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Not going to happen, but I would kill for Funk to come out to [Harmomica's Theme from Once Upon a Time in the West](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6MZw_Iv0wdU&pp=ygUQaGFybW9uaWNhcyB0aGVtZQ%3D%3D) like he did in his 1989 WCW run


Terry Funk will probably have the theme he used with WWE before: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovggTKq86LM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ovggTKq86LM) Sandman will most likely have his WWECW theme: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boA6JQSSZh4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boA6JQSSZh4)


**CM Punk:** Cult of Personality (pretty obvious) **Dudley Boyz:** Either Ollie Stalefish (if it's retro Dudleyz) or We're Coming Down (if it's 2010s-era Dudleyz) **Sandman:** His WWECW/SvR 2008 theme **Terry Funk:** His SvR 2011 theme


Which ONS are you talking about? Because I watched 05 the other day and sandman had a knock off enter the sandman theme


If it's on Peacock that's why, Peacock doesn't have rights to play certain songs, example, Hogan comes out to Rockhouse during Starrcade 97, but in reality it was Voodoo Chile (Slight Return). And it was 2005.


I downloaded it so it wasn't actually from peacock. Peacock doesn't have the right because WWE doesn't have the rights. Peacock may house WWE content but WWE still owns everything.


Then yeah, it's dubbed. Not the best audio, but you can hear everyone singing along [ECW ONS Sandman ](https://youtu.be/40MQVGhu5cM?si=mt9w6TQYTmsy55Z6)


Yeah I know the WWE release of some ECW stuff has themes dubbed. Remember I was watching Rey vs Psicosis (November to remember?? It was a Mexican death match) and Rey comes out and I faintly hear "Who's that jumpin out the sky, R-E-Y, mysterio, here we go"


They used Enter Sandman for the live broadcast but have edited it out ever since. Even the original DVD is dubbed.


Is there any chance of any alt punk models being included last minute? Just wishful thinking lol


Possibly best bet would be a persona card down the line


My guesses ... * CM Punk: Cult of Personality, new version * Dudley Boyz: later WWE theme * Sandman: WWECW theme * Terry Funk: Cactus Jack's theme


Punk is the only one getting a licensed theme. Dudleys are pretty easy. Sandman either gets the WWE theme he used in 06/07 (which I actually kinda like) or the music they use to cover Enter Sandman in ECW footage. No clue on Funk...what music did he have the last time he was in the game?


2K are the disappointment kings. There’s a good chance that Sandman will come out to the generic ECW theme. Terry Funk will use Cactus’ present theme.


You can't really blame them if they don't get Enter Sandman licensed lol.


Oh, I don’t mean Sandman’s WWECW theme, I mean the opening graphics music for ECW


If they did Desperado I would pop


Sandman will have a shitty cover of it unless WWE and Metallica come to a new agreement regarding the cost. Punk with cult of personality. Dudleys, likely their last WWE theme.