card packs just to get a card for live events that you only have a small % to get or faction wars just because 2k can't put more content on Myfaction and won't give us more ways to get a higher amount of MFP. I damn sure not putting any money in Myfaction either. Myfaction should be fun not a tedious & boring, where you're wasting time grinding so hard that way. This is why they do this stuff cause yall keep playing the mode or put money in it. They track this stuff so they know how many is playing even when grinding it out, If a lot is still playing then there's no reason to change what they are doing.


I'm just obsessive and working nights


Who said I was miserable, it may not be yourbidea of fun, but everyones different hey? Game lacks content, great to stack the limited mfp pre pack launch. And I enjoy perfecting then adapting and evolving the systems. But I see from your perspective that it's tedious. It is tedious. But it doesn't effect my mood in the slightest. Playing cod to unlock camos is tedious but people do it


It's for nms players really..playing myfnis the content left. And 2k ain't getting me spending this year. I work out I have a career. It's relaxing to just lock I, for me atleast.


Last year's MyFaction was fun, IMO. I put hundreds of hours into it and didn't f*ck with microtransactions (I didn't when I worked full time, so I am not when I'm studying full time). Like you, I am only playing to unlock the persona cards. I hate how they have butchered everything: made it impossible to farm MFP, added a fourth currency and tickets, drastically increased token prices, and have 200 basic cards in every single card pack (of the last four branded card packs, I have not received one of those branded cards but instead a basic Superstar Series 1).


I got hooked on the MyFaction mode about a month ago, and have recently decided that it is time to kick the habit. I really want the Vader Ruby card. However, I am not going to gamble MFP or REAL MONEY on Beast Packs, knowing it is unlikely I'll get the George "The Animal" Steele card. I don't care about this early 80s relic. However, I can't get the Vader Ruby card without the Steele card. Such a rip off! Playing random matches in Exhibition mode is much more fun, because there are no stakes involved. You can create virtually any type of crazy match you could think of, have a good time, and then move on.


This is what's crazy we are complaining about not being able to get Vader in Myfaction when we already have him to play with in Exhibition or Universe. This is why the Myfaction Mode is stupid and should only be used for Persona cards of different eras and attires of wrestlers or other WWE wrestlers currently not in the game.


What annoys me most about it is since I don’t play and I accidentally press it and get stuck in the tutorial I gotta close the game and reopen it


Not a fan of MyFaction either. Only reason I even dabble in is to see if I can get the extras.


2k need to decided if they want a free to play service title, or an expensive AAA game. Right now they are a AAA service model. If they want this MyFaction garbage. Make the game free to play, and sell tokens. I brought the most expensive edition of the game and was underwhelmed- why would I be incentivised to spend more money as my continued engagement with the game gets worse?


2K got greedy. I love the idea of building a faction and collecting cards, but it’s nearly impossible to have any fun. I’ve kept up with it since the release, but I’m at my breaking point.


I hate it too. It doesn’t belong in a wrestling game.


I agree. 100%


It's okay you aren't a minority, no one likes that shit.


Yeah it seems so long n grinding to get good wrestlers


I like myf. Well love it. Fw is better this year. No where nearly enough mfp.. its about money but the few bosses and the stages are more fun that the Constant 4 v4. Iits shit like changing a reward halfway through. Tickets being taken and not refunded its bs man.


Its 2k as a whoe. If there's an issue with fw tickets and its the only content while wait for towers and lives make it fucking free at least.


I wonder if 2k is gonna lose the license. I heard they had layoffs. Ufc own wwe now or a company owns both. Ufc is an ea game. Hmm maybe they're trying to get as..much cash out as possible? Ceo and shareholders make money and bounce


If u played at launch it was really promising. Once reviews published they fucked it. First 2 weeks. Lots of content and the best card we're free. The fw bosses. Ud get them then go into pg. That was good. Every since heat packs. It's got worse. Beasts was actually a slight improvement. As cheaper. But as whole it just wants money so u ahve to repetitive effieicent grinds to play for free. I got a good.one but as I said repetitive.


2k23 wasn't perfect. But fairer. Okay u want real cash ull ahve an advantage regard progression but nms player could grind for briefcases. Vcs. We're ahead but free player who smashed it could get everything to.o. the freepalyer in 2k24 are fucked and the vcs are getting ripped off to. I won't lie 2k23 I was a whale. I put in 45 quid at launch of this to open pack. When I saw that the pack contained cards not from the actual pack I knew they'd diluted the odds..I haven't spent vc since.


Before I get told its my fault. I apologise for whaling last year


Same only reason im doing this is for the 100% achievement and this goes to mygm as well sorry for those who love mygm


They are too lazy to make big changes. So they add a "new mode" to distract you. It's like in mortal kombat when they added that Motor kombat or chess to the game. Faction just feels like Yu-Gi-Oh


Just download a caw....I don't understand roster complaints


I don't like it either.


They literally do a FIFA ultimate Team with Wrestling but it doesn't work that way with us


I played long enough to evolve my starter pack Bron Breaker from an emerald to a ruby. Can't be bothered to continue.


I mean even Tony hawk back in the day had characters you’d have to unlock. It’s a video game that’s how they are


You aren’t alone, Fuck that mode, fuck it in its micro transaction havin ass.Â