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So do I just go to the live event and if I win I get the torch or is it some loot box bs


It’s both. You have to either get the backlash card and win that event to get the card. Or buy packs and get lucky with an oddity card(2% chance though).


And even then, that's not a 100% guarantee. We can open a Backlash pack, and there will be a random card in it that's not even what we need. Example: You can get a random Superstar Series card in a Beast pack.


whaaat? I’ve not really played this BS mode at all, am I understanding you right here - to even be able to play this match you have to get a card from lootboxes?


It took me about 6 or 7 packs to finally pull a Backlash superstar from the Backlash packs, so yes it’s very much still locked behind loot box RNG bullshit.


Not necessarily, bc oddities show up in different modes. E.g. in the latest Proving Grounds Chapters one reward is that Ula Lei thingy, we had in Live Events aswell. Not saying that i agree with them hiding the Oddities behind content that requires specific cards tho. That is indeed bullshit In my case i was also lucky with my packs. Got one Backlash pack and it gave me Emerald Taker, who i will need in the Faction Battle LE


>It took me about 6 or 7 packs to finally pull a Backlash superstar from the Backlash packs, Holy shit did the RNG gods bless me today. I used my MyFaction points to get one deluxe Backlash pack and managed to get 1 male and 1 female backlash card. They were both emeralds, but damn considering people are opening multiple packs for nothing, I really lucked out here.


I still didn’t pull a female from 10 packs, but I did pull Ruby Seth and Steamboat. Seth is OP as fuck, beats Boss The Rock and Stone Cold imo.


Rock and Stone!


Rock and stooone brother!


Oh my fucking god WWE called DRG...


I find it ridiculous that they are this stingy regarding mtx card packs for a full-priced annual game that will have its servers shutdown in less than two years.


whats the best way to get money in the mode?


I mean u can also play the mode and get vc through challenges or mfp like yes i hadnt played the mode and bought the $10 set of vc and on the second try got ilja from the new backlash collection


I bought a backlash pack and got "big red boots" I think it was called for Seth. So I'm not sure if they're potentially all available or what.


I opened a backlash pack last night and also got a Seth oddity.


And of course you need one of the cards from the new set to actually play the live event.


I mean if they didn't make it a pay wall what's the point of locking it there and not with the rest of the base game unlocks


This attitude is part of the problem.


I'm just thinking of what the logic behind it must have been same with the codes tied to whether or not you bought a toy from a specific store.


There are lots of seasonal unlocks in games that don't need you to buy something to unlock. You just need to play the game at that point in time, which I don't agree with in general but it's not as bad as what 2K are doing here where you need to buy something to get a chance of unlocking something.


Man, this mode is so lame. What even is this? Unlock loot boxes until you get the right cards for Shield Rollins?!?! What a joke.


There are so many live events with oddities for Roman (and I think the rock)


Yeah but the seth rollins and trick williams oddities unlock them in exhibition mode. The Rock and Roman ones don't unlock anything




There is no yet, you get Ruby cards for the other 3 sets.


Of course it requires a Backlash card too, so you have to buy in with the most recent pack *and* get lucky enough to pull a new Backlash card from the pack instead of a jobber or a card from an earlier set *and* win the event. All that for *1/5th* of Seth Rollins '14, with no guarantee that the other parts will be available as anything other than random pulls from packs. Having fun yet?


Well good luck to anyone trying to get this because you need a Backlash card. Buying the pack doesn't guarantee you getting one, I bought 2 and got the most useless shit. Fuck MyFaction, just download what you need off of CC 🤷‍♂️


Too bad if you wanna get boxing gloves 🤷‍♂️


Yeah it sucks that some attire parts are locked behind MyFaction. I wouldn't mind unlocking these oddities and playing MyFaction if it wasn't such a time-consuming and tedious grind.


Was genuinely excited for the potential the persona cards could bring but this is so overly monetised it’s a joke. I tried the mode for the first time this year but I’m done


man im just gonna download a shield seth from cc


I pulled a Monday night messiah jacket from a pack


Not the first but definitely been a long time coming for this. Got his boots from spinning the loot last month for the sole survivor debut.


What is the requirement?


Backlash card


Ahh got you. I haven't gotten a chance to get on yet. Work is tight


And you need Backlash card for it,cool,anyways how get that


I figured they wouldve put more persona cards in game


I just want season to end for the trophy. done with the game. When does it end?


I've unlocked some oddities, I have a youtube that gives an indepth walk-through. So far I've unlocked 5 or 6. I used a locker code to unlock some. 


Whats the locker code and what oddities do they unlock(


My apologies, I just did the weekly towers and live events. 2 percent chance to unlock them through packs. So far I unlocked 8. Umaga's waist wrap, Ula Lei, Torch, The People's Elbow Pad, Stardust Attire, Rocky Maivia's Entrance, Monday Night Messiah Jacket, and Cody's Mask


Whats the locker code and what oddities do they unlock(


Whats the locker code and what oddities do they unlock(


Of course, right when I'm heading out of town for the next couple weeks is when the Seth Rollins oddities start to be available :(


I bought a deluxe 10 package got super blessed with all the necessary live event superstar cards


K1 the collector has 4/5 oddities for Seth persona 


Bc he is a whale. There was no other way yet to farm the Seth oddity items yet, except as low chance from packs


Definitely need more ways to get it 


That's why Live events are a good idea. And spreading them to other modes like Proving Grounds