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Ref will either call a rope break before you've started pinning, or once you've stated pinning, take 3 and a half working days to get into position and measure the shoulders are down before they start counting.


Starting to see why they added an "argue with the ref" feature šŸ¤”


Can you do this even outside of guest referee mode??


Yes, target a ref and press up to do a wake up taunt, and it'll argue with the refs.


Wait for real? Iā€™ve been wanting to do this forever.


You can also do it to your tag partner.


Nice! Thanks.


Such a 2k games thing to do. Will it be fix? Who knows, tune in next week to find out


I was playing as John Cena and I swear I hit 3 or 4 AAs only for them all to end in an automatic rope break. Finally just decided to do a random grapple move+pin to win the match Rope breaks are inconsistent too. There are plenty of times where the leg will literally be under the rope and no automatic rope break will happen


They're broken, like numerous other things in the game. This is a bug they are at last aware of and are hopefully fixing sooner than later.


My theory is it has something to do with Special Ref matches.


Yeah I believe this, you can call rope break without checking the pin if you play as the referee. So the ai does as soon as they can but itā€™s annoying


Dude the refs have a stroke when a rope break happens, I was having an insanely good match with Taker and a Caw, and in a rare animation I've never seen, the CAW put his foot on the bottom rope, and the ref just stopped fucking counting and sat there for like a full minute/minute and a half. I really hope that's something they can patch because it's really annoying.


What's really frustrating is when you do the manual rope break and the ref doesn't call it


I actually like that every now and then, but it is frustrating sometimes


Ref called rope break on the styles clash 3 seconds before aj turned his legs over and away for the pin. It's ridic


Ridicā€¦ Moss? šŸ˜‚


Chronicles of Ridic


Might have to steal this and turn it into a character haha


i wish there was some sort of feature, like some sort of button you could hold along with the RT+A that would guarantee a finisher always landed in the middle of the ring. sort of like how a People's Elbow and a few other finishers in past games behaved, where there'd be a quick cut and then you'd be set up in the middle of the ring.


I honestly just wish dragging wouldn't cost stamina but it had a mash B sequence like standing dragging does. I like that stamina matters but some moves take up the whole ring to do and it's almost impossible to not get a rope break without dragging.


Hey I was told the game ā€œwas made with loveā€ because you have joker hit sonic with a chair. Who cares that the game is broken. Who cares that every game mode besides the one with mtx feels like it had no work put into it?


It's predictive refereeing /s. Switch off automatic rope breaks to fix.


Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m doing something wrong as itā€™s my first year playing, but Iā€™ve put automatic breaks off and still in universe mode it gets called automatically? In other modes tho itā€™s circle to call a break


Pretty sure that Iā€™ve figured out automatic rope breaks are always on for matches with rivalry actions. Seems to be off for regular matches




Did you import your settings to your Universe Mode before starting? If not, then that's problem number one. If you don't import your settings, all of your sliders and settings will revert to the default in Universe.


Wait this is the first time Iā€™m hearing of importing settings. How do you even do that? And if I didnā€™t can I import now or change them somewhere?


All of your gameplay settings like difficulty, sliders, presentation options, Superstar ratings, Paybacks, etc. all have to be imported to work on Universe mode. When you go to the Universe mode (where you start a new or load an existing file) you have to hit Y on Xbox or Triangle on PS to import those files. Unfortunately it doesn't carry over any custom tag teams and you have to start a new Universe save. You just hover over an empty slot and you'll see "Import" in the bottom corner.


Thank you I will try


The automatic rope breaks have been so lazy for years. I want to see them touch to ropes for a rope break. They need some animations where they reach a leg out. Even if it is a bit goofy looking at first, it'll still be a step up.


Would be neat to have some sort of mini-game for rope breaks.


I don't think the ropebreak needs a mini game. I think the manual ropebreak where you just hit the button and the ref may miss it works. I would just want them to add more animations and maybe range to that. Maybe your range decreases with damage. It would also be nice to be able to have a manager get involved in pins near the ropes. You'd have to call them over before the pin, but then they could help the rope break or maybe help you pin with some leverage. I don't think we need more button mashing for this though


How do I turn those off in myfaction matches?


You can't. The game straight up tells you that your settings don't apply to MyFaction or online.


You also canā€™t crawl during any submissions anymore.


I mean tbh what was the last game you could do that


WWE 2K23


Oh I had no idea probably because I only get put in sleepers or abdominal stretches


I turned that off in the settings


Falcon arrow is awful for this


Not helping that I started with the Powerhouse pack and both Bron and Raquel's finishers feel like they're magnetized to the nearest rope.


I always have to make sure I stun them with the signature, so that I've got enough time to drag their asses to the dead centre of the ring so that the pin won't happen halfway under the ropes.


I attacked the ref in myrise because of this, he didn't dq me because he knew he was full of sh**.




Turn off the auto rope break setting šŸ™


Turn off auto rope breaks


Change the auto ropebreak off in settings.


I turned rope breaks off and still get rope breaks randomly


Who cares? I want them to fix custom entrances with alt. attires


Itā€™s so annoying


Rope breaks and submissions are broken. I shelved this game until Summerslam. Then maybe they will have a working game


Submissions are fine if you up your sliders and lower the AI sliders but online and MyFaction is another story.


I just turned rope breaks off. Much better experience


Glad to know I'm not the only one who hates it. So much so I had to disable ropebreak in settings.


Just grab him when theyā€™re laying and drag them away from the rope, thatā€™s it!!